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题图:Police have released this image of the man suspected to be involved in the stabbing. 警方发布了这张涉嫌刺伤案男子的照片。来源:Police 警察

Police say the man suspected of repeatedly stabbing a woman on an Auckland bus had been sitting next to her for some time.

A woman died on Wednesday after being stabbed in the upper body on the bus in Onehunga.
周三,一名妇女在 Onehunga 的公共汽车上被刺伤上半身后死亡。

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What we know so far:

  • A woman was stabbed to death on a bus in Auckland’s Onehunga on Wednesday.
    周三,一名女子在奥克兰 Onehunga 的一辆公共汽车上被刺死。
  • Police have identified the suspect as Kael Leona, who is in his late 30s, but have not found him. He was last seen between Mt Wellington and Onehunga.
    警方已确认嫌疑人为 30 多岁的凯尔·莱昂纳 (Kael Leona),但尚未找到他。他最后一次出现在惠灵顿山和 Onehunga 之间。
  • The alleged attacker had been sitting next to his victim on the bus for some time and no motive for the assault had yet been established, police said.
  • Court documents show the alleged attacker has been accused of possessing a knife in public before – and sentenced on charges of threatening to kill. He was charged in September with breaching his release conditions. 
    法庭文件显示,被指控的袭击者之前曾被指控在公共场合持有一把刀,并因威胁杀人的罪名而被判刑。他于 9 月被指控违反释放条件。

Man suspected of stabbing identified

Police have released images of the man suspected of the fatal Auckland bus stabbing.

The man had been identified as Kael Leona, who is in his late 30s. He was last seen between Mt Wellington and Onehunga.
这名男子被确认为 30 多岁的凯尔·莱昂纳(Kael Leona)。他最后一次出现在惠灵顿山和 Onehunga 之间。

He was wearing dark coloured pants, a black jumper with white writing, and white shoes. He had a green T-shirt on his head.
他穿着深色裤子,黑色套头衫,上面写着白色字样,鞋子是白色的。他头上戴着一件绿色的 T 恤。

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Auckland mayor says this ‘senseless act’ has left everyone feeling shocked and numb 

Suspect sentenced for threatening to kill and damaging property earlier this year 

Court documents seen by Stuff show Leona was sentenced in May on the threatening to kill charge and damaging property but was then charged in September with breaching his release conditions.
Stuff 看到的法庭文件显示,Leona 于 5 月因威胁杀人和损坏财产的指控而被判刑,但随后在 9 月被指控违反释放条件。

Corrections have been contacted for comment.

Court documents show man wanted for obstructing police, just days before alleged stabbing

Court documents filed at the Auckland District Court on Thursday allege Leona is accused of resisting and intentionally obstructing a police officer on October 18.
周四提交给奥克兰地方法院的法庭文件称,Leona 被指控在 10 月 18 日抗拒并故意阻碍一名警察。

Leona was known to police and was most comfortable in the East Auckland area, Acting Detective Inspector Alisse Robertson said.
莱昂纳为警方所熟知,在东奥克兰地区出没,代理侦探督察阿利斯·罗伯逊 (Alisse Robertson) 说。

Reporting by Catrin OwenCatrin Owen 报道

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“Keep your situation awareness up”, police say

Acting Detective Inspector Alisse Robertson said she could understand that people were feeling unsafe, vulnerable, after the alleged attack.
代理侦探督察艾丽丝·罗伯逊 (Alisse Robertson) 表示,她可以理解人们在所谓的袭击发生后感到不安全、脆弱。

“I would say keep your situation awareness up. If you feel unsafe or you are seeing something that may be suspicious or you don’t feel good about or could be a crime, please call 111.”
“我会说保持你对事态的感知。如果您感到不安全或看到可能可疑的东西,或者您对感觉不佳或可能构成犯罪,请拨打 111。
Abigail Dougherty/Stuff阿比盖尔·多尔蒂 (Abigail Dougherty)/Stuff

Area around bus cordoned off following alleged attack


Acting Detective Inspector Alisse Robertson said on Thursday morning a homicide investigation had been launched following the Wednesday afternoon attack.
代理侦探督察艾莉斯·罗伯逊 (Alisse Robertson) 周四上午表示,在周三下午的袭击事件发生后,已展开凶杀案调查。

The man had been identified as Kael Leona, who is in his late 30s. He was last seen between Mt Wellington and Onehunga.
这名男子被确认为 30 多岁的凯尔·莱昂娜 (Kael Leona)。他最后一次出现在惠灵顿山和 Onehunga 之间。

Court documents seen by Stuff show Leona has previously been accused of possessing a knife in a public place, charges of threatening to kill, strangulation, assault and damaging property.
Stuff 看到的法庭文件显示,Leona 此前曾被指控在公共场所持有刀具,被指控威胁杀人、勒索、袭击和损坏财产。

Court documents filed at the Auckland District Court on Thursday allege Leona is accused of resisting and intentionally obstructing a police officer on October 18.
周四提交给奥克兰地方法院的法庭文件称,Leona 被指控在 10 月 18 日抗拒并故意阻碍一名警察。


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According to court documents, Leona is 37.
根据法庭文件,Leona 今年 37 岁。

Police said Leona was wearing dark coloured pants, a black jumper with white writing, and white shoes. He had a green T-shirt on his head and was carrying a black backpack.
警方表示,Leona 穿着深色裤子、带有白色文字的黑色套头衫和白色鞋子。他头上戴着一件绿色的T恤,背着一个黑色的背包。

“We advise he is not to be approached. Any one who sees this man is urged to contact police via 111 immediately,” Robertson said.
“我们建议不要接近他。敦促任何看到这个人的人立即拨打 111 联系警方,“罗伯逊说。

She said Leona was known to police and was most comfortable in the East Auckland area.
她说,Leona 为警方所熟知,在东奥克兰地区活动。

Officers had spoken to his family, who were concerned for his welfare and wanted him to cooperate with police.

A person has been assaulted on a bus in Auckland. 奥克兰的一辆公共汽车上有人遭到袭击。Chris McKeen/Stuff Chris McKeen/东西

Police were still urgently looking for him and had not established what led to the attack.

Robertson said it appeared to be random, and like any other bus ride for the victim. The pair were not known to each other.

About nine other people were on the bus.
公共汽车上大约有 9 人。

“We know the community will be understandably alarmed by what has occurred and we are doing everything we can to locate this person and hold them to account.”

She said there would be an increased police presence in the Onehunga and Mt Wellington areas.
她说,Onehunga 和 Mt Wellington 地区的警察人数将增加。

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“We have a dedicated team working very hard and they’ve been working all through the night and are continuing to locate this person and bring reassurance and safety.”

Police remain at the scene and are undertaking enquiries.警方仍在现场进行调查。Chris McKeen/StuffChris McKeen/东西

The victim was taken to Auckland Hospital after the stabbing in a critical condition but later died. A post-mortem would be carried out in the coming days.

Police were supporting the woman’s family following the attack, that Robertson described as “extremely tragic”.

“We feel for them, we’re supporting them. It’s the worst thing that can possibly happen to anyone.”

The bus where the assault took place was towed away from Church St on Wednesday evening for further police examination.
周三晚上,发生袭击的公共汽车被拖离 Church St,以供警方进一步检查。


分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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