有序 : 金曉泉,東方客,林島三翁,計共两百餘歲,
*筆友三翁大任扛,蒼龍佈雨瑞呈祥,栽成花果自芬芳 。
English translation of poems
Congratulatory Message to Mark the 1st Anniversary of Regular
Writings on the MANDARIN PAGES by Three Old Men.
These three old men have shoulder great responsibility which they would not
abandon . It is like going about seeding the rain clouds , and bringing peace to theworld , the work of an old dragon . And as a result , they have nurtured their plantsto blossoms and fruits of great fragrance .
I admire their dedication and hard work , because they are the ones who know the hardship and have tasted its bitterness in abundance . Let us drink to their health and long life in the coming years and beyond !
By Donald Liow ( village scholar )