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Chinese state television lionises Xi Jinping’s father in 39-part serialised drama

The historical series, Time in the Northwest, chronicles the life of Xi Zhongxun from peasant roots to Communist revolutionary in China

Xi Jinping’s father is the subject of a rousing new historical drama that premiered on Chinese state television on Tuesday.

Funded by the Central Propaganda Department of the Chinese Communist party (CCP), Time in the Northwest chronicles the life of Xi Zhongxun, the father of the Chinese president, who was himself a CCP elder and key figure in the party under Chairman Mao Zedong.

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  新华社北京11月8日电 外交部发言人华春莹8日宣布:

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钓鱼岛风光。中新社发 赵宁 摄 图片来源:CNSphoto   中新网11月8日电 据中国海警局官方微博消息,11月8日,中国海警1303舰艇编队在我钓鱼岛领海内巡航。这是中国海警依法开展的维权巡航活动。

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  中新网重庆11月8日电 (记者 孙自法)联合国教科文组织国际自然与文化遗产空间技术中心主任、可持续发展大数据国际研究中心主任郭华东院士11月7日表示,依托航天技术进步,未来可持续发展卫星还可以考虑月基对地观测,实现从卫星平台到月球平台的跨越,在月球上对地球开展全球可持续发展指标监测。

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促进文明传承发展 推动文明交流互鉴——习近平主席致首届世界古典学大会贺信引发热烈反响


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夯实国家治理基层基础 增进人民群众福祉——习近平总书记重要指示为做好新时代社会工作指明方向

  新华社北京11月7日电#8195;题:夯实国家治理基层基础 增进人民群众福祉——习近平总书记重要指示为做好新时代社会工作指明方向

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  中新网11月8日电 据广东省纪委监委消息:广东省地质局原一级巡视员莫纯銮涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受广东省纪委监委纪律审查和监察调查。

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Canada orders TikTok to close offices over ‘security risks’

Chinese-owned firm’s operation falls foul of official review, though Canadian users will be able to use video app as usual

Canada has ordered TikTok to shut down its operations in the country after conducting a security review, but users will not be barred from accessing the video app or uploading content to it.

The Canadian government said it was demanding the winding up of TikTok’s business in the country due to “specific national security risks”. It currently has offices in Vancouver and Toronto.

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  中新社北京11月7日电 全国人大常委会委员长赵乐际7日下午在人民大会堂同古巴全国人民政权代表大会主席拉索举行会谈。

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  新华社北京11月7日电 全国人大常委会委员长赵乐际7日下午在人民大会堂同古巴全国人民政权代表大会主席拉索举行会谈。

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台湾今年已发生35起5.5级以上地震 创14年来新高

  中新社台北11月7日电 台湾今年已发生35起5.5级以上地震,创2011年以来全年最高纪录。气象专家指,这代表台湾已进入“多地震时代”。

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  中新社北京11月7日电 (记者 国璇)2024年是中国和马来西亚建交50周年暨“中马友好年”。7日,马来西亚总理安瓦尔到访北京大学并发表演讲,他寄语北大学生,应通过传播知识推动社会的公平正义。

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  中新网南宁11月7日电(记者 黄艳梅)记者7日从新闻发布会获悉,中国唯一的仫佬族自治县——广西河池市罗城仫佬族自治县将于11月20日至21日举行成立40周年庆祝活动,展现当地经济社会发展成就以及特色民族风情。

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  中新网钦州11月7日电 题:黑旗军首领刘永福后人:做错事被罚抄将军临终遗言

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  中新网贵州荔波11月7日电 (刘美伶)“截至目前,中国生物圈保护区网络成员单位已达200家,世界生物圈保护区已达34家,形成了覆盖广泛、联系紧密的人与自然和谐共生的网络体系。”

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台湾金融诈骗案数量呈上升趋势 “新股申购”骗局多

  中新社台北11月7日电 台湾“金融监督管理委员会”(下称“金管会”)7日公布,今年7月至10月累计接获金融诈骗案353件,已超过上半年的333件,数量呈上升趋势。

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促进高质量充分就业 江西已建成近1.2万家就业之家

  中新网南昌11月7日电 (记者 李韵涵)7日,江西省用好5+2就业之家促进高质量充分就业新闻发布会在南昌召开。记者从会上获悉,目前,江西建成就业之家近1.2万家。

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西宁:生态保护优先 推动产业高端化、智能化、绿色化转型

  中新网西宁11月7日电 (记者 李江宁)“西宁空气质量连续9年领跑西北省会城市,西宁不仅有‘高颜值’更有‘好气质’。”7日,西宁市委副书记、市长石建平在青海省人民政府新闻办举办的“懂青海 爱青海 兴青海”——西宁专场新闻发布会上表示。

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  中新网西安11月7日电 (记者 梅镱泷)随着神舟十九号载人飞船载着三名航天员在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射,与三名航天员一同踏上太空的“神十九”任务标识也获得了关注。据了解,“神十九”任务标识的设计者来自西安美术学院设计艺术学院的副教授吴林桦和他的研究生学生丁一。

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  中新社昆明11月7日电 11月7日,中国国务院总理李强在昆明出席大湄公河次区域经济合作第八次领导人会议。柬埔寨、老挝、缅甸、泰国、越南政府首脑和亚洲开发银行行长出席。

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  中新社北京11月7日电 全国政协主席王沪宁7日在北京会见古巴全国人民政权代表大会主席拉索。

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China welcomes Myanmar's embattled leader on first visit since coup

It's not a state visit, but Beijing's invitation to Min Aung Hlaing is still significant.

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North Korea’s involvement in Ukraine draws China into a delicate balancing act

The entry of North Korean troops risks a dangerous escalation in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. It also puts Beijing in a tight spot

In October 1950, barely a year after the Chinese civil war ended, Mao Zedong sent the first Chinese soldiers to fight in the Korean war. Between 180,000 and 400,000 of Chairman Mao’s troops would die in that conflict, including his own son. But it was important to defend North Korea in that battle, Mao reportedly said, because “without the lips, the teeth are cold”.

That Chinese idiom has been used to described China and North Korea’s close relationship for more than seven decades. China sees North Korea as a strategic security buffer in the region, while North Korea relies on its superpower neighbour for economic, political and military support. But that relationship is now under strain thanks to another war which is drawing Communist-rooted countries into a common battle.

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AstraZeneca shares tumble after reports China unit is linked to insurance fraud

Pharmaceutical’s weight loss pill described as ‘underwhelming’, also piling pressure on share price

AstraZeneca shares tumbled on Tuesday wiping £14bn off the value of Britain’s biggest drug maker, after a report that dozens of senior executives at its China unit could be implicated in an insurance fraud case in the country’s pharmaceutical sector.

Also putting pressure on the share price, early data on AstraZeneca’s experimental weight loss pill published on Monday was described as “somewhat underwhelming” by analysts at Deutsche Bank, who reiterated their “sell” rating on the stock.

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China blocking UK plans in Beijing amid east London mega-embassy dispute

Exclusive: UK rebuild of Beijing embassy held up as Angela Rayner faces fraught decision on Royal Mint Court site

China is blocking requests to rebuild the British embassy in Beijing while the fate of its controversial mega-embassy in east London is being decided, the Guardian can disclose.

Angela Rayner, the deputy prime minister and housing secretary, faces a politically fraught decision over whether to approve plans for a new Chinese embassy at Royal Mint Court.

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Chinese Americans targeted with ‘misogynistic and insulting’ election misinformation

Rumors across various social media sites are magnified through translation and dissemination to other platforms

After Kamala Harris became the Democratic candidate, TikTok and Instagram saw the emergence of a particularly vicious kind of misinformation – that Harris stole someone’s husband, specifically Willie Brown, a former mayor of San Francisco.

This is false. But these rumors were soon translated into Chinese and posted on X, with the language becoming “even more inflammatory”, according to the Chinese factchecking group, PiYaoBa. One Chinese influencer, whose tweet garnered more than 60,000 views, translated “stole a woman’s husband” as “mistress”.

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Trump or Harris? Whoever wins will face a shift in power in the global economy | Larry Elliott

West’s dominance is being challenged, with Brics summit showing emerging markets are unwilling to bow to pressure

It is November 1992 and the US is at the height of its power. Communism has been defeated. The Berlin Wall has been demolished. The Soviet Union has broken up and Russia is being used as the laboratory mouse for free-market shock treatment. Liberalisation of the Chinese economy offers the opportunity for US multinationals to outsource production. An era of American-dominated globalisation has dawned.

Two liberal internationalists – George HW Bush and Bill Clinton – are battling for the presidency. In the end, Clinton defeats Bush, the sitting Republican president, because the protectionist Ross Perot takes more votes from the Republicans than he does from the Democrats.

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The west must give Zelenskyy free rein now North Korea has joined the war | Observer editorial

By promising troops to Russia, Kim Jong-un has internationalised the conflict, adding to instability around the world

The transfer to Russia of an estimated 10,000 North Korean troops to bolster Vladimir Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine represents an alarming escalation of a conflict that is causing ever-greater international insecurity and instability. The provocative deployment by the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un, links the confrontation on Europe’s border to the long-running east-west standoff on the Korean peninsula, potentially aggravating both.

The US is plainly deeply concerned. Antony Blinken, the secretary of state, forcefully warned Moscow and Pyongyang last week against sending North Korean troops on to Ukrainian battlefields. The US ambassador to the UN, Robert Wood, said that if Kim’s soldiers “enter Ukraine in support of Russia, they will surely return in body bags”.

Do you have an opinion on the issues raised in this article? If you would like to submit a letter of up to 250 words to be considered for publication, email it to us at [email protected]

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‘Very bad precedent’: China and Russia team up to undermine krill fishing restrictions in Antarctica

Conservationists warn actions and ambitions of two super powers could lead to overexploitation of vital food source for whales, penguins and seals

China and Russia are working together to block new Antarctic marine parks and loosen krill fishing restrictions, undermining a major international convention designed to protect the region from overexploitation, according to analysts and conservationists.

With the support of Russia, China reportedly used its veto rights at a meeting of the 26-nation Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) in Tasmania to prevent the renewal of an agreement restricting krill fishing.

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‘I wanted those 828 men not to be forgotten’: the Chinese documentary raising wartime ghosts

The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru – rejected earlier this week as China’s official Oscars contender – recounts a terrible and forgotten tragedy. Director Fang Li explains why, 80 years on, the story still arouses fierce passions

A little-known tragedy from the second world war is the subject of a documentary that has been a surprise hit in China and is the country’s pick for two Academy Awards – although it has already been disqualified from one of the categories.

On Monday, it was revealed that The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru, which had been selected by China as its entry for the best international feature prize at the Oscars, had been deemed ineligible. The competition’s rules state that a film in that category must have “a predominantly (more than 50%) non-English dialogue track”.

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The other November 5 election: China and the US look on as Palau votes

Brothers-in-law face off in a presidential battle over the economy, cost of living and relations with global powers

Flanked by a turquoise lagoon, a newly rebuilt US military runway slices through forest in southern Palau. Completed just months ago, the airfield is the latest example of a push by the United States to build its presence in the Pacific as concerns around China’s reach in the region grow.

The small Pacific country is one of 12 in the world that has diplomatic ties with Taiwan instead of China and will head to the polls on 5 November, the same day as the US.

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Apple reports robust demand for iPhone 16 even as overall sales in China slow

Company reports $94.9bn in revenue, slightly beating Wall Street projections in first look at demand for its new phone

Apple reported strong demand for the iPhone 16 in its quarterly earnings report on Thursday, though overall sales in China slightly decreased year-over-year. The company reported $94.9bn in revenue, up 6% year-over-year, and $1.64 in earnings per share (EPS). The company’s earnings slightly beat Wall Street projections of $94.4bn in sales and an EPS of $1.60.

The company saw $46.2bn in revenue from iPhone sales, up from $43.8bn year-over-year. Fourth-quarter revenue from its services division, which include subscriptions, increased from $22.31bn to $24.97bn year-over-year.

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Volvo Cars to buy out Northvolt from jointly owned gigafactory in Sweden

Plans are further blow to Europe’s hopes of creating a homegrown electric car battery

Volvo Cars plans to buy out the struggling battery maker Northvolt from their jointly owned gigafactory in Sweden in another blow to Europe’s hopes of creating a homegrown electric car battery.

Novo Energy, a joint venture between Volvo and the Swedish battery company, was launched in 2021 with a plan to create a “fully integrated and frictionless environment” for developing new battery technologies with a staff force of 3,000 to start production in 2025.

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EU launches action against shopping website Temu over illegal products

Formal investigation opens amid concerns Chinese shopping website is breaching Digital Services Act

The EU has launched formal proceedings against the Chinese shopping website Temu amid concerns it is failing to halt the sale of illegal products online.

A formal investigation was opened on Thursday with the European Commission citing concerns over the platform, which is a cut-price rival to Amazon.

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North Korea missile test reaches record height and duration, says Japan

Test of apparent ICBM theoretically capable of striking US mainland comes amid warnings over North Korean troops in Ukraine

North Korea has test launched a long-range missile theoretically capable of striking the US mainland in another display of defiance by the regime amid growing warnings over its troops’ participation in the war in Ukraine.

US officials said they believed Thursday’s launch was that of an intercontinental ballistic missile [ICBM] but did not say how they had reached that assessment. Japan’s defence minister, Gen Nakatani, said the missile had flown higher and for longer than others tested by North Korea.

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Leading human rights lawyer Xu Zhiyong on hunger strike in Chinese prison, family says

Xu is protesting against what he describes as inhumane treatment in prison, including lack of contact with his family

Concerns are growing about the health of Xu Zhiyong, China’s most prominent imprisoned human rights lawyer, who is thought to have been on hunger strike for nearly a month.

Xu, a scholar and leading figure in China’s embattled civil rights movement, started his hunger strike on 4 October, according to Chinese Human Rights Defenders, an NGO. He is protesting against what he describes as inhumane treatment in prison, including lack of contact with his family and intensive surveillance by other prisoners, according to reports released through his relatives.

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We are in despair at the Labour party’s U-turn on Uyghur genocide ruling | Letter

Dr Gillian Hughes, Dr Charlotte Burck, Dr Julia Nelki and Julia Granville the on the Uyghur Tribunal and David Lammy’s visit to China

We were deeply disturbed to read your report about David Lammy’s visit to China that highlighted how our Labour government – headed by a human rights lawyer – has decided to backtrack on plans for formal recognition of acts of genocide in order to facilitate trade deals with China (Labour backtracks on push for genocide ruling on China’s treatment of Uyghurs, 17 October).

For six days in 2021 we attended the Uyghur Tribunal, during which numerous shocking testimonies were presented. We had been asked to provide psychological support to those giving evidence, in recognition of the emotional demands of participation. The courage of those who took part was breathtaking – many spoke of the risk to their lives and to their family members’ lives in participating. We heard accounts of forcible sterilisation, imprisonment and sadistic torture.

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Volkswagen hit by 60% fall in profits as sales in China slump

Drop comes as carmaker faces battle with unions over plan to shut three factories in Germany

Volkswagen has reported a 60% drop in profits amid a slump in sales in China, with the carmaker emphasising the difficulties it faces as it prepares to close factories in Germany for the first time.

Germany’s biggest carmaker has told workers it is considering shutting three plants serving its main Volkswagen brand in its home market and cutting staff pay, raising the prospect of an extended battle with unions representing 120,000 German employees.

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China declares success as its youngest astronauts reach space

The BBC’s Laura Bicker sees the Shenzhou 19 spacecraft take off in a record year of space exploration.

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Chinese police target Halloween revellers in Shanghai

Witnesses say police dispersed crowds of partygoers, while photos of arrests have circulated online.

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Many Republicans take a tough line on China despite their own business ties to Beijing

With Senate control up for grabs in swing states, both parties are trying to stress China’s threat to US economy

In testimony to Congress last year, David McCormick, now the Republican candidate for US Senate in Pennsylvania, said that as CEO of Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund in the world, he “held deep reservations” about “the moral and patriotic hazards of doing business in China”.

As CNN reported, between 2017 and 2021, such qualms did not stop McCormick overseeing an increase in Bridgewater’s Chinese holdings from $1.6m to $1.77bn. Nor, according to Bloomberg, did Bridgewater flinch from significant investments in companies that supply the Chinese military. It has also been reported that McCormick oversaw investment in a Chinese fentanyl producer and, as HuffPost put it, “profited from China trade policies he helped shape” as a deputy national security adviser for international economic affairs under George W Bush.

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China’s kindergarten numbers shrink as policymakers struggle to arrest falling birthrate

Various measures designed to encourage people to have more children have had limited success

The number of kindergartens in China fell by more than 5% last year, the second year in a row that preschool institutions were in decline, reflecting the country’s falling birthrate.

In 2023, there were 274,400 kindergartens across China, down from 289,200 in 2022, according to a Ministry of Education statistical bulletin published last week.

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Trump and Vance possible targets of China-backed cyber attack

It is reported the Republican candidates' phones may have been among the targets of a broader cyber attack.

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Chinese child trafficker with 17 victims sentenced to death

The trial of Yu Huaying has gripped China, as more of her victims come forward with their stories.

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China holds live-fire drills on island closest to Taiwan

The drills were held for more than four hours in Niushan, an island 105km from Taiwan.

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India and China agree to de-escalate border tensions

The two countries have reached a patrolling agreement after several clashes between their troops since 2020.

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TikTok owner sacks intern for sabotaging AI project

Chinese technology giant ByteDance denied reports that the incident caused more than $10m of damage.

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Labour tiptoes nervously towards a China policy

David Lammy's low-key visit to Beijing shows the party is still trying to work out its China stance.

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'Your son will die': How blessing scammers prowl streets

Female crooks are exploiting superstition and family love to swindle other women.

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Harris or Trump? What Chinese people want from US election

People in Beijing tell the BBC's Laura Bicker their hopes and fears about who will win the White House race.

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A Japanese boy was killed in China. Was cyber-nationalism to blame?

The Chinese government has been accused of using online nationalism as a useful safety valve.

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How China’s crackdown turned finance high-flyers into ‘rats’

Chinese authorities have been cracking down on businesses from real estate to technology to finance.

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Red-billed gulls seen in Yinchuan as city's ecological efforts strengthened

People feed red-billed gulls at a lake in Yinchuan, northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Oct. 28, 2024.A visitor poses for photos with red-billed gulls at Haibao park in Yinchuan, northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Oct. 28, 2024.

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