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题图:塔里安娜·图里亚夫人 照片:RNZ

Former politician Dame Tariana Turia has died.

The founder and former co-leader of Te Pāti Māori suffered a stroke earlier this week and was said not to have long left.
Te Pāti Māori 的创始人和前联合党魁本周早些时候中风,当时说时日无多。

Te Ranga Tupua said in a post on Facebook that she had passed away early on Friday morning.
Te Ranga Tupua 在 Facebook 上的一篇帖子中说,她已于周五凌晨去世。

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“A mother of six; grandmother; and great-grandmother of over 80 mokopuna, Kahurangi (Dame) Tariana will be remembered for spearheading a movement of transformation inspired by her belief in whānau being able to define their own solutions,” the post said.
“她是六个孩子的母亲;奶奶;和 80 多名 mokopuna (孙子)的曾祖母, Kahurangi (Dame) Tariana 将因带头发起一场变革运动而被人们铭记,她相信 whānau (家庭)能够定义自己的解决方案,“该帖子说。

Her introduction of Whānau Ora in 2002 was instrumental in changing how the state interacted with Māori, it said.
帖子称,她在 2002 年引入 Whānau Ora 有助于改变国家与毛利人的互动方式。

“Kahurangi Tariana championed the drive for self-determination; becoming co-leader of the Māori Party in 2004 after she famously ‘crossed the floor’ to vote against the Foreshore and Seabed Bill.”
“Kahurangi Tariana 倡导自决运动;2004 年成为毛利党的联合党魁,此前她以著名的’跨界’投票反对《前滩和海底法案》而闻名。

Dame Tariana served as a member of parliament for 18 years, initially as a list MP for Labour, then in the Te Tai Hauāuru electorate.
塔里安娜夫人担任国会议员 18 年,最初是工党的后排议员,然后是 Te Tai Hauāuru 选区胜出。

She left Labour in 2004 and returned to parliament after winning a by-election for Te Pāti Māori.
她于 2004 年离开工党,在赢得 Te Pāti Māori 补选后重返议会。

“The loss of her beloved husband, George, in April 2019 took a significant toll on Dame Tariana, as has her declining health over the last two years.
“2019 年 4 月,她心爱的丈夫乔治去世,这对塔里安娜夫人造成了重大损失,她在过去两年中的健康状况也每况愈下。

“It was her heartfelt wish to return home to lie in the house of Rangitāhuahua; her last days surrounded with the laughter of mokopuna, the waiata of her whānau; the karakia and kōrero that had always given her comfort.”
“她衷心希望回家躺在 Rangitāhuahua 的房子里;她最后的日子被 mokopuna 的笑声和她的 whānau 的 waiata (歌曲)所包围;  Karakia (崇拜)和 Kōrero(话语)一直给她安慰。

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Friday and Saturday would be a time for her whānau and iwi to gather at Putiki Marae and in Whangaehu.
周五和周六是她的毛利人和毛利部落在 Putiki Marae 和 Whangaehu 聚会的时间。

On Sunday and Monday, others were welcome to visit and pay their respects.

Dame Tariana’s nehu would be held on Tuesday 7 January.
塔里安娜夫人的 nehu (葬礼)将于 1 月 7 日星期二举行。

Tributes  悼念

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon paid tribute to Dame Tariana on social media.
总理克里斯托弗·卢克森 (Christopher Luxon) 在社交媒体上向塔里亚娜夫人致敬。

She had made a significant contribution for Māori and to New Zealand as an MP, minister and political leader, he said.

“Among many things, she will be remembered for her work establishing Whānau Ora, and for always being guided strongly by her principles.
“在许多事情中,她将因建立 Whānau Ora 的工作而被人们铭记,并且始终以她的原则为指导。

“My thoughts and condolences are with her whanau. Moe mai rā.”
“我的思念和哀悼与她的 whanau 同在。安息吧。


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Te Pāti Māori said it was a sad day for te iwi Māori.
Te Pāti Māori (毛利党)表示,这对 te iwi 毛利人来说是悲伤的一天。

“Whāea Tariana crossed the floor against all odds and what was popular, to ensure our people’s voice would never be silenced, exterminated or assimilated. Her legacy will forever be etched in the fabric of our nations history,” a post on Instagram said.
“Whāea Tariana 不顾一切困难,不顾一切流行,确保我们民族的声音永远不会被压制、消灭或同化。她的遗产将永远铭刻在我们民族的历史中。Instagram 上的一篇帖子说。

“She is the absolute epitome of strength and steadfast determination and leadership our people needed at a time of great uncertainty. She gave us hope and courage to believe in ourselves to determine our own future.”

来源: RNZ

分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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