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首页 > 社区动态 > 2007国际船展 Auckland International Boat Show

   人气:     日期: 2007/3/8



7-11 March 2007
Viaduct Harbour and Viaduct Harbour Marine Village

Picture of boats on show in Viaduct Harbour.
Picture of people looking at the equipment displayed on the stalls at the show.

Over four days, the Auckland International Boat Show will profile the best of New Zealand's marine technology, engineering and innovation.

It is an occasion where the recreational and professional boatie has the opportunity to access the best of New Zealand's, and perhaps the world's boating industry has to offer right in Auckland's marine hub, the Viaduct Harbour.

Hundreds of high-class power and sail, new and used, private, charter and classic vessels will be on display on the specially constructed floating marina. The marina will join Te Wero Island and the Viaduct Harbour Marine Village where the latest marine engines, electronics and accessories can be viewed, making the show a one-stop shop for all marine requirements.

The 2007 show is recognised by and accepted as a member of the International Federation of Boat Show Organisers (IFBSO). It is a significant event for Auckland. There is clear alignment between Auckland City's and the Marine Industry Association's objectives in organising this event, including the showcasing of Viaduct Harbour and Viaduct Harbour Marine Village and raising their profile both nationally and internationally.


  • adults $14
  • children 5-15 $5
  • under 5 free



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