The 1st Poetry Film Gala of 2023- Mid Autumn International Festival Successfully Held


The 1st Poetry Film Gala of 2023- Mid Autumn International Festival Successfully Held

In the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2023, a special Poetry Film Mid Autumn Festival Gala has been held in the Australian Impression APP, and the Poetry Film Gala of International Mid Autumn Festival had been born in this way. At the First Poetry Film Gala, nearly 10000 poets and readers from China, Australia, New Zealand, Colombia, the United States, Nigeria, Kenya, Türkiye, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Serbia and other countries around the world watched the live broadcast online. This Poetry Film Gala was also held in response to the “Free Africa” event of the World Poetry Movement. Through the Poetry Film, we pay attention to the deteriorating humanitarian situation on the African continent and support the voices of the African people.

The 2023 First Poetry Film Festival of Mid Autumn Festival International was jointly guided by the World Poetry Movement (WPM) and the Great Poetry Movement (GPM), hosted by the China Canglang Yayuan Poetry Society and the Australian Global Chinese Poetry Association, and co hosted by New Zealand’s “Overseas Literature” and China’s “Great Poetry Magazine”. The Great Poetry Movement was founded by Fernando Rendon and other poets on the Medellin Poetry Festival in 2011. The movement involved poets and organizations from multiple countries across five continents, and currently has over 2000 institutions involved, making it a groundbreaking event in world literary history. The Great Poetry Movement was initiated by poets Cao Shui, Xi Yuan, and Xi Di in 2007. In the era of globalization, it advocates for “integration of sacred and secular cultures, integration of ancient and modern cultures, and integration of East and West cultures”. It has now spread to many countries around the world and is known as one of the “three major literary trends initiated by contemprary Chinese literature world”. Cao Shui is also known as the representative poet of the “young generation leading the new world” by the outstanding Indian poet Rati Saxena.

The programs broadcasted in this Poetry Film Gala include the works of poets from eleven countries, including China, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Colombia, Nigeria, Kenya, Türkiye, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, and Serbia. The Gala began with the “On the Waterline” by Colombian poet Fernando Rendon, the coordinator of the World Poetry Movement. Chinese poet Fan Qun’s “Love for the Motherland”, Australian poet Ying Xia’s “Moon River in August”, Chinese poet Cao Shui’s “Alaska: Dragon vs. Eagle Duel”, Australian poet Liao Shijing’s “Sydney Mid Autumn”, New Zealand poet Christine Peiying Chen’s “June Flame” by Kosovo poets Fahrendin Shehu’s “The Aromas of Past”, Australian poets Les Wicks’ “Avalanche”, Chinese poet Yue Jian’s “Great Wind Song”, Nigerian poet Niyi Osandare’s “Alupayida”(Metamorphosis) , Chinese poet Peng Shujin’s “the World Poetry Day”, Turkish poet Nurduran Duman’s “the Steps of Istanbul, Chinese poet Zhang Wensheng’s “I want to travel with you, American poet Chen Jinmao’s “Poetry is Another Me”, Chinese poet Guo Shuping’s “The Song of Plum Blossom”, Vietnamese poet Mai Van Phan’s “Soul Flying”, Chinese poet Madame Jianlan’s “For You, Write Chang’an in Dreams”, United Arab Emirates poet Adel Khozam’s “Stars”, Chinese poet Ji Wenjun’s “Invitation to Wait for a Spring”, Australian poet Albert Lin’s “Imperfect Garden”, Chinese poet Wen Jun’s “A Touch of Heart Moisturizing Tea”, Chinese poet Han Yonghua’s “I am the Moonlight in the Mud River Bay”, Kenyan poet Christopher Okemwa’s “Africa”, and finally Li Guyi’s “Unforgettable Tonight” reached a climax.

This Poetry Film Gala has received strong support from the World Poetry Movement, with the general coordinator Fernando Rendon serving as the general consultant, the initiator of the Great Poetry Movement Cao Shui, the president of the Global Chinese Poetry Association in Australia Liao Shijing, and the artistic director of China Canglang Yayuan Poetry Society Fan Qun serving as the general planner. The president of China Canglang Yayuan Poetry Society Zhang Jianjun and the editor in chief of New Zealand’s “Overseas Literature” Christine Peiying Chen serve as the general director. Art guidance is provided by Liang Zhijian, editor of New Zealand Overseas Literature Society and Zhang Wensheng, editor in chief of Canglang Yayuan Poetry Society. Video guidance is provided by Xia Yu, editor of Canglang Yayuan Poetry Society, and Peng Shujin, deputy editor in chief of “Great Poetry Magazine”. Recitation guidance is provided by Wang Liping, deputy president of Canglang Yayuan Poetry Society, and Li Mingliang, executive president of Canglang Yayuan Poetry Society. With the joint efforts of all staff, the 1st Poetry Film Gala has become a hot topic in the world poetry circle and achieved a complete success.

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The Poetry Film Movement was proposed by Cao Shui in his 2017 “Manifesto of the Poetry Film Movement” under Great Poetry Movement. In the opening of the article, it is stated that: there is an era of “outstanding literature genre ” in every era, lyrical literature characterized by poetry in the agricultural society, narrative literature characterized by novel in the industrial society, and dramatic literature characterized by film literature in the information society. Due to the convenience of acceptance, it is now an era of “image reading”, “image age”, and “drama age”, and poetry is also facing unprecedented crises. Some even jokingly claim that “there are more poets than readers”. How to solve this problem is a question that all poets should consider, and I think one solution is the visualization of poetry – Poetry Film. The concept of poetry and film was first proposed by the French avant-garde in the 1920s. It is a film creation proposition that advocates negating plot, exploring metaphor, and lyrical functions. They believe that movies should achieve “the greatest freedom of association” like lyrical poetry, and that “the most perfect embodiment of movies is film poetry”, Soviet director Eisenstein’s “Battleship Potemkin” and Chinese director Fei Mu’s “Spring in a Small Town” are both considered models of poetic films. They are talking about a genre of film, and what I want to talk about is the “Poetry Film” that transforms poetry into film.

In 2023, Cao Shui, Zhang Jianjun, and Fan Qun publicly released The Manifesto of Poetry Film near the filming location of China’s first film. The declaration stated at the end that:on December 28, 1905, Ren Qingtai filmed China’s first film “Dingjun Mountain” at the Fengtai Photography Studio near Liulichang, Beijing, and Chinese cinema was born from then on. 118 years later, on May 19, 2023, Cao Shui, as the honorary president of Canglang Yayuan, met with Zhang Jianjun, the president of Canglang Yayuan Poetry Society, and Fan Qun, the artistic director of Canglang Yayuan Poetry Society, in the front door of Beijing to discuss the cooperation between Canglang Yayuan Poetry Society, the Great Poetry Movement, and the World Poetry Movement to jointly promote the Poetry Film Movement and prepare for the establishment of the Poetry Film International Poetry Festival. Recently, the works of twelve Chinese poets and twelve poets from around the world have been showcased and visualized. In the future, we will vigorously promote the Poetry Film Movement, committed to making poetry into film, embracing the lyrical literature of the ancient agricultural age and the narrative literature of the modern information age, allowing movies to gain deeper poetic meaning and making poetry to gain better performance.

Nowadays, the world poetry circle is generally facing a crisis of dissemination. Poetry film express poetry through images, which have gained the favor of readers and have milestone significance for the development of poetry. The successful holding of the first Poetry Film Gala has a positive impact on promoting the development of the Poetry Film Movement. Planning team members Fernando Rendon, Cao Shui, Liao Shijing, Fan Qun, Zhang Jianjun, Christine Peiying Chen, Liang Zhijian, and others stated that in the future, the Poetry Film Gala will be developed into a brand, promoting the development of world poetry through the combination of poetry, film, and gala. (End)

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