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Troy Philipp B admitted to raping and murdering a woman near the popular Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria
特洛伊·菲利普 B 承认在巴伐利亚州受欢迎的新天鹅堡附近强奸和谋杀了一名女子

A US man has been sentenced to life in prison for the rape and murder of a fellow American tourist and the attempted murder of her friend near one of Germany’s top visitor attractions.

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A German court convicted Troy Philipp B, 31, for the attack on the two tourists near Neuschwanstein Castle.
德国法院判定31岁的特洛伊·菲利普(Troy Philipp B)在新天鹅堡附近袭击两名游客罪名成立。

Last month, he admitted attacking one of the women before pushing her and her friend off a ravine on 14 June 2023.

He had befriended the two women before luring them off the public path.

In Monday’s sentencing in district court in the town of Kempten, Bavaria, Judge Christoph Schwiebacher noted the “particular severity of guilt” in the case.

在周一在巴伐利亚州肯普滕镇地方法院的判决中,法官克里斯托夫·施维巴赫(Christoph Schwiebacher)指出了该案的“特别严重性”。

He indicated the killer would probably not be eligible for parole after 15 years, which is typical for people who receive life sentences in Germany, according to Agence France-Presse news agency.

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German officials did not identify the victims, but relatives named them as University of Illinois graduates Eva Liu, 21, and Kelsey Chang, 22.
德国官员没有透露受害者的身份,但亲属称他们是21岁的伊利诺伊大学毕业生Eva Liu和22岁的Kelsey Chang。

The Michigan man lured the two friends away from the Marienbruecke bridge, a popular viewpoint for the fairytale castle.

He led them to a hidden trail, telling them that the way to the bridge was difficult to navigate.

Authorities say he then shoved Ms Liu to the ground, raping and strangling her before Ms Chang tried to stop him.

He pushed Ms Chang into the 50m deep (164ft) ravine and continued assaulting her friend, strangling her with a belt and recording it.


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He then pushed an unconscious Ms Liu into the same ravine after some hikers came across the scene.

Mountain rescuers were able to the find the women, and they were airlifted on helicopters. Ms Liu died from her injuries in hospital.


Ms Chang had severe injuries, but survived.

The suspect was not detained until later that day after a massive manhunt.

A tourist who witnessed his arrest said his “face was covered in deep red scratch marks and his neck as well”, adding “there was clearly a struggle”.

At trial in February, the defendant said he was “deeply ashamed” of his actions, which he claimed were not premeditated. He also admitted possessing child pornography.

In an obituary, relatives described Ms Liu as “a bright and inquisitive student with many passions, including baking, travelling, and music”.

The German court did not release the killer’s full name, citing privacy laws.


Located 78 miles (126 km) from Munich, Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria draws over 1.3 million tourists each year.
巴伐利亚州的新天鹅堡距离慕尼黑 78 英里(126 公里),每年吸引超过 130 万游客。

来源: BBC

分类: 国际新闻

(即时多来源) 中英国际要闻 English/Chinese World News

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