The overall/conservation winner. Photo: Patricia Seaton Homonyio/Bird Photographer of the Year
题图:总冠军/保护冠军。 照片:Patricia Seaton Homonyio/年度鸟类摄影师
The winners in the bird photographer of the year competition for 2024 have been announced.
2024 年年度鸟类摄影师大赛的获胜者已经公布。
The overall winner was highlighting the plight thousands of birds killed each year by colliding with windows or other reflective surfaces in towns and cities.
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Here are the gold medallists in each category:
Comedy 喜剧
Photo: Nadia Haq/Bird Photographer of the Year
摄影:Nadia Haq/年度鸟类摄影师
Portrait 肖像
Photo: Alan Murphy/Bird Photographer of the Year
照片:Alan Murphy/年度鸟类摄影师
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Urban birds 城市鸟类
Photo: Grzegorz Dlugosz/Bird Photographer of the Year
摄影:Grzegorz Długosz/年度鸟类摄影师
Black and white 黑色和白色
Photo: David Stowe/Bird Photographer of the Year
摄影:David Stowe/年度鸟类摄影师
Bird behaviour 鸟类行为
Photo: Nathaniel Peck/Bird Photographer of the Year
摄影:Nathaniel Peck/年度鸟类摄影师
Birds in flight 飞行中的鸟类
Birds in the environment 环境中的鸟类
Photo: Kat Zhou/Bird Photographer of the Year
摄影:Kat 周/年度鸟类摄影师
11 and under 11 岁及以下
Photo: Julian Mendla/Bird Photographer of the Year
摄影:Julian Mendla/年度鸟类摄影师
12 to 14 12 至 14 岁
Photo: Andres Luis Dominguez Blanco/Bird Photographer of the Year
照片:Andres Luis Dominguez Blanco/年度鸟类摄影师
15 to 17 15 至 17
Photo: Emil Wagner/Bird Photographer of the Year
照片:Emil Wagner/年度鸟类摄影师
Photographers around the world entered more than 23,000 images into the competition.
世界各地的摄影师提交了 23,000 多张照片参加比赛。
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