world news

(11月22日)(滚动更新) 世界新闻 – English/Chinese 英中简报

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European nations will not wear pro-LGBT armbands

England, Wales and other European nations will not wear the OneLove armband at the World Cup in Qatar because of the threat of players getting yellow cards.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 8:46 am(NZT)

One dead after vehicle crashes into Massachusetts Apple store

The driver of the car is in custody and police have called it an “active criminal investigation”.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 8:27 am(NZT)

South African court orders release of Chris Hani’s killer Janusz Walus

The man who shot dead anti-apartheid hero Chris Hani should be freed on parole, judges rule.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 8:22 am(NZT)

Indonesia: Java quake kills 162 and injures hundreds

Rescuers are working into the night to save people still trapped under collapsed buildings.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 8:13 am(NZT)

World Cup 2022: Iran players decline to sing national anthem

Iran decline to sing their national anthem before their World Cup match with England in apparent expression of support of anti-government protests in their homeland.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 8:01 am(NZT)



Gunmen abduct dozens in Nigeria’s Zamfara state

At least 130 people including women, children and the elderly were taken, a local official says.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 7:52 am(NZT)

World Cup 2022: Jude Bellingham tournament debut draws praise from pundits

Fabulous footballer. Unbelievable player. Lampard and Gerrard rolled into one. Jude Bellingham’s World Cup debut has many reaching for the superlatives.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 7:28 am(NZT)

World Cup 2022 Senegal 0-2 Netherlands: Late goals give Dutch crucial victory

Late goals give the Netherlands a crucial victory in their World Cup opener against Senegal in Group A.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 7:17 am(NZT)

Millions of lives under threat in Ukraine this winter – WHO

Millions are at risk as winter sets in as many are without power, a WHO official warns.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 6:53 am(NZT)

Iran protests: Security forces intensify deadly crackdown in Kurdish areas

Machine guns on trucks have been seen heading to one city, amid reports of dozens killed in a week.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 6:44 am(NZT)

Shamima Begum trafficked by IS to Syria for sexual exploitation, tribunal hears

Her UK citizenship was unlawfully stripped, lawyers say, as a five-day appeal hearing begins.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 6:33 am(NZT)

World Cup 2022: Iran win a ‘great marker’ but England ‘must be better’ – Gareth Southgate

Manager Gareth Southgate says England “put down a great marker” by thrashing Iran 6-2 in their World Cup opener but “must be better”.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 6:01 am(NZT)

T. rex auction cancelled after skeleton doubts raised

Christie’s auction house says the seller has decided to loan it to a museum instead.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 5:39 am(NZT)

Two Iranian actresses arrested as authorities ramp up crackdown on anti-regime protesters

Two well-known Iranian actresses have been arrested by security forces after they showed support for the protest movement gripping the country, as authorities intensify their crackdown on dissidents.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 22 Nov 2022 | 5:38 am(NZT)

Beijing facing ‘most severe Covid test’ as China reports first deaths in six months

Three deaths have been reported in Beijing where cases have been rising despite China’s strict zero-Covid policy.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 5:33 am(NZT)


Philippines and China tussle over retrieving rocket debris floating in disputed South China Sea

The Philippines and China tussled on Sunday over Chinese rocket debris in the disputed South China Sea, raising tensions ahead of a scheduled visit by US Vice President Kamala Harris.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 22 Nov 2022 | 5:20 am(NZT)

Rassie Erasmus behaviour ‘making South Africa so easy to dislike’ – John Smit

Director of rugby Rassie Erasmus’ behaviour makes South Africa “so easy to dislike”, says Springboks great John Smit.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 4:51 am(NZT)

England 6-2 Iran: Three Lions win World Cup opener emphatically

Bukayo Saka scores twice as England cruise to a comfortable win against Iran in their Qatar 2022 opener.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 4:30 am(NZT)

Club Q Colorado shooting: Club-goer used gunman’s weapon to subdue him

The motive is under investigation but it has “all the trappings” of a hate crime, say officials.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 4:03 am(NZT)

London’s rental market has become a ‘nightmare.’ Here’s why

For Rebeca Blázquez, the past few weeks have been a “nightmare.”

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 22 Nov 2022 | 3:33 am(NZT)

UK PM rules out ‘Swiss-style’ Brexit deal

“I believe in Brexit,” says Rishi Sunak, after suggestions UK could pursue a Swiss-style deal with the EU.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 1:55 am(NZT)

What’s taking the knee and why is it important?

Taking the knee has spread across the sporting world as a statement against racism.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 1:50 am(NZT)

Nasa’s Artemis spacecraft arrives at the Moon

Nasa’s Orion capsule sweeps past the Moon before entering into a larger orbit.

Source: BBC News – Home | 22 Nov 2022 | 1:48 am(NZT)

Analysis: China’s Xi attempts to claim diplomatic victory in battle for global influence after summit whirlwind

Xi Jinping may have rejected US President Joe Biden’s description of the 21st century as a battle between democracies and autocracies, but as the G20 and APEC summits showed, the Chinese leader remains intent on pushing back at American influence overseas.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 21 Nov 2022 | 9:35 pm(NZT)

2022-11-22 00:11:33
中新网11月22日电 题:25万人集会,差评率61%的尹锡悦遭遇新危机
2022-11-21 23:27:04
中新社柏林11月21日电 (记者 马秀秀)德国联邦统计局21日公布的数据显示,2022年10月德国工业产品生产者价格指数同比上涨34.5%。
2022-11-21 22:08:47
印尼西爪哇省发生5.6级地震 已致56人死亡700多人受伤
中新社雅加达11月21日电 (记者 林永传)当地时间11月21日,印尼西爪哇省展玉县(Cianjur)发生5.6级地震。至记者发稿时,地震已造成56人死亡、700多人受伤。
2022-11-21 21:56:54
2022-11-21 21:53:16
中新网11月21日电 综合报道,乌克兰电力公司通报称,21日将按计划在全境所有地区断电,可能持续4个小时。
2022-11-21 21:50:44
中新社吉隆坡11月21日电 (陈悦 魏源)虽然马来西亚大选初步结果已于20日凌晨揭晓,但由于无一阵营取得过半议席,截至21日下午,各阵营围绕总理大位仍在角力中。
2022-11-21 21:48:18
中新社柏林11月21日电 据德国电视一台21日报道,在波兰边境发生爆炸事件后,德国国防部长兰布雷希特表示,德国打算向波兰提供“爱国者”防空导弹系统及战斗机支持。
2022-11-21 21:46:14
中新网北京11月21日电 (记者 孙自法)全球知名学术出版机构施普林格·自然21日向媒体发布消息说,其已与东京大学等日本10所高校签署亚洲地区开创性的开放获取(OA)协议,并与日本研究型大学联盟(RUC)成员达成促进日本开放科学的联合声明。
2022-11-21 21:42:57
中新网11月21日电 据路透社报道,约45个国家和机构21日在巴黎举行会议,承诺向摩尔多瓦提供数百万欧元援助,因为人们越来越担心乌克兰局势可能会进一步破坏稳定。
2022-11-21 20:46:54
2022-11-21 20:26:05
中新网11月21日电 据日本共同社报道,18日,日本东京电力公司在福岛第一核电站核污水排海隧道出口1公里处放置混凝土结构的“沉箱”。已挖掘至近海约600米处的隧道今后将与其相连,通过隧道的核污水将从“沉箱”上部排放入海。
2022-11-21 20:15:16
中新网柏林11月21日电 德国经济部当地时间20日表示,德国购置和维护浮式液化天然气接收终端的费用至少比原计划多花费35亿欧元,目前计划拨出总计约65.6亿欧元的预算资金。
2022-11-21 20:13:44
俄乌局势进展:俄乌互相指责炮击扎波罗热核电站 乌高官称西方不能迫使乌和谈
中新社北京11月21日电 综合消息:俄乌双方20日互相指责对方炮击扎波罗热核电站,国际原子能机构总干事格罗西再次重申,有必要立刻在核电站周围商定和实施核安全和保障保护区。乌总统办公室顾问波多利亚克在接受媒体采访时表示,在乌克兰取得一系列重大军事胜利后,西方试图说服乌克兰进行和谈的做法相当于要求乌克兰投降。
2022-11-21 19:29:07
中新社曼谷11月21日电 (记者 王国安)泰国官方21日公布,今年第三季度GDP较去年同期增长4.5%,为连续第四个季度增长。
2022-11-21 19:27:03
美国俄勒冈州州长确诊 日本新增确诊逾7.7万例
中新社北京11月21日电 综合消息:美媒20日报道称,美国俄勒冈州州长凯特·布朗及其丈夫感染新冠病毒。日本20日新增77722例确诊病例。目前有5种新冠病毒变异毒株在澳大利亚传播。
2022-11-21 19:24:41
中新社东京11月21日电 (朱晨曦 田野青)日本民间组织“中国文物返还运动推进会”(以下简称“推进会”)19日下午在东京举行了“以中日草根运动,推动实现文物返还”的集会,再次呼吁日本政府归还中国在战时被掠夺的文物。
2022-11-21 19:21:27
中新社北京11月21日电 综合消息:土耳其国防部20日发表声明说,当天凌晨土耳其军队对位于伊拉克和叙利亚北部的两支库尔德武装发动了代号为“爪剑”的空袭,该行动被认为是土耳其针对13日伊斯坦布尔独立大街爆炸事件的反击。
2022-11-21 18:58:41
弹劾拜登分几步?特朗普频打听 拜登:“可笑”
中新网11月21日电 (记者 孟湘君)随着2022年美国中期选举结果渐次揭晓,共和党控制国会众议院“小赢”,民主党失去众院、保住参院“小输”的格局,逐渐明朗。未来两年,美国迎来“分裂国会”局面,已在所难免。
2022-11-21 18:54:53
印尼突发5.6级地震 造成至少46死700伤
中新网11月21日电 综合报道,当地时间21日,印尼国家灾难管理局负责人苏哈里扬托(Suharyanto)称,印尼爪哇岛发生5.6级地震,造成至少46人死亡,另有700人受伤。
2022-11-21 17:59:45
【环球网报道 记者 付嘉骏】综合韩国纽西斯通讯社、《中央日报》等媒体21日报道,韩国总统府当天一早宣布,尹锡悦每天上班前在龙山总统府办公楼大厅内举行的“每日简约记者会”因近期发生“不愉快事件”,即日起将暂停举行。韩国媒体认为,总统府方面所说的“不愉快事件”,是指此前MBC电视台记者在记者会上向尹锡悦提出具有攻击性的问题,并同在场政府官员争执一事。有韩媒称,决定暂停举行“每日简约记者会”是总统府在向相关媒体发出警告,后续还可能会对其采取惩戒措施。

(11月21日)(滚动更新) 世界新闻 – English/Chinese 英中简报