
新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选


20 人死于 Covid,这是新西兰最致命的一天。


大多数死亡病例来自奥克兰——有六人死亡。 5 人来自怀卡托,2 人来自中中部,而北地、丰盛湾、泰拉威提、霍克斯湾、惠灵顿和纳尔逊马尔堡各有 1 人死亡。

卫生部表示,社区中有 14,175 例新的病毒病例,因为在放宽限制的情况下,专家们敦促谨慎行事。 住院人数841人,其中27人在ICU。

Twenty people have died with Covid marking New Zealand’s deadliest day.

Of those who died, one was in their 40s, one in their 50s, three in their 60s, five in their 70s, six people in their 80s, and three in their 90s.

Most of the deaths were from Auckland – with six deaths. Five were from Waikato and two were from Mid Central, while one death each was recorded in Northland, Bay of Plenty, Tairāwhiti, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington and Nelson Marlborough.

There are 14,175 new cases of the virus in the community, says the Ministry of Health as epxerts urge caution amid eased restrictions. There are 841 people in hospital, 27 of whom are in ICU.

今天是放宽限制的第一天,包括没有户外活动的聚集限制,以及增加了 200 人的室内聚集限制。



昨天,北部地区卫生协调中心首席临床官 Andrew Old 博士表示,人们应该享受周末,但如果生病了,请留在家中接受检测,并报告检测结果。


我们都是相互联系的——所以当人们在外面为自己做决定时,Old 敦促人们考虑那些更脆弱的人。



昨天有 15,871 例新的社区 Covid 病例和 13 例新死亡,其中包括一名 30 多岁的人。



