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Rescuers work at the site after a Saurya Airlines’ plane crashed during takeoff at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu on 24 July, 2024. Photo: AFP
题图:2024 年 7 月 24 日,Saurya Airlines 的一架飞机在加德满都特里布万国际机场起飞时坠毁后,救援人员在现场工作。照片:法新社

At least 18 people were killed after a plane crashed and caught fire while it was taking off from Nepal’s capital of Kathmandu on Wednesday.

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The pilot, who is currently receiving treatment in hospital, is the only survivor of the fatal accident.

Some 19 people were on the Saurya Airlines test flight, including technical staff members of the airline and two crew members.
大约有19人参加了Saurya Airlines的试飞,其中包括该航空公司的技术人员和两名机组人员。

The plane was headed to Pokhara, a popular tourism destination.

Videos posted online showed the plane being enveloped in fire and smoke. Fire engines and ambulances were rushed to the spot after the incident.

The incident happened at around 11.15am local time (5.30am GMT).

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Nepali police spokesperson Dan Bahadur Karki confirmed the deaths to BBC Nepali.
尼泊尔警方发言人丹·巴哈杜尔·卡尔基(Dan Bahadur Karki)向BBC尼泊尔证实了死亡事件。

An airport official said “some cracking noises were heard” from the plane.

Nepal has been criticised for its poor air safety record. In January 2023, at least 72 people were killed in a Yeti Airlines crash that was later attributed to its pilots mistakenly cutting the power.
尼泊尔因其糟糕的航空安全记录而受到批评。2023 年 1 月,雪人航空公司 (Yeti Airlines) 发生坠机事故,造成至少 72 人死亡,后来被归咎于其飞行员错误地切断了电源。

Saruya Airlines operates flights to five destinations within Nepal, with a fleet of three Bombardier CRJ-200 jets, according to the company’s website.

来源: BBC -英国广播公司

分类: 国际新闻

(即时多来源) 中英国际要闻 English/Chinese World News

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