《观赏花瓣的凋零》文 / 兰伯特·加齐亚(意大利) 翻译 / 宋政华
作者: ASP 诗苑
日期: 2023/2/19
【 ASP 国际原創詩歌 】《观赏花瓣的凋零》文 / 兰伯特·加齐亚(意大利) 翻译 / 宋政华POETRY SELECTION NUMBER SIX POEMS诗选六首 WOMEN'S VOICES 気合和愛The woman from the Orient narratedhow the ancient 武士released a simple 気合he succeeded - even before the contact of swords –to make the enemy as immobile as a fox statue. The man of the Occident listened to the fabula,and imitating it, making love, he controlledthe carp's stubborn and vital ascent towardsthe pinnacle of pleasure: and the different 気合little more than a short sharp in his ear……- and the lovemaking continued almost motionless. 《女人的声音》 气势和愛来自东方的女人叙述古代武士是如何气势乍现就胜利了——两把剑还未接触——敌人就像雕像一样一动不动。 西方人边听了这个传奇,边模仿和做爱,边加以控制鲤鱼顽强而生死攸关地冲向快乐的顶峰:与众不同的气势像他耳朵里的尖啸……做爱在继续着,几乎一动不动。 剪纸和愛~(OF THE ORIENTAL WOMAN) From behind the 障子I simulated you falling snowflakeswith fine Fabriano paper:And I imagined you smile…… - and meantime in the slit of my greedybreasts one reclined. 《剪纸和愛》 ~(东方女人) 从纸拉门后面我临摹着你们这些飘落的雪花用的是优质的飞碧纳纸:我想象着你的微笑…… 同时在我贪婪的胸部之间有人栖息着。 障子和愛 Has been only in the translucencyor hint... our 愛 (Had been…It never was…Was) 《纸拉门和愛》 一直处于半透明状态或者暗示……我们的愛 (此前曾经…从未…曾经) 杏仁和和紙 It was almost springtimeyour picking up the brushand in a precise space of the shojiportray with an immediate mark of black inkmy breast in the shape of a gulf of sea:perfect, small and the two almondsin pointed shell the idea of wantingto pierce the 和紙 ... There had been, even spring:between me, the curtain and the off-casteof modern Occident,there had been...there had been...there had been. 《杏仁与和紙》 当时几乎是春天了你拿起画笔精确地在纸拉门的空隙里用黑色墨水的墨痕描绘我的一只乳房呈海湾形状:小而完美,和两个杏仁想拥有在尖壳里的想法,刺穿和纸…… 此前,就是在春天:我、窗帘和现代西方的种姓之外曾经有过……曾经有过...曾经有过。 障子和透明度 Beyond the shoji my winking transparencieswere naive malice,in you sublimated filthiness (罪) 《纸拉门和透明度》 纸拉门外,我眨眼的透明胶片是天真的恶意,在你升华的污秽中 (罪) HANAMI THE DECLINE OF PETALS I had brought the Occidental manto the cherry blossom festivaland there, isolated and undressed,we made love: him in the lotus positionunorthodox with his back against the trunk,me on top of him trying to catchin flight the pink petalssuspended between life and death,a bit like our hearts, oscuted:between life and death. 《观赏花瓣的凋零》 我曾带来西方人去樱花节在那里,孤立无援,一丝不挂,我们做爱:他采用打坐的姿势打破常规,背对着树干,我在他身上试图抓住飞落的粉红色花瓣悬于生死之间,有点像我们的心,颤动着:在生与死之间。 诗人简介:兰伯特·加齐亚于 1965 年出生于圣雷莫,在尼斯、罗马(毗邻伟大诗人 Valentino Zeichen 的小屋)和阿特里(Abruzzo)之间进行了漫长的朝圣之旅后,居住在Arma di Taggia(极端西利古里亚)和 Tellaro(极端东利古里亚)之间。出版了三本诗集(La Chanson de Lambert,Giuseppe Conte 前言;Leda,Claudio Da-miani 前言;SHIAI E AI,Milo De Angelis 后记); 部分内容已被翻译成日语和中文并发表。他在 Arma di Taggia 构思了LA PASSEGAGGIATA LANDOLFIANA 路径,目前但仍处于实施阶段。 本期翻译:宋政华 本期制作:晓芳