(双语)新西兰房地产市场以“破纪录的平静”结束 2024 年

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Photo: RNZ

The number of properties listed for sale in December was the lowest since Realestate.co.nz data began.
12 月份挂牌出售的房产数量是 Realestate.co.nz 数据记录以来的最低水平。

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Spokesperson Vanessa Williams said although December was usually a slower month, the end to 2024 was “exceptionally lukewarm.”
发言人凡妮莎·威廉姆斯(Vanessa Williams)表示,尽管 12 月通常是一个较为缓慢的月份,但 2024 年的年末却“异常冷淡”。

The national average asking price was the lowest since April 2021, at NZ$842,476.
全国平均要价为 2021 年 4 月以来的最低水平,为 842,476 纽币。

Williams said historically, December listings numbers were about 30 percent lower than November, but that had grown to 50 percent in recent years.
威廉姆斯表示,从历史数据看,12 月的挂牌房源数量通常比 11 月低约 30%,但近年来这一差距已扩大到 50%。

Last month, it was a drop of 60 percent.
而上个月,这一降幅高达 60%。

“The property market always cools in December, but the end of 2024 was record-breakingly quiet.”
“房地产市场总是在 12 月降温,但 2024 年底的平静却创下了纪录。”

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Listings in Auckland during December were even lower than during the pandemic. Photo: 123RF
12 月奥克兰的挂牌房源甚至低于疫情期间。照片:123RF

She said real estate salespeople had told her that everyone had ended the year tired and many had opted to push new listings into the new year.

“Ten days into January we’re already off to a good start with a hive of activity. It’s typical if we have a really slow end of November, December.”
“进入 1 月的前 10 天,我们已经有了一个良好的开端,市场活动一片繁忙。如果 11 月底和 12 月表现非常疲软,这是很常见的情况。”

Auckland recorded an all-time low for new listings in any month over the last 17 years, including during Covid-19.
奥克兰过去 17 年的任何月份(包括新冠疫情期间)的新挂牌房源数量均创下历史新低。

The number of properties for sale was down 13.3 percent month-on-month. That meant the number for buyers to choose from dropped below 30,000 for the first time since August 2024.
待售房产数量环比下降 13.3%。这意味着,自 2024 年 8 月以来,买家可选择的房源数量首次跌破 30,000 套。


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But compared to a year earlier, the number of homes for sale was up 18.5 percent.
但与一年前相比,待售房源数量增长了 18.5%。

Williams said having more than 29,000 homes for sale still gave people a lot of options to choose from, and that was likely to stop prices rising for the meantime.
威廉姆斯表示,尽管市场上仍有超过 29,000 套待售房屋,这为买家提供了许多选择,但这可能会暂时抑制价格上涨。

Prices had been roughly stable for two years, she said.

“I still think there are a few people to come to market who have suppressed their desire to transact.”

Eleven of the 19 regions the site tracks recorded an average price drop year-on-year.
该网站跟踪的 19 个地区中有 11 个地区的平均价格同比下降。

The biggest were in Central Otago, down 17.3 percent to NZ$1.325 million, the central North Island, down 11 percent to NZ$708,350, and Bay of Plenty down 10.9 percent to NZ$823,926.
降幅最大的是中奥塔哥,下降 17.3%,至 132.5 万纽币;北岛中部下降 11%,至 70.8 万纽币;以及丰盛湾下降 10.9%,至 82.4 万纽币。

In contrast, Southland bucked the trend with a 15.3 percent year-on-year increase to NZ$549,211 – a record high for December.
相比之下,南地(Southland)逆势而上,同比上涨 15.3%,达到 549,211 纽币,创下 12 月的历史新高。


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(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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