Prolink NZ is a labour hire company based on Auckland’s Dominion Road. Photo: RNZ / Lucy Xia
题图:Prolink NZ 是一家位于奥克兰 Dominion Road 的劳务租赁公司。 摄影:RNZ / Lucy Xia
A liquidator’s initial report into an insolvent Auckland-based labour hire company – Prolink NZ – has estimated that the company owes about $4.01 million to creditors.
清算人对一家资不抵债的奥克兰劳务雇佣公司 Prolink NZ 的初步报告估计,该公司欠债权人约 401 万纽币。
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The company remains the centre of a major investigation by Immigration New Zealand (INZ) that commenced as early as September 2023, alongside former licensed immigration advisor Cook Huang, after complaints from migrant workers who say they have been cheated thousands of dollars, but have had little to non full-time work.
新西兰移民局(INZ)早在 2023 年 9 月就开始对该公司进行大规模调查,前持证移民顾问库克-黄(Cook Huang)也是调查对象之一,此前有移民工人投诉称,他们被骗了数千纽币,但几乎没有全职工作。
The directors of the company are Haiyan Luo and Shaojun Han, and 100 percent of the shares are owned by Haiyan Luo.
公司董事是 Haiyan Luo 和 Shaojun Han,100% 的股份归 Haiyan Luo 所有。
Prolink NZ entered into voluntary liquidation about a month ago, appointing licensed insolvency practitioner Pratesh Patel.
Prolink NZ 大约在一个月前进入自愿清算程序,任命了持牌破产从业者 Pratesh Patel。
Dozens of the company’s 188 migrant employees whose accredited employer work visas (AEWVs) are at risk, have written to INZ asking to be granted open work visas, and for the directors of the companies to be held to account.
该公司的 188 名移民员工中的数十名经认证的雇主工作签证 (AEWV) 面临风险,他们已写信给新西兰移民局,要求获得开放式工作签证,并要求追究公司董事的责任。
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The liquidator’s first report published this week showed the creditors including pages of the names of the 188 employees and the Inland Revenue Department, ACC, Canon New Zealand, water cooler company Big Blue, Toyota Finance NZ, UDC Finance, long term car rental company Lease 2 Go, messaging provider Message 4U, One NZ, Rothbury Insurance, Smarty Payroll, Spark NZ, Adobe, and Aon Insurance.
清算人本周发布的第一份报告显示债权人包括 188 名员工的姓名页以及税务局、ACC、佳能新西兰、饮水机公司 Big Blue、丰田金融 NZ、UDC 金融、长期汽车租赁公司 Lease 2 Go、消息提供商 Message 4U、One NZ、Rothbury Insurance、Smarty Payroll、 Spark NZ、Adobe 和 Aon Insurance。
A Tesla has been returned to UDC Finance and has been taken to Turners Auctions.
一辆特斯拉已退回 UDC Finance 并已带到 Turners Auctions。
A Porsche, also financed by UDC, was sold prior to liquidation, and the liquidator is currently reviewing this transaction.
一辆同样由 UDC 融资的保时捷在清算前被出售,清算人目前正在审查这笔交易。
Patel’s report showed the company owed about $4.01 million to creditors.
帕特尔的报告显示,该公司欠债权人约 401 万纽币。
The company has total assets of $134,786, including $73,632 held in its bank account, and $61,154 held by one of the directors.
该公司的总资产为 134,786 纽币,其中银行账户中持有 73,632 纽币,其中一名董事持有 61,154 纽币。
Earlier, Patel told RNZ that one of the directors withdrew about $80,000 out of the company’s bank account without justification, about two weeks prior to the company’s going into liquidation, and that he would be looking into it.
早些时候,帕特尔告诉 RNZ,其中一名董事在公司清算前大约两周无正当理由地从公司的银行账户中提取了大约 80,000 纽币,他将对此进行调查。
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The biggest creditor to date is IRD, to which the company owed $2.43 million.
迄今为止,最大的债权人是 IRD,该公司欠 IRD 243 万纽币。
The company also owed $83,281 in employees wages and holiday pay.
该公司还欠员工工资和假期工资 83,281 纽币。
As of the date of liquidation, there are about 51 employees who are contracted out across 11 companies, including packaging company Trugene Laboratories (3), FT Logistics Centre (3), fisheries company Moana New Zealand (20), All Office Furniture (1), BBMY Farms (6), E- Pacs Super Mart (1), Forty Thieves/Nut Butter (2), gourmet meat online butchery Neat Meats (3), Paramount (1), Westpac Mussels (10), and a Cafe (1).
截至清算之日,约有 51 名员工被外包给 11 家公司,包括包装公司 Trugene Laboratories (3)、FT Logistics Centre (3)、渔业公司 Moana New Zealand (20)、All Office Furniture (1)、BBMY Farms (6)、E-Pacs Super Mart (1)、Forty Thieves/Nut Butter (2)、美食肉类在线屠宰 Neat Meats (3)、 派拉蒙 (1)、西太平洋贻贝 (10) 和咖啡馆 (1)。
The liquidator said he has taken a pragmatic approach to the situation and has instructed these companies that they have the liquidator’s consent to pay former Prolink NZ employees directly.
清算人表示,他对这种情况采取了务实的态度,并已指示这些公司,他们已获得清算人的同意,可以直接向 Prolink NZ 的前员工付款。
Patel’s report said Prolink NZ started to lose contracts to about four months prior to liquidation, and that all contracts were cancelled after the company’s accredited employer status was lost.
Patel 的报告称,Prolink NZ 在清算前大约四个月就开始失去合同,并且在公司失去认可雇主身份后,所有合同都被取消。
The company was first suspended in September 2023, following the investigation by INZ.
在 INZ 调查后,该公司于 2023 年 9 月首次停牌。
Earlier INZ confirmed that the company’s accreditation status lapsed in August 2024, and that it did not reapply for accreditation.
早些时候,新西兰移民局证实,该公司的认证状态已于 2024 年 8 月失效,并且没有重新申请认证。
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One of Prolink NZ’s directors Haiyan (Shirley) Luo was jailed in 2017 for using fake birth documents to bring a child over from China, and also for evading $423,909 in taxes with regards to three companies.
Prolink NZ 的一名董事 Haiyan (Shirley) Luo 于 2017 年因使用假出生证明将孩子从中国带过来,以及逃避对三家公司的 423,909 纽币税款而入狱。
In late November, Luo was added as a director of the company alongside Shaojun Han, and she also took over 100 percent of the company’s shares, which was previously held by Han.
11 月下旬,Luo与Shaojun Han一起被任命为公司董事,她还接管了公司 100% 的股份,这些股份以前由Shaojun Han持有。
At a meeting with workers in January, Luo – who at the time introduced herself as the operations manager – told employees that she was the person who makes the call on decisions for the company.
在 1 月份与员工的一次会议上,Luo(当时自称是运营经理)告诉员工,她是为公司做决定的人。
Since April 2022, the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment has received over 18,292 complaints against accredited employers.
自 2022 年 4 月以来,商业、创新和就业部已收到超过 18,292 起针对认证雇主的投诉。
Over 600 employers have had their accreditation revoked, and nearly 180 have had their accreditation suspended.
超过 600 家雇主的认证被撤销,近 180 家雇主的认证被暂停。
There are still 144 active investigations of accredited employers.
仍有 144 项针对认可雇主的调查正在进行中。
Since early 2023, have been widespread reports of fraudulent employers and agents selling jobs under the AEWV scheme.
自 2023 年初以来,广泛报道称雇主和代理人在 AEWV 计划下出售工作。
An assurance review of the scheme by the public service commissioner found that Immigration New Zealand failed to assess the risk and impact of changes introduced to speed up visa processing times during New Zealand’s post-Covid labour shortage.
公共服务专员对该计划的保证审查发现,新西兰移民局未能评估在新西兰后 Covid 劳动力短缺期间为加快签证处理时间而引入的变化的风险和影响。
来源:RNZ | [email protected]
分类: 澳纽资讯
(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News
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