今天的关键 Covid-19 病例信息:
今天有 74 个新的社区病例需要报告。
奥克兰的三个 DHB 都达到了 90%; 1 人死亡; 74个社区案例; 住院61人,重症监护室4人。
* 坎特伯雷案被正式添加到今天的数据中是昨天宣布的,但在报告截止期之后才出现。
塔拉纳基 (Taranaki) 卫生部今天证实,周末有“许多 Covid-19 阳性感染”与 Eltham 病例有关。
随着该地区与迅速蔓延的疫情作斗争,南塔拉纳基的一所小型学校有 11 例 Covid 病例。
是在昨晚在 Eltham 和 Hāwera 发现了两起新病例之后。
这些病例预计将作为卫生部今天下午 1 点声明的一部分正式发布。
南塔拉纳基市市长菲尔尼克松说,有 11 个病例与 Eltham 小学有关,而且都在同一班级。
Aucklanders have spread their wings and are now free to head into all corners of the country as new cases continue to emerge outside the city.
Taranaki DHB today confirmed there are “a number of positive Covid-19 infections” linked to the Eltham case at the weekend.
There are 11 Covid cases in one small South Taranaki school as the region battles a burgeoning outbreak.
It comes after two new cases were revealed in Eltham and Hāwera last night.
The cases are expected to be officially released by the Ministry of Health as part of its 1pm statement today.
South Taranaki Mayor Phil Nixon says 11 cases are linked to Eltham Primary School and all are in the same class.
So far, there are no adults yet infected, but Nixon says he is expecting the number to rise.
周三上午 9 点前,来自奥克兰的首批抵达者降落在北帕默斯顿机场。
Meg Morrison 从 5 月起就一直在奥克兰,为即将上映的作品 Evil Dead Rise 从事电影和电视工作。
离开奥克兰的人必须完全接种疫苗并随身携带“我的疫苗通行证”,或者在过境前不超过 72 小时携带 Covid 检测呈阴性的证据。
乔·莫里森 (Jo Morrison) 在今早抵达北帕默斯顿 (Palmerston North) 的首班航班上迎接她的女儿梅格·莫里森 (Meg Morrison)
Credit: Warwick Smith/ Stuff
Delta 继续在全国各地涌现,奥克兰仍记录了大部分病例,其次是怀卡托。
昨天,社区中有 80 例新的 Covid-19 病例,其中奥克兰 51 例,怀卡托 21 例,丰盛湾 7 例,湖区 1 例。
Te Kuiti 仍然是当地领导人关注的问题,该地区 21 个病例件中有 11 个源于那里。
上周,马尼亚波托毛利信托委员会主席基思·伊金(Keith Ikin)在 Facebook 上发布了一段视频,敦促社区中的人们遵守规则并在需要时进行隔离,因为他们拼命地试图防止病毒在农村社区进一步传播。
他说,King Country 目前是病毒的中心,并希望人们了解,如果他们继续无视健康建议,会给他人带来巨大风险。

Covid-19:Counties Manukau DHB 达到 90% 的双倍剂量
随着 DHB 达到令人梦寐以求的 90% 双剂量里程碑,Manukau County 12 岁以上的 433,000 多人现在已完全接种疫苗。
奥克兰的另外两个 DHB 和整个奥克兰城区已经达到标志性里程碑:奥克兰的双剂量率为 95%,Waitemata 为 92%。
Covid-19: Counties Manukau DHB hits 90 per cent double doses
More than 433,000 people over 12 in Counties Manukau are now fully vaccinated, as the DHB hits the coveted 90 per cent double-dose milestone.
Auckland’s two other DHBs, and Auckland metro as a whole, have already marked the milestone: Auckland is sitting at 95 double-dosed, and Waitematā at 92 per cent.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has previously warned more cases are expected to pop up around the country once Auckland’s border lifts.
The traffic out of Auckland this morning was relatively free-flowing, but the roads are expected to get busier as schools finish for the year and Christmas draws near.
The Government has also launched an advertising campaign asking people to come up with an isolation plan in case a family member does contract the virus.