
健康人生 编辑精选



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Firstly, real Chinese food is not so greasy, and the fake Chinese food you eat in your country is not what Chinese people eat.


Second: Component control. Chinese people only eat a small portion during meals, so they don’t eat snacks all day.


Chinese food eaten in popular Chinese restaurants in the United States is always very greasy because Americans like it.


In China, they eat more vegetables and fish, and less meat. The meat and vegetables they eat are cooked, steamed, and stir fried, rather than fried or fried with a lot of oil.


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Moreover, what you think is greasy is only the “oil” you can see, in fact, salad dressing, cream, meat, butter, these are all fats, as well as excessive sugar in coffee, bread, and desserts.


For Western cuisine, just a layer of cream on a vegetarian salad contains more calories and fat than most Chinese dishes. Chinese cuisine only adds some vegetable oils, which are mostly left on the plate and do not enter the human body. In China’s staple food Mantou, the ingredients are only flour and water, without additional butter and sugar·····


In short, being greasy is not just the “oil” you can see, Western food is 100 times more greasy than Chinese food, which is a true fact.


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Most Western countries have high obesity rates. This includes industrialized Western countries such as Mexico and Brazil. The answer to this question was widely known 25 years ago, and can be found by searching on Google in two seconds.


The human brain has evolved on the African savannah to cope with the constantly changing food insecurity environment. Our brains are naturally addicted to finding and eating all available foods. A physiological and habitual diet requires a long evolutionary process, and our brain cannot adapt in such a short period of time.


So, when we have something to eat, we will force ourselves to eat. Because we always have something to eat, we become fatter and fatter. We are born to do this. In the United States, high nutrient and high-density foods are both cheap and ordinary, and unlike other countries, the government does not intervene to change public behavior. We do not have universal medical insurance as any means of assistance. We also have a sedentary lifestyle, with long working hours, longer commuting hours than most people, high life pressure, and fewer opportunities for exercise. For the first time in history, the number of deaths caused by excessive food exceeded that of famine.


Of course, I also agree that some Chinese food is very greasy. But if this is your impression of all Chinese cuisine, you may have ordered the wrong dish or gone to the wrong restaurant. The traditional cooking methods of authentic Chinese cuisine include steaming, boiling, and frying, which actually consume less oil.



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in addition, I believe there are other factors that contribute to obesity. Take fast food as an example. McDonald’s, KFC, and other American fast food chains have entered China, leading to an increase in fast food consumption (FFC). Research has shown that… fast food consumption can be associated with obesity risk, including some reports that there is a positive correlation between fast food consumption and obesity in China.


Here is an interesting fact: in the United States, it is reported that 37% of American adults eat fast food every day. In China, this number is 7%.



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Other factors include:


Diet: Chinese food in China usually has one or two courses of dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach or bean sprouts. This meal usually ends with a plate of fruits, such as orange slices or watermelon. There may also be a bowl of red bean soup, but usually no cake or pie is provided as a dessert;


Weight: The weight in the United States is much larger. I remember ordering soup and salad at a restaurant in San Diego recently, thinking it would be a delicious light lunch. The sandwich filled the entire plate. Put the soup in a large bowl. The concept of ‘value adjustment’ – buying more food for one dollar – is problematic: the more food you eat, the more likely you are to eat.


The good news is that as China’s wealth continues to grow, malnutrition is no longer a problem. The bad news is that 23% of the population is now considered overweight (even higher in cities with many fast food restaurants).



I’m not sure these statistics are 100% correct, because obesity rates in other countries and regions are also high, but I agree that obesity in the United States is a huge problem.


I lived and taught in West Virginia for a period of time. It is the state with the highest obesity rate in the United States. My daughter is a doctor in this state. Here are some of the reasons I have observed.


1. A sedentary lifestyle – This seems to have been a habit since childhood, especially in videos and computer games. I have taught several children who are as tall and fat as them. The children are not playing outdoors as they used to be. I even have children sit on benches during breaks to chat, rather than using this time to burn energy. I really find it difficult to understand why a student sits in the classroom all morning and doesn’t want to release pent up energy during breaks

1. 久坐不动的生活方式——这似乎从小就养成了习惯,尤其是视频和电脑游戏。我教过几个和他们一样高一样胖的孩子。孩子们不像以前那样在户外玩耍了。我甚至会让孩子们在课间休息时坐在长椅上聊天,而不是利用这段时间消耗能量。(我真的很难理解为什么一个学生整个上午都坐在教室里,而不想在课间休息时释放被压抑的能量。)

2. Lack of nutrition knowledge and dietary diversity – My daughter, as a family doctor, can tell you about misconceptions in nutrition. People believe that fried chicken is a “weight loss food” because it is chicken; People are not aware that beverages contain calories, they drink waves all day long and believe that calories only exist in solid foods! In addition, the size of the portion and nutritional balance are a mystery for them. In addition, the only foods they consider to be “vegetables” or side dishes are potatoes, corn, boxed macaroni, cheese, and non branded Stovetop fillers, which contain the most carbohydrates!

2. 缺乏营养知识和饮食多样性——我的女儿,作为一名家庭医生,可以告诉你营养方面的认知误区。人们认为炸鸡是“减肥食品”,因为它是鸡肉;人们没有意识到饮料含有卡路里,他们整天喝激浪,认为卡路里只存在于固体食物中!此外,分量大小和营养平衡对他们来说是一个谜。此外,他们唯一认为是“蔬菜”或配菜的食物是土豆、玉米、盒装通心粉、奶酪和非品牌的Stovetop填料,里边却含有最多的碳水化合物!

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3. Food addiction – People rely on the dopamine response caused by sugar and carbohydrates to feel good. Washington State is not so proud to be rated as the state with the worst quality of life and one of the states with the highest rates of obesity and opioid addiction, so food addiction can also become a problem.

3. 食物成瘾——人们依靠糖和碳水化合物带来的多巴胺反应来感觉良好。华盛顿州不那么自豪地被评为生活质量最差的州,也是肥胖和阿片类药物成瘾率最高的州之一,所以食物成瘾也会成为一个问题。

4. Food quality – American food stores have a large number of processed and “convenient” foods.

4. 食品质量——美国食品店有大量加工食品和“方便”食品。

5. Access to healthy food – Many parts of the world are ‘food deserts’. I remember my husband and I were camping deep in West Virginia and buying groceries was very difficult. The “agricultural products area” of the store only has some light green lettuce, some pink tomatoes, cabbage, and corn ears. However, there are many little Debbie snacks, cakes, and soda water. Some people only have convenience stores nearby.

5. 获取健康食品——世界上很多地方都是“食物沙漠”。我记得我和我丈夫在西弗吉尼亚深处露营,买杂货很难过。商店的“农产品区”只有一些淡绿色的卷心莴苣,一些粉红色的西红柿,卷心菜和玉米穗。然而,有很多小黛比零食蛋糕和苏打水。有些人附近只有便利店。

6. Not willing to change and try new food – my daughter often deals with diabetes patients who need to lose weight. She will sign them up for nutrition programs they did not participate in. They don’t want to switch starchy or fried foods to green leafy vegetables. Their taste buds are not accustomed to any changes or flavors. Salt is the most popular seasoning there!

6. 不愿意改变和尝试新的食物-我女儿经常与需要减肥的糖尿病患者打交道。她会为他们报名参加他们没有参加的营养项目。他们不想把淀粉类食物或油炸食品换成绿叶蔬菜。他们的味觉不习惯任何变化或味道。盐是那里最受欢迎的调味料!

7. Water has never been a choice for people – the consumption of soda water in the United States is not real. I have been drinking water every meal since I was young, but I know some people don’t like the taste of water and only drink soda and carbonated drinks!

7. 水从来都不是人们的选择——苏打水的消费量在美国是不真实的。我从小到大每餐都喝水,但我知道有些人不喜欢水的味道,只喝苏打水和碳酸饮料!

Returning to China, some answers mentioned that being greasy is not just the oil you can see, it’s true. But another reason is that China is very large, and the food in different places/provinces is completely different.


For example, in the south, such as Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian, and other places, the food is very light, people love to drink soup, use very little oil to stir fry, and the dishes in restaurants are not greasy at all. People living in these places are indeed slimmer than those living in other places.


In northern China, such as Shandong and Beijing, you can say that the food is very greasy, and it does contain high calories, which can make people fat. In fact, people living in these places have a higher obesity rate than those living in the south.


However, due to China’s vast territory, some reports may overlook the full picture of this issue, and I believe that China has not conducted an official survey on the “obesity rate”. Therefore, when it comes to the obesity rate in the United States, there is no comparability.



To understand this, you need to understand the ‘Positive Motivation Theory’. Fundamentally, this indicates that our motivation to eat is due to the ‘positive motivational value’ of food, mainly due to expectations of food taste. Foods high in sugar, fat, and salt have high motivational value. This is because these foods are high in energy and contain essential minerals and micronutrients. Both of these factors mean that these foods help us survive.


This only makes sense when you first look at how these positive incentives arise. Before industrialization, the food supply in any normal natural environment was unpredictable. Therefore, it makes sense to eat foods high in fat, salt, and sugar, as these foods can help you live long enough until you find sufficient food supply next time. Because you only occasionally find food, these positive motivational values will persuade you to eat as much as possible at any given time to help you survive until the next time you find food. This will also make you emphasize hunting/gathering first, as you will expect the delicious food.




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The second mechanism related to this issue is the “satiety” mechanism. In layman’s terms, this means’ feeling full ‘. In the theory of positive motivation, when the positive motivational value of food decreases during meals, a feeling of fullness occurs. The more you eat, the lower the motivational value of food. This situation can occur in general foods, but it can also occur in specific foods. If you are eating a certain food, the positive motivational value of another food may still be quite high. This is useful because it encourages a balanced diet, which means you can get all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.


The problem in modern society is that food supply is no longer unpredictable. Our evolution has not yet caught up with our industrialized society, as industrialization is relatively a very rapid process. As long as we want, we can always get food, and we have as much as we want. Due to the high motivational value of high fat and sugar foods, we consume them in large quantities. Of course, we all know that these foods can lead to obesity and related health problems. But it’s hard to resist because our biology tells us that we need these foods!


What is the specific relationship between this and the United States? Well, the United States is the center of fast food in the world. Fast food culture is very popular in the United States. You have the most fast food restaurants in the world. How much do we know about these fast food restaurants? They sell high fat and high sugar foods at low prices at any time of the day! This is a dangerous combination. When we want it, we can get any unhealthy food we want. Our bodies tell us through positive motivational values that we want these foods, so we eat them. This leads to obesity because we no longer have unpredictable issues.


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The fact related to this is how many choices there are for different fast food restaurants and different foods in any restaurant. As mentioned earlier, when the incentive value of one food decreases, the incentive value of another food remains relatively high. Full of salty and greasy fried chicken? Don’t worry, you can still eat sugary milkshakes or carbohydrate fries.


The availability, low cost, and accessibility of unhealthy food are issues here. As a person living in the UK (also a very obese country), you can easily see how the convenience of eating fast food outweighs the health benefits of spending time cooking a healthy meal. Especially because your body tells you that you want these unhealthy foods!


来源: 知识万物

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