公交车捅人致死案: 受害者身份确认,嫌犯被指控谋杀罪

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Bernice Louise Marychurch who died after she was attacked on a bus in Onehunga. Photo: Facebook
题图:伯尼斯·路易斯·玛丽彻奇 (Bernice Louise Marychurch) 在 Onehunga 的一辆公共汽车上遭到袭击后死亡。 图片|Facebook

Man charged with murder over Onehunga bus stabbing

A man charged with the murder of woman on a bus in Onehunga is set to appear in court shortly.
一名被指控在 Onehunga 的公共汽车上谋杀妇女的男子将很快出庭。

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Meanwhile, the woman who died has been identified as Auckland woman Bernice Louise Marychurch.
与此同时,死者已被确认为奥克兰妇女伯尼斯·路易斯·玛丽彻奇 (Bernice Louise Marychurch)。

The 37-year-old accused man is facing charges including the murder of Marychurch, threatening to kill, assault and burglary.
这名 37 岁的被告男子面临的指控包括谋杀玛丽彻奇、威胁杀人、袭击和入室盗窃。

Marychurch suffered multiple stab wounds while on a moving bus on Church Street, and died at the scene on Wednesday afternoon.

The accused man is expected to appear in the Auckland District Court on Friday morning.

Acting Detective Inspector Alisse Robertson said police will continue to be visible at transport hubs across Auckland this weekend.
代理侦探督察 Alisse Robertson 表示,本周末将继续在奥克兰的交通枢纽看到警察。

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Auckland Transport has also announced that extra transport officers have been deployed to the route the bus was taking when the incident unfolded on Wednesday afternoon.

Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board chair Maria Meredith told Morning Report the Onehunga community had been on edge after another death in the Auckland suburb in August.
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki 地方委员会主席 Maria Meredith 告诉晨报,Onehunga 社区在 8 月份奥克兰郊区发生另一起死亡事件后一直处于紧张状态。

There was relief in the community that a man had handed himself in to police regarding the incident, she said.

Meanwhile, officers working on the inquiry would still like to hear from anyone who witnessed the attack.


分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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