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The west worries about Russia and China – but the real threat to global security is climate breakdown | Anatol Lieven

‘Risk’ analyses largely ignore the dangers of the climate crisis. Unless we wake up to them, they will soon outweigh all others

The Irish sea captain who in 1751 discovered the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (Amoc) – closely connected with, though not identical to, the Gulf Stream – found a practical use for it: he used the frigid deeper water to cool his wine.

That may seem a rather frivolous response, but of course, Capt Henry Ellis had no idea that the oceanic pattern he had stumbled upon had been critical to the climate, the agriculture and indeed the entire development of western Europe. The same excuse can hardly be made for British and European governments today.

Anatol Lieven is director of the Eurasia programme at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and author of Climate Change and the Nation State: The Realist Case

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  中新社东京9月19日电 题:说说我拍摄中国珍稀动物保护纪录片的那些故事

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  中新社香港9月19日电 题:博物馆当以增进人民福祉为己任

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  中新社北京9月19日电 (记者 陈杭 上官云)19日,2024北京文化论坛开幕式上发布的《新特点与新趋势:中外文化交流报告(2023)》显示,2023年,中外文化交流直面挑战与机遇、把握安全与发展、注重合作与互惠,呈现出快速回暖、积极向好的总体态势,交流方式更加多元、形态更加新颖、对话更加深入,步入高质量发展新轨道。

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  中新网北京9月19日电(记者 邵萌)“象牙塔”反腐持续发力,近日,又有多名高校领导被查。

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程 | 勇立潮头 奋发进取竞风流


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中新网北京9月19日电 (记者 孙自法)由中国科研团队成功研发的全球首个多模态地理科学大模型“坤元”(Sigma Geography),9月19日在北京正式面向全球发布。作为一款专注于地理科学的专业语言大模型,“坤元”具备处理地理科学相关问题的专业能力,堪称“智能地理学家”,致力于推动地理学与人工智能深度融合。

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  中新网西安9月19日电 (记者 阿琳娜)据陕西省纪委监委消息,汉中市镇巴县县长贾晓伟涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受陕西省纪委监委纪律审查和监察调查。(完)

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李强在实施渐进式延迟法定退休年龄工作动员部署视频会议上强调 稳妥有序实施渐进式延迟法定退休年龄改革 为推进中国式现代化提供重要支撑 丁薛祥出席

  新华社北京9月19日电 9月19日,国务院召开实施渐进式延迟法定退休年龄工作动员部署视频会议,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理李强在会上强调,要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要指示精神,稳妥有序实施渐进式延迟法定退休年龄改革,为推进中国式现代化提供重要支撑。

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Ten-year-old Japanese boy dies after stabbing in China

Authorities say the boy was attacked outside Shenzhen Japanese School in southern China.

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七十五载奋进强国路 “硬核”数据见证农业大国向农业强国迈进

  央视网消息:新中国成立75年来,农业农村发展呈现出翻天覆地的巨大变化,实现了举世瞩目的跨越发展。特别是党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚持把解决好“三农”问题作为全党工作的重中之重,坚持农业农村优先发展,中国农业综合生产能力迈上大台阶,农村民生显著改善,乡村面貌焕然一新。农业大国加快推进农业农村现代化,向农业强国迈进。系列报道《七十五载 奋进强国路》19日播出第八集《农业大国向农业强国迈进》。

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AI时政画报 | 武夷灵芽


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  中新网9月19日电 据国台办网站消息,9月19日,国务院台办发言人陈斌华答记者问。

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  中新社北京9月19日电 (谢雁冰 梁晓辉)中国外交部发言人林剑19日宣布:中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅将作为习近平主席特别代表于9月22日至28日出席联合国未来峰会,同时出席第79届联合国大会一般性辩论。其间,王毅外长还将出席中方主办的推进全球发展倡议、加强人工智能国际合作等活动,以及安理会高级别会议、金砖国家外长会晤、二十国集团外长会等多边活动,并同联合国秘书长、第79届联大主席及有关国家外长或代表团团长举行会见。

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  中新社济南9月19日电 (黄钰钦 吕妍)9月19日,中国国家副主席韩正在济南出席2024年国际和平日纪念活动开幕式并致辞。

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  中新网9月19日电 据“国防部发布”微信公众号消息,国防部新闻发言人张晓刚就日本炒作辽宁舰训练活动答记者问。

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  中新网9月19日电 据生态环境部官方微信消息,为落实《新污染物治理行动方案》,加快完善新污染物生态环境监测标准体系,推动新污染物治理体系和治理能力现代化建设,日前,生态环境部发布了《新污染物生态环境监测标准体系表(2024年版)》(以下简称《体系表》)。

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  中新网9月19日电 国家发展改革委政策研究室主任、新闻发言人金贤东19日表示,国家发展改革委将配合推动相关部门研究提出户籍制度改革、常住地提供基本公共服务、随迁子女义务教育、加快保障性住房建设等具体政策措施。

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Tokyo demands answers over fatal stabbing of 10-year-old Japanese boy in China

It is unclear if the suspect targeted the boy because he was Japanese, but there is concern that the incident could trigger a further deterioration in ties

Japan’s foreign minister, Yoko Kamikawa, has described as “despicable” the alleged killing in China of a 10-year-old Japanese boy and demanded that Chinese authorities do everything possible to ensure the safety of Japanese nationals living in the country.

The boy, who has not been named by Japanese media, died on Thursday, a day after he was allegedly stabbed about 200 metres from his school in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen.

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马里首都巴马科恐袭致多人伤亡 中方对受害者表示哀悼

  中新网北京9月19日电 (梁晓辉 谢雁冰)中国外交部发言人林剑19日主持例行记者会。

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  中新网9月19日电 据广西纪检监察网消息,广西壮族自治区中医药管理局原党组成员、副局长张玉军涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受自治区纪委监委纪律审查和监察调查。

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  中新网9月19日电 据应急管理部网站消息,9月19日,国家防总办公室、应急管理部组织气象、水利、自然资源等部门进行防汛防台风专题会商,视频调度上海、江苏、浙江、安徽等重点省份,分析研判风情雨情汛情发展趋势,部署重点地区防汛防台风工作。

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漳台城隍文化交流活动漳州长泰举行 五百余名信众参与

  中新网漳州9月19日电 (叶秋云 廖珍妹)敬香、看戏、观景、品尝“四大桶”……19日,漳台城隍文化交流活动于福建省漳州市长泰举行,五百余名两岸信众参与,其中台胞六十余名。

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  中新网9月19日电 国家发展改革委政策研究室主任、新闻发言人金贤东19日表示,国家发展改革委将加快绿色低碳先进技术研发示范推广应用,修订发布绿色技术推广目录,启动第二批绿色低碳先进技术示范项目申报遴选工作。

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黎巴嫩多地发生通信设备爆炸 中方反对任何侵犯黎主权和安全的行为

  中新网北京9月19日电 (梁晓辉 谢雁冰)中国外交部发言人林剑19日主持例行记者会。有记者就黎巴嫩多地发生通信设备爆炸事件进行提问。

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  中新网9月19日电 国家发展改革委政策研究室主任、新闻发言人金贤东19日表示,目前,我国已发布食品安全国家标准超过1600项,食品污染和有害因素监测已覆盖99%的县市区。

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  中新网北京9月19日电 (梁晓辉 谢雁冰)中国外交部发言人林剑19日宣布:中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅将作为习近平主席特别代表于9月22日至28日出席联合国未来峰会,同时出席第79届联合国大会一般性辩论。其间,王毅外长还将出席中方主办的推进全球发展倡议、加强人工智能国际合作等活动,以及安理会高级别会议、金砖国家外长会晤、二十国集团外长会等多边活动,并同联合国秘书长、第79届联大主席及有关国家外长或代表团团长举行会见。

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四川省政协原副主席杨克宁被公诉 被指非法持有枪支弹药

  中新社北京9月19日电 (记者 张素)中国官方19日通报四川省政协原党组成员、副主席杨克宁涉嫌受贿,非法持有枪支、弹药一案进展。经最高人民检察院指定,江苏省南通市人民检察院近日已向南通市中级人民法院提起公诉。

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报道称美无立即撤出在菲部署中导的计划 中方回应

  中新网北京9月19日电 (记者 梁晓辉)中国外交部发言人林剑9月19日主持例行记者会。

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‘It breaks us deeply’: anguish as China closes door to foreign adoptions

For couples in the US mid-way through the adoption process, news of an end to international adoptions has been crushing

Americans Lauren and Harrison Smith met in China as students, and discussed their desire to adopt from the country early on in their relationship. As soon as they reached the minimum age of 30, the couple put together their applications and submitted for inspections of their home in Kunming, the capital of south-west China’s Yunnan province, where they lived with their two-year-old daughter.

“In September 2019, we saw our son’s picture for the first time and were able to submit a letter of intent to adopt him,” Lauren told the Guardian.

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The Guardian view on China’s ageing population: an economic and social conundrum | Editorial

Raising the retirement age is never popular, particularly for a country that is getting old before it gets rich

No one should be surprised that China is raising its retirement ages. They are currently among the lowest in the world and haven’t shifted for decades, even as lifespans have lengthened dramatically. Women currently retire as early as 50 and men at 60, while life expectancy is around 78 – up from 44 in 1960. Now the male retirement age is to rise to 63, while women’s will rise to 55 (for blue-collar workers) and 58 (for white-collar employees). These changes will be phased in over the next 15 years. Employees will also have to make more contributions from 2030.

China is far from alone in facing the problem of too many old people and too few young workers to support them. But unlike western nations, it is getting old before it has got rich. The scale of the challenge and the speed at which it is arriving are extraordinary, thanks in large part to the decades of birth restrictions known as the one-child policy. It also means that fewer retirees are able to count on their kids supporting them.

Do you have an opinion on the issues raised in this article? If you would like to submit a response of up to 300 words by email to be considered for publication in our letters section, please click here.

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Video of Chinese jet’s apparent intercept with Australian defence plane ‘deeply troubling’ propaganda, Coalition says

Shadow defence minister calls on Australian prime minister to raise matter with Chinese president, saying it is ‘not the actions of a friend’

The release of a video appearing to show a Chinese military aircraft in a “dangerous” interception with an Australian surveillance plane has been criticised as “risky” and “deeply troubling” propaganda by the Australian opposition, who are calling for the prime minister to raise the matter with China’s president.

The footage, posted on video-hosting site BiliBili with the watermark of Chinese state television’s military affairs channel, appeared to show a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) J-16 fighter intercepting an Australian P-8 Poseidon surveillance aircraft. The incident took place in international airspace over the South China Sea in 2022.

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Planned Shein IPO needs closer scrutiny, says former Labour minister

Trade committee head Liam Byrne wants checks on firm’s possible supply chain links to forced labour

A former minister has called on the government to closely scrutinise Shein for possible links to forced working as the China-founded fast-fashion retailer prepares for a stock market listing in London.

Liam Byrne, the Labour MP who heads parliament’s business and trade committee, said the UK should introduce new legislation to increase scrutiny of supply chains that may include products made in the Xinjiang region of north-western China.

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Kanye West performs in China after rare approval by country’s censors

Flow of foreign artists to China has slowed to a trickle, but economic pressures could be forcing authorities to rethink

When Ye, the artist formerly known as Kanye West, took to the stage in Haikou on Sunday, his Chinese fans could barely believe it. One of the biggest and most controversial foreign acts in the world had been allowed in by China’s notoriously censorious regime.

Ye’s only China show – all the more surprising for skipping big cities in lieu of the holiday island of Hainan – was announced just days earlier, and more than 42,000 tickets sold out within minutes. It was his first time back in the country for 16 years. In that time the Chinese government’s tolerance for western musicians has diminished, while Ye’s reputation for controversy has grown.

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Shanghai hit by strongest typhoon in 75 years

Bebinca has forced thousands to evacuate and grounded all flights in the city's two main airports.

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Hong Kong: first person convicted under security law for wearing protest T-shirt

Chu Kai-pong, 27, pleaded guilty to ‘act with seditious intent’ for displaying slogan: ‘Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times’

A man in Hong Kong has pleaded guilty to sedition for wearing a T-shirt with a protest slogan, becoming the first person to be convicted under the city’s controversial national security law known as Article 23, passed in March.

Chu Kai-pong, 27, pleaded guilty to one count of “doing acts with seditious intent”.

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What’s causing China’s economic downturn and what does it mean for Australia?

Oversupply and deflation are spooking markets, while falling demand for coal and iron ore threatens to further hamper anaemic Australian growth

“Because most Chinese are satisfied with the economy’s performance, Beijing would probably resist major adjustments in savings, consumption and investment incentives that did not serve its industrial policy goals.

“Only the prospect of closed foreign markets or deep recession at home, neither of which Beijing believes is likely in the near term, would change this view.”

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China gives PwC record £47m fine and six-month ban over Evergrande

Accountancy firm accused of issuing false audits says it has sacked six partners and five other staff have left

The China arm of the accountancy firm PwC has been banned for six months and fined a record 441m yuan (£47m) over its audit of the collapsed property developer Evergrande, according to Chinese authorities.

Beijing’s ministry of finance imposed a six-month business suspension on PwC Zhong Tian, the accounting firm’s main division in mainland China, along with a 116m yuan penalty.

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Farmers and students star in China's viral new football league

The Guizhou Village Super League is a small football festival that has grown in popularity in China

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Production of electric Fiat 500 halted for lack of European orders

Stellantis suspends output for four weeks after it becomes latest carmaker to be hit by slowdown in EV sales

Stellantis is to halt production of the electric Fiat 500 model for four weeks because of a lack of orders in Europe.

The Franco-Italian company, which also owns the Citroën, Vauxhall and Peugeot brands, said production would be suspended from Friday.

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Former CIA officer sentenced to 10 years in prison for spying for China

Alexander Yuk Ching Ma pleaded guilty to accepting gifts from China in return for delivering US defense information

A former CIA officer and contract linguist for the FBI who received cash, golf clubs and other expensive gifts in exchange for spying for China was sentenced on Wednesday to 10 years in prison.

Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 71, made a deal in May with federal prosecutors, who agreed to recommend the 10-year term in exchange for his guilty plea to a count of conspiracy to gather or deliver national defense information to a foreign government. The deal also requires him to submit to polygraph tests, whenever requested by the US government, for the rest of his life.

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China to train thousands of overseas law enforcement officers to create ‘more fair’ world order

Minister for public security made comments at forum that is part of efforts by ruling Communist party to position itself as a global security leader

China will train thousands of foreign law enforcement officers so as to see the world order “develop in a more fair, reasonable and efficient direction”, its minister for public security has said.

“We will [also] send police consultants to countries in need to conduct training to help them quickly and effectively improve their law enforcement capabilities,” minister Wang Xiaohong told an annual global security forum.

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US and China hold high-level military talks in effort to stabilise ties

Washington and Beijing hoping to open new regular communication channels to avoid misunderstandings

The United States and China have held high-level commander talks for the first time, Chinese authorities said, amid efforts to stabilise military ties and avoid misunderstandings, especially in regional hotspots such as the South China Sea.

Washington hopes to open new channels of regular military communication with Beijing after ties sank to a historic low when the United States downed a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon last year.

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Chinese FA bans 38 players for life in corruption crackdown

  • Former internationals among those banned
  • Move relates to match-fixing and gambling

The Chinese Football Association has banned 38 players and five club officials for life after a two-year investigation into match-fixing and gambling. The investigation, part of a crackdown on corruption in the sport, found that 120 matches had been fixed, with 41 clubs involved, according to the official Xinhua news agency. The report did not say whether all the matches were in China.

The former China internationals Jin Jingdao and Gu Chao and the South Korea midfielder Son Jun-ho were among those banned for life, according to findings made public on Tuesday.

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How China and a tariffs row cast a shadow over booming US solar power

The source of new renewable energy is also a battleground over China’s cheap exports of panels that has split US firms

The Biden administration touts solar energy as one of its big success stories, a booming new industry that is curbing the effects of the climate crisis and creating high-paying jobs across the country. But the more complicated truth is that the United States is mired in a long-running trade war with China, which is flooding the market with artificially cheap solar panels that carry an uncomfortably large carbon footprint and threaten to obliterate the domestic industry.

The price of solar panels has plummeted 50% over the past year, largely, industry insiders say, because of deliberate Chinese overproduction of key components and a game of international cat-and-mouse over trade rules often likened to a game of “Whac-A-Mole”. As different sets of rules get established, Chinese companies have proved adept at moving their manufacturing plants to other countries, in south-east Asia, and shifting strategies to work around US tariffs and other deterrent measures.

This article was amended on 10 September 2014. An earlier version incorrectly stated that this year’s RE+ conference took place in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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Row over aircons in classrooms as China swelters

Parents' calls to install air conditioners in classrooms spark a debate online.

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Pathogenic microbes blown vast distances by winds, scientists discover

Living microbes that cause disease in humans and host antibiotic-resistance genes carried 1,200 miles

Microbes that cause disease in humans can travel thousands of miles on high-level winds, scientists have revealed for the first time.

The winds studied carried a surprising diversity of bacteria and fungi, including known pathogens and, some with genes for resistance to multiple antibiotics. Some of the microbes were shown to be alive – in other words, they had survived the long journey and were able to replicate.

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US thinktank leader arrested on charges of acting as unregistered agent of China

Gal Luft, a US-Israeli citizen, was previously arrested last February in Cyprus but fled while released on bail

The leader of a US thinktank who was indicted last year on charges of acting as an unregistered agent of China has been arrested and will be extradited in the coming weeks or months, prosecutors said on Monday.

In July 2023, federal prosecutors in Manhattan accused Gal Luft of paying a former high-ranking US government official on behalf of principals based in China in 2016, as well as seeking to broker the sale of weapons and Iranian oil.

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Mario Draghi warns EU at risk without €800bn a year investment boost; Germany ‘facing three-quarters-long recession’– as it happened

‘For the first time since the cold war we must genuinely fear for our self-preservation,’ warns former ECB chief as he presents new report on European competitiveness

We also have worrying signs that the US jobs market is cooling.

The latest UK Report on Jobs from KPMG and REC shows that the UK labour market softened in August, with vacancies falling for both permanent and temporary staff.

“Recent Government warnings that the UK’s economy may weaken further before improving add to the overall sense of uncertainty, affecting recruitment plans. Firms holding back from hiring led to a sharp contraction in the number of people placed into permanent roles in August amid continued decline in demand, extending the downturn in the UK’s labour market.

“The news that while salaries rose last month it was at the weakest rate since March could help make the case for more rate cuts when the [Bank of England’s] Monetary Policy Committee meets to decide the future path of interest rates.

This reflects ongoing concerns in the job market, including falling job vacancies and more people claiming unemployment-related benefits, which reached its highest level since December 2021 according to the Office for National Statistics.

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Warm fronts to Y-fronts: Chinese city hit by underwear storm

Chongqing authorities say cloud seeding to break heatwave did not cause winds that sent laundry flying

It was the talk of the town. After the authorities sought to break a long-running heatwave in Chongqing by using cloud-seeding missiles to artificially bring rain, the Chinese megacity was blasted by an unusual weather event – an underwear storm.

Termed “the 9/2 Chongqing underwear crisis”, an unexpected windstorm on Monday brought gusts of up to 76mph (122km/h), scattering people’s laundry from balconies on the city’s high-rises. Douyin, China’s sister app to TikTok, was filled with videos of pants and bras flying through the skies, landing in the street and snagging on trees.

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Chinese giant Chery could build cars in UK

Chery is weighing up the possibility of building cars in the UK, according to a senior executive.

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China shifts gear in Africa as it looks to a green future

China looks to invest in clean energy but it is not clear if this will shift the relationship with Africa.

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Thieves snatched his phone in London - it was in China a month later

Akara tells the BBC about the journey his phone took after it was snatched from his hands by thieves.

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'No preaching' and other tactics as China woos African leaders

China is feting African leaders at a summit in Beijing aimed at strengthening ties.

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Sabina Shoal: The new flashpoint between China and the Philippines

Both countries blame each other for repeated boat collisions near the shoal in recent days.

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Why badminton has become code for teen sex in Hong Kong

The education bureau suggests teens who want to have sex could "go out to play badminton together" instead.

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Blockbuster Chinese video game tried to police players - and divided the internet

The hugely popular Black Myth: Wukong has attracted some press for the wrong reasons.

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US trial begins in battle for Mao secretary's diaries

Stanford University is fighting to keep the diaries, in a case framed as a battle against China's censorship.

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Architecture mooncakes a smash hit in Taiyuan

Assorted mooncakes in the style of ancient architecture developed by a shop in Taiyuan, Shanxi province.Assorted mooncakes in the style of ancient architecture developed by a shop in Taiyuan, Shanxi province. [Photo by Wang Wendong/For chinadaily.com.cn]

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