“清朗”春节网络环境 103万余条违法违规信息被清理
Read moreDeepSeek接入各行各业 一大波行业变革正向你走来→
Read more突破2亿千瓦!南方五省区新能源发电“风光”好
Read more第十次中英战略对话在伦敦举行
Read more王毅会见英国首相国家安全事务顾问鲍威尔
Read moreJurassic bird fossils found in Fujian rewrite history of avian evolution
A set of fossils discovered in East China's Fujian province has been identified as the only known unambiguous record of Jurassic birds, pushing back the origin of birds to the late Middle Jurassic period and rewriting the history of avian evolution.
Read moreChina hails strengthened Russia-U.S. dialogue on Ukraine crisis
China is pleased to see Russia and the United States, both influential major powers, strengthen communication and dialogue on a range of international issues.
Read moreChina calls on U.S. to restore fair multilateral trade
China has urged the United States to rectify its mistakes and rejoin the multilateral trade system, calling for cooperation with other countries to address mutual concerns through fair and equal consultation.
Read moreScholar says U.S. should learn from Asian diplomacy
An esteemed scholar has suggested that the administration of United States President Donald Trump should embed "win-win solutions" in its policies to avert a loss of goodwill in the rest of the world.
Read moreAI surge fuels optimism on A-share market
While the surge of Chinese domestic artificial intelligence companies has led to upbeat sentiment in the A-share market recently, the inflow of more long-term and patient capital and improving fundamentals will be the major drivers of the market's bullish performance in a more sustained manner.
Read moreHarbin Games' enthusiastic volunteers recognized for high-quality service
Starting on Nov 30, the recruitment of volunteers for the Games, which end on Friday, attracted much enthusiasm, with nearly 100,000 people signing up.
Read more台湾15岁至34岁艾滋病感染人数增幅近两成
中新社台北2月13日电 台湾当局卫生福利部门“疾管署”13日表示,2024年台湾新增艾滋病感染者1002人,85%为45岁以下青壮年,其中15岁至34岁群体感染人数增幅近两成。
Read more“侨商‘粤贸全球’联盟”在广州成立
中新网广州2月13日电 (记者 郭军)“2025侨助广东高质量发展行动推进大会”13日在广州举办。“侨商‘粤贸全球’联盟”在会上举行了成立仪式。大会还举行了“侨商‘粤贸全球’联盟”签约仪式。
Read more内蒙古体育职业学院原院长王浩林接受审查调查
Read more探科创中心访造车工厂 台湾“大九学堂”学子赞大陆科技发展
中新社北京2月13日电 题:探科创中心访造车工厂 台湾“大九学堂”学子赞大陆科技发展
Read more习语|探月工程成果充分展现中国人志气骨气底气
Read more学习·知行丨微视频:创新文化 逐梦星辰大海
Read more中国政府中东问题特使翟隽同欧盟中东和平进程特别代表库普曼斯通电话
Read more大国外交的新春之约
Read more台湾师生沉浸式游浙江横店:穿越古今 共赴上元之约
中新网横店2月13日电 (钱晨菲)2月12日元宵节,来自台湾多所高校的师生们来到浙江横店影视城,沉浸式感受传统灯会的魅力,度过了一个难忘的元宵佳节。
Read more国家卫生健康委决定2025年在全国卫生健康系统组织实施一批为民服务实事项目
Read more武汉高龙时隔七年再赴台湾庆元宵
中新社武汉2月13日电 (许振洪)由34人组成的武汉高龙表演团,13日结束在台湾的演出返回武汉。应台湾苗栗县邀请,这支表演团于2月7日至13日赴台,参加了苗栗县一年一度的“火旁(bàng)”龙庆元宵嘉年华活动。
Read more东浩兰生(集团)有限公司原党委书记、董事长曹炜被“双开”
Read more台企扎根南京江宁深耕发展逐春光
中新网南京2月13日电 (张传明 周勇)开新局,拼经济,谋发展。春节假期刚过,南京江宁众多台企不约而同地向“新”攀高,逐春光。
Read more国务院批复同意《武汉市国土空间总体规划(2021—2035年)》
Read more台湾台中一百货商场爆炸致4死20伤
中新社台北2月13日电 台湾台中市新光三越百货商场13日近午时发生爆炸事故,截至记者发稿,已造成4人死亡、20人受伤。
Read more东西问丨李春蓉:从东方到西方,“诗仙”李白何以情动世界?
中新社北京2月13日电 题:从东方到西方,“诗仙”李白何以情动世界?
Read more中国海油原总经理李勇被公诉
中新社北京2月13日电 (记者 张素)中国官方13日通报中国海洋石油集团有限公司原党组副书记、董事、总经理李勇涉嫌受贿一案进展。经最高人民检察院指定,湖北省襄阳市人民检察院近日已向襄阳市中级人民法院提起公诉。
Read more北京市房山区住房和城乡建设委员会原党组书记、主任胡玉富被查
中新网2月13日电 据“清风北京”微信公众号消息,北京市房山区住房和城乡建设委员会原党组书记、主任,房山区住房保障办公室原主任,房山区政府房屋征收办公室原主任胡玉富涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受房山区纪委监委纪律审查和监察调查。
Read moreAustralia accuses China of 'unsafe' fighter jet move
Canberra says a Chinese fighter jet released flares in front of an Australian surveillance plane.
Read more《习近平总书记关于加强和改进民族工作的重要思想学习读本》出版发行
中新网北京2月13日电 中共中央统一战线工作部、国家民族事务委员会组织编写的《习近平总书记关于加强和改进民族工作的重要思想学习读本》(以下简称《读本》)一书,近日由人民出版社、民族出版社联合出版,在全国发行。
Read more中方:与各方加强合作维护北极和平稳定与可持续发展
中新网北京2月13日电 (记者 张素)中国外交部发言人郭嘉昆13日主持例行记者会。会上,有记者就美方涉格陵兰岛有关言论和北极事务合作一事提问。
Read more加拿大官员将中国描绘成美加“共同的经济敌人” 中方回应
中新网北京2月13日电 (记者 张素)近日有加拿大官员将中国描绘成美加“共同的经济敌人”,并称加拿大可帮助美国与中国竞争。13日,中国外交部发言人郭嘉昆主持例行记者会时对此作出回应。
Read more中方驳瑞士发布报告:就涉藏涉疆问题进行政治操弄,污蔑抹黑、有违事实
中新网北京2月13日电 (记者 张素)中国外交部发言人郭嘉昆13日主持例行记者会。会上,有记者就瑞士发布报告就涉藏涉疆问题指责中国一事提问。
Read more首善答卷|从“中国硅谷”到“世界中关村”
Read more联播观察|大众冰雪 五彩“冰”纷
联播+ 自哈尔滨第九届亚洲冬季运动会开赛以来,各项冰雪赛事精彩纷呈,向世界展示了中国体育的蓬勃发展和中国人民的精神风貌。
Read more外交部:蒙古总理奥云额尔登将出席哈尔滨亚冬会闭幕式
中新网北京2月13日电 (记者 张素 谢雁冰)中国外交部发言人郭嘉昆13日主持例行记者会。
Read moreGlobal total earnings of 'Ne Zha 2' reach 10 billion yuan
Read moreEconoScope | Will Tesla's megafactory boost China's energy storage industry?
The inauguration ceremony for U.S. carmaker Tesla's Shanghai energy storage megafactory was held on Tuesday. As a multinational company that initially built its business empire through electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing, will Tesla strike gold in China with its energy storage venture? And what impact will this move have on the country’s energy storage industry?
Read morePalm-sized premature baby born at 24 weeks thrives after 90 days of intensive care
A baby born at just 24 weeks, weighing 650 grams and measuring about 24 centimeters, has been discharged after more than 90 days of treatment at Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology in central China's Wuhan City.
Read moreAlibaba teams up with Apple to roll out AI features for iPhones in China
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's co-founder and chairman Joe Tsai revealed on Thursday that Alibaba will partner with US tech giant Apple Inc to roll out artificial intelligence features for iPhone users in China.
Read more'Ne Zha 2' cracks global top 18 amid overseas release
Chinese animated film Ne Zha 2 continues to set new box office records, with revenue exceeding 9.808 billion yuan ($1.345 billion) on Thursday afternoon.
Read moreWorld's first panoramic tourist train begins operation in Yunnan
The world's first panoramic trainin dependently developed by China officially began operation in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province on Wednesday.
Read moreChina opposes hegemonic, domineering and bullying practices in international relations: spokesperson
It is China’s consistent position to oppose hegemonic, domineering and bullying practices in international relations, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Guo Jiakun said at a press conference on Wednesday.
Read moreByteDance unveils UltraMem, cutting AI inference costs by 83%
Chinese tech heavyweight ByteDance announced on Thursday the launch of its new model architecture, UltraMem, which reduces the inference costs of artificial intelligence-powered models by up to 83 percent.
Read moreChinese scientists discover oldest bird fossils, rewrite history of avian evolution
Chinese scientists have discovered one of the world's oldest bird fossils of Baminornis zhenghensis in East China's Fujian Province and found that the body structure of modern birds had already emerged in the Late Jurassic, approximately 150 million years ago.
Read moreForeingers@Yiwu | Lantern Festival Celebration
World friends gather in Yiwu's Jimingshan community to enjoy sweet dumplings, a Lantern Festival tradition symbolizing family reunion. Foreigners joyfully shared, “I love sweet food,” while the warm dumplings brought everyone together, spreading love and joy.
Read moreOver 40,000 involved in telecom fraud in Myanmar approved for arrest in Jan-Nov 2024
As of November last year, more than 40,000 people involved in telecom fraud in northern Myanmar were repatriated and subsequently approved for arrest, China's Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) said on Thursday.
Read moreAnhui age-old village spreads fish lantern mania
Zhanqi, an ancient village in Shexian county, Huangshan, East China's Anhui province, found itself in the global spotlight. The village's breathtaking fish lantern performances, an 800-year-old tradition, exploded in popularity, captivating millions worldwide.
Read moreExoskeleton players seek bigger global presence
Combating labor shortages and an aging workforce — or simply supporting mountain climbers and improving elderly mobility — China's exoskeleton makers are pushing into the global market with advanced technology and cost-effective solutions.
Read moreRobot dogs perform lion dance for lantern festival celebration
A group of robot dogs wowed the crowd with their incredible performances during a Lantern Festival celebration on Wednesday.
Read moreMonks perform Cham dance to pray for good harvest, peaceful life in Qinghai
The dance, called "cham" in the Tibetan language, is believed to be able to ward off disaster and ghost and bring luck and happiness. The dancers, usually lamas, wear masks of various animals and mythical figures as they perform to the accompaniment of religious music.
Read moreGiant panda cub enjoys special treat for Lantern Festival in Guangzhou
"Mei Zhu" enjoyed special treat made of carrots and bamboo leaves for Lantern Festival on Wednesday.
Read morePanda lantern show lights up Chengdu
Various activities were held across China to celebrate the Lantern Festival, which falls on the fifteenth day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar.
Read moreTech Frontier | Chinese researchers develop new tech to extend life of lithium-ion batteries
Chinese researchers have developed a new technology to extend the lifespan of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, reducing the reliance on complex Li-based electrode materials for Li-ion supply.
Read moreAsian Winter Games ignite tourism boom in Harbin
Statistics show that the number of travel tour package bookings related to Harbin during the sports event has surged by 388% and inbound tours with Harbin as the destination has seen a 157% year-on-year increase, with a fast-growing number of tourists from Russia, the US, Hungary, South Korea, Thailand and other countries.
Read more'DeepSeek moved me to tears': How young Chinese find therapy in AI
Some young people in China are finding that AI can offer the unexpected - emotional support
Read moreChongqing water shield entering Japanese market
Soon, the shelves of around 100 upscale lifestyle supermarkets in Japan will be graced by a new addition — ready-to-eat canned water shield sourced from Southwest China's Chongqing.
Read moreMore steps to unlock potential of trade corridor
The planned restructuring of Chongqing Port Co and Beijing-headquartered China Logistics Group Co (China Logistics) is expected to boost the growth of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor and further unlock the economic potential of China's western region, said market watchers on Wednesday.
Read moreEuropean Union vows response to U.S. tariffs
The European Union vowed a "firm and proportionate" response to U.S. President Donald Trump's blanket 25-percent tariffs on steel and aluminum imports to the United States.
Read moreU.S. blasted for actions aiding Taiwan
China on Wednesday urged the United States to stop sending "erroneous signals" to "Taiwan independence" forces, following a series of U.S. actions, including warship transits through the Taiwan Strait and new arms sales to the island.
Read moreProvince to leverage Games legacy
Leveraging its longstanding tradition in winter sports and unparalleled advantages in ice and snow resources, Northeast China's Heilongjiang province has continuously nurtured excellent winter sports talent.
Read moreNation's rail network continued to break records in 2024
Its high-speed rail technology has now set an international benchmark," said Li Yongheng, an official from China State Railway Group, referring to the development of the CR450.
Read moreStriga-resistant crop varieties become a reality
Chinese scientists have identified genes in sorghum that confer resistance to a major parasitic plant, providing a crucial foundation for developing Striga-resistant crop varieties, researchers said.
Read moreNetizens mourn death of horse involved in rescue
A horse that was honored for its involvement in the rescue of a drowning man last week has died, prompting an outpouring of grief and remembrance.
Read moreNames of moon rover, spacesuits unveiled
China unveiled on Wednesday the names of the spacesuits and manned rovers that will be used on future moon missions.
Read moreChinese tech companies explore green opportunities in UAE's energy transition
Chinese companies have become key players in the UAE's clean energy sector, contributing to the optimization of its energy mix and showcasing China-UAE green collaboration. Many Chinese tech companies are accelerating their role in the UAE's clean energy shift.
Read moreChina opposes political manipulation with COVID-19 conspiracies
China reiterated opposition over political manipulation on the origins-tracing of the coronavirus on Wednesday, urging the United States to reflect on itself rather than shift blame and indulge in conspiracy theories.
Read moreChina seeks AI growth benefiting all
The China-proposed Global AI Governance Initiative, put forward by President Xi Jinping in 2023, has greater relevance to promoting AI growth for good and for all, according to analysts.
Read moreProsecutors take tough stance against bribers
Chinese prosecutors will intensify their anti-corruption crackdown this year, with harsher punishments for those who offer bribes while maintaining a high-pressure stance against officials who accept them.
Read moreHistorical origins, evolution of Chinese Lantern Festival
Chinese Lantern Festival, also known as the Yuanxiao Festival, is one of China's most traditional celebrations, held on the 15th day of the first month in the lunar calendar.
Read moreAsian Winter Games gold medalists send Lantern Festival blessings
Chinese gold medalists Feng Junxi and Wang Xue sent their Lantern Festival greetings on Tuesday.
Read moreGuangxi Coast Guard busts three suspected smuggling operations in 24 hours
The Fangchenggang Coast Guard Bureau in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region said on Wednesday that it recently conducted a targeted anti-smuggling operation, busting three suspected smuggling cases within 24 hours.
Read moreU.S.' steel, aluminum tariffs violate WTO rules: Chinese FM
A spokesperson for China's Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that the U.S.' 25 percent tariffs on all steel and aluminum imports seriously violate WTO rules, severely undermine the rule-based multilateral trading system, and are not conducive to solving its own problems.
Read moreChina to upgrade 'silver train' service to boost elderly mobility
China announced on Tuesday that it will expand senior-friendly train services to meet the growing travel demand among the elderly.
Read morePLA naval, air forces conduct patrols, training around Taiwan island
PLA Eastern Theater Command dispatched multiple waves of naval and air forces to conduct combat alert patrols and training around the island of Taiwan from Chinese New Year's Eve on January 28 to the Lantern Festival on Wednesday.
Read moreEconomically powerful city Suzhou in S China’s Jiangsu to build first airport
Suzhou, an economically powerful city in south China’s Jiangsu Province, is set to build its first airport, according to a transportation conference held on Wednesday.
Read moreAir Astana to launch new Guangzhou-Almaty route
Air Astana, the national flag carrier of Kazakhstan, is scheduled to launch a route between Guangzhou, Guangdong province, and Almaty on March 31.
Read moreTianjin welcomes first Airbus A350 aircraft for refurbishment
An Airbus 350, flight number AIB97NQ, arrived at Binhai Airport in Tianjin from Toulouse, France on Tuesday for further refurbishment, marking the first of its kind in 2025, according to customs officials at the airport.
Read moreCelebrating the Lantern Festival
Lantern Festival fell on Feb 12 this year, marking the official end of China's Spring Festival celebrations. Let's get a closer look at the full moon on the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar, symbolizing unity and fruitfulness.
Read moreChinese doctors make major breakthrough in stomach cancer detection
Doctors from Shanghai Renji Hospital have discovered for the first time in the world that an elevated presence of two types of streptococcus in a person's feces may indicate a high risk for stomach cancer, potentially aiding in the early detection of the disease.
Read morePLA naval soldiers send Lantern Festival greetings to Taiwan warship
The naval soldiers of People's Liberation Army, who were conducting a combat readiness patrol mission in the waters around Taiwan on Wednesday, sent Lantern Festival greetings to a nearby Taiwan warship.
Read moreMainland slams DPP for obstructing cross-Strait tourism
A Chinese mainland spokeswoman criticized Taiwan authorities for obstructing cross-Strait tourism and exchanges, after the island denied entry permits for several Shanghai groups to attend the 2025 Taipei Lantern Festival, breaking a tradition unbroken since 2015.
Read moreUnlocking Chinese Cities|Thousand-year-old palace lantern becomes a global fashion
Tuntou village in Gaocheng district, home to over 2,000 households, has 90% of its residents engaged in palace lantern-related industries.
Read moreWarner Bros. to launch largest 'Harry Potter Studio Tour' in Shanghai by 2027
Warner Bros. Discovery Inc. is partnering with China’s Jinjiang International to develop its largest "Making of Harry Potter" studio tour in Shanghai, set to open in 2027, the Chinese group announced Wednesday.
Read moreAI needs continued investment, Baidu's Robin Li says
Continued investment in artificial intelligence infrastructure is needed despite DeepSeek challenging the cost efficiency of large language models, said Robin Li, co-founder and CEO of Chinese tech heavyweight Baidu Inc. The investment in areas such as chips, data centers and cloud infrastructure remains crucial for coming up with the next best model, Li said at the World Governments Summit held in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, on Tuesday. "When technology is still evolving at such a rapid rate, you just cannot stop investing. You have to invest to make sure that you are at the very front of this technological innovation or revolution," Li said. Li's comments come as Chinese AI startup DeepSeek has captured global attention with its cost-effective and open-source model R1. The performance of the latest AI model is on a par with leading models from OpenAI, but at only a fraction of the cost and computing power of its foreign peers, raising questions about the necessity of massive AI infrastructure spending. He noted that DeepSeek's emergence demonstrates that innovation thrives in environments that nurture experimentation and curiosity. "Innovation can't be planned. You don't know when and where the innovation comes," he said. "What you can do is just to foster an environment that is conducive to innovation." Baidu was among the first companies in China to launch its AI model Ernie Bot in March 2023 after OpenAI unveiled ChatGPT in November 2022. Li said he remained "optimistic about the future of AI", as even at the current level, large language models can create significant value across a range of scenarios, adding that the inference cost of foundation models basically can be reduced by more than 90 percent over 12 months. "If you can reduce the cost by a certain percentage, then that means your productivity increases by that kind of percentage. I think that's pretty much the nature of innovation," Li added.
Read moreDPP banning DeepSeek only harms Taiwan's interests
The DPP authorities, driven by their fearful mentality, are both afraid of and resentful toward high-tech products from the mainland, Zhu said, adding that they arbitrarily impose bans under the pretext of security concerns.
Read moreHope film 'Ne Zha 2' to be screened in Taiwan island as soon as possible: spokesperson
Zhu Fenglian expressed the wish on Wednesday's press conference that the film will be screened in the island as soon as possible, allowing more people in the island to directly experience the charm of Chinese culture.
Read moreDPP hyping 'threat' from mainland cannot fool the public: spokesperson
Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said on Wednesday that people are surely familiar with these tactics by now. No matter how hard the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities try, they have exhausted their tricks and cannot fool the public.
Read moreChina launches low-Earth-orbit satellites for internet constellation
A modified Long March 8 carrier rocket carrying the second group of low Earth orbit satellites blasts off from the Wenchang Space Launch Site, south China's Hainan Province, Feb. 11, 2025.
Read moreRescue efforts continue after landslide hits Sichuan
So far, one person has been confirmed dead, 28 are missing, and two others have been injured and transferred to a hospital in the provincial capital Chengdu for further treatment.
Read moreShehuo gala staged to welcome Lantern Festival at International Grand Bazaar
The gala featuring various shows of Shehuo, a type of traditional Chinese folk art form is staged to celebrate the Lantern Festival, which falls on Feb. 12 this year.
Read moreTesla's Megapack battery plant starts production in Shanghai
U.S. carmaker Tesla's new Mega factory in Shanghai, dedicated to manufacturing its energy-storage batteries, known as Megapacks, launched production on Tuesday, marking a significant expansion of the company's presence in China.
Read more'Ineffective' generic drugs fuel rare public anger in China
The way medicines are selected for use in public hospitals is under scrutiny after doctors raised concerns.
Read moreChinese team achieves best-ever performance at Harbin Asian Winter Games
China has claimed a total of 70 medals at the 9th Asian Winter Games so far, surpassing its previous record of 61 set at Changchun in 2007.
Read moreLa Nina hindering rainfall in South China
La Nina conditions in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean have contributed significantly to reduced rainfall across southern China this winter, meteorologists said.
Read moreTourist trains to better serve silver economy
China plans to launch more special tourist trains for seniors as the country continues to promote services consumption, and the newly launched trains will not overlap with peak passenger periods such as the Spring Festival travel rush.
Read moreWGC: Continued surge likely in gold investment demand in China market
The World Gold Council has forecast a continued surge in gold investment demand in China albeit at a moderated pace this year, following strong investment growth of coins and bars in 2024.
Read moreOutdoor sports to leap on infra support
China aims to develop its outdoor sports sector and cultivate new economic growth points by building about 100 high-quality outdoor sporting venues and destinations by 2030, a new guideline said.
Read moreGuidelines recommend 'no' digital exposure for toddlers
China's top health authority has urged that children under age 3 should not be exposed to any digital screens, as part of efforts to enhance early childhood development.
Read moreChinese youth shine at Davos Forum
Among the notable participants of the recent World Economic Forum (Davos Forum) in Davos, Switzerland, a team of young leaders from China quickly became a focal point at the event.
Read moreUnlocking Chinese Cities: Thousand-year-old palace lantern becomes a global fashion
Read moreE-commerce firms rush to leverage smart tech
Chinese e-commerce platforms are scrambling to leverage fast-developing artificial intelligence technologies to help in the digital and intelligent transformation of enterprises.
Read moreChina announces names of spacesuit and crewed lunar rover
China unveiled on Wednesday the names of its moon-landing spacesuit and the crewed lunar rover.
Read moreFestival celebration helps students understand Chinese culture
Students enjoy a lion dance performance during a Chinese New Year celebration at Kensington Wade school in London on Jan 31.Envelopes of the Year of the Snake, which are filled with chocolates, are given to students at Holmewood House School in Kent to celebrate the Chinese New Year. [Provided to China Daily]
Read moreCourts to focus more on online extortion crime
Chinese courts have pledged to step up efforts to combat online extortion, aiming to uphold justice in cyberspace and clearly define the boundaries of internet behavior.
Read moreFull-year CPI target likely lower at 2%
China is likely to lower its annual inflation target to around 2 percent this year — the lowest reading in two decades — when the country's top legislature convenes next month, signaling a significant fine-tuning in macroeconomic policy goals.
Read moreFrance and EU unveil plans for AI investment
France's President Emmanuel Macron has used a global summit in Paris to announce an artificial intelligence, or AI, investment plan worth 109 billion euros ($112.4 billion).
Read moreChinese film stirs national pride, rakes in $1bn in days
Ne Zha 2 is animated film about a boy who battles demons with his magical powers.
Read moreTrump suspends tariffs on small packages from China
The order ending duty-free shipment of packages from China worth less than $800 had caused chaos.
Read moreChina challenges Trump tariffs as 'discriminatory'
Beijing says the US is making "unfounded" claims about its role in the fentanyl trade to justify new tariffs.
Read moreFive ways China is hitting back against US tariffs
China has set out a series of measures to kick in next week after the US introduced 10% tariffs on imports from the country.
Read moreBeijing hits back – can China and US avoid trade war escalation?
Beijing's calculated and selective targeting of US goods may be an opening move ahead of talks.
Read moreTrump sows uncertainty - and Xi Jinping sees an opportunity
President Xi Jinping has made no secret of his ambition for China to lead an alternate world order.
Read moreTrump's tariffs hit China hard before - this time, it's ready
Trump has imposed a 10% levy - but his campaign included promises of 60% tariffs against Chinese imports.
Read moreIn pictures: Welcoming the Lunar New Year
Fireworks, music, lanterns, and dragon dancing filled streets across Asia to celebrate the Year of the Snake.
Read moreChina's DeepSeek AI shakes industry and dents America's swagger
The app spooked the markets as well as the bullish sense of American superiority in AI development.
Read moreFireworks in celebration of Spring Festival illuminate sky in Macao
Fireworks in celebration of the Spring Festival illuminate the sky in Macao, south China, Feb. 4, 2025.Fireworks in celebration of the Spring Festival illuminate the sky in Macao, south China, Feb. 4, 2025. (Xinhua/Cheong Kam Ka)
Read more

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