【ASP 国际诗讯】2023世界诗歌日“以爱为歌”首次走进非洲部落和孤儿院
作者: 新加坡国际华语艺术节
日期: 2023/4/8
3月21日,联合国倡议发起的世界诗歌日首次走进非洲原始部落和孤儿院。2023世界诗歌节“以爱为歌”在非洲莱索托ACC成功举办。 新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节和非洲莱索托阿弥陀佛孤儿院联合主办,世界诗歌运动、大洋州ASP诗苑协办,捷克中华文化艺术交流联合会、大洋州文学社、中国北戴河朗诵学会、新加坡新声诗社、新加坡锡山文艺中心、新加坡昕余传媒、北京天和园教育科技发展有限公司。山东青州市阅读学会等机构支持。 整个活动分上、下两场,上午是世界诗歌日走进非洲原始部落。 活动总策划韩昕余女士和和联合主办方国际ACC副主席庄燕华女士以及ACC莱索托孤儿院的孩子、老师、义工一起来到郊外部落,与部落家庭一百多名大人孩子共同朗诵诗歌,唱歌跳舞,欢度世界诗歌节。 大会在热烈、欢欣、祥和的气氛中开幕。大会由新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节总秘书长,本次活动总策划韩昕余女士,和莱索托孤儿院的学生成长为中文老师的天定同学,用中文和英文主持。 ACC国际副主席庄燕华女士、新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节总秘书长韩昕余女士,分别做了热情洋溢的致辞。 大家用英语、华语、莱索托本地语言等,朗诵中国古典诗词、世界诗歌名篇,以及著名儿童诗歌,发扬联合国世界诗歌日倡议的无论民族、肤色、年龄,凡是热爱诗歌、创作诗歌的人们,都将在每年的这一天,视为全世界诗人自己的节日。 联合国教科文组织确立“世界诗歌日”,目的是希望为世界各地人们举办的各项诗歌活动提供一个契机,带动人们开展不同层次的诗歌运动。支持通过诗歌表达语言的多样性,并让濒危语言有机会在社区内得以听到,支持诗歌回到吟唱朗读的传统。有利于诗歌通过“和平、非暴力、容忍”的主题活动,促进诗歌教学,恢复诗歌与戏剧,舞蹈,音乐,绘画等艺术之间的对话主题。 上午活动结束,主办方向部落的家庭分发了食物和生活用品,将文化与物质关爱共同带给部落。 下午,300多名学生、义工、部落代表、当地华商代表等,在ACC赖索托孤儿院院区举办了第二场诗歌诵读活动。 大家用中文、英文、莱索托语言朗读诗歌,活动现场播放了新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节分布在全球的10个朗诵团、一个艺术团和外援团队呈报的诗歌朗诵视频以及本次活动新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节无法出席活动,来自世界各地的祝贺视频,ACC理事,义工,院区老师和学生,通过互联网和全世界参与活动者发起互动,场面热烈感人。 孤儿院的孩子们是第一次参与这样的活动,都非常激动。世界诗歌日的前一天,韩昕余女士,为孤儿院的学生们上了诗歌欣赏和朗诵课程,让世界诗歌节的氛围更加浓郁。 太阳落山了,夕阳落在院区雄伟的建筑群,照耀在孩子们欢喜的脸上,大家依依不舍地围绕在一起,久久不肯离去,和韩昕余女士,一边朗诵诗歌,一边唱歌跳舞,一边拍照。在夕阳中渐渐地融成一座雕塑,为世界诗歌日首次走进非洲部落和孤儿院,塑造了最美好的风景线。 新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节总秘书长:韩昕余 2023年3月21日世界诗歌日01:56 费尔南多·伦登, 当代杰出诗人、编辑和文化记者,WPM 世界诗歌运动总协调员,出版了《反历史》《在其他太阳下》等多部诗集,先后在埃及、美国、法国、哥伦比亚,意大利,罗马尼亚等多个国家出版, 1982 年创办了诗歌杂志《普罗米修斯》,至今已出版了 92 个版本。曾先后获得拉斐尔·阿尔贝蒂诗歌奖(2010 年)、巴什拉希尔奖(2010 年),“高文化成就奖”和“2012 年米海·埃米内斯库国际诗歌奖” 。他的诗歌被翻译成英语、法语、德语和克罗地亚语等几十种语言,并在德国、奥地利、比利时、瑞典、意大利、西班牙、法国、卢森堡、古巴、委内瑞拉、阿根廷和巴拿马等国参加节日和诗歌朗诵会。 2006 年,在来自四十个国家的七十三名候选人中,斩获了另类诺贝尔奖,并被认可是绝望时期为真理、和平和社会正义而战的积极分子。该活动吸引了超过十六万人参加,成为全球同类活动规模最大的事件。迄今为止已有来自五大洲一百八十七个国家的一千八百多名诗人参加, 由他创办的麦德林国际诗歌节是世界三大著名诗歌节之一。 TRAVELING IN LUNAR ECLIPSE By Fernando Rendon The story erupted violently from the beginning. And it had gone mad. Yellow and green, dripped on the walls of the cities, among the soft shadows. On streets and roads, a blood red spilled. "We must be strong," I told you. In your gesture, the earth breathed. A wave of life filled everything and disappeared, leaving the world dry. Although it took a long time, the wave always returned. Memory was fragile like the mycelium of the dew fungus. Every day we dedicated ourselves to remember. The original earth evoked us to align ourselves with its rebellious movement. Children on the meadow trotted like foals in celestial cycles. Wild was this commotion, as we ascended and descended between planets on the chariot of the sun. I watched civilizations unfold before my eyes, without seeing the faces of those who accompanied me. The dark gods of death crossed bodies to destroy and recreate us. We unraveled and remade ourselves without respite in the limitless shuddering. Time was strong as life and death. I was situated on both sides, in front of both doors. What we had to do was not to die after having understood everything. To survive in the clarity of the inhuman outdoors with our memory intact and our energy. To continue for centuries disintegrating among the dark and bleeding earth. And an instant later to reconstitute ourselves in the atoms of a kind and smiling sun. 苏· 朱,世界华裔著名女诗人、WPM 世界诗歌运动亚洲协调员,新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节环球总监。曾任电视台节目主持人,现居新西兰写诗涂画。 诗歌发表于诗选刊、马其顿科协年刊等中外纸媒,画作在国际迪兰日等活动中展出。曾获诺塞德世界诗歌奖(联合国教科文组织,2021)、黎巴嫩纳吉·阿曼文学奖、意大利梅莱托诗歌奖,安杰洛·安·维基亚诗歌奖及印度、孟加拉、新西兰等国文学奖,2020年度美国“手推车奖”提名并接受了该国《出版者周刊》艺术家栏目的专访。出版诗集、翻译集各一部。 THE CRUSHED PILL — POWDERED SNOW By Sue Zhu ( New Zealand ) Daddy, the snow is a powder in my memory, It’s a pill you crushed before I went to bed. “Taking it with water,” you said, “The invisible enemies will fall back and No one will miss them. The jubilation of the King will shine at dawn with the Golden Sun!” Father, the snow powder is pouring down fast, Their tracks are crushing the good pills. Flying from their launching bomb’s points, They land, destroying large swaths of birch trees. They ruin and crush walls in streets and alleys, Their cannon fodders sucked blood and left tears Dripping and forming ice—such a faint sight! Father, the 2022ndtime train is empty on arrival, Spring didn’t arrive at Kyiv’s platform as expected. And winter’s coldness occupies passengers’ seats, The bone-chilling waters of Dnieper’s river leave wounds. Bandages are cherry red converted and left from, The messy white lace curtains of shattered windows. A red horse is neighing* from being—stuck in the snow. Daddy, you said, “Minor loneliness will go away in a few days.” But the sunflowers are suddenly falling, and… The frostbitten feet are lost and wondering in all directions, Corpses are growing under the Javelin Bombs' impact, Shadows get longer, and wonder—“How long will it take?” Under the darkened once starry sky of wind’s strings, They are torn apart with sounds of sobbing and dripping tears. Father, in my dreams last night I had a vision—clear and true! I saw the horseman in fine white linen moving hurriedly, Wearing a crown and had a bow—his white horse galloping, Sounds of your voice I heard loudly—whispering to me! “Still, I love shedding my innocent light—my blood for thee!” Daddy, I am still worried. When will the snow bombs end? People are ready to head for Saint Sophia's Cathedral. Will they miss the morning prayer bell? The new season of sunlight green growing branches? Will they cry or give praise for their lost baby granddaughter‘s cot? “Ouch!—Father” (*Reference from King James version of the Bible John 20:12 and Revelation 6:1-8) 乔治·昂西:埃及著名思想家、诗人、新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节顾问。乔治·昂西,埃及著名思想家、诗人、艺术家,诺贝尔文学奖提名奖获得者, RRM3 创始人兼总裁,国际高级英语文学理事会(IHACEL)的秘书长及其顾问。 诗歌作品已在50多种国际文集中发表、播出,被翻译成多种国际语言。擅长英语、阿拉伯语、法语和西班牙语。 A lyrical poem to sing for Mother Earth O EARTH, STOP!!! O Earth, Stop! Stop! Stop! Every time you go round, no shouts of joy But moans and cries will sound. Haven’t you got busy, dizzy Feeding the thankless from your fields and trees? O Earth, Stop! Stop! Stop! Every time you spin, your dwellers fight Where none will ever win Don’t you feel sorry, unhappy, Offering yourself to those who’re losing your keys? O Earth, Stop! Stop! Stop! Every time you revolve, your tenants get problems They never want to solve Haven’t you been steady, ready With the wisdom of survival For those who have become so violent, suicidal? O Earth, Stop! Stop! Stop! Your volcanos, hurricanes, tsunamis, pandemics Everyone owes and fears! Yes, we’ll repent, Watering the green we denuded you from, Dear mum, with floods of tears. So, earth, Stop! Stop! Stop! To start dancing instead Roll with our dreams where we’ll escort you With your countless flowers! We’ll breathe out your fresh breeze Through the whole universe to echo The resurrection hymn to all generations of dead! 弗朗西斯科·阿祖拉,墨西哥著名诗人、新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节顾问。索伦萨拉国际诗歌大奖获得者,2021、2022、2023年诺贝尔文学奖提名 。LONELINESS To the Tarahumara, indigenous Rrámuris from northern Mexico. Now that the song of the birds is gone And at night, the storm Has a pitiful and lonely barking of dogs, And love has withered. Loneliness I know you, at last. Goddess of silence and of a hollow branch, Ere once the birds wove their nests. Great deaths appear to my mind, Immense characters And their glorious times. Kings, poets and warriors, The freedom of the nations has been very high, Blood has flowed As much as the rivers that flow into the deep sea. A strange insect has prowled your soul And you have gone with him In an act of devotion so similar to an absence. You’ve already forgiven great injustices. The mutilated men claim Their right to be heard, And only you can feel a bitter wind Breaking your heart in the deserted mountains. Be brave, comrade of the dawn. It´s not far the awakening; You can interpret all the illusions of these people, This village immersed in the poverty of life; Make sing again the white blackbird of old solitudes, Make it be heard the song of the goldfinches And of the troubadours, May the world turn it´s face To be grafted onto the afternoon spike Where a sun dreaming of hope is setting. Make that dawn chant and so with it your soul. Translation from Spanish by the poet Reynaldo Marcos Padua, editor, storyteller, and retired teacher. Doctor Padua is a university professor at the Universty of Puerto Rico, Cayey campus. 莉迪亚•基亚雷利,意大利著名女诗人,新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节顾问。莉迪亚·基亚雷利生于意大利都灵,并在此长大成人,2007年,她与伊伦维·托马斯在此创立了艺术文学运动:《图像与诗歌》。她是在意大利举办的狄伦·托马斯节的协调员。莉迪亚的创作热情激励着她写诗,自2011年以来,她已经成为一位获奖诗人:荣获六次手推车奖提名(美国):纽约2020年文学艺术奖章;2021年萨希托国际大陪审团奖。她的作品已被翻译成20多种语言,并在许多国家的诗歌杂志和网站上发表。2014年,她与加拿大作家兼编辑胡吉特·伯特兰开启了一个跨文化项目,在网上出版了《诗歌与艺术电子图书》。2010年,莉迪亚参观纽约现代艺术博物馆时受到启发,之后创作了与小野洋子的许愿树类似的装置,在树上悬挂诗歌和艺术卡片。莉迪亚·基亚雷利在意大利和国外展出了她的“诗歌与艺术树”。她也是一位受人赞赏的拼贴艺术家Dance (La Danse) to Henri Matisse (1869 – 1954) “And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon.” ― Edward Lear, The Owl and the Pussycat As in a playful whirl hands intertwined we come full circle in eternal movement then swinging over the abyss in this sublime geometry we melt our loneliness in the syncopated round dance of life Homage to the painting La Danse by Henri Matisse, 1909 May on the Hills I will touch a hundred flowers And not pick one Edna St Vincent Millay The fragrance of spring intoxicating ether envelops you in the wavering light of sunset. And as in a dream magenta, purple and red the meadows reveal myriads twinkling flowers: rubies and amethysts an ancient treasure. Your hesitant hands gently touch those precious jewels while the last darting seagulls replay their games in the sky of May 惠存:大洋洲文学社社长,大洋洲ASP诗苑副社长。 "The King's Proclamation" ——The Ancient Great Wall of Jiaochanggou Author: Hui Cun I am the standing of your ancient totem The sun, the moon, and the stars that dance the golden iron horse tremble Blood, beacon smoke, raises the neighing of the years Today, the chords are still full Make the Ming Dynasty play red I am your naked flesh and bones Overwhelming mountains and seas Burn the dream and fall Bone spurs lie across the desolate frontier nesting lonely i am your poetry Inspiration picked from mountains and rivers Battle of Wolf Smoke, Drinking Qi's Ancient Tea Bloodthirsty Horn Shuttle The mark of the seal is because of the cry of the landslide Make ink pad, not dry yet king I am your vast purity i am your undying battle song Standing tall and domineering, the eternal spiritual sacrifice will never die The jade body torn apart by the wind still texture What kind of death can explain spring What kind of death can achieve splendor Once a year, when the wild geese from the south line up stir up soul banner its every spring return It's all a declaration of Wang's immortality 新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节执行主席:寒川,新加坡著名诗人、诗歌活动家,新加坡锡山文艺中心创办人之一,名誉主席。印尼《东盟文艺》统筹,《东盟园地》主编。寒川,原名吕纪葆,1950年生于福建金门,后随父母移居新加坡,毕业于新加坡南洋大学中文系,有多部诗集、文学评论集、游记、散文集人物传记等,并主编多种华文文学刊物,担任过多项海内外文艺创作比赛评审,现为新加坡十余个华人社团的理事和出版顾问。2004年,荣获印华作协颁授“印华文学功勋卓著奖”〈Orchid〉 That March In that brightly-coloured Orchid Gardens A photographer is taking pictures of new-weds Artistically capturing them on film, and then Painting pictures after picture of Love Another ten years The children will not understand Why daddy, lingering in the Botanic Gardens And always staring at the Orchids And never wanting to leave Perhaps we are all lovers of Orchids It was like that ten years ago It is like that ten years later Anything other happy matters Must include bringing the children And going back to the old places with flowers The Orchid-filled garden to see How fate has sound the final knell How to wave furiously Waiting for our Return ---- 〈My Children〉 1. Whenever I punish you, You’d cry. Yet, when your mom asks: “Whom do you love more, Daddy or Mommy? You choked in reply: “Daddy.” 2. Dear son, when you put your small feet into my shoes, I could not help but worry that you’d thread the same path as I did 3. The elder son takes after me The younger one after his mother I told my wife: “Dear… With no inheritance, Fate has shown itself to be the fairest.” 郭永秀,新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节顾问、诗歌艺术总监。 郭永秀,新加坡知名诗人、音乐工作者、专栏作家。前新加坡工艺教育学院电子保安及科技讲师。现任世界华文作家交流协会荣誉会长、锡山文艺中心主席、五月诗社荣誉社长、作家协会理事、中国潮汕文学院名誉院长、赤道风文化协会副会长、新加坡作曲家协会顾问、音乐家协会副会长、醉花林银河民族乐团音乐总监暨指挥、教育部驻校作家。历任许多新加坡及外地文艺创作、音乐创作、器乐及声乐比赛评審。他擅长作词、写诗、作曲、摄影、把各种艺术融汇在一起成视觉艺术及多媒体。出版了六本诗集、一本散文集、一本音乐评论集以及一本歌曲创作集。诗集《筷子的故事》荣获新加坡书籍节诗歌组高度表扬奖。曾荣获新加坡词曲版权协会颁发的“卓越才艺奖”。许多诗作,被选入新加坡以及国外的中学、大学教科书以及诗歌词典中;也被制作成海报、艺术品,在公共场地如购物中心、地铁站、公园等地展出。 lxora Quek Yong Siu Facing the arrogant fierce sun Can the extremely toilng redness Express your infatuated love? On the opposite bank, Bougain Villa angrily upholes The purple of jealousy, the palm tree Dis approvingly shaking its head, mocking Even the Rushing vehicles Shout at you to scare you Spraying you with highly toxic black fog But you are forever passionate With patience and tolerance With fervent and countless torches You ignite all hope Of mankind 成君,新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节顾问、诗歌艺术总监,新加坡文艺协会名誉会长。成君,原名成泰忠。1951 年出生于新加坡。祖籍广东省番禺县。毕业于南洋大学历史学系(1979年)。新加坡文艺协会会长(2013年—2022年)、前商务印书馆(新)有限公司董事总经理(1986年—2010年)。从事书业工作 20 余年,曾任新加坡书业文具商公会会长(2006年—2009年)、新加坡华文出版协会副会长(2005—2009)。 <Life is such expansive> I want to shake awake my dreaming wishes as the moon and sun have the same role While there is night, there is sunlight Without the sun, the dark night would not appear long If you are determined, difficulties would yield Time changes And never stop Ocean and land are on the same earth Allow your bosom to be the land And your mind to be the ocean Place all together onto your mind The waves and green We sail together in the boundless universe We have fixed our direction We would not bow out We pass our days solidly and full of purposes Life is such expansive and meaningful #written on 7/12/2015成君 宋铭,诗人、翻译、作家。新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节马来西亚总秘书长。原名:杨松明(Yeo Song Meng)马来西亚华裔公民,现居新山。学历:受过华文教育,英国银行协会银行专业。 On the Ebb By Yeo Song Meng(Malaysia) After twilight an image departed one after another and another....... soon after,departed in group and followed one after another eventually, his own image subsided in the rising dusk At the shore, the whole stretch of the reeds with their white heads bowing downward tired and lethargic watching the water gushing to remoteness night couldn’t repose my dream, rose and fell all the stories were of the past great or insignificant floating on the ebbing current to the mysterious unknown After the lights went off By Yeo Song Meng(Malaysia) Instantly the lights went off the curtain of splendour rolling down all audience had left the theatre was empty a silhouette lost sight at the end of the corridor hissing a weak sigh Millions of thought flickered before me as I turned my body a gust of wind blew off your smile in my mind I knew after tonight you could be a star in another sky I would remain a stone at a river side After so many years I continue to bear with the agony of missing you looking upward to the vast sky in the evening I always assume the brightest star could be you blinking and mocking at me, but I would not mind 韩昕余(Victoria Han )世界华裔学者、作家、诗人、国际文化记者、媒体人、主持人、创意策划人。新加坡国家发展部直属机构签约作家、研究员。中国花城出版社签约作家。新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节总策划兼总秘书长,出版多部名人专访、诗歌集及历史研究专著。 荣膺新加坡总统陈庆炎博士为其书题写序言,诗歌集荣获新加坡国家艺术理事会赞助出版。是新加坡政府签约的高端专访作家和记者,撰写新加坡纪念建国50周年书籍新加坡建国之路《小红点大格局》、新加坡开埠200年公益慈善之路《新加坡的凝聚力》。韩昕余祖籍中国山东青州,毕业于华东师范大学中文系及中文系高级讲师进修班,历任中专、大学汉语言、教育心理学、中文普通话讲师,创办潍坊天地广告公司,是成功企业家和广告策划人。21世纪初移居新加坡,是新加坡昕余传媒创办人,也曾担任大型社团杂志《泉》主编,新加坡海南文化研究中心签约作家、研究员;新加坡华族文化基金秘书长,成功策划举办新加坡首届慈善文化论坛。访问遍布东南亚、大洋洲、非洲等国家和地区。在新加坡、中国等地出版多部名人专访、传记、诗歌集及历史研究专著。诗歌作品入选联合国“世界诗歌日”诗歌合集,新加坡、马来西亚、意大利、新西兰、南非、肯尼亚、泰国、中国等国家和地区多部诗歌合集,研究著作和诗歌作品被翻译成英语、日语、泰语、马来语、印尼语等广为流传。是世界上第一位将联合国“世界诗歌日”带进非洲孤儿院和原始部落的诗人和公益文化记者。 Spring is coming ——Han Xinyu Spring on the swallows’ wings light and nimble in the peach blossoms the little yellow beaks are kissing over the willowy bank fishes are inspired and overjoyed the tadpoles are awakened as well A buffalo walks across the field could you hear the flute of the cowboy? the flow that flutters in the wind that is your colourful voices certainly millions of lives under the earth have sucked adequately your sweet dews O, everything in this world which one is not due to you? eyes open gradually and bloom quietly the wind-bells at the roofs, the grasses on the slope the stars that always glimmer in the sky the remote shadows on a long road The ladies in the drizzles of Jiangnan surely are looking shy like the lotus flowers could I meet them at the Su Causeway or at the Turtle Head islet together we could sing the song of “Plucking lotus “ While at the northern region, I used to go outings alone in the cold April the evening glow reddened the bars imagine yourself drinking at the sunset with Tu Mu at night the boats were parked at the river mouth of Apricot Flower village At dusk, the mothers used to call the children by their nicknames the hearts that blossomed looked more pleasing to the eyes than the stars How many seasons when the tree branches are full of dreams? O, Spring, in the mind of a youngster you are always the permanent target of pursuits Your tenderness, your life your beauty, your expectation are galloping and surging irrigating my full life How can I not love you? How can I not expect you? when the spring arrives, all beauties are coming when the spring arrives, all beautiful things are coming! 莱索托文名字 ( 中文名字) Lehlohonolo Maruping 天孤Rorisang Mosiuoa 天清LEHLOHONOLO MOSEBC 天眾 MATEBELE KOLOTI 天摇Silindile Matata 天悉NTULO NTLAMA 天歡Rorisang Phomane 天恒 TLALI SESHOESHOE 天衣BOKANG RANTHO 天提MOTLALEPULA LETSIE 天經Khasipe Lerato 天琥Mohalinyane Tefelo 天幢KATLEHO SOLE 天賦TEBOHO RAMOKOATSI 天嚴 RASEKETSE RAMANTS'O 天祥Kananelo Thibiri 天間RETS'ELISITSOE TOLOANE 天雷 Nthatuoa Pholo 地足Ramashala Retsepisitsoe 地珊MALEFA RANTHEBA 地敬 Tumeliso Mohale 地婉Majoro Mantei 地略Raliee Palesa 地芊NTHABISENG MOSUNKU 地施 RELEBOHILE SUTHA 地虹Mothene Mosele 地皎Toai Mamahlomola 地解Ithabeleng Sekempe 地釋Ntsoaki Lits'esane 地紫MAMMUSO MOLISE 地萊MOLIEHI NTLAOPA 地蘭SEBABATSO MOLIKO 地秋LINEO MATSEMELA 地華Khoanyane Mpholokeng 地願 KARABO RAMOOKHO 地璃TLOTLISANG KHAMALLS 地笑 RELEBOHILE RAMOKOATSIE 地節LINEO LEUOANE 地色Ntou Sebolelo 静安 Masoenyane Lerato 莉朗Ntou Palesa 茉莉Selemela Leseli 仙蒂Matobole Rets epile 比利 Ntou Motlatsi 福顺TLHONOLOFATSO MOLETEG 地特REFILOE MOKHU 地蕊 KHAHLISO RAKHOHO 地保KATLEHO MAKHONOFANE 天咖LESELIMAKHONOFANE 天哩 KHUTSO PHOSHOL 天佛THABANG PHOSHOLIC 天法THABO PHOSHOL 天僧 BATAUNG KOLOBE 巴LINEO MAELE R 艾莉KHOSI LESIA 悟斯TSELISO MAHOMMED 天晶 TLOTLISANGNTILANE 天王AMOHELANG MAKARA 地進LIMPHO NTELELE 地士 KAMOHELO NTELELE 天居MOKETE BAHLAKASE 天亮 MOHAU LEOATLE 天璃JONNES LEOATLE 天琉ITUMELENG MAKOAE 地安 MOIPONEMAKOAE 地平FUMANE KHAMAL 地容TS'OANELO LETSEKA 天護 TS'IRELETSO LETSEKA R 地僧KEFUOELETSIE 地淨 LIPUO BOBI 地引TLHORISO BOBI 天接INKISENG MOOROSI 地想 MOHAU PITSO 天智MANTOA PITSO 地慧TLOTLA THABO天鼓THORISO THABO 天励 PASEKA PITSO 天星KUTLOANOTEKANE 地興KATLEHO MOKHALI 天理 TEBOHO PAAMO 天皆RETHABILE RAMOTS'C 天全 RETS'ELISITSOE MOSE 天渡RAOHOABELI NTSOOA 天格 THEKO MOKOPE 天行THLOKOMELO LESENY 天尚LEKHOTLA KHAOLA 天道 HASSANE MOTS'AON 天見NKOALA MABOEE 天進 PHOMOLO RANTHO 天須REMAKETSE LESENYEH 天遍 TSOTANG MOKETE 天輝RakaLEBE RASEBONA 天覺 SEBABATSO NTLAMA 地喜NALELI MOLISANA 地妮MANTSIE MPHAOLOL 地傳 PUSELETSO JANKI 地寬NTSOAKI MAPOONE 地鳳LITEBOHO MOHLALIS 地甘 MALEHLOA NTAOTE 地捨NTHATISI MATSOSO 地聞LOMILE SENATLA 地娥MAMELLO MASOKELA 地梅LEUOANE NTHABISEN 地見MOSA LEMANE 地牧Ntoa Leboto 天亞Tebello Nkoko 天乾Ntlhare Nthlare 天亨Zameko Matata 天懺Kelepa Rets'epile 天悟 Neo Thibiri 天解RELEBOHILE MOLEKA 天樂Bongani Mokitimi 天鎧 Thapelo Nkoko 天坤Refiloe Pulumo 天應 RETS'ELISITSOE MATSOSO 地修RELEBOHILE LETSIE 地受Maseliyane Phapoello 地珍 Matata ltumeleng 地悔Mpho Mokhele 地晶MATSIETSI LEBETA 地生 LIKETSO RAMOKOATSI 地莊Mots'elis Rakhoho 地環 Maletsatsi Sealoho 和煦Teboho Monare 恩澤Letebele Shopane 祖佑 THABO MPOTA 天丘RORISANG MOTLOANG 地無 LIKETSO KHITLANE 地理LINTLE NTILANE 地續 世界诗歌日是联合国倡议发起的,自1999年开始,每年的3月21日成为联合国教科文组织选定的“世界诗歌日”——无论民族、无论肤色、无论年龄,凡是热爱诗歌、创作诗歌的人们,都将每年的这一天,视为全世界诗人自己的节日。联合国教科文组织确立“世界诗歌日”,目的是希望为世界各地人们举办的各项诗歌活动提供一个契机,进而能够带动人们开展不同层次的诗歌运动。支持通过诗歌表达语言的多样性,并让濒危语言有机会在社区内得以听到,支持诗歌回到诗吟唱朗读的传统。有利于诗歌通过“和平、非暴力、容忍”这样的主题活动,促进诗歌教学,恢复诗歌与戏剧,舞蹈,音乐,绘画等艺术之间的对话,支持小型出版商和在媒体上创造富有魅力的诗歌形象,使诗歌艺术不再被视为是一种过时艺术,而是一种与时并进的当今艺术形式。༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻ 新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节( MANDARIN INTERNATIONAL POETRY FESTIVAL)是海外华人、华侨在新加坡发起成立的世界范围内首个华语为媒介的国际诗歌艺术节,其宗旨是在全球范围内弘扬传播优秀的华语诗歌文化与艺术,推动全球范围内文化艺术的交流与融合,为世界和平、文明做出贡献。 国际华语诗歌艺术节总主席是新加坡规划之父、新加坡前艺术理事会主席、国际规划大师刘太格博士,执行总主席新加坡著名诗人寒川先生、秘书长兼总策划与品牌运营总监韩昕余女士,副主席兼环球运营总监诗人、诗歌活动家朱苏女士,公益文化总顾问慈善家黄马家兰、诗歌艺术总顾问台湾著名诗人、作家、翻译家、学者、太平洋国际诗歌节总策划陈黎先生。文化艺术总监:郭永秀、成君。文化艺术总顾问越战英雄、中国文化艺术收藏大家黄宏将军。新加坡主席是前国会议员赵锡胜医生BBM(2022年2月逝世),中国区主席是著名作家诗人、中国诗歌学会驻会会长曾凡华先生,副主席为著名学者、诗歌评论家、博士生导师何言宏教授,秘书长金笛先生,副秘书长蓝雪儿女士。国际华语诗歌艺术节朗诵团总团长凤凰卫视台声,著名朗诵、配音艺术家张妙阳先生。品牌部部长漪梦女士。 新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节,在中国大陆以及其他国家和地区设立秘书处和朗诵团分支机构,并依据当地业务开展情况,授予“文化艺术创作交流基地”。不定期在全球范围内举办诗歌艺术节以及诗歌、朗诵语言艺术大赛。已经设立的中国区秘书处和朗诵团:云南秘书处(秘书长蓝雪儿)、陕西秘书处(秘书长孙香芹)、山东秘书处(秘书长刘元民)、重庆秘书处(秘书长张文龙)、河北秘书处(秘书长刘国莉)、网络秘书处(秘书长何孟梅)。国际华语诗歌艺术节朗诵团(山东)团长刘元民、国际华语诗歌艺术节第一朗诵团(陕西)团长王少平、第二朗诵团(新疆)团长闫立新、第三朗诵团(秦皇岛)团长田瑞霞、第四朗诵团(北京)团长刘欣、第五朗诵团(秦皇岛)团长李培博、第六朗诵团(ACC非洲莱索托)团长天定、国际华语诗歌艺术节长安艺术团团长蒋倩、第七朗诵团(总部甄选)、第八朗诵团(延安)团长左艺。影视秘书处:韩宜霏、葛宗清 ༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻ WPM 世界诗歌运动成立于2011年,是全球诗人和与诗歌相关组织的协调者,服务于来自 150 个国家的 2,000 多名诗人、100多个国际诗歌节以及全球诗歌的教育项目和出版社等。该协调委员会有16名国际协调员,分别来自哥伦比亚、印度、土耳其、美国、法国、瑞典、俄罗斯、加纳、南非、智利、摩洛哥、委内瑞拉、尼泊尔、葡萄牙、西班牙和新西兰。总协调员是世界著名诗人,替代诺贝尔奖获得者费尔南多-伦登 。 大洋洲ASP 国际诗苑,自2018年成立以来,一直致力于国际现代诗歌的推广与传播。༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻༺༻ 阿弥陀佛关怀中心,简称ACC,由慧礼法师领导发起,直接常驻亲身力行的国际人道救援抚育组织。慧礼法师本着“爱无国界、关怀世界”的宗旨在马拉威、赖索托、史瓦济兰等非洲国家设立孤儿院设立孤儿院,助养孤苦失亲的非洲孤儿。目前在马拉威、莱索托、辛巴威等建立阿弥陀佛关怀中心。关怀中心以孤儿安养和教育为主,并为贫困的艾滋病患儿提供帮助,通过提供医疗、教育和职业培训,来改善当地人的生活水平。 阿弥陀佛关怀中心就是要通过教育改变非洲孤儿的命运,让中华文化与非洲文化更好地融合。ACC孤儿院的孩子们不仅能说一口标准中文,也会流利地背诵弟子规、诵读佛经。 供稿:新加坡国际华语诗歌艺术节总部 编辑:韩昕余、漪梦