(10月10日) (滚动更新) 世界新闻 – 中英 Chinese/English 双语简报

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韩国执政党确定下届总统候选人 大选选战启幕

中新网10月10日电 据韩媒报道,韩国执政党共同民主党的第20届大选党内初选10日结束,京畿道知事李在明当选民主党总统候选人,由此大选选战拉开帷幕。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

得州堕胎法拉锯战持续 上诉法院裁决暂时恢复实施

中新网10月10日电 据美国中文网报道,美国得州堕胎法的法律拉锯战仍在持续。美国一间上诉法院暂时恢复了得州的严苛堕胎法,并对一名联邦法官本周早些时候授予拜登政府的初步禁令发布行政暂停令。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社金边10月10日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)柬埔寨财经部10日消息称,即将公布政府债券发展政策,为明年首次发行政府债券铺路。近一段时间以来,柬埔寨为应对疫情冲击所带来的经济困境,密集出台应对措施。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

俄罗斯一架载23人轻型飞机坠毁 16人丧生7人获救

中新网10月10日电 据俄罗斯卫星网报道,俄罗斯紧急情况部门称,据初步数据显示,16人在鞑靼斯坦共和国载有伞兵的飞机坠毁事件中丧生,7人获救后住院。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网10月10日电 据俄罗斯卫星网报道,10日,一架载有20名伞兵和2名机组人员的L-410飞机在俄罗斯鞑靼斯坦共和国坠毁。国际文传电讯社援引消息人士称,已有19人遇难。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

一边是疫情暴发 一边是美国有些人因疫情成为“暴发户”

一边是疫情暴发 一边是美国有些人因疫情成为“暴发户”

Source: 中新网国际新闻

疫情流行导致抑郁症与焦虑症激增 新加坡单日新增病例创新高

(抗击新冠肺炎)疫情流行导致抑郁症与焦虑症激增 新加坡单日新增病例创新高

Source: 中新网国际新闻

希腊发生校园霸凌事件 15岁女生遭恐吓并被剪头发

中新网10月10日电 据希腊《中希时报》报道,近日,在希腊雅典一所职业高中就读的一名女生的母亲,向媒体披露了她女儿遭遇的令人难以置信的校内霸凌事件。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

Bolshoi performer killed in onstage accident during opera

The man was reportedly crushed by a backdrop during a scene change.

Source: World | 11 Oct 2021 | 5:18 am(NZT)


中新网10月10日电 据美国中文网报道,美国海岸警卫队8日宣布,南加州的一条水下输油管道很可能在过去几个月到一年的时间里遭到锚的撞击,导致最近数万加仑原油的大规模泄漏事故。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

美驻德外交人员出现健康问题 德美嫌隙恐进一步加深


Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社联合国10月9日电 联合国安理会9日发表媒体声明,对日前发生在阿富汗北部昆都士省一座清真寺的恐怖袭击予以强烈谴责。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

涉贪腐指控 奥地利总理库尔茨宣布辞职

中新社柏林10月10日电 维也纳消息:在遭到贪腐指控数日后,奥地利总理库尔茨当地时间9日晚在维也纳宣布辞职,并提名现任外长沙伦贝格接任总理。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

德国新冠累计确诊超430万 将取消免费检测

(抗击新冠肺炎)德国新冠累计确诊超430万 将取消免费检测

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网10月10日电 综合报道,阿富汗塔利班和美国代表团9日开始在卡塔尔首都多哈举行美军从阿富汗撤军后的首次高层会议。塔利班的会谈重点是人道援助和执行多哈协议,但警告美国勿颠覆现政权,而美国更关注打击恐怖主义和人员撤离问题,明确表示不会谈承认塔利班政权问题。半岛电视台分析称,不应对谈判取得突破抱太高期望,因为在美国想要的和阿富汗过渡政府想要的之间仍然存在相当大的“鸿沟”。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

35岁奥地利总理库尔茨宣布辞职 正因腐败丑闻被调查

中新网10月10日电 据外媒报道,奥地利保守党总理库尔茨由于卷入腐败丑闻被当局调查,他于当地时间9日晚宣布辞职,并提名现任外交部长沙伦贝格接替总理一职。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

多名中国留学生入境美国遭盘问恐吓 中领馆发声

中新网10月10日电 据中国驻洛杉矶总领馆网站消息,近期,多名中国留学生在洛杉矶国际机场入境时,遭美国边检执法人员反复盘问来美学习目的、过往学业成绩、是否曾经就业、是否受过纪律处分、是否“剽窃”实验室数据等情况,有的还遭到威胁、恐吓,甚至被限制自由长达数十小时,最终被拒绝入境遣返回国。此外,还有部分中国留学生离境回国时遭美执法人员盘查,被没收个人电子设备。中领馆已就此向美方提出严正交涉,敦促美方纠正错误,停止利用各种借口对中国留学生进行无端限制和打压。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

美联邦政府债务上限沦为党争工具 专家称如美债违约将造成“经济灾难”


Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

台风影响减弱 海口新海港等三港今日9时将恢复作业


Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社莫斯科10月9日电 (记者 王修君)俄罗斯侦查委员会9日发布消息称,俄奥伦堡州发生假酒中毒事件,致29人死亡。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社努尔苏丹10月9日电 比什凯克消息:当地时间8日,中国驻吉尔吉斯斯坦大使杜德文出席中国与吉尔吉斯斯坦建交30周年研讨会。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

俄新冠疫情恶化 日增确诊近3万例


Source: 中新网国际新闻

记者手记:在迪拜看世界 疫情难阻世博会热潮

新华社迪拜10月9日电 记者手记:在迪拜看世界 疫情难阻世博会热潮

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

美债“炸弹”引信难拆 政治弊端恐祸全球

新华社华盛顿10月8日电(国际观察)美债“炸弹”引信难拆 政治弊端恐祸全球

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

瓦努阿图群岛发生6.8级地震 震源深度500千米

中新网10月9日电 据中国地震台网正式测定:10月09日18时58分在瓦努阿图群岛(南纬21.10度,东经174.60度)发生6.8级地震,震源深度500千米。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社北京10月9日电 “我们考虑的很多重要问题都需要加强多边主义,现在必须改革多边主义。”法国前总理拉法兰近日在线上参加一场座谈会时表示,今天的多边主义缺乏足够的平等性和公正性,各方对多边主义有着各自的理解和看法,需要进一步协调。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


环球深壹度 | 加油站持续断油,英国的麻烦可能还不止这一样

Source: 中新网国际新闻

俄媒:伊朗首任总统在巴黎去世 终年88岁

海外网10月9日电 据俄罗斯卫星通讯社9日报道,伊朗首任总统阿布·哈桑·巴尼萨德尔在法国巴黎去世,终年88岁。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

疫情冲击美民众心理健康 出现焦虑抑郁相关症状人数增加


Source: 中新网国际新闻

美国佐治亚州一架小型飞机坠毁 致4人死亡

中新社旧金山10月9日电 美国联邦航空局当地时间8日称,一架小型飞机当日在佐治亚州一处机场坠毁,机上4人全部死亡。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网10月9日电 据中国驻韩国大使馆官方微信消息,不久前,一位40多岁的男性中国公民在韩确诊感染新冠肺炎,突然病情加重送入重症室,经抢救无效不幸离世。据了解,该公民在韩从事建筑业,一向身体健康,没有其他病史。中使馆对此表示哀悼,并为家属提供了必要协助。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

She had canceled her phone plan and was ready to die. Now a surprise decision has halted her euthanasia bid.

Martha Sepúlveda was set to become the first person in majority-Catholic Colombia without a terminal prognosis to die by legally authorized euthanasia. But health officials have canceled the procedure, in a decision she has vowed to fight.

Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 9:24 pm(NZT)

Long-banned FaceTime calls apparently working in UAE

FaceTime calls seem to be working in the United Arab Emirates, an apparent loosening of long-standing restrictions on the Apple program in the federation of seven sheikhdoms

Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 9:10 pm(NZT)

Iran makes more 20% enriched uranium than watchdog reported

Iran’s nuclear chief says the Islamic Republic has produced more than 120 kilograms (265 pounds) of 20% enriched uranium

Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 9:08 pm(NZT)

Germany’s Merkel to meet Israeli leaders in farewell visit

Germany’s lame-duck chancellor, Angela Merkel, is in Israel for a final visit before leaving office

Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 7:59 pm(NZT)

Controversial father of Pakistan nuclear bomb dies at age 85

Pakistan says Abdul Qadeer Khan, a controversial figure known as the father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb, has died at age 85

Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 7:51 pm(NZT)

Taiwan wants ‘status quo’, not China’s path, president says

Taiwan’s president is calling for the maintenance of the political status quo in a forthright speech which acknowledged rising pressure from China

Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 6:52 pm(NZT)

Colombian nun kidnapped in Mali in 2017 is freed

Gloria Cecilia Narváez was kidnapped by Islamist militants while working as a missionary.

Source: BBC News – Home | 10 Oct 2021 | 12:49 pm(NZT)

Thriller film sinks teeth into Hungary’s opposition

It is a film perfectly timed for Viktor Orban’s ruling party that could harm the opposition.

Source: BBC News – Home | 10 Oct 2021 | 12:23 pm(NZT)

Covid-19 vaccines: Has China made more than other countries combined?

China says it’s provided more than half of all vaccines administered around the world so far.

Source: BBC News – Home | 10 Oct 2021 | 12:20 pm(NZT)

Newcastle United takeover: What is PIF, the main owner of the club?

Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund owns 80% of Newcastle after a high-profile takeover.

Source: BBC News – Home | 10 Oct 2021 | 12:20 pm(NZT)

Covid vaccine: Why these US workers won’t get jabbed

A teacher, a nurse and an IT worker all say why they would rather lose their jobs than get jabbed.

Source: BBC News – Home | 10 Oct 2021 | 12:16 pm(NZT)

Your pictures on the theme of ‘derelict’

A selection of striking images from our readers around the world.

Source: BBC News – Home | 10 Oct 2021 | 12:11 pm(NZT)

Commanding Smith knocks out Fowler to win ‘Battle of Liverpool’

Liam Smith defeats Anthony Fowler in a commanding display to win the ‘Battle of Liverpool’ with an eighth-round knockout.

Source: BBC News – Home | 10 Oct 2021 | 12:10 pm(NZT)

Oh Wonder: We spent our honeymoon covered in cockroaches in a burning building

The indie-pop duo broke up while recording their fourth album, and things only got weirder after that.

Source: BBC News – Home | 10 Oct 2021 | 12:02 pm(NZT)

Joshua triggers Usyk rematch with March most likely date

Anthony Joshua’s rematch against heavyweight rival Usyk could take place in March, his promoter Eddie Hearn says.

Source: BBC News – Home | 10 Oct 2021 | 12:00 pm(NZT)

Performer at Moscow’s Bolshoi Theatre killed by falling scenery

Investigators said they are probing the death of 37-year-old Yevgeny Kulesh.

Source: BBC News – Home | 10 Oct 2021 | 10:40 am(NZT)

Opposition blocs gain edge over Czech prime minister in elections after Pandora Papers disclosures

The financial leaks showed Prime Minister Andrej Babis allegedly linked to shell companies in French chateau deal.

Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 5:58 am(NZT)

Lebanon’s national electricity grid collapses

For months, the Lebanese have had only a few hours of electricity a day. But the total outage is furthering the nation’s collapse.

Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 5:03 am(NZT)

Archbishop asks for forgiveness after erotic music video is filmed in famous Spanish cathedral

The video features erotic dancing, nudity and a severed head.

Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 3:07 am(NZT)

Pandora Papers: Leaks prompt investigations in some countries — and denial in others

Several countries implicated in the Pandora Papers have ignored the findings or refused to follow up on the revelations.

Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 3:00 am(NZT)

China’s Xi vows peaceful ‘unification’ with Taiwan, days after sending a surge of warplanes near the island

Xi’s move comes just days after a record number of Chinese military jets conducted drills close to the island, escalating tensions between the pair.

Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 1:14 am(NZT)

Saudi Arabia promised to stop executions for crimes committed as a juvenile, but has it?

An execution in 2021 calls into question the commitment to reforms meant to end death sentences for crimes committed as a minor.

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 10:00 pm(NZT)

Taliban say they won’t work with US to contain Islamic State

The Taliban have ruled out cooperation with the U.S. to contain extremist groups in Afghanistan

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 9:13 pm(NZT)

North Macedonia police seize counterfeit currency, arrest 2

North Macedonia police say they have seized counterfeit banknotes with a purported value of nearly 1 million euros during a routine check-up of the luggage of two Cameroon citizens at the country’s main international airport

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 8:44 pm(NZT)

US envoy: US asking Mexico to let in DEA and other agents

The new U.S. ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, said the United States has asked the Mexican government to allow agents, including those from the Drug Enforcement Administration, to work in Mexico

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 8:27 pm(NZT)

New river of lava threatens even more buildings on La Palma

A new river of lava has belched out from the La Palma volcano, spreading more destruction on the Atlantic Ocean island where molten rock streams have already engulfed over 1,000 buildings

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 8:16 pm(NZT)

Abductions by the busload: Haitians are being held hostage by a surge in kidnappings

Doctors at work, preachers in church, police on patrol: No one is safe.

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 7:49 pm(NZT)

More than 100 dead or missing after boat accident in Congo

Officials say more than 100 people are dead or missing after a boat accident earlier this week on the Congo River in the country’s northwest

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 7:38 pm(NZT)

Austrian Chancellor Kurz resigns amid corruption allegations

The 35-year-old Kurz was facing a no-confidence vote and suggested Austria’s foreign minister take over leadership.

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 7:31 pm(NZT)

Germany investigates possible ‘Havana Syndrome’ sonic attack on U.S. Embassy staff

At least two U.S government employees based in Germany have logged symptoms like dizziness, nausea, and severe headaches, according to numerous media reports.

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 7:02 pm(NZT)

S. Korea charges 15 in sex abuse case as military grapples with mistreatment of female and trans soldiers

Two recent suicides in the ranks of the South Korean armed forces — and the perceived delay in accountability — have sparked public outrage.

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 6:01 pm(NZT)

Who is Maria Ressa, Philippine journalist and co-winner of the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize?

Her work as an editor and advocate has angered powerful people in the Philippines, including President Rodrigo Duterte.

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 4:25 am(NZT)

Neal M. Sher, leader of Justice Department’s Nazi-hunting unit, dies at 74

He led the Office of Special Investigations, which helped find and deport onetime Nazis living in the United States.

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 3:55 am(NZT)

Who is Dmitry Muratov, Russian journalist and co-winner of the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize?

Muratov said the Nobel Peace Prize was for those who had “died defending the right of people to freedom of speech.”

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 3:43 am(NZT)

After the Pandora Papers ensnared the Czech prime minister, voters are having their say. But will they care?

Billionaire Andrej Babis faces reelection days after the documents exposed an apparent shadowy deal for a French chateau.

Source: World | 9 Oct 2021 | 1:29 am(NZT)

She’s 51, a mother and a devout Catholic. She plans to die by euthanasia on Sunday.

Martha Sepúlveda will become the first person in Colombia without a terminal prognosis to die by legally authorized euthanasia. The majority-Catholic country has become an unlikely pioneer in the practice.

Source: World | 8 Oct 2021 | 10:23 pm(NZT)