
新冠疫情 澳纽资讯 编辑精选







提问1. 在符合群聚人数低于10人的情况下,如要抵达聚会的后院,是否允许直接穿过朋友的家中?或者在聚会期间,是否允许走入朋友家中上厕所?

提问2 在现行的三级警戒的第一阶段下,我们可以使用户外游乐场吗?

提问3 在目前三级警戒所覆盖的广大区域内,我们可以从事度假旅游的活动吗?包括使用自家别墅,公共度假小屋,扎营或者租用露营休旅车?

提问4 所谓的户外活动的课程,是否可以包含训练营以及瑜伽课
答案:可以包括。只要遵守参加人数不超过10人,同时仅限于1-2家庭参加的规定;同时在课程进行时,参加者之间需要保持2米以上的彼此距离,并始终停留在户外环境下进行才可以。 (举例,训练课不可以使用健身房,室内泳池与更衣室等设施)此外,任何授课者也算是群聚10人的一部分,并一律只能在户外活动。

提问5 只要能够在户外活动,民众可以让每天孩童与不同玩伴进行活动吗?如果孩童作为访客,他们能在需要时被允许进入室内上厕所吗?

提问6 两家人可以搭乘同一辆交通工具一起出游吗?

提问7 我可以邀请理发师到我住所的户外空间或者后院帮我剪头发吗?

Auckland remains at Alert Level 3. Some restrictions have eased to allow you to meet close friends and whānau.

You are encouraged to continue wearing a face covering when you leave your home and when physical distancing is not possible.

Outdoor social gatherings

Outdoor social gatherings between 2 households can go ahead, with a maximum of 10 people. The natural ventilation outside makes it harder for the virus to spread. You are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering and keep 2 metres apart from the other houshold.

You can, for example, invite people from another household over for dinner in your backyard, but they cannot enter your house or use indoor facilities.

Tamariki (children) can have play dates with 1 other household at a time — as long it is outside and they do not go inside or use indoor facilities.

You can meet close friends and whānau from 1 other household at the park for a picnic or BBQ. You cannot travel in the same vehicle as people from the other household.


You can travel throughout the Auckland region for day trips to do an expanded range of outdoor recreation activities. A maximum of  2 households can gather, with a limit of 10 people. You must maintain 2 metre physical distancing.

The following activities are permitted:

  • golf
  • hunting
  • sailing and boating — all boating activities should be limited to people from the same household
  • fishing from a private motorised boat or vessel
  • scuba diving
  • jetskiing

People from outside the Auckland region cannot travel into Auckland for recreation purposes.

Outdoor exercise classes

Outdoor exercise classes — for example, yoga or bootcamp can take place with a maximum of 10 people, from 10 households. The person limit includes the instructor taking the class.

Everyone must stay 2 metres apart. We encourage you to wear a face covering when you are not exercising. You will not be able to use any indoor changing facilities.

Find out more about sport and recreation at Alert Level 3

Early learning centres

  • Early learning centres can reopen to all children, with a maximum of 10 children in each bubble.
  • Parents and caregivers must wear a face covering when picking up and dropping off their tamariki.
  • The Ministry of Health is asking early childhood teachers to get tested for COVID-19 before the return to teaching, even if they do not have symptoms. This testing is not a requirement, but is encouraged. Regular testing helps us to identify any undetected chains of transmission in the community.

Activities that cannot go ahead

At Step 1 many activities cannot go ahead, and most facilities remain closed.

  • Gyms and indoor recreation facilities cannot open.
  • Most team sports, such as basketball or volleyball, cannot go ahead.
  • Overnight stays, for example at your bach or in AirBnB accommodation cannot happen.
  • Camping, including hiring a campervan, cannot happen.
  • Businesses must still be contactless, so close-contact businesses such as hairdressers and barbers cannot operate or visit your home, including your backyard.
  • You can only travel to Waiheke Island or Great Barrier Island (Aotea Island) for recreation if you are a resident there.

访问本链接: https://covid19.govt.nz/alert-levels-and-updates/regional-advice/auckland/ 获取更多信息