(27日)(更新)新西兰新冠Delta疫情:新增社区病例 74 例,奥克兰 68 例,怀卡托 6 例,内含中英疫情简报会内容和今天暴露关注地点。

新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选


There are 74 new community cases – 68 in Auckland and 6 in Waikato.

新增社区病例 74 例,奥克兰 68 例,怀卡托 6 例。

Covid-19 live: Chris Hipkins, Ashley Bloomfield to provide update on cases, Auckland schools, Waikato alert level

Covid-19 直播:Chris Hipkins、Ashley Bloomfield 提供病例、奥克兰学校、怀卡托警报级别的最新信息

There are 74 new community cases – 68 in Auckland and 6 in Waikato.

新增社区病例 74 例,奥克兰 68 例,怀卡托 6 例。

As at 10am, 43 of these cases are linked – including 18 household contacts – and 31 remain unlinked, with investigations continuing to help determine their connection to the outbreak.

截至上午 10 点,这些病例中有 43 例是有关联的——包括 18 名家庭接触者——还有 31 例没有关联,调查仍在继续,以帮助确定它们与疫情的联系。

There are 41 cases in hospital – the average age is 43. Five of these cases are in ICU or HDU.

住院病例有 41 例 – 平均年龄为 43 岁。其中 5 例在 ICU 或 HDU。

Yesterday, 17,536 tests were processed. Bloomfield said these are “good volumes”.
昨天,处理了 17,536 项检测。 布卢姆菲尔德说这些是“好量”。

The 7-day rolling average is 23,322.

7 天滚动平均值为 23,322。

Home isolation is now being used in Auckland to support the wider system and help manage community cases.

This is an “interim approach”, Bloomfield said. There are now 562 cases in the community across 200-odd households isolating at home. A longer-term approach will follow this.
布卢姆菲尔德说,这是一种“临时方法”。 目前,社区中有 200 多户在家隔离的家庭中有 562 例病例。 一个长期的方法将遵循这一点。

Here are the latest vaccine numbers:

42,136 doses administered yesterday – 1st doses: 10,872; 2nd doses: 31,264

昨天打了 42,136 剂 – 第 1 剂:10,872; 第二剂:31,264

In total, 6,676,800 doses have been administered – 1st doses: 3,657,970 (87 per cent); 2nd doses: 3,018,830 (72 per cent)
总共打了 6,676,800 剂——第一剂:3,657,970(87%); 第二剂:3,018,830(72%)

All of the Waikato cases are in Hamilton, they are known contacts and one is in a quarantine facility.

Bloomfield said region-wide testing is still being encouraged.

Also in Waikato, close contacts of the person who travelled to Blenheim have returned negative tests. Two other contacts are isolating and have been tested, their results are pending.

同样在怀卡托,去过布伦海姆的人的密切接触者的检测结果呈阴性。 另外两个接触者正在隔离并已经过检测,结果待定。

The Waikato will ease restrictions from 11.59pm tonight. People in parts of the Waikato at level 3 can then meet for outdoor gatherings with 10 people from two households. Golf, hunting, fishing and scuba diving can resume with a maximum of 10 people.
怀卡托将从今晚 11 点 59 分开始放宽限制。 3 级的怀卡托部分地区的人们可以与来自两个家庭的 10 人进行户外聚会。 高尔夫、狩猎、钓鱼和水肺潜水最多可容纳 10 人。

Early learning services can reopen with a maximum of 10 kids in each bubble.
早期学习服务可以重新开放,每个泡泡最多可容纳 10 个孩子。

This is the same step down that Auckland is in.


The boundary between Auckland and the parts of Waikato in level 3 will remain in place. Most people will not be permitted to travel.
奥克兰和怀卡托部分地区之间的 3 级边界将保持不变。 大多数人将不被允许旅行。

The cases in Waikato are among a network of people, there’s unlikely to be big exposure events, but they’re not comfortable dropping alert levels yet.

Hipkins said the outbreak isn’t yet contained.


The alert level settings will be reviewed on Monday along with Auckland’s settings.

Northland remains at alert level 2 with no new cases reported since Sunday. Delta is highly transmissible so people should stay vigilant and check locations of interest. They should also monitor for symptoms and if any are present, get a test ASAP.
Northland 仍处于 2 级警戒状态,自周日以来没有新病例报告。 Delta 具有高度传染性,因此人们应保持警惕并检查暴露关注地点。 他们还应该监测症状,如果出现任何症状,请尽快进行测试。

There are no new cases in the South Island. It remains at alert level 2.
南岛没有新病例。 它保持在警报级别 2。

Onto education, Hipkins, who is also Education Minister, said these are tough decisions to make.

在教育方面,同时兼任教育部长的 Hipkins 表示,这些都是艰难的决定。

Those returning to school this week in Auckland have been positive, he thanked school leaders and teachers working hard at level 3 to ready schools for reopening. Many schools are reporting good attendance numbers – some have 80 per cent of students back.
本周在奥克兰返校的人表现积极,他感谢学校领导和老师在 3 级努力工作,为学校重新开放做好准备。 许多学校的出勤率都很高——有些学校的学生返校率高达 80%。

Years 9 and 10 aren’t going back just yet, more work is being done. Further details will be released later.
9 年级和 10 年级学生还没有回去,还有更多工作要做。 更多细节将在稍后公布。

The Ministry of Education will work with schools over the coming week to come up with a staged return to school.


There’s an indicative start date of November 15. 
指示性开始日期为 11 月 15 日。

The options explored may involve groups attending on different days to keep attendance low. More learning outside might also be considered.

探索的选项可能涉及在不同日期参加的团体以保持低出勤率。 也可以考虑在外面学习更多。

Getting back to school will have a positive impact, Hipkins said. They want to see that happen and will map out a plan to ensure it happens safely.
Hipkins 说,重返学校将产生积极影响。 他们希望看到这种情况发生,并将制定计划以确保其安全进行。

In tertiary, they’ll work with the sector to increase the bubble size from 10 to 20 for labs and classes that can be taught remotely. This could also happen from around November 15.
在高等教育中,他们将与该部门合作,将可以远程教学的实验室和课程的泡泡大小从 10 增加到 20。 这也可能发生在 11 月 15 日左右。

3 million Kiwis are now fully vaccinated against Covid-19.
现在有 300 万新西兰人完全接种了 Covid-19 疫苗。

Auckland’s edging closer to 90 per cent of people vaccinated with one dose in all three DHBs.
奥克兰在所有三个 DHB 中都接近 90% 的人接种了一剂疫苗。

When all these people get the second dose, the region will shift to the new traffic light framework.


It should be clear that despite everyone’s best efforts, cases are likely to emerge outside of Auckland. No country has been able to stamp out Delta, that’s likely to be the same here.
应该清楚的是,尽管每个人都尽了最大的努力,但奥克兰以外的地区仍有可能出现病例。 没有哪个国家能够消灭 Delta,这里很可能也是如此。

It’s not a question of if cases will pop up outside of Auckland, but when.

Hipkins said the best thing to do to protect everyone is to get vaccinated.

When Covid does make it out of Auckland, the higher the vaccination rate, the less likely summer plans will be disrupted with restrictions.
当Covid 离开奥克兰时,疫苗接种率越高,夏季计划受到限制的可能性就越小。

Of the 2759 cases in this outbreak, just seven fully vaccinated people have needed to go to hospital.

在这次爆发的 2759 例病例中,只有 7 名已接种疫苗的人需要去医院。

On Waikato restrictions, Hipkins said they’re seeing cases still popping up, the outbreak isn’t yet contained.

Ministers are meeting today to discuss changes to MIQ, they will be announced tomorrow.
部长们今天开会讨论 MIQ 的变化,他们将在明天宣布。

Hipkins said there’s a lot of complexity to consider in this space. He’s aware people want to see a roadmap, they want to be able to provide that.
Hipkins 说在这个领域有很多复杂性需要考虑。 他知道人们希望看到路线图,他们希望能够提供。

Outside of Auckland, at the moment, stamping out outbreaks remains the best approach. The sooner vaccination rates are up, the sooner we can change approaches.
目前,在奥克兰以外地区,消灭疫情仍然是最好的方法。 疫苗接种率越高,我们就能越早改变方法。

“Yes absolutely,” Hipkins said when asked if they still believe they can stamp out the outbreak in Waikato.


He said there’s still a possibility Covid could break out of Auckland and we’d be in a different situation, but at the moment, this seems to be the best approach.
他说 Covid 仍有可能从奥克兰爆发,我们会处于不同的情况,但目前,这似乎是最好的方法。

The outbreak in Waikato could have a long tail due to the nature of the cases involved.

Hipkins said stepping down restrictions and keeping people willing to follow them is better than keeping them so high that people won’t follow and you end up with a worse outcome.

Auckland showed compliance was “fraying” around the edges.

They want to get up to that 90 per cent vaccination rate so we can move into a different Covid management model.

他们希望达到 90% 的疫苗接种率,这样我们就可以进入不同的 Covid 管理模式。

The legal framework to allow vaccination certificates will be in the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act. At some point, it won’t be renewed because it won’t be justified. They will eventually expire and no longer apply. Hipkins wouldn’t put a timeframe on its expiration.
允许接种疫苗证书的法律框架将在 Covid-19 公共卫生响应法中。 在某些时候,它不会更新,因为它没有理由。 它们最终会过期,不再适用。 Hipkins 不会设定到期时间。

The Waikato cases are in a more difficult to reach part of the community and are people more difficult to contact trace. He didn’t say they’re not cooperating, but they’re just more difficult to contact trace.
怀卡托病例更难到达社区的一部分,人们更难以追踪接触者。 他没有说他们不合作,但他们只是更难联系追踪。

Hipkins was repeatedly asked what that means exactly, but he couldn’t answer. He just repeated that it’s a group that’s more difficult to contact trace.
希普金斯被反复询问这究竟意味着什么,但他无法回答。 他只是重复说,这是一个更难以联系追踪的群体。

Bloomfield said those isolating at home are willing and interested to do that. There is still space in managed facilities.
布卢姆菲尔德说,那些在家隔离的人愿意并有兴趣这样做。 管理设施仍有空间。

This is how, they imagine, most community cases will be managed in the future around the country.


Auckland is more than one month into level 3 and hospital levels are manageable, Bloomfield said. He said there’s no doubt level 3 settings are making a big difference in keeping these numbers down.
布卢姆菲尔德说,奥克兰进入第 3 级已经有一个多月了,医院的水平是可控的。 他说,毫无疑问,3 级设置对降低这些数字有很大的影响。

Generally, it’s harder for large households to isolate safely at home, so household numbers are tending to be smaller.

Around half the cases each day are Māori, about 20 per cent are Pacific and other ethnic groups, Bloomfield said.
Bloomfield 说,每天大约有一半的病例是毛利人,大约 20% 是太平洋和其他族裔群体。

Bloomfield wasn’t aware of a person receiving another’s vaccination information. He wanted to follow that up.

布卢姆菲尔德不知道有人收到了另一个人的疫苗接种信息。 他想跟进。

On vaccines for 5-11-year-olds, Medsafe is looking at the data but they haven’t received the formal application from Pfizer just yet.
关于 5-11 岁儿童的疫苗,Medsafe 正在查看数据,但他们还没有收到辉瑞的正式申请。

Bloomfield couldn’t estimate when this group might be vaccinated.

Medsafe will, as usual, go through a thorough process to look at the risks and benefits of vaccinating this group. This process took longer in the US compared to the process for boosters.
Medsafe 将像往常一样,通过一个彻底的过程来研究为该群体接种疫苗的风险和收益。 与加强针的过程相比,这个过程在美国花费的时间更长。

Back to schools, Hipkins said they’re working through the logistics of reopening primary schools. They’re not comfortable doing it just yet.
回到学校,Hipkins 说他们正在处理重新开放小学的后勤工作。 他们现在还不舒服这样做。

November 15 is a tentative date, it’s not locked in stone.

11 月 15 日是一个暂定日期,并不是一成不变的。

The issue with years 9 and 10 is just the number of kids that would be at school. Secondary schools would be pretty full, so they’re working through the logistics of this.
9 年级和 10 年级的问题只是上学的孩子数量。 中学会很满,所以他们正在解决这个问题。

Hipkins would like to see years 9 and 10 back at school this year, if possible.
如果可能的话,Hipkins 希望今年 9 年级和 10 年级的学生回到学校。

They’re aware they’re dealing with cases.

They want to give the region the best shot at stamping out the outbreak, this is the way to do that.


Healthline is involved in the current phase of the home isolation roll out, in the future Māori and Pacific health providers with clinical experience will be involved.
Healthline 参与了居家隔离推广的当前阶段,未来具有临床经验的毛利人和太平洋地区卫生服务提供者将参与其中。

Bloomfield said many health teams are eager to be involved as they know their patients.

Seven cases are isolating across three households in the mid-far north, Bloomfield said.

Regarding boosters, Hipkins said they’re “ready to go”, they’re just awaiting approval.
关于加强剂,Hipkins 说他们“准备好了”,他们只是在等待批准。

The people who received the jab at the start of the roll out are still in the window of protection from the vaccine.


Hipkins is confident they’ll get enough doses for boosters, if they’re approved.
Hipkins 有信心,如果他们获得批准,他们将获得足够的加强剂剂量。

Medsafe has the application and data from Pfizer, they’re looking at it now.
Medsafe 有来自辉瑞的应用和数据,他们现在正在研究它。

Bloomfield said, all going well, they’re planning to roll out boosters to those who first received the vaccine this side of Christmas.

Hipkins isn’t ruling anything in or out when it comes to vaccine or testing mandates in workplaces.
当涉及到工作场所的疫苗或测试任务时,Hipkins 并没有做出任何决定。

Hipkins said it’s difficult to keep track of the National party’s stance on vaccine certificates.

“I think their position seems to change by the day.”


He expects the Covid-19 Public Health Response Amendment Bill, currently before the select committee, will be the vehicle used to provide more certainty around privacy.
他预计目前在专责委员会面前的 Covid-19 公共卫生响应修正案将成为提供更多隐私确定性的工具。

Data used for contact tracing isn’t used for other purposes.

Rapid antigen tests are likely to be more widely used in the next phase of the Covid response. They have strengths and weaknesses – they’re less accurate than PCR tests, but they have a place, Hipkins said.
快速抗原检测可能会在新冠病毒反应的下一阶段得到更广泛的应用。 Hipkins 说,它们有优点也有缺点——它们不如 PCR 测试准确,但它们有一席之地。

People will need to be educated on the appropriate use of rapid antigen tests – if you have symptoms, it’s better to get a PCR test.
人们需要接受正确使用快速抗原检测的教育——如果您有症状,最好进行 PCR 检测。

He wouldn’t rule them out, though.

And that’s it for today’s update.



Auckland update


Auckland public health officials have reviewed the suburbs of concern and are urging residents in Redvale, Rosedale, New Lynn, Wiri, Drury, Manurewa and Henderson to get tested as soon as possible if they have even very mild symptoms that might be COVID-19, even if they are fully vaccinated.

奥克兰公共卫生官员已经审查了令人担忧的郊区,并敦促 Redvale、Rosedale、New Lynn、Wiri、Drury、Manurewa 和 Henderson 的居民如果出现可能是 COVID-19 的非常轻微的症状,尽快接受检测, 即使他们完全接种了疫苗。

This testing will help to provide assurance that any undetected spread of COVID-19 in these communities is identified as quickly as possible.

该检测将有助于确保尽快确定这些社区中任何未检测到的 COVID-19 传播。

Bayswater is no longer a specific area of concern however residents should remain vigilant and get tested if they experience even mild symptoms.


Testing is also available at GP and Urgent Care clinics, the locations of these can be found on the Healthpoint website.

GP 和 Urgent Care 诊所也提供检测,这些诊所的位置可在 Healthpoint 网站上找到。

In Auckland, public health officials are now supporting 562 COVID-19 cases and close contacts in the community, across 216 households, to safely isolate at home.

在奥克兰,公共卫生官员现在正在支持 216 个家庭的 562 例 COVID-19 病例和社区中的密切接触者,以在家中进行安全隔离。

Waikato update


All six of today’s new Waikato cases are from Hamilton. All are known contacts of existing cases including one that was already in the quarantine facility.

今天所有六个新的怀卡托病例都来自汉密尔顿。 所有人都是现有病例的已知接触者,包括已经在隔离设施中的病例。

Waikato DHB is continuing to encourage regionwide testing, to rule out any undetected community spread.

怀卡托 DHB 将继续鼓励区域性检测,以排除任何未被发现的社区传播。

Testing locations in and around Waikato are available on the Healthpoint website and the Waikato DHB website. Dedicated testing sites are operating at Te Awamutu, Ōtorohanga, Whatawhata, Hamilton, and Tokoroa.

Healthpoint 网站和怀卡托 DHB 网站上提供了怀卡托及其周边地区的检测地点。 专用测试站点在 Te Awamutu、Ōtorohanga、Whatawhata、Hamilton 和 Tokoroa 运行。

Yesterday across the Waikato region there were 1,860 swabs taken and 3,611 vaccinations given.

昨天在整个怀卡托地区进行了 1,860 次拭子采集并接种了 3,611 次疫苗。

Northland update

There are no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 to report in Northland, with cases in the region, associated with this outbreak, remaining at seven.
北地没有新的 COVID-19 确诊病例报告,该地区与此次疫情有关的病例仍为 7 例。

However, people living in Northland are urged to remain vigilant and get tested if they have any symptoms that could be COVID-19.
但是,我们敦促居住在 Northland 的人们保持警惕,并在出现任何可能是 COVID-19 的症状时接受检测。

Testing and vaccination clinic locations across the region are available on the Northland DHB website.
Northland DHB 网站上提供了该地区的检测和疫苗接种诊所位置。

Yesterday there were 933 COVID-19 tests completed in Northland and 1,383 vaccinations – 544 first doses and 839 second doses.
昨天在北地完成了 933 次 COVID-19 检测和 1,383 次疫苗接种——544 次第一剂和 839 次第二剂。

Blenheim update
Public health staff are continuing to work with the person with COVID-19 who is isolating in Blenheim. Household members at this address have returned negative test results.
公共卫生人员将继续与在布伦海姆隔离的 COVID-19 患者合作。 此地址的家庭成员已返回阴性检测结果。

Locations of interest in Delta outbreak – October 27

Delta 爆发的暴露关注地点 – 10 月 27 日

2:00 – 6:00 新增加关注点

Countdown Kelston is a location of interest in the Covid-19 Delta outbreak after being visited by a Covid-19 case on October 20.

在 10 月 20 日被 Covid-19 病例访问后,Countdown Kelston 是 Covid-19 Delta 爆发的重要地点。

The Ministry of Health says that anyone who visited between 9.30am and 4.30pm needs to self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days.

卫生部表示,任何在上午 9 点 30 分到下午 4 点 30 分之间访问过的人都需要自我监测 14 天的症状。

East Tamaki Pharmacy in Ōtara was also added to the list this morning.

今天早上,Ōtara 的 East Tamaki Pharmacy 也被添加到名单中。

Those who visited between 8.15pm and 8.30pm on Sunday October 24 need to self-monitor for 14 days after that date.

那些在 10 月 24 日星期日晚上 8.15 到晚上 8.30 之间访问的人需要在该日期之后的 14 天内进行自我监控。

If symptoms develop, people are advised to get a test and stay home.


There were 79 new community cases announced yesterday. Of those, 75 are in Auckland, and four are in Waikato.

昨天宣布了79个新的社区病例。 其中,75个在奥克兰,4个在怀卡托。

The 79 new cases came as classroom lessons resumed in some high schools for year 11 and above students to prepare for and sit NCEA exams.

79 起新病例出现之际,一些高中恢复了为 11 年级及以上学生准备和参加 NCEA 考试的课堂课程。


(10月27日)(滚动更新) 新西兰多来源英语新闻 New Zealand Multi-sources Rolling English News

(26日) 新西兰Delta 疫情爆发: 社区新增79例,奥克兰 75 例,怀卡托 4 例,含最新暴露关注地点