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There are 20 new community cases in New Zealand’s coronavirus outbreak, the Ministry of Health announced on Saturday.

卫生部周六宣布,新西兰的冠状病毒爆发中有 20 例新的社区病例。

Just one case is unlinked. Four cases at the border have also been identified.

只有一个病例未关联。 在边境还发现了四个病例。

Aucklanders cling to hope for an alert level change on Monday.


This week New Zealand’s Delta outbreak surpassed 1000 cases.


There were 11 new cases reported on Friday, exactly one month after Case A was detected in Auckland on August 17.

周五报告了 11 例新病例,距离 8 月 17 日在奥克兰发现病例 A 整整一个月。

Covid-19 testing throughout the country helps to show the extent of the Delta outbreak, which has infected more than 100 people. (File photo)
Covid-19 testing throughout the country helps to show the extent of the Delta outbreak, which has infected more than 100 people. 在全国范围内进行的 Covid-19 测试有助于显示Delta爆发的程度,该病毒已感染了 100 多人。

Auckland – which is the epicentre of the outbreak – has been in alert level 4 lockdown since the first case was reported.
自报告第一例病例以来,疫情中心奥克兰一直处于 4 级警戒状态。

The rest of the country is now at alert level 2, with strict rules governing who can cross the border at Auckland.
该国其他地区现在处于 2 级警报,对哪些人可以在奥克兰边界有严格规定。

There are now nine active locations of interest outside of Auckland, after a truck driver who did deliveries in Hamilton, Cambridge and Tauranga tested positive for Covid-19.

一名在汉密尔顿、剑桥和陶朗加送货的卡车司机的 Covid-19 检测呈阳性后,现在奥克兰以外有 9 个活跃的地点。

Despite this, health officials are “cautiously optimistic” Auckland will be able to move out of alert level 4 next week, with Cabinet confirming the next steps for the alert levels on Monday.

尽管如此,卫生官员“持谨慎乐观态度”奥克兰将能够在下周解除 4 级警报,内阁将在周一确认警报级别的后续步骤。

The number of vaccines administered will also be under the spotlight, with Health Minister Andrew Little saying further lockdowns are unlikely if New Zealand’s vaccination rate surpasses 90 per cent.

接种的疫苗数量也将成为焦点,卫生部长安德鲁·利特尔 (Andrew Little) 表示,如果新西兰的疫苗接种率超过 90%,则不太可能进一步封锁。

On Friday, 4.6 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine were reported as administered, with 1.6m people being vaccinated with both doses.

周五,据报道接种了 460 万剂辉瑞疫苗,160 万人接种了两种剂量的疫苗。

A total of 60,500 doses were delivered on Thursday.

周四共接种了 60,500 剂疫苗。

The vaccines have been extensively tested before gaining Medsafe approval.

这些疫苗在获得 Medsafe 批准之前已经过广泛测试。