(13日)新西兰 DELTA 爆发:社区新增55例, 奥克兰 53例,怀卡托2例,怀卡托和北地再维持 3 级警报五天,内含中英疫情简报会内容

新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选


There are 55 new community cases today, 53 in Auckland and 2 in Waikato.
What you need to know / Kia mōhio mai koe:
你需要知道的 / Kia mōhio mai koe:

* There are 55 new community cases of Covid-19 today.
* 今天有 55 个新的 Covid-19 社区病例。
* Northland and areas of Waikato will remain at alert level 3 until 11.59pm on Monday, October 18, after two unlinked cases were detected in Waikato.
* 北地和怀卡托地区将在 10 月 18 日星期一晚上 11 点 59 分之前保持 3 级警报,因为在怀卡托发现了两起不相关的病例。
* Chris Hipkins has ruled out a circuit-breaking level 4 lockdown in Auckland, which remains in alert level 3. The rest of the country remains in level 2.
* Chris Hipkins 排除了奥克兰的 4 级封锁,该地区仍处于 3 级警报。该国其他地区仍处于 2 级。
* Six million doses of the vaccine have now been delivered across New Zealand.
* 现已在新西兰各地运送了 600 万剂疫苗。
* The Government has announced sweeping vaccine mandate for teachers and most healthcare workers.
* 政府已宣布对教师和大多数医护人员进行全面的疫苗接种。
* Experts are calling for a hard internal border to protect the rest of NZ from areas with active Covid cases.
* 专家呼吁建立严格的内部边界,以保护新西兰其他地区不受新冠肺炎活跃地区的影响。
* About 19 per cent of eligible New Zealanders, or more than 820,000 people, have not had a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
* 大约 19% 的符合条件的新西兰人,即超过 820,000 人,没有接种过一剂辉瑞疫苗。
* Here are all the locations of interest linked to the outbreak.
* 这里是与疫情爆发相关的所有关注地点。

Today’s 1pm update will be fronted by Covid-19 Minister Chris Hipkins and Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield.

今天下午 1 点的更新将由 Covid-19 部长 Chris Hipkins 和卫生总干事 Ashley Bloomfield 主持。

There are 55 new community cases today, 53 in Auckland and 2 in Waikato.


26 of today’s cases are yet to be linked to a current case.
今天的 26 起病例尚未与当前病例相关联。

10 of yesterday’s cases are still unlinked.
昨天的病例中有 10 例仍未联系起来。

The total cases in this outbreak have now reached 1719, of which 1188 have recovered.
此次疫情的总病例数现已达到 1719 例,其中 1188 例已康复。

There are 32 people in hospital with Covid-19, 6 in ICU.

有 32 人因 Covid-19 住院,其中 6 人在 ICU。

The two community cases in Waikato are members of the same household, and they are being moved to a quarantine location.


There are no new locations of interest in Northland


An adult who works at an early learning centre in Auckland has tested positive. Eleven close contacts have been identified in the exposure event.

一名在奥克兰早教中心工作的成年人检测呈阳性。 在暴露事件中已经确定了 11 名密切接触者。

www.mycovidrecord.nz 现已上线。

The website provides a proof of vaccination certificate for all New Zealanders.


Waikato and Northland will remain at Alert Level 3 for a further five days
怀卡托和北地将再保持 3 级警报五天

Waikato has set a record for vaccinations in a week: a five per cent jump in first doses.
怀卡托创造了一周内接种疫苗的记录:第一剂疫苗增加了 5%。

Six million doses of the vaccine have new been delivered across New Zealand.

600 万剂疫苗已在新西兰各地交付。

Level 3 in Waikato and Northland is now extended until 11:59pm on Monday

怀卡托和北地的 3 级现在延长至周一晚上 11:59

The Government has organised a celebrity vaccine push in the leadup to the Vaxathon TV event, featuring sports stars, musicians, and actors.

在 Vaxathon 电视活动之前,政府组织了名人疫苗推广活动,其中包括体育明星、音乐家和演员。

The two unlinked cases in Waikato are the reason why the region has been kept at Level 3, Hipkins says.

希普金斯说,怀卡托的两起无关联病例是该地区被保持在 3 级的原因。

The Government is considering a vaccine requirement for essential workers who cross the Auckland boundary, Bloomfield says.


The two people who travelled from Auckland to Northland with falsely obtained documents are providing “very little information about where they’ve been or who they’ve been with” to contract tracers, Hipkins said.


An Auckland truck driver who tested positive after travelling to Northland was not a significant factor in the decision to extend Level 3, Hipkins said.
Hipkins 说,一名奥克兰卡车司机在前往 Northland 后检测呈阳性并不是决定延长 3 级警报的重要因素。

The person delivered items in the early hours of morning and had very little contact with other people.


Teachers who refuse to be vaccinated may be provided with alternative work options – potentially including remote learning, Hipkins says.


The R value for the outbreak currently sits at 1.2, Bloomfield says, indicating that case numbers are expected to continue to climb.

Bloomfield 说,目前爆发的 R 值为 1.2,这表明病例数预计将继续攀升。

“We have not given up on driving Covid-19 out of our community,” Hipkins says.
“我们并没有放弃将 Covid-19 赶出我们的社区,”Hipkins 说。

He says “elimination” is not necessarily the same as “eradicaiton”


A circuit-breaking level 4 lockdown is “not something the Government is considering,” Hipkins says.

Hipkins 说,断路 4 级封锁“不是政府正在考虑的事情”。



Northland tension high after third positive case visited Whangārei
在第三个阳性病例访问 Whangārei 后,北地紧张局势加剧

A third person with Covid-19 has visited Northland, this time for essential work delivering goods to a tyre store.

第三名 Covid-19 患者访问了 Northland,这次是为了将货物运送到轮胎店的重要工作。

Steve Taylor Tyre Service in Whangārei’s Kamo has closed for a deep-clean and isolation of staff, after the freight worker was on the site on Saturday.

在货运工人周六到达现场后,Whangārei Kamo 的 Steve Taylor Tyre Service 已关闭,以对员工进行深度清洁和隔离。

Director Jared Mackenzie​ said the Auckland man had a routine survelliance test on Friday, came up to Whangārei on Saturday for the delivery, then got the positive test result on Monday.

主管贾里德·麦肯齐(Jared Mackenzie)表示,这名奥克兰男子周五接受了例行监视检测,周六来到旺加雷(Whangārei)送货,周一检测结果呈阳性。

Northland is in alert level 3 after two women, who have since tested positive for Covid-19, travelled extensively through the region after allegedly falsely obtaining a business exemption.

Northland 处于 3 级警戒状态,此前两名女性 Covid-19 检测呈阳性,在据称虚假获得商业豁免后,她在该地区广泛旅行。


A superette in the Auckland suburb of Papakura is among the latest locations of interest linked to the Covid-19 Delta community outbreak.
奥克兰郊区 Papakura 的一个 superette 是与 Covid-19 Delta 社区爆发有关的最新关注地点之一。
Porchester Rd Superette in Papakura was visited nine times by a positive case between September 30 and October 8.
9 月 30 日至 10 月 8 日期间,Papakura 的 Porchester Rd Superette 有 9 次出现阳性病例。

Countdown in West Auckland’s Lincoln Rd is named a location and an additional date for Seasons Market in Mt Wellington was added.

The Ministry of Health is advising those who visited these locations to self-monitor for symptoms of the virus over the next 14 days since exposure.
卫生部建议那些去过这些地方的人在接触后的未来 14 天内自我监测病毒症状。

Earlier on Wednesday, multiple Countdown branches in West and central Auckland were named, alongside a Pak’nSave in Mt Albert, New World in Devonport, Mt Roskill Fresh Supermarket and Z petrol station in Silverdale.
周三早些时候,奥克兰西部和中部的多个 Countdown 分店被点名,此外还有 Mt Albert 的 Pak’nSave、德文波特的 New World、Mt Roskill Fresh Supermarket 和 Silverdale 的 Z 加油站。

There are 394 locations of interest spread across the Auckland, Waikato and Northland regions.
奥克兰、怀卡托和北地地区共有 394 个暴露关注地点。

(12日)新西兰 DELTA 爆发:社区新增43例, 奥克兰 40 例,怀卡托 3 例,内含中英疫情简报会内容

(10月13日)(滚动更新) 新西兰多来源英语新闻 New Zealand Multi-sources Rolling English News