(10日)(疫情中英直播内容)新西兰社区新增新冠病例 147 例,奥克兰131例,目前住院81人,一名在家隔离男子死亡

新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选


Chris Hipkins and Dr Ashley Bloomfield give Covid-19 update

Chris Hipkins 和 Ashley Bloomfield 博士提供 Covid-19 更新

Breaking: More than 22,000 vaccine doses given yesterday; 81 cases in hospital; 147 community cases on Wednesday.

突发:昨天接种了 22,000 多剂疫苗; 住院81例; 周三有147个社区病例。

There are 147 new community cases today and a man isolating at home with Covid in Auckland has died suddenly, the Ministry of Health says.

卫生部表示,今天有 147 例新的社区病例,奥克兰一名在家中与 Covid 隔离的男子突然死亡。

There are 81 people in hospital with the virus, up from 79 yesterday. There are 11 cases in intensive care or high dependency units, up from 9 yesterday. The average age of these people is 53, up from 51 from yesterday.

有 81 人因感染病毒住院,高于昨天的 79 人。 重症监护室或高依赖病房有 11 例病例,高于昨天的 9 例。 这些人的平均年龄为 53 岁,高于昨天的 51 岁。

Of today’s cases, 131 are in Auckland, 14 in Waikato and two are in Northland.

在今天的病例中,奥克兰有 131 例,怀卡托有 14 例,北地有 2 例。

The Ministry says someone isolating at home with Covid has died suddenly in the Auckland suburb of Glen Eden.

该部表示,在奥克兰郊区的 Glen Eden,有人在家中与 Covid 隔离的人突然死亡。

Bloomfield said six suburbs of concern have been identified in Auckland, where there is a higher risk of unidentified cases and transmission. Anyone in the suburbs of Ranui, Sunnyvale, Kelston, Birkdale, Manurewa and Mangere are encouraged to get a test if they have any symptoms at all.

Bloomfield 表示,奥克兰已经确定了六个值得关注的郊区,那里出现不明病例和传播的风险更高。 Ranui、Sunnyvale、Kelston、Birkdale、Manurewa 和 Mangere 郊区的任何人如果有任何症状,都被鼓励接受检测。

Bloomfield said we are closer to being able to roll out a booster programme. Further details will be provided next week once ministers have made a final decision.

布卢姆菲尔德说,我们离推出一个加强针计划更近了。 一旦部长们做出最终决定,将在下周提供更多细节。

Hipkins is talking about education

Hipkins 正在谈论教育

He is outlining a plan to return to face to face learning. We will need to get used to public health measures

他正在概述一项恢复面对面学习的计划。 我们需要习惯公共卫生措施

Risks of reopening schools are outweighed by the benefits, Hipkins said.


Years 9 and 10 students can return from November 17, joining Year 11-13 students, Hipkins said

Hipkins 说,9 年级和 10 年级学生可以从 11 月 17 日起返回,加入 11-13 年级学生的行列

Years 1-8 can return from November 17 part time, Hipkins said.

希普金斯说,1-8 年级可以从 11 月 17 日兼职返回。

Asked about a positive wastewater sample in Wellington, Bloomfield said he thought it was a couple of days ago at Moa Pt. It was congruent with some positive cases in managed isolation, he said.

当被问及惠灵顿的废水样本呈阳性时,布卢姆菲尔德说他认为这是几天前在 Moa Pt。 他说,这与一些管理隔离的阳性病例是一致的。

Asked about teachers who did not want to get vaccinated, Hikpkins said the first thing when there was a pocket of the workforce that did not want to be vaccinated, was to take a education and information approach.


Asked about people with Covid dying at home, Bloomfield said quarantine space was available for people who needed it for health reasons, or who did not have space at home.
当被问及 Covid 患者在家中死亡时,布卢姆菲尔德说,隔离空间可供出于健康原因需要隔离空间或在家中没有空间的人使用。

Each of the deaths at home was being looked at closely, looking at the level of interaction, what happened, was there any problem with clinical assessment and the clinical hand over. So far there was nothing to suggest that.
家中的每一个死亡都被仔细观察,观察互动程度,发生了什么,临床评估和临床移交是否有任何问题。 到目前为止,还没有任何迹象表明这一点。

Hipkins said a comprehensive update on Covid passports would be provided next week, including a bit more of a time line. The system was in the final phase of trialling.

Hipkins 表示,下周将提供有关 Covid 护照的全面更新,包括更多的时间表。 该系统正处于试用的最后阶段。

Hipkins said there had not been any reason to reconsider lowering of alert levels in upper Northland.


Things are going to look very different in the next three to four months, Hipkins said. In terms of the international border, trans-Tasman border, travel throughout NZ, the way cases in the community are managed. “Everything is changing and it is changing quite rapidly.”

希普金斯说,在接下来的三到四个月里,情况会大不相同。 在国际边界、跨塔斯曼边界、新西兰全境旅行、社区病例的管理方式方面。 “一切都在变化,而且变化非常快。”

Bloomfield said the AstraZeneca vaccine would be available for people who could not have the Pfizer vaccine, or for people who were required to be vaccinated and were not willing to have an mRNA vaccine.
Bloomfield 表示,阿斯利康疫苗将提供给无法接种辉瑞疫苗的人,或者需要接种疫苗但不愿意接种 mRNA 疫苗的人。

Hipkins said the aim was to make sure that when people were saying they would prefer AstraZeneca they were making an informed decision, not one based on misinformation about mRNA vaccines. A process would be put in place to do that.
Hipkins 说,目的是确保当人们说他们更喜欢阿斯利康时,他们是在做出明智的决定,而不是基于有关 mRNA 疫苗的错误信息做出的决定。 将制定一个流程来做到这一点。

Significant effort was going into testing and vaccination in Māori communities, Bloomfield said.




目前奥克兰有 19 个社区测试中心可供测试。

鼓励奥克兰人如果有任何症状,无论多么轻微,都请接受检测。 即使人们已完全接种疫苗并一直在家隔离,如果您觉得有必要,也请寻求检测。

在奥克兰都市区,公共卫生人员现在正在支持 2,664 人在家隔离,其中包括 1,230 例病例。

请注意,目前 NRHCC 和卫生部报告的病例数存在差异。 这是由于该部报告数据的方式,我们正在努力解决这个问题。

Auckland update
There are 19 community testing centres available for testing across Auckland today.

People in Auckland are encouraged to please get a test if they have any symptoms, no matter how mild. Even if people are fully vaccinated, and have been isolating at home, please seek out a test if you feel the need.

In metro Auckland, public health staff are now supporting 2,664 people to isolate at home, including 1,230 cases.

Please note there is currently a difference between the number of cases reported by NRHCC and Ministry of Health. This is due to the way the Ministry reports the data and we are working to address this.

亨德森埃德蒙顿梅多斯护理之家现在有 21 名居民和 4 名工作人员的 COVID-19 检测呈阳性

七名 COVID-19 阳性居民正在奥克兰医院接受适当的病房级护理。 在过去的 24 小时内,人数没有增加。

自从上周晚些时候一名居民的 COVID-19 检测呈阳性以来,Rosaria Rest Home 的另一名居民的 COVI-19 检测呈阳性。 所有居民和工作人员的结果现在都已经收到,在这个阶段,所有其他人的结果都是阴性的。

奥克兰地区公共卫生服务和奥克兰 DHB 工作人员正在支持居民和工作人员在私人拥有的设施中保持安全。


Auckland rest and care homes
There are now 21 residents and four staff members of Edmonton Meadows Care Home in Henderson who have tested positive for COVID-19

Seven of the COVID-19 positive residents are receiving appropriate ward-level care at Auckland hospitals.  There has been no increase in numbers over the last 24 hours.

One further resident of Rosaria Rest Home has tested positive for COVI-19 since a resident tested positive for COVID-19 late last week. Results for all residents and staff have now been received and at this stage all others are negative.

Auckland Regional Public Health Service and Auckland DHB staff are supporting the residents and staff to keep safe at the privately-owned facility.

The transmission route has yet to be established.

怀卡托今天报告了 14 例新病例。 其中 10 人来自 Ôtorohanga——其中一个家庭中有 6 人是已知病例的接触者——其中 3 人来自汉密尔顿,1 人来自 Ngâruawâhia。

目前,怀卡托有七个临时测试站点,分别位于汉密尔顿、Ngâruawâhia、Huntly、Ôtorohanga、Te Awamutu 和 Te Kuiti。

昨天在怀卡托采集了 2,988 份拭子,并接种了 1,894 剂疫苗。

怀卡托公共卫生人员正在支持 62 名被认为是活跃病例的人在家中安全隔离。

Waikato update
There are 14 new cases in Waikato being reported today. Of these 10 are from Ôtorohanga – including six people in one household who are known contacts of cases – three from Hamilton and one from Ngâruawâhia.

There are seven pop-up and dedicated testing sites operating across Waikato today in Hamilton, Ngâruawâhia, Huntly, Ôtorohanga, Te Awamutu, and Te Kuiti.

There were 2,988 swabs taken in Waikato yesterday and 1,894 doses of vaccine were given.

Waikato public health staff are supporting 62 people who are considered active cases to safely isolate at home.

Northland 有两个新病例要报告,均来自 Dargaville 的同一个家庭,与已知病例有联系。

其中一个病例是一名儿童,这突显了接种疫苗以保护我们尚无资格接种疫苗的 tamariki 的重要性。 我们社区中接种疫苗的人越多,我们的免疫力就越大。

我们将继续敦促北地任何有任何 COVID-19 症状的人尽快接受检测,尤其是居住在达格维尔的人。 可以在 Northland DHB 网站上找到测试中心的位置。

在北部地区,目前正在支持 12 例患者在家隔离。

从 11 月 11 日星期四晚上 11:59 开始,Upper Northland 将进入 2 级警报。

Northland update
There are two new cases to report in Northland., both in the same household in Dargaville, with links to known cases.

One of the cases is a child, which highlights the importance of getting vaccinated to protect our tamariki who aren’t yet eligible to get the vaccine. The more of us who are vaccinated in our community, the greater our immunity.

We are continuing to urge anyone in Northland with any symptoms of COVID-19 to get tested as soon as possible, especially people living in Dargaville. Testing centre locations can be found on the Northland DHB website.

In Northland, 12 cases are currently being supported to isolate at home.

Upper Northland will move to Alert Level 2 from 11:59 pm Thursday 11 November.



随着Delta疫情的总病例数接近 4000,总理杰辛达·阿德恩 (Jacinda Ardern) 在封锁三个月后首次访问了奥克兰。

Ardern 告诉记者,国会存在限制,这意味着她无法早点来到奥克兰。

“Tāmaki Makaurau 是我的家。”



Ardern 证实,这不会是她在封锁期间最后一次访问奥克兰。

PM’s Auckland visit

As the Delta outbreak’s total case numbers approached 4000, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has made her first visit to Auckland after three months into lockdown.

Ardern told reporters there had been limitations in Parliament which had meant she hadn’t been able to come to Auckland sooner.

“Tāmaki Makaurau is my home.”

It was a chance to talk to Aucklanders about their experience through lockdown, she said.

She said she would make sure they would consult with business representatives across the board, those who were operating and those who were shut during lockdown

Ardern confirmed it wouldn’t be her last visit to Auckland during lockdown.

以下是 Hipkins 关于学校的新闻稿:


奥克兰和怀卡托 1-10 年级的学生可以从 11 月 17 日起恢复在学校和库拉的面对面学习,教育部长克里斯·希普金斯今天宣布。

“封锁可能会给儿童和年轻人带来压力,因此重返现场学习意味着他们可以重新与老师和朋友联系。 从本月开始将在圣诞假期之前和新学年开始之前提供确定性,”克里斯·希普金斯说。

“公共卫生建议支持回归现场学习。 帮助最大程度降低 COVID-19 风险的措施包括在大多数情况下从 4 年级开始戴口罩、为教室通风、限制现场学生人数以及确保儿童群体之间保持距离。

“每所学校和 kura 将决定什么最适合他们的学习者和他们的社区。这可能是通过交替几天或半周——通过年份级别或通过 whānau 分组。全日制学习将继续为父母需要的学生提供现场学习,例如去上班。



虽然大多数 1-8 年级的学生将部分时间返回,但 9 和 10 年级将能够与那些已经回到高中的 11-13 年级学生一起全日制返回。


“随着疫苗接种率的提高,包括要求教师从周一开始至少接种一次 COVID-19 疫苗,儿童和学生面临的风险降低了。

Chris Hipkins 说,11-13 年级的学生现在已经在 3 级全日制学校返校了几个星期,以帮助他们重新投入学习并准备考试。

“家长、看护人和老师一直在帮助孩子们适应和在线学习方面做得非常出色,我要感谢他们并感谢那些将从这里开始努力工作的学校领导和老师,为 11 月 17 日的混合学习做准备。 ”

Here’s Hipkins’ press release on schools:

All schools can return to onsite learning

Auckland and Waikato students in years 1-10 can return to face-to-face learning at schools and kura from 17 November, Education Minister Chris Hipkins announced today.

”Lockdowns can be stressful for children and young people, so returning to some on-site learning will mean they can reconnect with their teacher and friends. Starting this month will provide certainty ahead of the Christmas break and before the new school year starts,” Chris Hipkins said.

“Public health advice supports a return to onsite learning. Measures to help minimise the risk of COVID-19 will include mask wearing from year 4 up in most cases, ventilating classrooms, limiting the number of students on site, and making sure groups of children distance from each other.

“Each school and kura will decide what works best for their learners and their community. That might be by alternating days or half weeks – through year levels, or through whānau groupings. Full-time learning will continue on-site for students whose parents have needed it, for example to go to work.

“Thank you to those who have engaged with us on this over the past fortnight, we appreciate your feedback and have taken on board that you wanted a few extra days preparation time, and for all students not to come back at once.

“The health advice also tells us that in other countries, out-of-school activities create a greater risk of transmission than what happens at places of learning. It is clear that the risk of reopening schools is outweighed by the benefits of kids re-engaging with their learning face-to-face in this context,” Chris Hipkins said.

While most students in years 1-8 will be returning part-time, years 9 and 10 will be able to return full time alongside those already back at high schools in years 11-13.

“With really strong vaccination rates, the balance of risk has shifted,” Chris Hipkins said.

“As vaccinations rates increase, including the requirement for teachers to have at least one COVID-19 vaccination from Monday, the risk to children and students is lowered.

Chris Hipkins said year 11-13 students have been back at school at Level 3 full-time for some weeks now to help re-engage in their learning, and prepare for exams.

“Parents, caregivers and teachers have been doing an incredible job helping children to adapt and learn online, I want to thank them for that and acknowledge those school leaders and teachers who will be working hard from here to prepare for hybrid learning from 17 November.”