(中英 – 持续更新)2023.11.17 新闻速递,看新闻,学英文

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两名最初被判处在家拘留的性犯罪者因量刑错误而被降级为监管。 ‘Evil goes unpunished’: Home detention downgraded to ‘supervision’ for sex offenders
Two sex offenders who were initially sentenced to home detention have had their sentenced downgraded to supervision after a sentencing mistake.


塔拉纳基男子控制室友并将其打死后承认犯下谋杀罪 Taranaki man pleads guilty to murder after controlling his flatmate, beating him to death

在Gore发现一名头部严重受伤的男子后,警方正在寻求信息 Police seek information after man found with serious head injuries in Gore

当我发现我两个子宫都怀孕时,我才发现我有两个子宫 I discovered I had two uteruses when I found out I was pregnant in both

在芒格怀(Mangawhai)有人遭狗袭击受重伤 Person critically injured in dog attack in Mangawhai

怀赫科岛发现尸体后警方正在调查烧毁的车辆 Police investigate burnt-out vehicle after body found at Waiheke Island

国家党资深议员陆续涌入康得思酒店,参加第三天在奥克兰举行的组建下一届政府的谈判。Live: National MPs hopeful but not confident of weekend coalition deal
Senior party MPs are trickling into the Cordis Hotel, for the third day of Auckland-based negotiations to form the next government.

热带低压将为该国顶部带来大雨和强风。 Tropical low: Wet, windy weekend as new rainmaker hits North Island
A tropical low is set to bring heavy rain and strong winds to the top of the country.

丰田大幅改进的凯美瑞将于明年在这里上市 Toyota’s heavily revamped Camry will be here next year

圣诞节前三天吉斯伯恩工厂关闭 将失去60 个工作岗位Gisborne mill to close with 60 jobs to go three days before Christmas

倒闭的在线超市 Supie 欠债权人 210 万纽币Failed online supermarket Supie owed creditors $2.1 million

分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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以色列军方称,耶胡迪特·韦斯的尸体在加沙城的希法医院附近被发现。Israel says hostage’s body found near main Gaza hospital
The Israeli army says Yehudit Weiss’s body was recovered near Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City.

以色列加沙:希法医院院长表示已没有水或氧气了Israel Gaza: Al-Shifa Hospital director says no water or oxygen left

利比里亚选举结果:乔治·维阿和约瑟夫·博阿凯势均力敌 Liberia election result: George Weah and Joseph Boakai in neck and neck race

男子在保罗·佩洛西锤击事件中犯有袭击罪 Man guilty of assault in Paul Pelosi hammer attack

道德报告发布后,乔治·桑托斯将不再竞选连任 George Santos won’t run for re-election after damning ethics report released

加拿大男子在安大略省谋杀穆斯林家庭罪成 Canadian man guilty of Muslim family’s murders in Ontario

拉斯维加斯青少年被杀:两名嫌疑人在致命斗殴中被通缉 Las Vegas teen killed: Two suspects sought in deadly brawl

分类: 国际新闻

(即时多来源) 中英国际要闻 English/Chinese World News

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澳大利亚商人从时薪 7 澳元发展成为一家有望赚取 1 亿澳元的大型成功全球企业:阅读他的成功秘诀
一位澳大利亚技工改变了他的命运,从每小时 7 澳元的微薄奋斗,到精心策划的全球商业帝国,预计今年将赚得 1 亿澳币。Aussie tradie goes from earning $7 an hour – to developing a mega successful global business set to rake in $100million: Read his tips for success
An Aussie tradie transformed his fate from a meager $7-an-hour struggle to orchestrating a global business empire set to rake in $100million this year.

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分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 澳洲英语新闻 Australia English News

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官方媒体周四称,中国北方一家煤炭公司办公室发生火灾,已造成 26 人死亡,这是煤炭行业发生的一系列致命事故中的最新一起。

火灾发生在中国最大的煤炭生产中心山西省永州煤业联合大楼四层楼内,造成至少 38 人受伤。路透社致电该公司,但无人接听。

Fire in China coal company office kills 26

At least 38 injured in the blaze at Yongju coal mine company in Lyuliang City, north China’s Shanxi province.

A fire that erupted in the office of a coal company in northern China has killed 26 people, state media said on Thursday, the latest in a series of deadly accidents in the coal industry.

At least 38 people were injured in the blaze, which broke out at the four-storey Yongju Coal Industry Joint Building in the country’s top coal-producing hub of Shanxi. Calls to the company by the Reuters news agency were not answered.

分类: 中国新闻

(即时多来源) 中英中国要闻 Chinese/English China News

困在“铁笼子”被烧死? 山西大楼火警 26人罹难


Alphabet 首席执行官皮查伊表示,中国将处于人工智能前沿
Alphabet 首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊 (Sundar Pichai) 表示,他预计中国将处于人工智能领域的“前沿”,美国与这个亚洲国家在监管和创新方面的合作非常重要。

China will be at forefront of AI, Alphabet CEO Pichai says

Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai said he expects China to be ‘at the forefront’ of artificial intelligence, and that it is important for the US to collaborate with the Asian nation on both regulation and innovation.

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China’s GPS-like BeiDou navigation system recognised as global standard for commercial aviation in ‘important milestone’

China’s BeiDou system, which is similar to the US’ Global Positioning System (GPS), has been recognised by the International Civil Aviation Organisation.

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分类: 科技新闻

(即时多来源) 最新英语科技新闻 New Zealand English News

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