(双语)格鲁吉亚滑雪胜地发现 12 人死亡

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The Gudauri ski resort lies high up in the Caucasus Mountains, near Georgia’s border with Russia. Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/picture alliance/Getty Images via CNN Newsource
题图:Gudauri 滑雪胜地位于高加索山脉的高处,靠近格鲁吉亚与俄罗斯的边境。 照片:Sebastian Kahnert/picture alliance/Getty Images via CNN Newsource

Twelve people have been found dead at a ski resort in the former Soviet country of Georgia, police said.
【澳纽网编译】警方表示,在前苏联国家格鲁吉亚的一个滑雪胜地发现有 12 人死亡。

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The bodies of 11 Indian nationals and one Georgian citizen were discovered on the second floor above an Indian restaurant in Gudauri, the largest ski resort in the country, local police said in a statement issued Saturday.
当地警方在周六发表的一份声明中表示,11 名印度公民和一名格鲁吉亚公民的尸体在该国最大的滑雪胜地 Gudauri 的一家印度餐厅上方的二楼被发现。

The 12 people all worked in the building where their bodies were found, the statement added.
声明补充说,这 12 人都在发现尸体的大楼里工作。

The Indian Embassy in Tbilisi said it was “committed to providing all possible support” to the bereaved families and that it was working to repatriate the bodies of the 11 Indian nationals.
印度驻第比利斯大使馆表示,它“致力于为死者家属提供一切可能的支持”,并正在努力运返 11 名印度国民的遗体。

Preliminary tests found no traces of violence on the bodies, police said, adding that a power generator had been placed indoors, near the bedrooms, and turned on after the power supply went down on Friday.

Police have launched an investigation into the incident under Article 116 of the country’s criminal code, suggesting negligent manslaughter.
警方已根据该国刑法第 116 条对该事件展开调查,暗示过失杀人。

Gudauri, lodged high up in the Caucasus Mountains close to the border with Russia, is becoming increasingly popular with tourists, offering a cheaper alternative to Europe’s main resorts in the Alps. More than 300,000 international travelers visited the Gudauri resort in 2023, according to a local consulting firm.
Gudauri 位于靠近俄罗斯边境的高加索山脉,越来越受到游客的欢迎,为相对于阿尔卑斯山的欧洲主要度假胜地提供了更便宜的选择。据当地一家咨询公司称,2023 年有超过 300,000 名国际游客来到 Gudauri 度假村。

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The resort’s parking lot sits at 7,200 feet (2,195 meters) – higher than the tops of many slopes in the Alps. Gudauri offers 56 kilometers (35 miles) of skiable terrain, climbing to a peak of 10,750 feet (3,277 meters).
度假村的停车场位于 7,200 英尺(2,195 米)处,比阿尔卑斯山许多斜坡的顶部还要高。Gudauri 提供 56 公里(35 英里)的可滑雪地形,攀登到 10,750 英尺(3,277 米)的山顶。

The resort is around 120 kilometers (75 miles) from the capital, Tbilisi, which has for weeks been wracked by protests following the decision by the increasingly autocratic government to halt talks to join the European Union. The protests have been met by a brutal police response.
该度假村距离首都第比利斯约 120 公里(75 英里),在日益专制的政府决定停止加入欧盟的谈判后,该市几周来一直受到抗议活动的破坏。警方对抗议活动进行了残酷的回应。

On Saturday, Georgian lawmakers voted in Mikheil Kavelashvili, a far-right former soccer star, as the country’s next president, deepening tensions between the Kremlin-friendly government and pro-Western opposition.
周六,格鲁吉亚立法者投票选举极右翼前足球明星米哈伊尔·卡维拉什维利(Mikheil Kavelashvili)为该国下一任总统,这加深了亲克里姆林宫政府和亲西方反对派之间的紧张关系。

来源: CNN – 美国有线电视新闻网

分类: 国际新闻

(即时多来源) 中英国际要闻 English/Chinese World News

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