今天社区新增 95 例新冠病例。奥克兰(75)、怀卡托(11)、丰盛湾(5)、湖区(1)、纳尔逊-塔斯曼(1)和坎特伯雷有 2 例
两例新的 Covid-19 死亡病例,有 56 人因该病毒住院。
卫生部说,有一人昨晚在Middlemore 医院死亡。 家人要求不公开提供有关此人的信息,因此出于尊重,该部没有提供任何进一步的细节。
第二名在夜间死亡的患者因感染 Covid 被送往奥克兰市医院。 此病例已转交验尸官处理。
因 Covid-19 住院的人数从周四的 70 人(其中包括 6 人进行评估)有所减少。 四人在重症监护室或高依赖病房。
卫生总干事阿什利·布卢姆菲尔德 (Ashley Bloomfield) 博士说,今天的 Covid-19 病例数低于 100,这是一个“非常令人鼓舞”的数字。
昨天,社区记录了 103 例新的 Covid-19 病例。 其中,88人在奥克兰,9人在怀卡托,5人在丰盛湾,1人在湖区。
有 70 人住院,其中 5 人在重症监护室——都在奥克兰和怀卡托。 在住院患者中,37 例(61%)未接种疫苗或不符合接种条件。
在奥克兰,超过 3100 人在家隔离,其中 863 病例。
(12月9日)(中英)新西兰社区新增 103 例新冠病例,奥克兰88例,怀卡托9例,有 70 人住院,其中 5 人在重症监护室
共有 19,059 人接受了第三次初级剂量,132,661 人施打了加强针。
周三,Ōpōtiki 区议会正在支持 iwi 领导人的呼吁,试图阻止奥克兰人前往该地区。
在工作人员确认他们有豁免后,上周周四的 NZ8857 航班最终晚了 30 分钟起飞,他们机上没有戴口罩。
新西兰航空公司不会证实这两人如何证明他们无需戴口罩,但媒体了解到他们没有官方的 Covid 疫苗接种豁免卡。
新西兰航空公司目前的 Covid-19 政策规定,所有航班在所有红绿灯级别都需要戴口罩或覆盖物。
There are 95 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the community today.
There are 95 new community cases, across Auckland (75), Waikato (11), Bay of Plenty (5), Lakes (one), Nelson-Tasman (one), and two in Canterbury. A new case in Taranaki will be recorded in Saturday’s numbers.
There have been two new Covid-19 deaths, and 56 people are in hospital with the virus.
One person died at Middlemore Hospital overnight, the Ministry of Health said. The family had requested that no information be publicly provided about this person so the Ministry did not provide any further details, out of respect.
The second patient who died overnight had been admitted to Auckland City Hospital due to their Covid infection. The case has been referred to the coroner.
The number of people in hospital with Covid-19 has decreased from 70 on Thursday (which included six in assessment). Four are in intensive care or high-dependency wards.
The official numbers will be released after 1pm today, but Bloomfield said the rolling 7-day daily average was now 103 cases – down from 187 two weeks ago.
Bloomfield made the announcement during a briefing on Covid-19 treatments.
Today’s update from the Ministry of Health comes as New Zealand complet了es one week in the traffic light system.
Yesterday, 103 new cases of Covid-19 in the community were recorded. Of those, 88 were in Auckland, nine in Waikato, five in the Bay of Plenty and one in the Lakes district.
Seventy people are in hospital, including five in intensive care – all in Auckland and Waikato. Of those in hospital, 37 cases, or 61 per cent, are unvaccinated or not eligible for the vaccine.
In Auckland, more than 3100 people are isolating at home, including 863 cases.
A total of 19,059 people have had a third primary dose and 132,661 have been given booster doses.
It comes as the Ōpōtiki District Council is backing calls from iwi leaders to try to block Aucklanders from travelling to the district when the city’s boundary relaxes on Wednesday.
(12月10日)(滚动更新) 新西兰多来源英语新闻 New Zealand Multi-sources Rolling English