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题图:夜幕下塞纳河畔的巴黎圣母院。来源:GettyImages 摄影: Ken Chen


This photograph shows the baptistery of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, designed by French artist and designer Guillaume Bardet, in Paris on November 29, 2024. - The Notre-Dame Cathedral is set to re-open early December 2024, with a planned weekend of ceremonies on December 7 and 8, 2024, five years after the 2019 fire which ravaged the world heritage landmark and toppled its spire. (Photo by Christophe PETIT TESSON / POOL / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY MENTION OF THE ARTIST UPON PUBLICATION - TO ILLUSTRATE THE EVENT AS SPECIFIED IN THE CAPTION

The baptistery of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, designed by French artist and designer Guillaume Bardet, in Paris on November 29, 2024. Photo: AFP
2024年11月29日,由法国艺术家和设计师纪尧姆-巴尔德设计的巴黎圣母院大教堂的洗礼堂。 图片:法新社

French President Emmanuel Macron praised on Friday (local time) the more than 1000 craftspeople who helped rebuild Paris’ Notre-Dame Cathedral in what he called “the project of the century”, five-and-a-half-years after fire gutted the Gothic masterpiece.
【澳纽网编译】法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)周五(当地时间)赞扬了 1000 多名工匠,他们帮助重建了巴黎圣母院,他称之为“世纪工程”,这是在大火烧毁这座哥特式杰作五年半后。

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The 12th-century cathedral, one of the French capital’s most beloved and visited monuments, will reopen its doors next week to tourists and to the Catholic faithful.
这座 12 世纪的大教堂是法国首都最受欢迎和参观最多的古迹之一,将于下周重新向游客和天主教信徒开放。

This photograph shows the facade of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral in Paris, on 29 November, 2024, ahead of a visit of the French President.

Notre Dame is one of Paris’ most beloved monuments. Photo: CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON / AFP
巴黎圣母院是巴黎最受欢迎的古迹之一。 摄影:CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON / AFP

“Never before have we seen such a construction site. You all had your share in the project of the century,” Macron told a gathering that included carpenters, stonemasons, art restorers, firefighters and donors.

“The burning of Notre-Dame was a national wound and you were its remedy, (restoring it) through determination, hard work and commitment.”

The workers, who include members of the elite ‘Compagnons du Devoir’, a centuries-old guild of artisans considered France’s finest, burst into joyful applause when Macron concluded his address with a final ‘thank you’.
当马克龙以最后的“谢谢”结束他的演讲时,工人们包括精英“Compagnons du Devoir”的成员,这是一个拥有数百年历史的工匠行会,被认为是法国最好的工匠行会,他们爆发出热烈的掌声。

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The reconstruction work restored the cathedral’s spire, its rib vaulting, flying buttresses, stained-glass windows and carved stone gargoyles to their past glory, with the white stone and gold decorations shining brighter than ever.

Attendees including workers of reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral gather during a speech by French President Emmanuel Macron (C) in the nave of the cathedral in Paris, on November 29, 2024. - The Notre-Dame Cathedral is set to re-open early December 2024, with a planned weekend of ceremonies on December 7 and 8, 2024, five years after the 2019 fire which ravaged the world heritage landmark and toppled its spire. (Photo by Christophe PETIT TESSON / POOL / AFP)

Attendees including workers of reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral gather during a speech by French President Emmanuel Macron (C) in the nave of the cathedral in Paris. Photo: CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON / AFP
法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙 (C) 在巴黎大教堂中殿发表演讲时,包括巴黎圣母院重建工人在内的与会者齐聚一堂。摄影:CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON / AFP

It is a far cry from the evening of 15 April, 2019, when TV viewers in France and worldwide watched with horror as the cathedral’s roof and spire burst into flames and collapsed in a raging fire that also threatened the main bell towers, which narrowly avoided destruction.
这与 2019 年 4 月 15 日晚上大相径庭,当时法国和世界各地的电视观众惊恐地看着大教堂的屋顶和尖顶起火并倒塌,大火也威胁到主钟楼,这些钟楼勉强避免了破坏。

On his visit to the site, Macron seemed deeply impressed as light poured into the nave through the renewed windows.

“This is overwhelming,” he said as he toured the cathedral with his wife Brigitte, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo and other senior officials.

This photograph shows a general view of interior of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral in Paris, on November 29, 2024. - The Notre-Dame Cathedral is set to re-open early December 2024, with a planned weekend of ceremonies on December 7 and 8, 2024, five years after the 2019 fire which ravaged the world heritage landmark and toppled its spire. (Photo by Christophe PETIT TESSON / POOL / AFP)

Photo: AFP / Christophe Petit Tesson
摄影:法新社 / Christophe Petit Tesson


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‘Exceptional’ “非常出色”

“It was an exceptional renovation project,” stone-carver Samir Abbas, 38, told Reuters, relieved at having finished on schedule.
“这是一个特别的翻新项目,”38 岁的石雕师萨米尔·阿巴斯 (Samir Abbas) 告诉路透社,他对按计划完成感到欣慰。

An opening ceremony – to which celebrities and heads of state have been invited – is planned for the evening of 7 December, followed by days of special Masses to celebrate the reopening and to thank those who helped save and rebuild the cathedral.
计划于 12 月 7 日晚上举行开幕式 – 邀请了名人和国家元首参加 – 随后是为期几天的特别弥撒,以庆祝重新开放并感谢那些帮助拯救和重建大教堂的人。

So much money poured in for the renovation from all over the world – more than €840 million euros (NZ$1.5b), according to Macron’s office – that there are still funds left over for further investment in the building.
据马克龙办公室称,来自世界各地的大量资金涌入用于翻新——超过 8.4 亿欧元(15亿 新西兰元)——仍有剩余资金用于对大楼的进一步投资。

(COMBO) This combination of pictures created on November 29, 2024 shows the choir stalls of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on 26 June, 2018 (TOP) and on 29 November, 2024 (BOTTOM).

(COMBO) This combination of pictures created on November 29, 2024 shows the choir stalls of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on 26 June, 2018 (TOP) and on 29 November, 2024 (BOTTOM). Photo: LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP
(组合)这张照片创建于 2024 年 11 月 29 日,显示了 2018 年 6 月 26 日(上图)和 2024 年 11 月 29 日(下图)巴黎圣母院的合唱团座位。 摄影:LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

The Catholic Church now expects the cathedral to welcome some 15 million visitors annually.
天主教会现在预计大教堂每年将接待约 1500 万游客。

“We are very eager to welcome the whole world under the roof of our cathedral,” Paris’ Archbishop Laurent Ulrich said in a message on the cathedral website, expressing the Church’s gratitude to all those who helped save it.
“我们非常渴望在我们的大教堂的屋檐下欢迎全世界,”巴黎大主教洛朗·乌尔里希 (Laurent Ulrich) 在大教堂网站上的一条消息中说,表达了教会对所有帮助拯救它的人的感激之情。

“On the night of April 15, hundreds of thousands of people committed themselves to what then seemed an impossible bet: to restore the cathedral and give it back its splendour within the unprecedented deadline of five years.”
“4 月 15 日晚上,数十万人投身于当时似乎不可能的赌注:在前所未有的五年期限内修复大教堂并恢复其辉煌。”

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The guest-list for the reopening ceremony has not yet been published, but one source familiar with the planning said US President Joe Biden’s wife Jill would come, while President-elect Donald Trump had not yet confirmed his attendance.

This photograph shows the tabernacle designed by French artist and designer Guillaume Bardet, in the heart of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral in Paris, on 29 November, 2024.

This photograph shows the tabernacle designed by French artist and designer Guillaume Bardet, in the heart of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral in Paris, on 29 November, 2024. Photo: STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP
这张照片显示的是 2024 年 11 月 29 日,由法国艺术家兼设计师纪尧姆-巴尔德(Guillaume Bardet)设计的帐幕位于巴黎圣母院大教堂的中心。 摄影:STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP

Parisians expressed excitement and relief at the prospect of the cathedral reopening.

“I’m so happy,” said 50-year-old architect Sebastien Truchot, who lives nearby. “Whether you believe in God or not, Notre-Dame is a universal symbol, and it’s amazing to have it back and to rediscover it.”
“我太高兴了,”住在附近的 50 岁建筑师塞巴斯蒂安·特鲁肖特 (Sebastien Truchot) 说。“无论你是否相信上帝,巴黎圣母院都是一个普遍的象征,能把它带回来并重新发现它,真是太棒了。”

Albert Abid, a bookseller whose stall stands on the quay, was shocked to see it burn five years ago. “It’s a relief. Finally, Notre Dame is restored,” he said.
五年前,码头上摊位矗立的书商阿尔伯特·阿比德 (Albert Abid) 看到它被烧毁时感到震惊。“这是一种解脱。最后,巴黎圣母院得到了修复,“他说。

来源:Reuters -路透社

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