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今天凌晨,杰夫·贝佐斯的Blue Origin成功发射了其巨型火箭——新格伦号(New Glenn),在佛罗里达州首次亮相,正式进军商业航天市场,向埃隆·马斯克的SpaceX发起挑战。 






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新格伦火箭搭载了蓝环飞行器,这一航天器原型未来将服务于军事与商业卫星任务,成为Blue Origin的重要产品。 

尽管首次尝试出现挫折,贝佐斯的Blue Origin正在以巨大决心挑战太空竞赛格局。正如马斯克在推特上所说:“祝贺首次发射成功进入轨道!” 

Bezos’ Blue Origin Successfully Launches, Challenging SpaceX!

Early this morning, Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin successfully launched its giant rocket, New Glenn, making its debut in Florida and officially entering the commercial space market to challenge Elon Musk’s SpaceX.

Highlights at a Glance

Historic Moment: The towering, 30-story New Glenn rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral at 1:35 a.m.

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Mission: To lower launch costs with its reusable first-stage rocket and claim a share of the satellite launch market.

Setback: While the rocket successfully reached orbit, the attempt to recover the first-stage booster failed, missing a precise landing on a sea barge.

New Technology & the Future

The New Glenn rocket carried **Blue Ring**, a prototype spacecraft designed for future military and commercial satellite missions, marking a key product for Blue Origin.

Despite setbacks in its maiden attempt, Bezos’ Blue Origin is determined to reshape the space race. As Musk tweeted, “Congrats on reaching orbit on your first try!”

来源:科技前沿 (https://www.youtube.com/@TSFrontier

分类: 科技新闻

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