2024.05.24 中英新闻简讯


精神病患者的病床需求量很大,人们被拒之门外或要求突然出院。Mental health patients being turned away or discharged early due to high demand
Hospital beds for mental health patients are so in demand people are being turned away from wards or discharged suddenly.

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目前最佳的房屋贷款期限是多久? What’s the best home loan term to fix for now?
乐透头奖:3000 万纽币等你来赢 – 如何领取奖金并避免大抽奖前排队
3000 万纽币头奖:有没有想过辞掉工作,但没有足够的乐透球来做到这一点?Lotto jackpot: $30 million up for grabs – how to claim your prize and avoid queues ahead of big draw
$30m jackpot: Ever wanted to quit your job but lacked the Lotto balls to do it?
Beach Haven 谋杀案审判:14 岁和 17 岁的青少年被判有罪 Joshuah Tasi 的罪行Beach Haven murder trial: Teens, 14 and 17, both guilty of Joshuah Tasi’s stabbing death

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

马略卡岛一栋建筑倒塌造成 4 人死亡,16 人受伤
官员表示,救援行动持续了一夜,一些人可能被困在废墟下。Four dead and 16 injured in Majorca building collapse
Officials say some people could be trapped under the rubble, as rescue operations continued overnight.

他此前曾警告称,如果没有贸易壁垒,中国汽车制造商将“摧毁”竞争对手。 Musk opposes US tariffs on Chinese electric cars
He previously warned Chinese car makers would “demolish” rivals if there were no trade barriers.

(即时多来源) 中英国际要闻 Chinese/English World News

巴布亚新几内亚山体滑坡:100 多人丧生
据信,巴布亚新几内亚偏远地区发生的山体滑坡已造成 100 多人死亡。 Papua New Guinea landslide: More than 100 killed
More than 100 people are believed to have been killed in a landslide in remote Papua New Guinea.

乐透强力球 1.5 亿澳币大奖得主揭晓
一名澳大利亚男子赢得 1.5 亿澳币乐透奖金后做出了令人震惊的告白。Lotto Powerball $150million winner is revealed
An Aussie bloke has made a shocking confession after winning a $150million Lotto prize.

(即时多来源) 英语澳洲新闻 (Rolling) English Australia News

阻止或减少与中国或其他国家的互动,只会让澳大利亚沦为一个容易产生误解的狭隘、空洞的国家。As China-Australia ties fray, should Canberra keep its friends close, its enemies closer?
Blocking or reducing interaction with China or other countries only reduces Australia to a petty, hollow state that is susceptible to misunderstandings.

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日本向菲律宾出售巡逻舰。东京是否在以更“激进的外交”对抗北京? Japan is selling patrol vessels to the Philippines. Is Tokyo confronting Beijing with more ‘aggressive diplomacy’?

(即时多来源) 英语亚洲新闻 English Asia News

Mistral AI 首席执行官 Arthur Mensch 和 Anthropic 首席执行官 Dario Amodei 备受关注,这两家公司都是由美国科技巨头支持的领先人工智能公司。CEOs of AI start-ups backed by Microsoft and Amazon are the new tech rockstars
Mistral AI CEO Arthur Mensch and Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei are in the spotlight, both leading AI companies backed by U.S. tech giants.

交易可能会在今年晚些时候开始,因为 ETF 发行人仍必须在推出产品之前获得绿灯。 US approves applications from Nasdaq, NYSE, CBOE to list spot ether ETFs in surprise win for crypto sector
Trading could begin later this year, as the ETF issuers sill have to get the green light before launching the products.

新技术尚未改变房屋建筑业,因为房屋建筑业仍然主要是一项手工任务。Why technology has not transformed building
New technology has yet to transform homebuilding which is still largely a manual task.

(即时多来源) 英语科技要闻 English Technology News



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