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She conquered Everest 10 times - and escaped an abusive marriage

Lhakpa Sherpa, who has climbed Everest more than any other woman, wants to inspire women and girls.

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JD Vance defends 'childless cat ladies' comment after backlash

Donald Trump's vice-presidential candidate has defended resurfaced comments in which he called Democratic politicians a "bunch of childless cat ladies with miserable lives".

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'My body just keeps swelling and swelling'

Chloe Davies has "spontaneous swelling attacks", which can be life-threatening.

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Venezuela holds elections on Sunday. Could real change be coming?

An economic crisis has forced millions to flee Venezuela. Could Sunday's election bring real change?

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Vulnerable, messy and bratty: The pop girlies having a moment

Sabrina Carpenter, Charli XCX and Chappell Roan are providing us with the soundtrack to summer.

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'Atomic bomb hell must never be repeated' say Japan's last survivors

Victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki believe their horrific past must act as a warning for the future.

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My family went to help landslide victims and ended up dead

Meselesh Gosaye's home area in Ethiopia was hit by two landslides that buried hundreds under the mud.

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‘My day in a Liverpool alley with 35 drag queens’

Queen by Magnus Hastings is a "one of a kind" drag photography exhibition.

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Are you feeling grotty all the time?

Why some people are saying they've been ill all year.

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Are the UK's finances really worse than expected?

Rachel Reeves is set to reveal a public finances shortfall of billions on pounds after a snap audit.

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How 'El Mayo' Zambada was arrested in the US after 35 years

The last of an original generation of drug lords, the Sinaloa boss evaded capture for decades. Until now.

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Police response to deadly violence delayed by lack of fuel, in PNG

Police deployment to a massacre where 26 people are reported to have died and almost 400 have been displaced, has been delayed by a lack of fuel, the area's governor says.

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As it happened: Celine Dion, Lady Gaga headline Olympics 2024 opening extravaganza

Celine Dion made her comeback from the Eiffel Tower to cap off a high-energy, rain-soaked opening ceremony in Paris that's included can-cans, Lady Gaga, heavy metal and a spectacular light show.

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New Caledonia’s curfew hours changed again in the wake of Paris meeting

Hours after New Caledonia's French Parliamentarians met with President Macron in Paris, the French Pacific archipelago's hours were further relaxed on Friday.

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The Papers: 'Olympics sabotaged' and 'La Farce!'

Many of Saturday's papers lead with sabotage attacks on France's high-speed rail network.

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Celine Dion makes stirring comeback at Olympics

It's the superstar singer's first performance since revealing a serious health condition two years ago.

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Olympics opening ceremony wows rain-soaked Paris crowds

The 2024 Olympics opens with teams parading along the River Seine in boats and performances from Celine Dion and Lady Gaga.

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Spectacular photos from the Paris 2024 opening ceremony

A selection of eye-catching moments from the opening ceremony for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

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Blaze in Canadian tourist town still out of control but rain helping firefighters

The Jasper town council said more than 350 of structures in the town have been destroyed by the fire.

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Warrington thrash Wigan to go top of Super League

Warrington atone for their Wembley Challenge Cup final defeat by crushing title rivals Wigan to go top of Super League.

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Billy Connolly inspired £1,750 designer banana boots

A Scottish fashion designer has sold out of his take on Billy Connolly's iconic banana boots in just 24 hours.

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The rise of creators who make weddings Insta-worthy

A growing number of couples are booking a content creators to capture their special day.

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Trump doctor disputes suggestion shrapnel, not bullet, hit his ear

The former White House doctor says the FBI's suggestion that shrapnel hit Donald Trump's ear, not a bullet, is "wrong and inappropriate".

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Shop stops selling luxury items as thefts rise

Julie Ruscitto says she has taken security measures and stopped selling high-end products.

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Summer holiday getaway: How to beat the queues

Tips to make travelling as smooth as possible, whether you’re going by road, plane, train or ferry.

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Trump running mate defends 'childless cat ladies' comment

Donald Trump's vice-presidential candidate says his 2021 comments about Democrats were "sarcastic".

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Families pay tribute to four friends killed in crash

Andrei Tudorov, Lyuben Gogov, Narcis Titianu, and Ioan Toma died when their car hit a tree.

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Scotland triumph in World Schools Debating Championships

The team defeated Bulgaria to lift the trophy in Belgrade on the motion: "This house regrets the glorification of champions".

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Timberlake 'not intoxicated' during arrest, lawyer says

Police made several errors and should not have arrested the popstar, his lawyer Edward Burke said.

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John Lewis allowed to build homes for first time

The department store is pushing to build rental flats as it looks for new ways to bring in money.

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Minions make Olympics cameo

The Minions make a cameo appearance at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics.

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'Forget what he says' - Edwards fired up at final face-off

British champion Leon Edwards and American Belal Muhammad weigh in before their welterweight title fight at UFC 304 in Manchester on Saturday.

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England target 'big runs' after 'special' Atkinson delivers

Despite losing three wickets late on day one of the third Test, England can still pile on "big runs" against West Indies at Edgbaston, says Chris Woakes.

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Canada used drones before and Tokyo gold could be 'tarnished'

Canada Soccer's chief executive confirms drone use prior to Paris 2024, including at the recent Copa America.

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Team GB arrive at Paris 2024 opening ceremony

Team GB make their entrance at the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony, led by flagbearers Tom Daley and Helen Glover.

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'The ick' and 'boop' latest words added to Cambridge Dictionary

The new additions are among more than 3200 words and phrases introduced this year.

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UK drops planned Israel arrest warrant challenge

Keir Starmer's spokesperson said the issue was a matter for the International Criminal Court.

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Councillor blames INLA for homeless centre attack

Ron McDowell condemns the "gross hypocrisy" of republican paramilitaries due to their drugs record.

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McLaren fastest in FP2 as Verstappen takes grid penalty

McLaren's Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri seal a one-two in second practice at the Belgian Grand Prix - with Max Verstappen set for a 10-place grid drop.

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Barack and Michelle Obama endorse Kamala Harris for president

The move ends days of speculation over whether the former president would support Harris' White House bid.

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Arsonists attack French railways hours before Olympic ceremony

Hundreds of thousands of people are stranded after vandals set off explosives, bringing major disruption just ahead of the Games.

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Wax museum removes Sinéad O'Connor figure

The National Wax Museum say it will remake a waxwork of the late Irish singer after an unveiling.

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'The ick' and 'boop' newest entries in dictionary

The new additions are among more than 3,200 words and phrases introduced this year.

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Scottish bog gets world heritage status

After an almost 40-year campaign, a little-known UK landscape has been awarded world heritage status.

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  中新社莫斯科7月26日电 (记者 田冰)俄罗斯央行26日宣布,自即日起将基准利率提高200个基点至18%。

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Why do the Dutch tower over their neighbours?

As well as producing elegant football players and world-conquering beer brands, the Dutch are also the tallest people in the world - so what's their secret?

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  中新网东京7月26日电 中国驻大阪总领馆与东京春花园盆栽美术馆近日在香川县高松市共同举办“中日盆景交流in香川县”活动,中国驻大阪总领事薛剑出席活动并致辞。香川县知事池田丰人、高松市副市长中林大典、中国盆景艺术家协会秘书长苏放等中日各界代表、嘉宾、高校学生等共计400余人参加活动。

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  中新网东京7月26日电 中国驻日本大使吴江浩近日会见日中友好会馆新任会长、前日本驻华大使宫本雄二。会馆理事长小川正史、中方代表理事黄星原及使馆公参张漪波在座。

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  中新社万象7月26日电 (记者 李映民)当地时间26日,中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅在万象出席中国—东盟外长会时介绍了双方合作丰硕成果。

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  中新网北京7月26日电 题:乌拉圭农业专家:农业科技合作是互学互鉴的过程

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  中新网7月26日电 据俄新社报道,当地时间7月26日,俄罗斯联邦安全局在声明中表示,俄前国防部副部长德米特里·布尔加科夫被捕。

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Olympics: Is Paris poised for success?

France grapples with politics, climate and security as the Games begin

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  中新网7月26日电 据路透社报道,美国政府25日公布的一份报告显示,五角大楼在对援助乌克兰的弹药、导弹和其他军事装备进行估值计算时,又发现了价值20亿美元的错误,从而使对乌军援的记账错误金额提高至82亿美元。

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  中新网金边7月26日电 题:新能源汽车为柬埔寨民众带来绿色出行新体验

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Philippines rushes to stop oil spill with barriers

The Philippine Coast Guard is preparing to deploy floating barriers and suction hoses to contain an oil spill and prevent it from reaching the capital, Manila.

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  中国网特约评论员 余国庆

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  中新网墨尔本7月26日电 以“水墨幻境,古韵西安”为主题的“中国文化日”活动25日在澳大利亚维多利亚州(简称维州)白马市市政厅举行,中国驻墨尔本总领事房新文出席活动并致辞。

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  中新网北京7月26日电   开罗消息:据埃及官方金字塔在线网站报道,埃及石油和矿产资源部当地时间25日宣布,即日起上调燃料价格。

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拜登称需尽快达成停火协议 以色列试图修改谈判条款

  中新社北京7月26日电 综合消息:美国总统拜登25日在与以色列总理内塔尼亚胡会晤期间强调需尽快达成加沙停火协议。多位消息人士25日向路透社透露,以谈判成员正试图修改谈判协议条款。

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Harvey Weinstein hospitalised again with Covid-19, other ailments

The jailed Hollywood producer suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, spinal stenosis, fluid on his heart and lungs, and recently tested positive for Covid and contracted double pneumonia.

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  中新网7月26日电 据联合国官网消息,联合国秘书长古特雷斯25日表示,刚刚过去的7月21日、22日和23日是有记录以来最热的三天。

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Olympics 2024: Not an oeuf - Athletes report eggs shortage in village

Competitors argue the amount of eggs and grilled meats on offer is insufficient.

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巴勒斯坦各派北京和解引全球瞩目 外媒称赞中国为世界和平作出切实贡献


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  中新网东京7月26日电 (记者 朱晨曦)日本执政党自民党26日在总部召开总务会,成立了由11人组成的自民党总裁选举管理委员会。据日本广播协会(NHK)报道,选举管理委员会或于8月敲定自民党总裁选举日程。

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  中新社华盛顿7月26日电 (记者 陈孟统)中国驻美大使谢锋25日在华盛顿表示,大国对全球战略稳定负有关键责任,和平发展的世界需要总体稳定的中美关系。中美选择和平与团结,冷战热战就打不起来;中美选择开放与合作,世界发展繁荣就有希望。

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内塔尼亚胡访美 分别会晤拜登、哈里斯讨论加沙局势

  中新社华盛顿7月26日电 (记者 陈孟统)正在美国访问的以色列总理内塔尼亚胡25日到访白宫,分别与美国总统拜登和副总统哈里斯会晤,讨论加沙局势。

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  中新社北京7月26日电 开普敦消息:南非总统拉马福萨当地时间25日任命现任副首席大法官曼迪莎·马亚为南非宪法法院首席大法官。

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日本冲绳一市长公务出差时在酒店死亡 或为因病去世

  中新网7月26日电 综合日媒报道,当地时间7月26日,日本冲绳县宜野湾市市长松川正则(70岁)在东京公务出差时,被发现在下榻的酒店里死亡。根据现场的情况,警方认为松川正则很可能是因病去世。

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  中新网7月26日电 据埃及国家信息服务中心官网消息,埃及外交部发言人扎伊德7月25日在社交媒体上表示,埃及欢迎中国为实现巴勒斯坦民族和解所作的努力。

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Former NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian fails to overturn ICAC's serious corruption conduct finding

She had challened a report by the Independent Commission Against Corruption in the Australian state's highest civil court.

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  中新网东京7月26日电 (记者 朱晨曦)日本总务省26日公布的初步统计数据显示,2024年7月份东京都23区的核心消费价格指数(CPI)为107.4,同比上涨2.2%。

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日本山形县遭创纪录大雨 24小时局地降雨量近400毫米

  中新网东京7月26日电 (记者 朱晨曦)受暖湿气流与梅雨锋面交汇影响,日本山形县、秋田县部分地区遭遇强降雨天气。日本气象厅表示,截至当地时间26日6时30分的24小时内,山形县新庄市和真室川町降雨量近400毫米,创历史纪录。

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  中新社圣保罗7月26日电 巴西卫生部于当地时间25日披露,确认两例由奥罗普切热引起的死亡病例。这是全球首次报告奥罗普切热致死病例。

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  中新社万象7月26日电 (记者 李映民)当地时间7月25日,中国、俄罗斯、老挝在万象举行三方外长会晤。老挝副总理兼外长沙伦赛主持,中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅,俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫共同出席。

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  中新社北京7月26日电 危地马拉城消息:墨西哥与危地马拉官方当地时间25日表示,本周有500多名墨西哥人逃至危地马拉境内,以躲避墨西哥境内贩毒集团的暴力冲突。

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Netanyahu meets Biden to close 'gaps' on Gaza ceasefire deal

The Vice President said she will 'not be silent' amid a 'dire humanitarian situation' in Gaza.

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Two polls show Harris doing better than Biden against Trump

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris hit the campaign trail this week after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed his vice president.

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  中新网7月26日电 据法新社报道,当地时间7月26日,斯里兰卡选举委员会宣布,斯里兰卡总统选举定于9月21日举行。

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日本山形县等地大雨持续 多处房屋被淹,有人员失踪

  中新网7月26日电 综合日本广播协会(NHK)、日本共同社报道,近日,日本山形县等多地出现强降雨,目前已造成多处房屋被淹,有人员失踪。

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People beheaded, a village burned amid brutal violence in PNG province

At least 26 people, including children, have been killed in brutal violence in PNG's East Sepik province.

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Mary Beard on power, succession and rebellions

Amol and Nick get a classical take on current US and UK politics.

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We don't know how many people are having babies - a headache for schools

Working out how many school pupils to budget for may well prove to be a headache for the government.

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Conspiracy theories swirl about geo-engineering, but could it help save the planet?

If we can’t control rising global temperatures by drastically cutting carbon emissions, could something called geo-engineering be a way to cool the planet?

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Unfathomable errors and 'cinnamon bun' strategy: Political end-of-term report cards

As Parliament approaches summer recess, Laura Kuenssberg reflects on how they've performed over a dizzying few months.

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