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US Vice President Kamala Harris and former US President and 2024 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Photo: Brendan SMIALOWSKI and Patrick T. Fallon / AFP
题图:美国副总统贺锦丽(卡玛拉·哈里斯)和美国前总统、2024年共和党总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普。照片:Brendan SMIALOWSKI和Patrick T. Fallon / AFP

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Donald Trump has indicated he’s ready to engage in a debate with Kamala Harris ahead of the US presidential election, as the presumptive Democratic nominee kicks off her campaign in earnest with a rally in the battleground state of Wisconsin.
【澳纽网综合ABC/Reuters/AP 编译】唐纳德·特朗普表示,他准备在美国总统大选之前与卡玛拉·哈里斯进行辩论,因为这位推定的民主党候选人在威斯康星州的战场上举行集会,认真开始她的竞选活动。

The vice-president has secured the broad support of her party to replace President Joe Biden at the top of the ticket.

In his most extensive comments since Biden dropped out of the race, Trump said he would be willing to debate Harris “more than once”.

“I think debating is important for a presidential race. You sort of have an obligation to debate,” he told reporters in a conference call on Tuesday afternoon, local time.

The Republican presidential candidate stopped short of committing to the next scheduled debate, which was due to be hosted by ABC News America in September.
这位共和党总统候选人没有承诺参加原定于 9 月由美国广播公司美国新闻频道主办的下一场辩论。

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He had agreed to take part in a second debate with Biden before the president dropped out of the race. But today he expressed that he was “not thrilled” with ABC, having previously suggested the debate should be moved to Fox News.
在拜登退出竞选之前,他曾同意参加与拜登的第二场辩论。但他今天表示,他对美国广播公司(ABC)“并不满意”,此前他曾建议将辩论转移到福克斯新闻台(Fox News)。

Harris’s first rally since launching her campaign for the White House perhaps sets the stage for how the vice-president would approach a debate with her Republican opponent.

The speech to an energetic crowd in Milwaukee followed the strategy laid out at campaign HQ in Delaware on Monday, with Harris pitching her case against Trump as “a choice between freedom and chaos”.

“In this campaign, I promise you, I will proudly put my record against his any day of the week,” she told her supporters at West Allis Central High School.

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“In this election, we face a question. What kind of country do we want to live in? A country of freedom, compassion, and the rule of law? Or a country of chaos, fear and hate? We each have the power to answer that question.”

She continued to highlight her background as a district attorney and attorney-general in contrast with Trump’s chequered legal history, and sought to criticise his record in office.

“America has tried these failed economic policies before. But we are not going back,” she said, prompting a chant of “we’re not going back”.

Donations roll in for Harris’s campaign as Biden plans to address the nation

It came as the party rallied further behind Harris, with the Democrats’ leaders in both chambers of Congress, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, officially endorsing the vice-president.

“She is ready. She is willing. She is able to energetically and emphatically lead America into the future,” Jeffries said.

The Harris campaign also announced that donations had reached a historic fundraising milestone, with more than US$100 million received since Sunday, the majority from first-time donors.

The vice-president also appears to be enjoying a bump in public support, with a Reuters-Ipsos poll showing she has opened up a marginal two-point lead over Trump.
这位副总统似乎也获得了公众支持的提升,路透社 – 益普索的一项民意调查显示,她已经领先特朗普两个百分点。


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In a survey conducted this week, respondents were asked who they would vote for if an election were held today – 44 percent said Harris, compared to 42 percent who said Trump. The difference is within the 3-percentage-point margin of error.
在本周进行的一项调查中,受访者被问及如果今天举行选举,他们会投票给谁 – 44%的人说哈里斯,而42%的人说特朗普。差异在 3 个百分点的误差范围内。

It shows a slight improvement in Harris’s support before Biden dropped out of the race.

Although national polls indicate broad voter sentiment, when it comes to election day, it will be the swing states where the winner is decided.

The president announced on Tuesday that he would address the nation on Wednesday evening, local time, to discuss his plans to see out the rest of his term.

He is planning to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later this week, who is in Washington DC to address Congress.

The visit is expected to draw significant protests in the US capital.

More than 200 members of Congress have signed an anonymous letter stating they will boycott the address.
200 多名国会议员签署了一封匿名信,表示他们将抵制这次演讲。

综合: ABC/Reuters/AP – 美国广播公司/路透社/美联社

分类: 国际新闻

(即时多来源) 中英国际要闻 English/Chinese World News

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