一种在新西兰本地超市很常见的日清牌海带色拉(500g装 约$7.55)被分析出使用了新西兰标准中禁止使用的人工色素 黄色4号。
No 4 (.0008%): This colour is not included in the list of approved food
colours for use in New Zealand. The only yellows approved in this
country to be added to food are known as yellow No 5 (tartrazine) yellow
No 6 (sunset yellow), yellow No 10 (quinolone) or the natural colours
riboflavin (101) and saffron (164). Yellow numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 were
delisted in the United States as part of the Colour Additive Amendments
of 1960 which means they are banned from use in food. In 1950, children
became ill from certain colourings used in candy and popcorn. This led
to some orange and red colours being delisted. Then studies were carried
out on other colours and that led to the delisting of the four yellows
in 1960. The amount of colour used is tiny but the fact remains it is
not an approved food additive for this country.