(双语)载有 5 名中国游客和 4 名泰国人的飞机在曼谷附近坠毁

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BANGKOK (AP) — Searchers dug into the mud of a flooded mangrove swamp outside Bangkok on Friday for plane fragments and the remains of the five Chinese passengers and four Thai flight crew members believed killed in a crash shortly after takeoff.

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Around 300 officers and rescue volunteers have been searching the crash site and will send any remains they are able to recover for forensic identification, Chachoengsao province Gov. Chonlatee Yangtrong said late Thursday night. Only small body parts had been recovered so far.
北柳府省长 Chonlatee Yangtrong 周四深夜表示,大约 300 名警官和救援志愿者一直在搜索坠机现场,并将送去他们能够找到的任何遗体进行法医鉴定。到目前为止,只找到了一小部分尸块。

The crash site about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from Suvarnabhumi Airport was flooded when tides rose from from a nearby river that flows into the Gulf of Thailand. Video showed fragments of the plane in water in the middle of a wooded area. A rescuer worked in muddy water up to his chest.
距离素万那普机场约 40 公里(25 英里)的坠机地点被洪水淹没,当时附近一条流入泰国湾的河流涨潮。视频显示,飞机的碎片在树林中间的水中。一名救援人员在泥水中工作,水深到他的胸部。

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Five Chinese tourists and four Thais, a pilot, co-pilot and two airline service personnel, had been on board the plane, provincial government spokesperson Sangdune Jewyu said.
该省政府发言人 Sangdune Jewyu 表示,飞机上有五名中国游客和四名泰国人、一名飞行员、副驾驶和两名航空公司服务人员。

The tourists were initially said to be from Hong Kong, but Hong Kong’s Immigration Department said Friday they were not Hong Kong residents. Photos posted on social media and on Thai media websites showed all of their passports had been issued in Shanghai.

Thai media, including the Bangkok Post newspaper, identified the Chinese victims as Zhang Jingjing, 12; Zhang Jing, 42; Tang Yu, 42; Yin Jinfeng, 45; and Yin Hang, 13.
包括《曼谷邮报》(Bangkok Post)在内的泰国媒体确认中国受害者为12岁的张晶晶;42 岁的张静; 42 岁的唐宇;45 岁的尹金凤;和 13 岁的 Yin Hang。

The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand said the turboprop Cessna Caravan C208B operated by the Thai Flying Service Company had departed at 2:46 p.m. and air traffic control lost radio and radar contact with the aircraft 11 minutes later, when it was about 35 kilometers (22 miles) southeast of the airport.
泰国民航局表示,由泰国飞行服务公司运营的涡轮螺旋桨塞斯纳大篷车 C208B 已于下午 2 点 46 分起飞,空中交通管制在 11 分钟后与飞机失去无线电和雷达联系,当时飞机位于机场东南约 35 公里(22 英里)处。


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It had been headed to Trat, a coastal province with beach resorts about 275 kilometers (171 miles) southeast of Bangkok.
它原本前往达叻,这是一个沿海省份,拥有海滩度假胜地,位于曼谷东南约 275 公里(171 英里)处。

The authorities said the cause of the crash is not yet known, and an investigation is underway. The weather at the time of the flight was clear.

Pongthep Sirisawat of the Aircraft Accident Investigation Committee of Thailand said they have recovered about 30% of the plane so far. Because the plane had no black box and there are likely no survivors, it is necessary to collect as many pieces of the plane as possible to determine the cause of the accident, he said.
泰国飞机事故调查委员会的 Pongthep Sirisawat 表示,到目前为止,他们已经找回了大约 30% 的飞机。他说,因为飞机没有黑匣子,而且很可能没有幸存者,所以有必要收集尽可能多的飞机碎片,以确定事故的原因。


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