作者: 范士林
日期: 2010/3/7
朋友送我一包点心。形状像大的馄饨,但是是干的,又脆又甜,蛋黄色。从腰部掰开,会看见一张小小的字条。初不知为何物,细看,上有一行小字,纸面光滑,显然上了一层保护膜,以确保不污染食品。 我把这些小纸条一一抽出,收集起来,原来都是些英语格言。很有意思。听说有寓教于乐的,这回则是“寓教于食”了。食品开发商的用心良苦,想必效果也不错。我译出了几条,与读者分享: 1. You take a reverence attitude towards life and are most capable in the guidance of others. 尊重生活的人最能接受别人的指导。 2. He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition burns a picture to obtain the ashes. 牺牲了良心来满足欲望等于烧掉了画卷求得灰烬。 3. To do two things at once is to do neither. 同一时间做两件事,等于一件也不做。 4. You don’t marry someone you can live with; you marry the person with whom you cannot live without. 你不要和一个可以共同生活的人结合,你要和一个没有他(她)就无法生活的人结合。 5. The best way to escape a problem is to solve it. 摆脱一个问题的最好的方法是解决它。 6. The only way to have a friend is to be one 获得朋友的唯一方法是你自己是一个朋友。. 7.You are contemplative and analytical by nature. 思考与分析是你的天性。 8.New experiences and new friendswill enrich your life. 新的经验和新的朋友使你生活丰富多彩。 9.It is hard to stumble when you are on your knees 跪着就难以蹒跚而行。. 10. Journey of a thousands miles begins with a single step. 千里之行,始于足下。