自序: 感謝畫家穆迅惠然為本欄 : *雲鄉隨筆* 設計圖案。
隨筆者,乃不拘體例之詩文,亦稱筆記,筆談,雜記等,如容齋隨筆,老學庵筆記,夢溪筆談,西京雜記等 。紐西蘭有雲鄉(白雲故鄉)之雅稱,余性疏放,所見所聞,偶有感想,若具作意,則意到筆隨,裁章屬句,以遣所懷,或發稿,或投籃,工拙其次,但求自適而己,故名:* 雲鄉隨筆 *。
(1) 復活節采風行
賦示同遊諸君 五律乙首
復 活 公 休 日 , 秋 遊 栩 栩 然 。(註 一)
采 風 知 得 失 (註二), 下 筆 莫 私 偏 。
暖 滑 泉 湯 妙 , 莊 諧 笑 語 顛 。
歸 來 才 一 宿 , 珠 玉 又 篇 篇 !
(註一)栩栩然----喜不自勝貌, 莊子 : 栩栩然蝴蝶也 。
(2) 濕地公園晚步 七絕两首 之一
子安名句存疑問 (註),那有離群失侶飛 ?
(3)飛泉可啜傳天下 七絕两首之二
紅葉秋山最有情 , 百年鄉鎮早聞名。
飛泉可啜傳天下 (註), 未負金風是此行 !
(註)飛泉可啜------指帝阿羅哈TE AROHA 第八號梳打噴泉,色殊玉乳,味勝琼漿,飲之清涼,有助消化延年云云 。
With English translation
(1)To All Participant of the CCS Trip to Te Aroha on Easter Day
It was a joyous autumn trip to Te Aroha on this holy day of Easter,
We have learned a lot about the place and its people which we could write without prejudice 。
Its spring water is warm and smooth, and our gathering, harmonious with lots of laughter,
It has been a mere one night since our return , yet there are plenty of writings of masterpieces !
(2)Evening Walk in the Wetland Park
The dusk is closing in all round as I am walking,
I stop to watch a flock of wild ducks home coming,
Doubt have I of the famous words of Wang Tzean, the Tang dynasty poet,
As there is no loner duck that is flying.
(3)The World-famous Drinking Fountain
Love fills the autumn mountains and the crimson forests ,
This century old country town has long acquire its name , so they say ,
Because its spring water is unique and drinkable ,
And I fully enjoy my visit on this autumn day 。
By Donald Liow ( village scholar )