(10月19日) (滚动更新) 世界新闻 – 中英 Chinese/English 双语简报

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中新网10月19日电 综合韩媒19日报道,韩国决定截至2050年,全面停用火力发电站。韩国政府最终确定两项2050年碳中和计划,以实现零碳排放目标。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


Source: 中新网国际新闻

印度北部暴雨已致17人死亡 约100人被困度假村

中新网10月19日电 据《印度时报》报道,当地时间19日,印度北部的暴雨仍在持续。截至19日下午,与暴雨相关的死亡人数已升至17人。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

土耳其政府召见10国驻土大使 谴责其影响该国司法


Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社努尔苏丹10月19日电 杜尚别消息:为期5天的集体安全条约组织(集安组织)联合反恐军演当地时间18日在塔吉克斯坦境内正式开始。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社北京10月19日电 东京消息:日本第49届众议院选举于19日发布公告,为期12天的选战正式拉开帷幕。日本朝野的9个政党围绕新冠疫情对策与经济政策展开激烈角逐,各党派党首走上街头发表演讲。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社北京10月19日电 综合消息:伊朗外交部发言人哈提卜扎德18日表示,伊朗将在未来几天内与欧盟在比利时首都布鲁塞尔就伊核问题举行会谈。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

邻近希腊岛屿的东地中海发生6级地震 未有灾情报告

中新网10月19日电 据外媒报道,据美国地质勘探局网站消息,当地时间19日上午,希腊卡尔帕索斯岛(Karpathos)东南149公里处发生6级地震。目前未有灾情报告。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

秘鲁经济增长恢复到疫情前水平 大学拟于2022年3月恢复线下授课

中新网10月19日电 据秘鲁《公言报》报道,当地时间18日,秘鲁卫生部发布的新冠疫情数据显示,该国24小时新增确诊146例,累计确诊达到2190396例;新增死亡12例,累计死亡199882例。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

英国单日新增病例逼近5万 创7月以来新高

中新网10月19日电 综合报道,英国新冠疫情持续升温,10月18日新增确诊病例逼近5万例,创下三个月来的新高。另外,过去六周内,英国每周死于新冠的人数都超过800人,高于其他主要西欧国家。专家担忧,此轮疫情可能与“德尔塔+”变种病毒有关。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

朝鲜疑似发射潜射导弹 韩国呼吁朝方展现对话姿态


Source: 中新网国际新闻

欧洲天然气告急 “北溪-2”项目能否成“救星”?

中新网10月19日电 据《德国之声》中文网报道,“北溪-2”天然气管道营运商10月18日表示,两条管线中的第一条已完成注入技术性测试气体,只待获得德国试运行许可证,即可正式开始运行。不过,这条连接俄罗斯与德国的天然气管道备受争议,德美之间存在重大分歧。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

俄罗斯累计确诊超800万例 东南亚多国疫情趋缓

中新社北京10月19日电 综合消息:世界卫生组织官网最新数据显示,截至欧洲中部时间18日17时09分,全球累计新冠确诊病例240260449例,累计死亡病例4890424例。另据美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学最新统计数据显示,截至北京时间19日8时21分,全球累计确诊病例241094716例,累计死亡病例4904877例。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

Stripped naked, beaten, forced to shout ‘Viva Fidel!’: Inside Cuba’s crackdown on dissent

The crackdown hangs over Cubans as a major test of dissent looms: a Nov. 15 protest called by actors, artists and dissidents, backed by Cuban exiles but banned by the Cuban state.

Source: World | 20 Oct 2021 | 5:01 am(NZT)

How Germany’s far-right gained, even as it lost

The far-right AfD fared worse than its shock surge in 2017. But that doesn’t mean it’s a waning force.

Source: World | 20 Oct 2021 | 5:01 am(NZT)

Chinese police say he killed two people in a land dispute. On the Internet, he was seen as another victim.

Ou Jinzhong’s situation drew widespread sympathy, with many seeing him as having suffered from local government neglect until he was apparently pushed over the edge.

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 9:29 pm(NZT)

Climate report: Africa’s rare glaciers soon to disappear

Africa’s rare glaciers will disappear in the next two decades because of climate change, a new report warns amid sweeping forecasts of pain for the continent that contributes least to global warming but will suffer from it most

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 9:28 pm(NZT)

Australian territory leader slams Ted Cruz for vaccine mandate criticism: ‘You know nothing about us’

Michael Gunner, chief minister of the Northern Territory, took to Twitter to set Cruz straight on “a few facts” after the Texas senator lamented the territory’s vaccine mandate as “Covid tyranny.”

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 9:18 pm(NZT)

EU top official says Polish ruling is a threat to the bloc

The European Union’s top official says the recent ruling from Poland’s constitutional court challenging the supremacy of EU laws is a threat to the bloc’s foundations

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 9:08 pm(NZT)

Turkey summons 10 diplomats over call for activist’s release

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry has summoned the ambassadors of the United States and nine other countries to protest a statement they issued that called for the release of imprisoned businessman and civil rights activist Osman Kavala in line with a European Court of Human Rights decision

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 9:00 pm(NZT)

Israeli scuba diver discovers ancient Crusader sword

Israeli archaeologists say a scuba diver has salvaged an ancient sword off the country’s Mediterranean coast that experts say dates back to the Crusaders

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 8:06 pm(NZT)

Strong earthquake strikes off Turkish Mediterranean coast

Turkey’s disaster management agency says a strong earthquake has struck off the Turkish Mediterranean coast

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 8:01 pm(NZT)

Israeli diver finds 900-year-old sword, said to be Crusader knight’s weapon, on Mediterranean seabed

A local resident came across the roughly four-foot-long weapon while scuba diving Saturday off the Carmel coast in northern Israel.

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 6:20 pm(NZT)

The ‘Great Resignation’ goes global

In the advanced economies of the West, there are signs that worker power is growing. Elsewhere, the story is more uneven and certainly more grim.

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 5:01 am(NZT)

China’s power shortages, housing struggles put the brakes on its economy

The country’s growth was weighed down in the third quarter, hitting the slowest rate in a year.

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 5:00 am(NZT)

Who is 400 Mawozo, the Haitian gang accused of kidnapping American missionaries?

For Haitians rich and poor, gang violence and kidnappings for ransom have become a tragically common facet of life.

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 4:13 am(NZT)

Prince William and Kate recycle outfits to highlight climate impact of fashion

British tabloids said the prince was “channeling James Bond” with his green velvet jacket at the Earthshot awards.

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 3:32 am(NZT)

Colin L. Powell, former secretary of state and military leader, dies at 84

The Army general helped guide the U.S. military to victory in the 1991 Persian Gulf War as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He struggled a decade later over the U.S. invasion of Iraq as a beleaguered secretary of state under President George W. Bush.

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 1:45 am(NZT)

Deadly floods, landslides bring south India monsoon death toll to 35, authorities say

After days of heavy rain, one local resident told a Kerala news channel, “the house has gone. Children have gone.”

Source: World | 19 Oct 2021 | 12:15 am(NZT)

Colombia is responsible in kidnapping and rape of female journalist, rights court says

In 2000, Colombian journalist Jineth Bedoya was kidnapped, beaten and gang-raped while reporting on paramilitaries during the country’s armed conflict.

Source: World | 18 Oct 2021 | 11:53 pm(NZT)

U.S. in contact with Haitian officials in effort to free kidnapped American missionaries

Local unions and other groups launched a general strike on Monday to protest the worsening instability and gang violence racking the poverty-stricken nation.

Source: World | 18 Oct 2021 | 11:45 pm(NZT)

Myanmar’s military junta releases thousands of political prisoners

The move has been cast by some analysts as a gesture to placate Southeast Asian neighbors at a strategic and necessary moment.

Source: World | 18 Oct 2021 | 11:08 pm(NZT)

U.N. to launch a polio vaccination campaign in Afghanistan with Taliban permission

The campaign, which will begin next month, will be the first to reach all children in Afghanistan in more than three years, UNICEF said.

Source: World | 18 Oct 2021 | 9:45 pm(NZT)

(10月18日) (滚动更新) 世界新闻 – 中英 Chinese/English 双语简报