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English News 中国新闻


US Senate passes bill that could see TikTok banned

The app's owner, ByteDance, has nine months to sell its stake or face being blocked in the US.

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Why China’s market slump is far from a crisis

Investors should not write off the country’s growth potential

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TikTok fortune of billionaire Republican donor Jeff Yass threatened by Washington

Investor’s Susquehanna International Group owns estimated $40bn stake in parent company ByteDance as app faces potential ban

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Congress approves bill banning TikTok unless Chinese owner sells platform

Move could lead to obsolescence of video app used by 170mn Americans

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时习之丨推动航天强国建设 习近平指明方向


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潮头观澜丨西部大开发 形成新格局

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国台办:没有所谓“海峡中线” 实施航线衔接是常规工作

  中新网4月24日电 4月24日上午,国台办举行例行新闻发布会,发言人朱凤莲就近期两岸热点问题回答记者提问。

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  中新网4月24日电 4月24日上午,国台办举行例行新闻发布会,发言人朱凤莲就近期两岸热点问题回答记者提问。

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  中新社北京4月24日电 (记者 张素)中国最高人民检察院24日通报上海市人大常委会原党组书记、主任董云虎涉嫌受贿一案进展。经最高检指定,安徽省合肥市人民检察院近日已向合肥市中级人民法院提起公诉。

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  中新网4月24日电 4月24日上午,国台办举行例行新闻发布会,发言人朱凤莲就近期两岸热点问题回答记者提问。

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国台办:两岸同胞应该常来常往 欢迎傅崐萁先生率团来访

  中新网4月24日电 4月24日上午,国台办举行例行新闻发布会,发言人朱凤莲就近期两岸热点问题回答记者提问。

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国台办:民进党当局对台商台企参与高质量发展蓄意抹黑 不得人心

  中新网4月24日电 4月24日上午,国台办举行例行新闻发布会,发言人朱凤莲就近期两岸热点问题回答记者提问。

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国台办:闽台往来人数大幅提升 台胞在闽生活发展更加便利

  中新网4月24日电 4月24日上午,国台办举行例行新闻发布会,发言人朱凤莲就近期两岸热点问题回答记者提问。朱凤莲在会上表示,国家移民局加快推进台胞证便利化应用工作,着力将福建打造为“台胞证便利化应用示范区”。支持福建建设两岸融合发展示范区十项出入境政策措施实施以来,已取得阶段性成效,在促进闽台人员往来,便利台胞在闽居住生活等方面取得了积极成果。

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  中新网4月24日电 国新办24日举行发布会,介绍2023年中国知识产权强国建设有关情况。国家市场监管总局执法稽查局局长况旭在会上表示,市场监管总局高度重视知识产权执法工作,指导各地市场监管部门依法严厉打击商标侵权、假冒专利、侵犯地理标志权利等违法行为。主要开展了以下几个方面的工作:

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  中新网4月24日电 国新办24日举行发布会,介绍2023年中国知识产权强国建设有关情况。国家知识产权局局长申长雨在会上表示,知识产权是企业国际竞争力的核心要素,越来越成为国际竞争的焦点。近年来,国家知识产权局采取有力措施,帮助我国企业维护海外知识产权合法权益。

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  中新网酒泉4月24日电 (马帅莎 谢雁冰)神舟十八号载人飞行任务航天员与记者见面会24日在酒泉卫星发射中心举行。谈及乘组合作,航天员李聪在见面会上表示,现在对方一个动作,甚至一个眼神,就能明白所要表达的意思,有信心、有能力圆满完成好任务。

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  中新网4月24日电 据教育部网站消息,为切实减轻中小学教师非教育教学负担,近日,中央教育工作领导小组秘书组印发通知,对开展规范社会事务进校园为中小学教师减负专项整治工作作出部署。

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  中新网酒泉4月24日电 (马帅莎 谢雁冰)神舟十八号载人飞行任务航天员与记者见面会24日在酒泉卫星发射中心举行。谈到即将开启的半年太空生活,李广苏充满期待。他表示,工作之余想好好看一看美丽的蓝色星球,看一看祖国的锦绣山河,找一找一路走来养育培养过我的地方,也想替我可爱的孩子看看天上的星星到底会不会眨眼。

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Space Day of China celebrated with exhibitions

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Lhasa welcomes peak tourism season

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  中新网4月24日电 国新办24日举行发布会,介绍2023年中国知识产权强国建设有关情况。国家知识产权局副局长胡文辉在会上表示,去年4月起,国家知识产权局会同有关部门启动了国家知识产权保护示范区建设。首批10家保护示范区建设启动以来,各个城市始终坚持高规格推进、高标准建设、高水平保护,取得积极进展。2023年首批保护示范区建设城市知识产权保护社会满意度总体得分为83.25分,高于全国平均水平,示范效应逐渐显现。主要表现在四个方面:

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Second phase of the 135th Canton Fair opens in Guangzhou

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国台办:敦促美方兑现承诺 停止以任何方式武装台湾

  中新网4月24日电 4月24日上午,国台办举行例行新闻发布会,发言人朱凤莲就近期两岸热点问题回答记者提问。朱凤莲在会上指出,敦促美方以实际行动兑现不支持“台独”的承诺,停止以任何方式武装台湾。

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李广苏:从领空到太空 我为祖国飞得更高


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  中新网酒泉4月24日电 (马帅莎 谢雁冰)神舟十八号载人飞行任务航天员与记者见面会24日在酒泉卫星发射中心举行。航天员叶光富在见面会上表示,中国空间站已全面建成,真诚欢迎国际同行一起探索浩瀚宇宙,一起为创造人类更加美好的未来共同努力。

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国台办:日本在台湾问题上负有历史罪责 应慎重妥善处理涉台问题

  中新网4月24日电 4月24日上午,国台办举行例行新闻发布会,发言人朱凤莲就近期两岸热点问题回答记者提问。

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  中新网4月24日电 4月24日上午,国台办举行例行新闻发布会,发言人朱凤莲就近期两岸热点问题回答记者提问。朱凤莲在会上指出,民进党当局及其政客出于谋“独”本性和政治私利,数典忘祖、背弃民族,不肖子孙令人不齿,如不改弦更张,必将被钉在历史的耻辱柱上。

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  中新网4月24日电 4月24日上午,国台办举行例行新闻发布会,发言人朱凤莲就近期两岸热点问题回答记者提问。针对民进党当局执意推行所谓教改政策和“台独”课纲,朱凤莲指出,民进党当局倒行逆施、数典忘祖的恶劣行径,必将遭到两岸同胞的强烈反对和坚决抵制。

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  中新网4月24日电 4月24日上午,国台办举行例行新闻发布会,发言人朱凤莲就近期两岸热点问题回答记者提问。

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  中新网4月24日电 今天(24日)11时,叶光富、李聪、李广苏3名航天员在酒泉卫星发射中心问天阁与中外媒体记者集体见面。

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China set to launch Shenzhou-18 crewed spaceship on April 25

China's Shenzhou-18 manned spacecraft is scheduled to be launched at 8:59 p.m. Beijing time on Thursday from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, the China Manned Space Agency announced at a press conference on Wednesday.

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Xi: Bolster growth of western region

President Xi Jinping emphasized on Tuesday the need to boost the high-quality development of China's western region by pursuing higher-standard opening-up, both internally and externally, as the country advances Chinese modernization.

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Low-altitude economy in Xinjiang starts riding powerful tail winds

The launch of Xinjiang Tianyuan General Aviation Co's first flight from Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, to Fuyun county in Xinjiang's Altay on Sunday, and the opening of a low-altitude economy research institute marked the beginning of new opportunities for the region's low-altitude economic growth.

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Bookings spurt for May Day travel peak

China's tourism sector is seeing another booking frenzy ahead of the five-day May Day holiday, with long-haul domestic trips and outbound tours being particularly sought by visitors, industry players said.

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Chinese speculators super-charge gold rally

Huge bullish bets on Shanghai exchanges show growing clout of Asian traders in market for precious metal

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The China-Russia trade friendship may not be quite what you think

Commercial ties between the two powers appear to be catching up from an abnormally low base

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TechScape: No WhatsApp in China, no TikTok in the US, and the return of Llama

In this week’s newsletter: While Apple removed the platform from App Stores without a squeak of public protest, its battle with the EU rages on. Plus, how a ban in the US could change TikTok everywhere

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Another day, another set of troubles for Apple’s App Store. This time, the company had bowed to orders from the Chinese state to remove WhatsApp and Threads, two of the last Meta apps still available in the country.

From our story:

Apple confirmed it had withdrawn the two apps – both owned by Meta, also the owner of Facebook – under instruction from the Cyberspace Administration of China, which regulates and censors China’s highly restricted internet and online content.

“The Cyberspace Administration of China ordered the removal of these apps from the China storefront based on their national security concerns,” Apple said in an emailed statement to Reuters. “We are obligated to follow the laws in the countries where we operate, even when we disagree.”

The House of Representatives voted 360 to 58 on the updated divest-or-ban [TikTok] bill that could lead to the first time ever that the US government has passed a law to shut down an entire social media platform.

The Senate is expected to vote on the bill next week and Joe Biden has said he will sign the legislation.

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Hong Kong’s bubble tea IPO flop is a sign of the market times

Chabaidao’s experience reflects weak local investor sentiment

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AfD politician’s aide arrested on suspicion of spying for China

Man worked as assistant to Maximilian Krah, top candidate in European parliament elections, say prosecutors

A close adviser to a leading member of Germany’s far-right populist Alternative für Deutschland party (AfD) has been arrested on suspicion on spying for China in the latest high-profile espionage case to have come to light.

The man, identified by prosecutors as Jian G, was accused of “an especially severe instance” of espionage, prosecutors said, following his arrest in the early hours of Tuesday morning. It comes after the arrests of three German citizens accused of industrial spying for China in return for payment.

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US business group says policy ‘inconsistency’ hurting China investment

AmCham China highlights concerns about lack of regulatory clarity as Beijing seeks to shore up confidence

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German staffer in EU parliament arrested on China spying charges

Employee of far-right AfD’s lead candidate is latest figure to be accused of passing information to Beijing

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Hong Kong’s biggest IPO of 2024 flops

Shares of Chinese bubble tea chain ChaPanda drop as much as 38% on first day of trading

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Taiwan pledges to remove 760 statues of Chinese dictator Chiang Kai-shek

In move seen by the opposition as an attempt to de-sinocise Taiwan, the ruling party is pushing ahead with plans to rid the island of monuments to the dictator

Taiwan’s government has pledged to remove almost 800 statues of Chiang Kai-shek, the Chinese military dictator who ruled the island for decades under martial law, but whose legacy remains a point of contentious debate.

In 2018 the government established a transitional justice committee to investigate the rule of the former generalissimo, who was president of the Republic of China (ROC) – in China and then in Taiwan – until his death in 1975. Among its recommendations was to remove the thousands of statues from public spaces.

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In Numbers: Reading in the digital age

In Numbers: Reading in the digital age

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250 suspected scammers arrested in joint Laos-China operation

A joint police operation has bust three telecom fraud dens and apprehended 250 Chinese nationals suspected of being cross-border scammers in the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security said on Tuesday.

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Air China prepares to resume four more international routes

Air China, one of China's largest airline companies and the national flag carrier, will launch and resume four international routes starting from Sunday, better serving the Belt and Road Initiative and promoting opening-up.

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New draft law requires improvement of energy development

A new draft law being reviewed by Chinese lawmakers has required the improvement of energy development and utilization, with support to promote non-fossil and low-carbon energy.

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World's first river-sea electric container ship sets sail

Lvshui 01, the world's first river-sea electric container ship, arrived at Shengdong Wharf of Yangshan Port in east China's Zhejiang Province on Monday, setting new records for the world's first and largest vessel of its type.

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Expert lists multiple mistakes in U.S. criticism of China's ‘overcapacity’

There are multiple mistakes in the U.S. criticism of China's "overcapacity," said Guo Kai, executive president of China Finance 40 Institute, on Monday.

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The White House knows that the global south has a point

Rich countries espouse active industrial policy at home while continuing to impose outdated policies abroad

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Highest, largest wind farm installs first turbine in Himalayas

The first wind turbine of the world's highest wind farm in the Himalayas was installed on Saturday, at an altitude of 5,092 meters.

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Four sailors missing after vessel collides in Guangdong

Rescue workers were still racing against time to search for the missing crew members who were washed away after their vessel collided with a bridge pier in Foshan, Guangdong province, as of Tuesday noon.

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Xi's profound committment to education

Chinese President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to education. During his tenure as Party Secretary in Fuzhou, Xi also served as president of Minjiang Vocational University for six years.

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China continues to create jobs, pledges continued enhancement

China created 3.03 million new urban jobs in the first quarter of the year, completing its corresponding target set in this year's government work report, said the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on Tuesday.

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Special operation 'Fox Hunt 2024' commences

The Ministry of Public Security recently launched 2024's "Fox Hunt" operation, a special operation to apprehend economic fugitives.

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China floods: four killed in Guangdong sparking concerns over extreme weather defences

Heavy rainstorms in the densely populated Pearl River Delta have left large parts of Guangdong province underwater

Heavy rainstorms that swept across southern China over the weekend killed at least four people as floods swamped cities in the densely populated Pearl River Delta, state media reported.

A search was under way for 10 others missing after record-breaking rains sparked concerns about the region’s defences against bigger deluges induced by extreme weather events.

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Xi inspects southwest China's Chongqing Municipality

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, inspected southwest China's Chongqing Municipality from Monday to Tuesday.

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Qingdao illuminated in celebration of 75th founding anniversary of Chinese PLA navy

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy hosted a series of activities to celebrate its 75th founding anniversary in Qingdao.

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Preview of International Horticultural Exhibition 2024 Chengdu

The expo will run from April 26 to Oct. 28, lasting for 186 days. The main venue will showcase 113 exhibition parks, including 39 international exhibition parks and 74 domestic exhibition parks.

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Rongshan Yangtze River Bridge connected in Sichuan

The bridge was successfully joined on Monday and is expected to open to traffic in August.

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Bird flu raises concern of WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) said the rising number of bird flu cases has raised "great concern" because it had an "extremely high" mortality rate among those who had been infected around the world.

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Search and rescue still underway for four missing crew members

Relevant departments are still making every effort to search and rescue the four missing crew members who fell into water after their vessel collided with a bridge pier in Foshan, Guangdong province, on Tuesday morning.

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G7 meddling in internal affairs condemned

China has slammed a communique issued by the Group of Seven foreign ministers, urging the bloc to stop interfering in other countries' internal affairs.

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Second phase of Canton Fair to open

The second phase of the 135th China Import and Export Fair, widely known as the Canton Fair, will open on Tuesday following a significant increase in overseas buyers at its first phase.

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China firmly rejects manipulation of China-related issues at G7 FM Meeting: spokesperson

China strongly deplores and firmly rejects the manipulation of China-related issues at the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. The comments from the meeting are a deliberate mischaracterization of the facts and truth, and a blatant interference in China’s internal affairs, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Monday.

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Booing your own anthem - Hong Kong and a dilemma

Beijing's increasing influence has led to speculation that Hong Kong's days of an independent football scene are numbered.

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Increasing crop yield will help ease imports

China's grain yield will grow at an annual pace of 1.1 percent over the coming decade as hunger rises worldwide, enabling the world's largest food importer to buy significantly less from overseas.

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China ready to deepen cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries: minister

China's Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao attended a forum on Monday between China and Portuguese-speaking countries (PSCs) in the Macao Special Administrative Region, to discuss further upgrades to multilateral cooperation by connecting with the Belt and Road Initiative.

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PBOC unveils multilingual payment services guide to facilitate foreigners' payment services

PBOC on Monday released the South Korean language version of a guide to payment services for foreigners visiting Zhangjiajie in Central China's Hunan Province, one of the fresh efforts to facilitate payment for foreigners and promote high-level opening-up.

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Chinese people debate compensatory working days as May Day holidays approach

As the May Day holidays approach and Chinese people prepare to flock to tourist sites, the debate has arisen again about whether to have compensatory working days to allow for longer holidays, or just to rest on the official holidays.

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G7 Foreign Ministers' statement blatant interference in China's internal affairs: FM

China strongly deplores and firmly rejects the manipulation of China-related issues at the G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting.

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Blinken to visit China, discuss bilateral ties

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit China from Wednesday to Friday amid intensive engagements recently between Chinese and U.S. officials, in a trip that analysts said could lay the groundwork for keeping bilateral ties on the right track.

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Tesla cuts prices amid global challenges

The United States electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla has slashed the selling price of its products in the wake of a slump in sales during the first three months of 2024.

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Overseas institutions encouraged to invest in domestic tech companies

China has rolled out a package of well-focused policy measures to facilitate investment by overseas institutions in Chinese technology-oriented enterprises, another step by the world's second-largest economy to attract more foreign investment and foster new quality productive forces.

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Hybrid rice market expands in Asia

The increased yields of a hybrid rice strain developed in China have helped countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative to bolster their food security.

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Three German citizens arrested on suspicion of spying for China

Prosecutors say trio are accused of passing on technical military knowledge and export of a laser without permissions

Three German citizens, a married couple from Düsseldorf and a man from Bad Homburg, have been arrested on suspicion of spying on behalf of China, prosecutors have said, in the second high-profile alleged espionage case reported in the country in days.

The three are accused of passing on technical military knowhow to Chinese authorities in return for money. The head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency said it could be “just the tip of the iceberg” of spy rings operating in Germany.

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Saudi Aramco chief defends China’s role in green transition amid closer ties

Amin Nasser praises Beijing’s efforts to make solar panels and electric vehicles cheaper

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Two men in UK charged with spying for China

Christopher Berry, 32, and Christopher Cash, 29, accused of providing prejudicial information to a foreign state

A parliamentary researcher who was arrested last year on suspicion of spying for China has been charged along with another man with espionage offences.

Christopher Cash, 29, who had access to parliament through his work for an organisation set up by Conservative MPs, is to appear in court on Friday after he and Christopher Berry, 32, were charged under the Official Secrets Act.

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Former UK parliamentary aide charged with spying for China

Christopher Cash was arrested by police last year under the Official Secrets Act

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Tens of thousands evacuated from massive China floods

Three die as rain-swollen rivers burst their banks in Guangdong, China's most populous province.

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Southern China is inundated by floods – video report

Floods have swamped a number of cities in the densely populated Pearl River delta after record-breaking rains. Precipitation records for April have already been broken in many parts of Guangdong, leaving large areas of the province underwater. State media have released footage showing rescue and cleanup operations under way. Further footage shows a car getting swept away by rushing water and a bridge in Guangdong province collapsing

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Germany accuses couple of spying for China

A husband and wife team allegedly conspired to smuggle sensitive military technology out of Europe on Beijing’s orders

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Norilsk Nickel to move copper smelter from Russia to China as sanctions bite

Vladimir Potanin says metals group will start production in China from 2027 due to difficulties in international payments

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Pro-China Maldives president’s party sweeps parliamentary vote

Landslide victory brings into focus rivalry between New Delhi and Beijing in the region

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World Earth Day: China maintains drive targeting new pollutants

The official theme for Earth Day 2024 -- "Planet vs. Plastic" -- has raised wide concern over the pervasive presence and potential environmental impact of microplastics and "new pollutants."

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Beijing warns against flexing of ‘gunboat muscles’ as US and Philippines begin military drills

The annual Balikatan, or ‘shoulder-to-shoulder’ drills will for the first time take place outside of the Philippines’ territorial waters

A Chinese military official has warned against countries flexing “gunboat muscles”, as the Philippines and US begin three weeks of unprecedented joint drills in the South China Sea.

The annual Balikatan, or “shoulder-to-shoulder” drills, began on Monday and will run until 10 May. For the first time the exercises will be held beyond the Philippines’ territorial waters – 12 nautical miles offshore – and will involve the Philippines coast guard (PCG) in an active role. They will also involve other countries in secondary or observer roles, including Australia and France.

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Shanghai Ocean University debuts manta ray-shaped bionic fish

An intelligent soft-bodied bionic fish, in the shape of a manta ray and named Wen Yao, was unveiled by Shanghai Ocean University on Saturday after over 10 years' research and development.

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U.S. ambassador expresses gratitude for Beijing's rescue of Americans

U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns on Friday expressed his gratitude to Beijing’s public service departments and presented them banners for their efforts of rescuing more than 10 American campers on the city's outskirts about two months ago.

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Chinese flying taxi sector claims global lead thanks to regulatory support

Shanghai’s AutoFlight wins approval for unmanned aircraft in nascent market forecast to be worth $1.5tn a year by 2040

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Installed power generation and solar power capacities surge

China's installed power generation capacity surged 14.5 percent year-on-year to 2.99 billion kilowatts by the end of March, according to the latest figures released by the National Energy Administration on Monday.

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Massacre survivor passes away at 93

the passing away of a 93-year-old survivor of the Nanjing Massacre on Sunday, the number of survivors has declined to only 35, according to the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders.

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Beijing bets on manufacturing

Xi Jinping hopes manufacturing can offset the property slump

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U.S. military delegation arrives for symposium held in Qingdao

A military delegation from the United States led by commander of the US Pacific Fleet, Stephen Koehler, arrived in Qingdao, Shandong Province via high-speed rail to attend the 19th Western Pacific Naval Symposium on April 21.

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China's largest freight train per load capacity completes test run

China's freight train 55066 with a record load capacity of 32,400 metric tons successfully completed a trial run along the Shuozhou-Huanghua railway on Saturday.

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U.S. foreign aid selfish and driven by egoistic motivations: report

The United States has always prided itself as the world’s largest foreign aid donor. However, in fact, its foreign aid has always taken maximizing the interests as its fundamental starting and ending point, while ignoring the practical interests and long-term development of recipient developing countries, according to a report released by Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation under Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

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Courts crack down on infringement related IP cases

Chinese courts have focused more on handling intellectual property cases involving new technologies last year, with harsher punishment against those infringing upon IP rights, China's top court said.

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China's food yield to grow 1.1% annually over the coming decade

The nation's food yield will grow at an annual pace of 1.1 percent over the coming decade as hunger has risen worldwide, lowering the world's largest food importer's demand for overseas food products, said a report on Saturday.

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Swiss media: Western complaint over 'China's overcapacity' hypocritical, shortsighted

Peter Fischer, chief economist at Neue Zürcher Zeitung, penned an article on Friday titled "China's 'overcapacity': Western complaint is hypocritical and shortsighted," criticizing the bias of some Western countries.

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Shanghai rewards 241 enterprises for contributing to the city

The municipal government of Shanghai has named 241 enterprises as specially rewarded companies for their contribution to the city's campaign of upgrading industrial scale and improving quality last year, according to official sources.

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Pro-China party wins landslide victory in Maldives parliamentary elections

Voters back President Mohamed Muizzu’s tilt towards China and away from traditional ally India

Maldives voters have backed President Mohamed Muizzu’s tilt towards China and away from traditional benefactor India, with his party winning control of parliament in an election landslide.

Muizzu’s People’s National Congress (PNC) won 66 of the first 86 seats declared, according to the Elections Commission of Maldives, already more than enough for a super-majority in the 93-member parliament.

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Chinese PLA navy celebrates 75th founding anniversary

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy hosted a series of activities to celebrate its 75th founding anniversary from April 20 to 24. April 23 marks the 75th founding anniversary of Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) navy.

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China's first deep-sea multi-functional vessel launched in S China

The vessel reaches about 104 meters long and has a displacement of about 10,000 metric tons. It is designed to hit a maximum speed of 16 knots, equivalent to about 30 kilometers an hour.

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Light show staged to mark 9th Space Day of China in Wuhan

he 9th Space Day of China will fall on April 24 and Wuhan will be the main venue.

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Province looks for an extra stateside boost

The Chinese province Shaanxi is pursuing international cooperation in the United States and fostering trade relations with various states, including California, New York and Utah.

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U.S. hypocritical foreign aid always empty promise: report

The U.S. has repeatedly boasted its “contribution” as the world’s largest aid donor, but it has never fully met its international responsibilities, according to a latest report released by Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation under Chinese Ministry of Commerce, uncovering the hypocrisy and facts of the U.S. foreign aid.

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How Chinese firms are using Mexico as a backdoor to the US

Chinese firms are racing to set up factories in Mexico to bypass US tariffs and sanctions.

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Global defence budget jumps to record high of $2440bn

For the first time, government military spending increased in all five geographical regions, Sipri thinktank finds

Global military expenditure has reached a record high of $2440bn (£1970bn) after the largest annual rise in government spending on arms in over a decade, according to a report.

The 6.8% increase between 2022 and 2023 was the steepest since 2009, pushing spending to the highest recorded by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri) in its 60-year history.

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Rescue continues in Guangdong; 5 airlifted to hospital

Five people who were injured and stranded by landslides over the weekend in Jiangwan township in Shaoguan, Guangdong province, were sent by helicopter to a hospital for treatment early on Monday, the local government said in a statement.

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Improper test run faulted for fatal subway accident

A subway train employee in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, was killed and two other workers were injured during a test run of a train last week that was conducted improperly, resulting in a crash, city authorities said on Sunday.

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Tibetan woman makes history, flies fighter jet

Over the years, Tibetan women have driven battle tanks, maneuvered warships and served in missile units of the People's Liberation Army. Now, 23-year-old Kelsang Pedron has become the first Tibetan woman to fly a fighter jet.

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China achieves domestic production of carbon-14 isotopes

China has achieved the mass production of carbon-14 isotopes by using a commercial nuclear reactor, the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) told the Global Times on Sunday.

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China urges developed countries to fulfill climate finance commitments at G20 meetings

China has urged developed countries to expedite the implementation of their climate finance commitments, helping developing countries in climate actions with financial and technological assistance.

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Earth Day Everyday: Choose the planet over plastics

Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. 

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China repatriates 680 gambling, fraud suspects from Cambodia

The most recent group of 135 suspects involved in illegal cross-border gambling and fraud were escorted back to China from Cambodia by two chartered planes on Sunday, marking the last group of 680 suspects apprehended by Cambodian police.

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WADA says it astonished by 'completely false, defamatory' remarks by USADA chief in case of Chinese swimmers

WADA said on Saturday that it is astonished by the "outrageous, completely false and defamatory remarks" made by the head of the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), who made wrongful accusations against WADA over the case of 23 swimmers from China.

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Experts, executives dismiss 'overcapacity' narrative

China holds a significant position in the global supply chain, although that's not due to Chinese policy, but rather the result of companies and consumers worldwide making their own decisions, experts and executives said.

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Ambassador Xie Feng: In a turbulent world, China's choice is to pursue Chinese modernization at home, and forge a community with a shared future for mankind internationally

Ambassador Xie said that we are now living in a turbulent time. It seems that everywhere we look, we see powder kegs that can explode anytime. Energy, food and debt crises keep emerging.

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Ambassador Xie Feng: The problem now is not 'overcapacity', but 'over-anxiety'

Ambassador Xie noted that bearing special obligations for maintaining global strategic stability, major countries should rise to the occasion and uphold the common good. The more turbulent the international landscape is, the greater need for major countries to cooperate.

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Top auto giants reach out for Chinese tech

Global carmakers from Volkswagen and Stellantis are reaching out to Chinese electric vehicle companies to help boost their competitive edge as the sector is shifting toward electrification.

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Millions at risk of floods in China’s Guangdong province after heavy rain

Officials urge municipalities to begin emergency planning after major rivers and reservoirs threaten to overflow

Major rivers, waterways and reservoirs in China’s Guangdong province are threatening to unleash dangerous floods, forcing the government to enact emergency response plans to protect more than 127 million people.

Calling the situation “grim”, local weather officials said sections of rivers and tributaries at the Xijiang and Beijiang river basins are hitting water levels in a rare spike that only has a one-in-50 chance of happening in any given year, the state broadcaster CCTV news said on Sunday.

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New Cold Wars review: China, Russia and Biden’s daunting task

David Sanger of the New York Times delivers a must-read on the foreign policy challenges now facing US leaders

Russia bombards Ukraine. Israel and Hamas are locked in a danse macabre. The threat of outright war between Jerusalem and Tehran grows daily. Beijing and Washington snarl. In a moment like this, David Sanger’s latest book, subtitled China’s Rise, Russia’s Invasion, and America’s Struggle to Defend the West, is a must-read. Painstakingly researched, New Cold Wars brims with on-record interviews and observations by thinly veiled sources.

Officials closest to the president talk with an eye on posterity. The words of the CIA director, Bill Burns, repeatedly appear on the page. Antony Blinken, the secretary of state, and Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, surface throughout the book. Sanger, White House and national security correspondent for the New York Times, fuses access, authority and curiosity to deliver an alarming message: US dominance is no longer axiomatic.

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The rare earths mine becoming a bellwether for US minerals policy

Future of South Africa’s Phalaborwa site may depend on strength of Washington’s support

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US House passes bill that could lead to total TikTok ban

Bill – with updated language that extends deadline to a year for ByteDance to divest of TikTok – to go before Senate next week

The House of Representatives voted 360 to 58 on the updated divest-or-ban bill that could lead to the first time ever that the US government has passed a law to shut down an entire social media platform.

The Senate is expected to vote on the bill next week and Joe Biden has said he will sign the legislation.

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Blinken to warn China over weapons-related exports to Russia

Washington considers sanctions on Chinese financial institutions, according to people familiar with the situation

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Chinese students in US tell of ‘chilling’ interrogations and deportations

As tensions with China rise, scientists at America’s leading universities complain of stalled research after crackdown at airports

Stopped at the border, interrogated on national security grounds, laptops and mobile phones checked, held for several hours, plans for future research shattered.

Many western scholars are nervous about travelling to China in the current political climate. But lately it is Chinese researchers working at US universities who are increasingly reporting interrogations – and in several cases deportations – at US airports, despite holding valid work or study visas for scientific research.

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Asia’s central bankers struggle to contain strong US dollar

Shifting US interest rate expectations put pressure on Japan’s yen and China’s renminbi

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Xi tightens grip on China’s military with new information warfare unit

Beijing launches restructuring of armed forces as it challenges US dominance in Pacific

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PwC’s Evergrande audits set to face new probe by Hong Kong regulator

Apparent whistleblower report cites concerns over firm’s work for collapsed Chinese developer

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FBI chief says Chinese hackers have infiltrated critical US infrastructure

Volt Typhoon hacking campaign is waiting ‘for just the right moment to deal a devastating blow’, says Christopher Wray

Chinese government-linked hackers have burrowed into US critical infrastructure and are waiting “for just the right moment to deal a devastating blow”, the director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, has warned.

An ongoing Chinese hacking campaign known as Volt Typhoon has successfully gained access to numerous American companies in telecommunications, energy, water and other critical sectors, with 23 pipeline operators targeted, Wray said in a speech at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, on Thursday.

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Apple removes WhatsApp from China store under pressure from Beijing

Internet regulator orders delisting of two Meta-owned apps over ‘national security concerns’

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Beijing half marathon winner thrown out after trio slowed to let him win

  • All four athletes disqualified and forced to return prize money
  • Special committee issues apology but steers clear of fix talk

Organisers have revoked He Jie’s first place in the Beijing half marathon last weekend after an investigation confirmed that three other runners had slowed down to let him win the race. All four were disqualified and had to return their medals and prize money.

Online users in China had shared the video from the final moments of Sunday’s race out of suspicion that it had been rigged. The footage showed three African runners letting He, China’s top long-distance runner, move ahead of them shortly before they were about to reach the finish line.

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Zhou Guanyu relishing home F1 debut after long road to Chinese GP

The Sauber driver has had a long wait to race on home soil and expectations are off the charts in Shanghai

There has been no little wait for the home crowd and their local hero Zhou Guanyu but what a moment it will be when, finally, this weekend he becomes the first Chinese driver to compete at the Chinese Grand Prix in Shanghai. Already the star of a ­documentary, the only driver from China to compete in an F1 race is the main draw for a meeting that sold out in minutes.

This race has not been held since 2019 because of the pandemic and while the 24-year-old Zhou made his F1 debut in 2022, with the Alfa Romeo (now Sauber) team, he has had to wait till his third season to race on a track in the city where he was born and where he has never before competed in a single-seater.

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Top three stripped of medals in Beijing half marathon

The top three finishers of the Beijing half marathon are stripped of their medals after an investigation into the controversial result.

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Apple removes WhatsApp and Threads from Chinese App Store

Company says Chinese government ordered it to remove two Meta-owned apps for ‘national security’ reasons

Apple has removed WhatsApp and Threads from its Chinese App Store after the Chinese government ordered it to do so for “national security” reasons.

Apple confirmed it had withdrawn the two apps – both owned by Meta, also the owner of Facebook – under instruction from the Cyberspace Administration of China, which regulates and censors China’s highly restricted internet and online content.

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Can TikTok's owner afford to lose its killer app?

Sell or be banned - TikTok's US operations, by some estimates, could fetch up to $100bn.

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Why a deluge of Chinese-made drugs is hard to curb

Thousands of Chinese companies are making synthetic opioids and shipping them around the world.

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UK firms may be barred from funding emerging tech in hostile countries

Minister says move being considered over concerns UK money could finance projects that undermine national security

Ministers are considering blocking British investors from funding emerging technologies in hostile countries if they believe the technology could pose a threat to UK security, the deputy prime minister has said.

Oliver Dowden said on Thursday the government would consult on curbing British investment abroad, after becoming concerned that money from the UK could be used to finance projects that could undermine national security.

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Five of the best books to understand modern China

From a poetic memoir of social repression to a study of the lasting impact of the Cultural Revolution – these titles are a good place to start if you want to know more about the country and its people

It is the world’s second-biggest economy, the next big threat to global security and a country ruled by an authoritarian regime that is increasingly making its power felt beyond its borders. But the most important part of China is the population of 1.4 billion diverse, tricky and resilient people whose choices are often very distant from the decision-makers in Beijing. These books are an introduction to the forces that have shaped China’s recent past and the people living in its present.


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The West says China makes too much. Its workers disagree

Migrants are caught in China's manufacturing battles with the West, as Beijing tries to save its economy.

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China influencer's pages shut down over fake story

Thurman Maoyibei's accounts have vanished after it was found that she fabricated a viral video.

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China will have 300 million pensioners. Can it afford them?

The country is running out of time to build enough of a fund to care for its growing number of elderly.

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Netflix's 3 Body Problem, a billionaire and a 'despicable' murder

Xu Yao, who worked on the Netflix adaptation, poisoned his colleague Lin Qi over a business dispute.

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More couples are saying 'I do' in China

The number of newlyweds rises for the first time in nine years as authorities try to reverse record-low birth rates.

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People fly Kongming lanterns to celebrate New Year of calendar of Dai ethnic group

People watch flying Kongming lanterns, a kind of small hot-air paper balloon, on the Xishuangbanna Bridge in Jinghong City, southwest China's Yunnan Province, April 13, 2024, to celebrate the New Year of the calendar of the Dai ethnic group.

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