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中新社台北10月3日电 (记者 陈小愿)台气象部门3日介绍,今年第18号台风“山陀儿”当日12时40分在高雄小港区登陆。据台“中央灾害应变中心”统计,截至当日15时,台风已造成全台2人死亡、219人受伤,另有1人失踪。
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中新网红河10月3日电 (赵国骁)记者10月3日从河口出入境边防检查站获悉,截至10月2日23时,中越边境河口口岸今年以来出入境旅客达401.3万人次。其中,出入境外国团队旅游人数达33.25万人次,创历史新高。
Read more外国领导人热烈祝贺中华人民共和国成立75周年
新华社北京10月3日电 又有许多国家、政党领导人和国际组织负责人纷纷致电或致函中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平,热烈祝贺中华人民共和国成立75周年。
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中新社北京10月3日电 (记者 孙自法)“这块坡耕地坡度比较大,水土流失严重,产量低,最令我头疼。专家来了以后,通过(科技手段)综合治理,每亩产量从原来的600多公斤增加到900多公斤,(增产增收的)效益可观。”国庆节前夕,在被誉为“中国第一农场”的北大荒集团友谊农场,农户于殿东站在他承包的玉米地里谈及切身感受到的变化。
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中新网福州10月3日电 (叶秋云)3日晚,在《我爱你中国》的歌声中,“两岸青少年艺术展演暨中国音乐学院60周年庆·青少年美育(音乐)成果展演全国总展演”活动在福州落下帷幕。
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中新网10月3日电 10月3日,台湾屏东东港安泰医院发生火灾,造成9人罹难,多人受伤。国务院台办发言人朱凤莲表示,我们对发生这样的事故感到痛心,对不幸遇难的台湾同胞表示哀悼,向遇难者家属及受伤人员表达诚挚慰问。
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中新网北京10月3日电 (记者 孙自法)中国科学院10月3日发布消息说,9月27日至10月1日,中国科学院紫金山天文台牵头的联合实验团队,在青海省海西州雪山牧场成功实现基于超导接收的高清视频信号公里级太赫兹(THz)/亚毫米波无线通信传输。
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Read moreThe Guardian view on US leadership: war in the Middle East accelerates American decline | Editorial
The Biden administration has squandered the authority it rebuilt, but a second Trump term would be still more destructive
On Tuesday, as Israel sent troops into Lebanon, Iran fired almost 200 missiles at Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu warned Tehran that it “will pay”, the august magazine Foreign Affairs published the US secretary of state’s thoughts on rebuilding leadership. If he correctly diagnosed the issue – “A fierce competition is under way to define a new age in international affairs” – Antony Blinken’s assertions about the renewal of American authority were considerably less convincing.
Some have dated the end of the American century to Vietnam or the “war on terror”. But Donald Trump’s presidency quickened US decline. It wasn’t only Vladimir Putin who was emboldened. Though Mr Trump turned the screws on China, its increasing forcefulness in recent years has reflected not only its growing might and Xi Jinping’s leadership but also its perception of the US as a dwindling superpower. Other nations decided to hedge their geopolitical bets. Yes, the US is in a stronger position today than four years ago, but the erratic isolationism of the Trump administration is a shockingly low bar, and no one can erase its memory. Allies and rivals alike have drawn their conclusions about the long-term reliability of the US.
Continue reading...Read moreChinese woman held in Germany for spying on arms firm
A Chinese woman has been arrested on suspicion of passing on information about Leipzig/Halle airport.
Read moreXi Jinping forecasts ‘rough seas’ on 75th anniversary of People’s Republic of China
Chinese Communist party marks milestone in its rule but relatively low-key commemorations are indicative of national slump
Xi Jinping has warned of “rough seas” ahead for China’s people in a speech marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China that was notable for the lack of major festivities.
In the speech to about 3,000 Chinese Communist party (CCP) members and foreign dignitaries on Monday, the eve of China’s national day, Xi praised China’s advancement since Communist forces ousted the Nationalist government and established the PRC.
Continue reading...Read moreThree dead and 15 hurt in Shanghai Walmart stabbing
Police arrested a 37-year-old man at the scene, and said further investigations were continuing.
Read moreXi Jinping is worried about the economy - what do Chinese people think?
Two new pieces of research offer a rare glimpse into how Chinese people feel about their future.
Read moreMount Everest is having a growth spurt, say researchers
River erosion has pushed the mountain upwards and added an extra 15 to 50 metres over the past 89,000 years
Climbing Mount Everest has always been a feat, but it seems the task might be getting harder: researchers say Everest is having something of a growth spurt.
The Himalayas formed about 50m years ago, when the Indian subcontinent smashed into the Eurasian tectonic plate – although recent research has suggested the edges of these plates were already very high before the collision.
Continue reading...Read moreVauxhall owner warns on profits amid falling sales and tougher Chinese competition
Stellantis slashes growth forecast, with Aston Martin maker also warning of problems as car industry’s woes deepen
The owner of Vauxhall, Fiat and Peugeot has issued a profit warning, blaming a hit to sales from a deterioration in the global automotive market and increased competition from Chinese rivals.
Stellantis shares plunged by 14% on Monday after it said it expected profit margins to be between 5.5% and 7% for the year, down from the previous forecast of double-digit growth.
Continue reading...Read moreBritish judge Nicholas Phillips steps down from Hong Kong court
Phillips, who the court of final appeal said was stepping down for ‘personal reasons’, is fifth foreign judge to leave city’s judiciary this year
The British judge Nicholas Phillips has stepped down from Hong Kong’s top appeals court, the fifth overseas judge to leave the city’s judiciary this year.
Phillips, 86, is leaving Hong Kong’s court of final appeal (CFA) after 22 years for “personal reasons” after his fourth term ended on Monday and he said he did not wish to extend it, the court said.
Continue reading...Read moreTenth anniversary of Hong Kong’s umbrella movement – in pictures
Region to mark a decade since police tried to disperse pro-democracy protests by firing teargas at unarmed students
Continue reading...Read moreIs this a mountain? A multistorey car park? Or both? Inside Shanghai’s audacious £225m summit
It’s got winding trails, a gushing waterfall, some 7,000 trees – and room inside for 1,500 cars. We explore the astonishing Twin Hills project, which isn’t even the city’s first manmade mountainscape
China is no stranger to moving mountains. It has levelled hundreds of peaks in Gansu for urban expansion, blasted away hills in Yunnan to build railway stations, and bulldozed bluffs in Hubei for economic development zones. This insatiable lust for terraforming is simply a case of the authorities doing their duty to the Communist party. After all, Chairman Mao was fond of quoting the parable of Yu Gong, a plucky old man who decided to dig up two mountains, stone by stone, that blocked the path from his house, to illustrate the power of perseverance.
“Two big mountains lie like a dead weight on the Chinese people,” Mao told the national congress in 1945, citing the fable. “One is imperialism, the other is feudalism. The Chinese Communist party has long made up its mind to dig them up. We must work unceasingly.” Ever since, officials have dutifully taken him at his word, shovels in hand.
Continue reading...Read moreUkraine war briefing: Russian attacks on hospital in Ukraine’s Sumy kill 10, Kyiv says
UN says most fatalities occurred during the second strike as first responders attempted to evacuate patients. What we know on day 949
Continue reading...Read more‘I was so naive’: 10 years after Umbrella protests, Hongkongers remember China’s crackdown
Anniversary of pro-democracy demonstration takes place in city where protest has been largely criminalised and activists silenced
A decade ago today Hong Kong’s Central district filled with protesters, angry at Chinese government plans to renege on a promise of a fully democratic vote. What became known as Occupy Central, or the Umbrella protests, paralysed the city’s financial centre and galvanised a generation of young people.
Today Hong Kong’s streets are quiet. Protest has been largely criminalised, and many of the leaders of the Umbrella movement have been exiled, jailed or otherwise silenced.
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Continue reading...Read moreStock markets hit record highs after news of a fall in US inflation
S&P 500 index of major US companies registers near 34% gain on year ago amid expectation of interest rate cuts
A fall in US inflation expected to pave the way for further cuts in interest rates pushed stock markets to record highs on Friday.
Ending a week of gains that began when the Chinese authorities approved a huge economic stimulus package, the S&P 500 index of major US companies soared above 5,750 to register a near 34% gain on a year ago.
Continue reading...Read moreChina’s newest nuclear submarine sank in dock, US officials confirm
Loss of state-of-the-art vessel in May or June is setback to Chinese push for naval parity with US
China’s efforts to achieve maritime military parity with the US have suffered a serious blow after its newest state-of-the-art nuclear submarine sank in a dock, American officials have confirmed.
The incident happened last May or June at the Wuchang shipyard near Wuhan – the same city where the Covid-19 pandemic is believed to have originated – and came to light, thanks to satellite imagery, despite efforts by the country’s communist authorities to stage a cover-up.
Continue reading...Read moreJapan sails warship in Taiwan Strait for first time
There has been a rise in patrols by the US and its allies who do not accept China's claims over the strait.
Read moreHong Kong: Stand News journalists given jail terms for ‘sedition’
Chung Pui-kuen sentenced to 21 months while Patrick Lam gets 11-month term but is released on medical grounds
The former editor-in-chief of Hong Kong’s Stand News has been sentenced to jail on sedition charges for the publication of news reports and other articles that prosecutors said tried to promote “illegal ideologies”.
Chung Pui-kuen, 55, the former editor-in-chief and the former acting editor-in-chief Patrick Lam, 36, were found guilty of conspiring to publish seditious materials in late August after almost a year of delays. The parent company of the now-defunct Stand News, Best Pencil Ltd, was also convicted.
Continue reading...Read moreChina announces new measures to arrest housing slump and boost growth
Benefits to rise for poorest and local authorities to be given powers to intervene in real estate markets
Chinese leaders have vowed to arrest a slump in the housing market and boost growth after conceding that measures by the central bank to stimulate investment this week were likely to prove inadequate.
Promising to deploy “necessary spending” by the state to meet this year’s economic growth target of 5%, China’s politburo said it would increase benefits for the poorest and give local authorities the cash and power to intervene to prevent further falls in house price values.
Continue reading...Read moreHong Kong jails two journalists for sedition
Editors at a now-defunct news site published articles about the city's national security crackdown.
Read moreTrade, green power and lobsters: what Australia can expect from Jim Chalmers’ trip to China
It’s the first trip to Beijing by an Australian treasurer in seven years. Here are five things likely to be on the agenda
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Australia’s treasurer, Jim Chalmers, is meeting his counterparts in economic agencies in a two-day visit to Beijing on Thursday and Friday.
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Continue reading...Read moreChina probes Calvin Klein over Xinjiang cotton
Beijing says it suspects US brands are discriminating against Chinese cotton after allegations of forced labour.
Read moreChina test launches intercontinental ballistic missile for first time in decades
The ICBM, carrying a dummy warhead, was launched into ‘high seas’ of the Pacific Ocean
China has announced the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile into the “high seas” of the Pacific Ocean, flying over the northern point of the Philippines in what is believed to be the first such test since the early 1980s.
The launch of the missile, which the defence ministry said was carrying a dummy warhead, comes at a time of growing international scrutiny of the country’s nuclear arsenal, and prompted statements of concern from several nations.
Continue reading...Read moreTop Chinese economist disappears after criticising Xi Jinping in private chat – report
Zhu Hengpeng, who worked for an influential government thinktank, has reportedly not been seen in public since making disparaging remarks on WeChat
A leading Chinese economist at a government thinktank has reportedly disappeared after being disciplined for criticising Xi Jinping in a private chat group.
Zhu Hengpeng, 55, is believed to have made disparaging remarks about China’s economy, and potentially about the Chinese leader specifically, in a private WeChat group. Zhu was subsequently detained in April and put under investigation, according to the Wall Street Journal which cited anonymous sources.
Continue reading...Read moreFinland zoo will return its giant pandas to China, blaming inflation
Ähtäri Zoo said it had spent 8m euros on a facility for Lumi and Pyry since they were brought to Finland in 2018
A zoo in Finland has blamed rising inflation and upkeep costs for its decision to return two giant pandas to China, more than eight years ahead of the date they were set to go back.
The pandas, named Lumi and Pyry, were brought to Finland in January 2018, months after Chinese president Xi Jinping visited the Nordic country and signed a joint agreement on protecting the animals.
Continue reading...Read moreA path towards freedom: the new route to Europe for desperate Chinese migrants
Revealed: A small but growing number of Chinese people are travelling to the Balkans with the hope of getting into the EU
In a sleepy Bosnian town, barely five miles from the border with the European Union, a crumbling old water tower is falling into ruin. Inside, piles of rubbish, used cigarette butts and a portable wood-fired stove offer glimpses into the daily life of the people who briefly called the building home. Glued on to the walls is another clue: on pieces of A4 paper, the same message is printed out, again and again: “If you would like to travel to Europe (Italy, Germany, France, etc) we can help you. Please add this number on WhatsApp”. The message is printed in the languages of often desperate people: Somali, Nepali, Turkish, the list goes on. The last translation on the list indicates a newcomer to this unlucky club. It is written in Chinese.
Bihać water tower was once used to replenish steam trains travelling across the former Yugoslavia. Now it provides shelter to a different kind of person on the move: migrants making the perilous journey through the Balkans, with the hope of crossing into Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s neighbour in the EU.
Continue reading...Read moreUS consumer confidence drops; UK interest rates to fall ‘gradually’; stocks hit record high after China’s stimulus blitz – as it happened
Rolling coverage of the latest economic and financial news
UK mortgage rates continue to fall, even though the BoE left Bank rate on hold last week.
Data provider Moneyfacts has reported that the average 2-year fixed residential mortgage rate today is 5.43%, down from 5.45% yesterday
Continue reading...Read moreCanadian alleges 'psychological torture' in Chinese jail
Michael Kovrig, whose arrest kicked off a diplomatic spat, says he was held in solitary confinement for months.
Read moreChina unleashes boldest stimulus in years to boost ailing economy
People’s Bank of China announces support measures including a cut in interest rates but some experts fear they may not be enough
China’s central bank has cut interest rates in an attempt to revive flagging economic growth and prevent scores of debt-laden property owners from going bust in its boldest intervention to boost the economy since the pandemic.
Adopting a suite of measures to reduce borrowing costs, the People’s Bank of China cut interest rates on existing mortgages by 0.5 percentage points and supported new lending by reducing the level of reserves banks must set aside before making loans.
Continue reading...Read moreSchoolboy's killing in China sparks Japanese fears
Stabbing of 10-year-old schoolboy in Shenzhen is the second attack on Japanese nationals this year.
Read moreChina spent millions on this new trade route - then a war got in the way
The BBC visits the border with Myanmar, where a war is raging on China’s doorstep.
Read moreGenetic ghosts suggest Covid’s market origins
A team of scientists say it is "beyond reasonable doubt" the Covid pandemic started with infected animals.
Read moreFarmers and students star in China's viral new football league
The Guizhou Village Super League is a small football festival that has grown in popularity in China
Read moreChina shifts gear in Africa as it looks to a green future
China looks to invest in clean energy but it is not clear if this will shift the relationship with Africa.
Read moreChina's digital publishing industry grows rapidly in 2023: report
HAIKOU, Sept. 22 (Xinhua) -- The scale of China's digital publishing industry reached 1.618 trillion yuan (about 228.89 billion U.S.The report, issued by the Chinese Academy of Press and Publication (CAPP), was released during the 14th China International Digital Publishing Expo that kicked off Saturday in the city of Haikou, capital of south China's Hainan Province. By the end of 2023, the number of Chinese online literature readers reached a record high of 537 million.
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