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Local Government Minister Simeon Brown speaks to the LGNZ conference in Wellington.
题图:地方政府部长 Simeon Brown 在惠灵顿举行的 LGNZ 会议上发表讲话。

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Local Government Minister Simeon Brown has cracked open the door to new money for councils, raising the possibility of tourist and mining levies funding local infrastructure.
【澳纽网编译】地方政府部长西蒙·布朗 (Simeon Brown) 为议会打开了获得新资金的大门,提高了为当地基础设施筹集旅游税和采矿税的可能性。

Brown kept the tough talking tone set by Prime Minister Christopher Luxon at the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) conference on Thursday. But Brown’s speech, which came with a heaping of cynicism about council priorities, included a silver lining for local government leaders.
在周四举行的新西兰地方政府(LGNZ)会议上,布朗保持了总理克里斯托弗-卢克森(Christopher Luxon)所定下的强硬基调。但布朗的讲话虽然带有对议会优先事项的冷嘲热讽,但也给地方政府领导人带来了一线希望。

But the silver lining won’t arrive for everyone, immediately at least.

Brown revealed the Government would be inviting only five regions to apply for regional deals. Those regions would not necessarily be within existing council boundaries. That number, five, sparked crystal-ball gazing and gossiping across the conference with councillors, mayors and council officials pondering about which five regions would be offered a lifeline.

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After the first round of deals were done in 2025, Brown said the Government would start negotiations with other regions.
布朗表示,在 2025 年完成第一轮交易后,政府将开始与其他地区进行谈判。

In a draft outline of how Brown envisions the “regional deals” to operate, he said the Government was open to giving councils access to new streams of funding. Examples included access to existing levies, such as those paid by international visitors and also royalties that come from mining companies.

The document also suggested that new taxes could be introduced to fund local infrastructure.

These included the congestion charges for traffic, which Brown was keen on for Auckland, but also “value capture” schemes.
其中包括 Brown 对奥克兰的交通拥堵费,但也包括“价值捕获”计划。

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Brown rallied against “value capture taxes” while in Opposition and hit out at Labour for suggesting that such a scheme could help fund Auckland Light Rail. But the party then campaigned on using them.

Value capture refers to targeted taxes on the benefits received by private landowners when governments make investments in infrastructure. It could take the form of deferred levies, targeted rates, or a sort of capital gains tax focused on the portion of sale deemed to be as a result of a project.

Each regional deal would include a negotiated 10-year plan.
每项区域协议都将包括一个谈判的 10 年计划。

Those deals would come through negotiation, Brown said. “We’re not guaranteeing that we’re just going to sign up to what local government wants.”


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Selwyn District mayor Sam Broughton welcomed the framework for regional deals.
塞尔温区市长山姆·布劳顿 (Sam Broughton) 对区域交易框架表示欢迎。

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He said their plans would have to align with central Government priorities to access potential new revenue streams, funding, or to get legislative changes across the line.

Brown said the Government would refuse to enter deals that had been written by consultants or included money for nice-to-haves.

布朗表示,政府将拒绝接受由顾问撰写的协议,或包括为 “可有可无 ”提供资金的协议。

“We don’t want extravagant glossy documents … developed by consultants. We’re looking for simple in-house proposals to finalise the first deal by the end of 2025,” he said.
“我们不想要奢侈的光鲜文件……由顾问开发。我们正在寻找简单的内部提案,以便在 2025 年底之前敲定第一笔交易,“他说。

Regions seeking a deal would have to demonstrate have to show fiscal prudence and the potential to grow.

LGNZ president and Selwyn Mayor Sam Broughton said the regional deal framework was a “great win” for local government. Although he said LGNZ was not consulted before Brown released the policy, he said it incorporated much of what his advocacy organisation had wanted.
LGNZ 总裁兼塞尔温市长 Sam Broughton 表示,区域协议框架是地方政府的“巨大胜利”。尽管他说在布朗发布该政策之前没有咨询过 LGNZ,但他表示,该政策包含了他的倡导组织想要的大部分内容。

来源: Stuff

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