新西兰Delta 疫情爆发:社区再创纪录新增129例,其中120例在奥克兰,9例在怀卡托。

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BREAKING: There are 129 new cases of Covid-19 in the community today. 

突发:今天社区中有 129 例新的 Covid-19 病例。

One hundred and twenty of the cases are in Auckland and nine are in Waikato.


As at 9am today, 64 of these cases are linked, of whom 25 are household contacts, and 65 remain unlinked with investigations continuing to help determine their connection to the current outbreak, the Ministry of Health said.

卫生部表示,截至今天上午 9 点,这些病例中有 64 例是有关联的,其中 25 例是家庭接触者,65 例没有关联, 将继续调查帮助确定其与当前的疫情关系。

There are 51 people in hospital with Covid, including eight in the North Shore, 18 in Middlemore, 24 in Auckland and one in Waikato.

有 51 人因新冠肺炎住院,其中北岸 8 人,米德尔莫尔 18 人,奥克兰 24 人,怀卡托 1 人。

Five people are in intensive care.


All the nine new cases reported in the Waikato region today have been contacted and are confirmed to have been linked to existing cases.


This brings the total number of confirmed cases in the region to 73.

这使该地区的确诊病例总数达到 73 例。

There are still four Waikato cases deemed unlinked, with investigations continuing to help link them back to an existing case.


The ministry urged anyone in Waikato – in particular, people in Te Awamutu – to get tested if they have symptoms.


Five new Covid cases have also been detected in returnees in managed isolation facilities.

在管理隔离设施的返回者中还发现了五例新的 Covid 病例。


怀卡托的公共卫生官员正在继续调查一名当地病例,该病例在返回 Covid-19 阳性结果之前曾前往霍克斯湾。

一个暴露关注点 Kmart Napier 已被确定,并要求在 10 月 15 日星期五下午 3:53 至下午 5:13 之间的任何人监测他们的症状 14 天,如果有任何发展,则接受测试并留在家中直到呈阴性 收到测试结果并且 24 小时无症状。


在从黑斯廷斯(10 月 19 日和 20 日)、内皮尔(10 月 18 日和 20 日)和怀罗阿(10 月 15 日和 19 日)收集的最新废水样本中,没有检测到 Covid-19 阳性。


New Zealand will move into the system to manage Covid-19 when District Health Boards have 90 per cent of their eligible populations vaccinated.

当地区医管局内 90% 的合格人口接种了疫苗时,新西兰将进入管理 Covid-19 的系统。

The traffic light system will use vaccine certificates to allow complying businesses to continue to operate at all times – it should also end nationwide lockdowns, although the Government retains the right to use smaller, localised lockdowns.


It also came as a record daily high 102 new community cases were detected yesterday.

昨天还发现了 102 例新的社区病例,创历史新高。

Case numbers have now been hopping around in recent days, with 94 cases on Tuesday – but experts are tipping numbers to continue to grow.

最近几天病例数一直在跳动,周二有 94 例 – 但专家们认为数字会继续增长。

Director general of health Ashley Bloomfield yesterday said case numbers are doubling every 10 to 12 days. He said the key point was how many of those people who caught Covid-19 were vaccinated.

卫生总干事阿什利·布卢姆菲尔德 (Ashley Bloomfield) 昨天表示,病例数每 10 到 12 天就会翻一番。 他说,关键在于感染 Covid-19 的人中有多少人接种了疫苗。

Only 1.7 per cent of people hospitalised in the Delta outbreak have been vaccinated.

在德尔塔疫情中,只有 1.7% 的住院患者接种了疫苗。

There are still about 150,000 eligible people in Auckland – and 616,000 eligible people nationwide – who are yet to get a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

奥克兰仍有大约 150,000 名符合条件的人 – 全国有 616,000 名符合条件的人 – 他们尚未接种一剂辉瑞疫苗。

Ninety-four of yesterday’s cases are in Auckland and eight are in Waikato, Bloomfield said.

布卢姆菲尔德说,昨天的病例中有 94 例发生在奥克兰,8 例发生在怀卡托。

Deputy PM Grant Robertson said “undoubtedly” there will be more cases emerging in Waikato.

副总理格兰特·罗伯逊(Grant Robertson)表示“毫无疑问”怀卡托将会出现更多病例。



(22日)中英新闻发布会直播内容:新西兰政府宣布新的防疫框架 – 红橙绿颜色设置和接种护照

(10月22日)(滚动更新) 新西兰多来源英语新闻 New Zealand Multi-sources Rolling English News