(双语) 尽管春节期间中国游客有所增长,但仍未达到疫情前的水平

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Visitors explore Rotorua’s Whakarewarewa Geothermal Valley. Photo: Miles Holden
题图:游客探索罗托鲁瓦的华卡雷瓦雷瓦地热谷。 照片:Miles Holden

Tourism operators looking for a surge in visitors from China over the Lunar New Year are likely to be a little disappointed with results, an industry leader warns.

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Angela Blair, international general manager of Tourism New Zealand, said while monthly arrivals from China typically peaked during Lunar New Year, the volume of Chinese visitors was unlikely to exceed pre-Covid levels.
新西兰旅游局国际总经理安吉拉·布莱尔 (Angela Blair) 表示,虽然来自中国的每月入境人数通常在农历新年期间达到顶峰,但中国游客量不太可能超过新冠疫情前的水平。

“Current arrival data for the year ending October 2024 shows that Chinese visitor numbers are at 60 percent of pre-pandemic levels,” Blair said.
“截至 2024 年 10 月的当前入境数据显示,中国游客人数为疫情前水平的 60%,”布莱尔说。

“We would probably see an increase over the Lunar New Year, but that may not be an increase back to 2019 levels.”
“我们可能会看到农历新年期间的增加,但可能不会恢复到 2019 年的水平。”

Before Covid emerged at the end of 2019, China was New Zealand’s second-largest tourism market behind Australia.
在 2019 年底新冠疫情出现之前,中国是新西兰仅次于澳大利亚的第二大旅游市场。

In 2019, more than 409,000 Chinese visitors contributed more than $1.7 billion to New Zealand’s economy.
2019 年,超过 409,000 名中国游客为新西兰经济贡献了超过 17 亿纽币。

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However, tourism numbers dried up completely as nations around the world closed their borders in a bid to keep the virus at bay.

Young man at looking Auckland city skyline of city center and Auckland Sky Tower in New Zealand.

Auckland businesses were hoping to see an influx of Chinese tourists over the Lunar New Year. Photo: 123RF
奥克兰的企业希望在农历新年期间看到中国游客的涌入。 照片:123RF

Since reopening New Zealand’s borders in July 2022, Chinese tourist numbers have slowly rebounded.
自 2022 年 7 月新西兰重新开放边境以来,中国游客人数缓慢反弹。

Latest Stats NZ data shows that 37,900 visitors arrived from China in February 2024, an increase of 33,700 year on year.
新西兰统计局的最新数据显示,2024 年 2 月有 37,900 名来自中国的游客,同比增长 33,700 人。

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The figure marks the highest monthly total since January 2020, when 50,300 arrivals were recorded shortly before the implementation of global pandemic-related travel restrictions.
这一数字是自 2020 年 1 月以来的最高月度总数,当时在全球实施与大流行相关的旅行限制前不久记录了 50,300 名入境者。

With China celebrating the Lunar New Year on 29 January this year, tourism operators in New Zealand were hoping for a shot in the arm as thousands of travellers were expected to head overseas.
随着中国在今年 1 月 29 日庆祝农历新年,新西兰的旅游经营者希望能打一剂强心针,因为预计会有成千上万的游客前往海外。

Several domestic tourism businesses have reported a surge in bookings.

Sean Marsh, general manager of sales and marketing at Te Puia | New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute, said there had been a notable increase in bookings over the Lunar New Year holiday period.
Sean Marsh,Te Puia 销售和营销总经理 |新西兰毛利工艺美术学院 (New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute) 表示,农历新年假期期间的预订量显着增加。

“Even at this early stage, we have seen a significant surge in bookings for Chinese New Year,” Marsh said.
“即使在这个早期阶段,我们也看到农历新年的预订量大幅激增,”Marsh 说。

“Off a very small base for 2023, the markets of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan started to consolidate and build momentum in 2024, with very positive growth in guest arrivals and visitor spend per person,” he said.
“在 2023 年非常小的基础上,中国大陆、香港、台湾市场在 2024 年开始整合和建立势头,客人人数和每人游客消费增长非常积极,”他说。


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“I expect this momentum to continue to build as new travel patterns emerge in 2025.”
“我预计,随着 2025 年新旅行模式的出现,这种势头将继续增强。”

Marsh said Chinese tourists were embracing new travel trends, preferring smaller groups with families and couples while also showing a keen interest in cultural experiences.
Marsh 表示,中国游客正在接受新的旅游趋势,他们更喜欢与家人和情侣一起参加的小团体,同时也对文化体验表现出浓厚的兴趣。

“Chinese guests love learning about Māori culture, engaging with our guides and enjoying our hāngi buffet lunch and dinner,” he said.
“中国客人喜欢了解毛利文化,与我们的导游互动,享受我们的 hāngi 自助午餐和晚餐,”他说。

Richard Crouch, sales manager at Skyline Queenstown, expected a noticeable uptick in visitor numbers from China in February.
Skyline Queenstown 的销售经理 Richard Crouch 预计 2 月份来自中国的游客人数将显着增加。

“The China visitation stats were very low previously, but we saw a huge increase in demand in February 2024, with 12,500 visitors – predominantly for Gondola and Dining,” Crouch said.
“以前中国的访问统计数据非常低,但我们看到 2024 年 2 月的需求大幅增加,有 12,500 名游客——主要是贡多拉和餐饮,”克劳奇说。

“We anticipate visitor numbers this February to be on par with last year, possibly rising by 5-10 percent.”
“我们预计今年 2 月的游客人数将与去年持平,可能会增长 5-10%。”

International tourists enjoy riding luge carts at Skyline Queenstown, experiencing thrilling downhill tracks with stunning views.

International tourists ride luge carts at Skyline Queenstown. Photo: Supplied / Skyline Queenstown
国际游客在皇后镇天际线 (Skyline Queenstown) 乘坐雪橇车。 照片:提供 / Skyline Queenstown

Crouch said the Lunar New Year had become a major business opportunity for New Zealand’s tourism sector, particularly in Queenstown.

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“The number of tourists from China is increasing steadily,” he said.

“Last year, we were lucky because New Zealand was one of the first markets to reopen for China’s outbound tourists. So, we got a lot of demand once that border opened for them.

“China is a very important market for us, no doubt.”

While most Lunar New Year customers had been booked with tour groups, Crouch said there had also been a noticeable increase in the number of independent travellers and self-drive visitors.
虽然大多数农历新年客户都是通过旅行团预订的,但 Crouch 表示,独立旅客和自驾游客的数量也明显增加。

Melissa Ellison, Booking.com’s area manager for New Zealand, noted that Lunar New Year had become an increasingly popular period for travellers in Asia to visit the South Pacific.
Booking.com 新西兰区域经理 Melissa Ellison 指出,农历新年已成为亚洲旅行者访问南太平洋的越来越受欢迎的时期。

According to Booking.com’s search data from China for check-ins between 27 January 27 and 9 February, the South Island remained a top destination for Chinese tourists.
根据 Booking.com 在 1 月 27 日至 2 月 9 日期间从中国获得的登机手续搜索数据,南岛仍然是中国游客的首选目的地。

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The data revealed that Queenstown, Auckland, Lake Tekapo, Christchurch, Wānaka, Te Anau, Dunedin, Twizel, Rotorua and Mount Cook Village ranked as the top 10 most-searched destinations for Chinese visitors.
数据显示,皇后镇、奥克兰、特卡波湖、基督城、瓦纳卡、蒂阿瑙、但尼丁、特威泽尔、罗托鲁瓦和库克山村是中国游客搜索量最大的 10 个目的地。

“The South Island is very popular with Chinese tourists,” Ellison said. “If we look at the top 25 search destinations for Chinese New Year, only six are on the North Island.”
“南岛非常受中国游客的欢迎,”埃里森说。“如果我们看一下农历新年搜索量排名前 25 的目的地,只有 6 个在北岛。”

She noted the growing popularity of Twizel and Oamaru with Chinese visitors.

“We see destinations such as Twizel making the top 10 because it’s popular for activities such as stargazing, which is one of our travel predictions of 2025,” Ellison said.
“我们看到像 Twizel 这样的目的地进入前 10 名,因为它很适合观星等活动,这是我们对 2025 年的旅行预测之一,”埃里森说。

“One of the other destinations I would call out is Oamaru, which is growing in popularity,” she said.


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“This is due to its beautiful heritage architecture and access to natural beauties and habitats, including the home of the blue penguin colony.”

Visitors at Te Puia explore Whakarewarewa Geothermal Valley

Visitors explore Rotorua’s Whakarewarewa Geothermal Valley. Photo: Miles Holden
游客探索罗托鲁瓦的华卡雷瓦雷瓦地热谷。 照片:Miles Holden

Ellison noted that culturally immersive experiences were increasingly popular with Chinese tourists.
Ellison 指出,文化沉浸式体验越来越受到中国游客的欢迎。

“Our recent intergenerational travel study in Asia-Pacific highlighted that 32 percent of China travelers – the highest percentage in the region – are more drawn to culturally immersive travel, including the wealth of Māori experiences to discover in New Zealand,” she said.
“我们最近在亚太地区进行的代际旅行研究强调,32% 的中国旅行者(该地区比例最高)更倾向于文化沉浸式旅行,包括在新西兰探索丰富的毛利体验,”她说。

Blair noted that airline capacity between China and New Zealand had grown significantly in recent months.

“What we’ve seen is that airline capacity for January is up 7 percent compared to the (same) period last year,” she said. “It indicates a potential positive trend and signals good bookings.”
“我们看到的是,与去年同期相比,1 月份的航空公司运力增长了 7%,”她说。“这表明一个潜在的积极趋势,并预示着良好的预订。”

An Auckland Airport spokesperson said the hub’s seat capacity to China has now surpassed pre-COVID levels, with six airlines operating between the two countries, offering a total of 46 flights every week.
奥克兰机场发言人表示,该枢纽飞往中国的座位运力现已超过新冠疫情前的水平,有 6 家航空公司在两国之间运营,每周共提供 46 个航班。

Christchurch Airport also reported an increase in airline volume this summer.

China Southern Airlines operated daily flights between Guangzhou and Christchurch, while Cathay Pacific offered four weekly services from Hong Kong.

Overall, seat capacity has risen by 45 percent.
总体而言,座位容量增长了 45%。


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(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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