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中新网9月24日电 题:声称“不寻求新冷战”的美国,请以行动承担全球抗疫之责

Source: 中新网国际新闻


新华社平壤9月24日电(记者江亚平 洪可润)朝鲜劳动党中央委员会副部长金与正24日表示,如果韩国对朝鲜能做到“谨言慎行、不搞敌对行为”,朝鲜愿意重新保持北南密切沟通,并对恢复关系及发展前景进行建设性讨论。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网9月24日电 据希腊《中希时报》23日报道,根据希腊国家统计局发布的最新数据,该国近三分之一的人口面临贫困和被社会排斥的风险。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

北美现最古老人类脚印 距今约23000年

中新社旧金山9月24日电 研究人员当地时间23日报告说,在美国新墨西哥州发现的脚印化石表明,大约23000年前,早期人类已经抵达北美。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

希腊儿童新冠病例恐达1.2万例 又有三地面临封锁

中新网9月24日电 据希腊《中希时报》报道,当地时间9月23日晚,希腊国家公共卫生组织宣布,过去24小时,希腊新增2125例新冠确诊病例,累计确诊641022例;新增31例死亡病例,累计死亡14606例。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社北京9月24日电 平壤消息:据朝中社24日报道,朝鲜外务省副相李泰成23日发表谈话时表示,现在不是宣布终战的时候,终战宣言对目前的朝鲜半岛局势没有丝毫帮助。他指出,只要美国的对朝敌视政策依然存在,终战宣言便只是一个幻想。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

恶劣气候条件致俄一登山队5人死亡 多人受伤

中新社莫斯科9月24日电 综合俄媒体消息,由于当地气候问题,一支登山队23日晚间在俄罗斯厄尔布鲁士山遇险。截至24日获救时,登山队已有5人死亡,多人受伤。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


【环球时报驻美国特约记者 林日】当地时间22日,美国总统拜登召集部分国家、国际组织、非政府机构以及药厂代表举行了线上“抗疫峰会”。虽然拜登在会上做出很多“雄心壮志”的许诺,但不少舆论认为,如同拜登之前的承诺一样,很可能是“口惠而实不至”。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

双标?!美国白人失踪上头条 少数族裔失踪缺关注


Source: 中新网国际新闻

美国一州月增新冠死亡数超历史上最严重矿难 美媒:公众麻木了


Source: 中新网国际新闻

仍各说各话!日韩外长会谈强征劳工等问题 未得进展

中新网9月24日电 综合报道,日本外务大臣茂木敏充与韩国外长郑义溶,正在美国纽约参加联合国大会,两人在场边举行双边会谈。但会中,针对造成日韩关系紧张的强征劳工与慰安妇议题,双方各说各话,讨论没有取得进展。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

秘鲁累计确诊超217万例 学校或于明年3月前重新开放

中新网9月24日电 据秘鲁《公言报》23日报道,秘鲁新增1048例新冠肺炎确诊病例,累计确诊超217万例。秘鲁卫生部长表示,将争取在2022年3月前重新开放学校。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


新华社华盛顿9月23日电(记者徐剑梅 邓仙来)民主党掌控的美国国会众议院负责调查国会山骚乱事件的特别委员会23日首次发出传票,要求4名前总统特朗普执政时期高级官员提供书面文件并出庭作证。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

中俄新冠疫苗遭限? 墨西哥外长:将造成新的不平等

中新网9月24日电 据俄罗斯卫星网24日报道,墨西哥外长马塞洛·埃布拉德在美国纽约举行的第76届联合国大会期间表示,美国和欧盟针对俄罗斯和中国新冠疫苗的限制,造成新的不平等形式。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


新华社北京9月24日电 《经济参考报》24日刊登陈斌杰撰写的《欧盟务实“补芯”英特尔强力投入》。文章摘要如下:

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

美国新冠累计死亡病例超68万例 新加坡单日新增确诊连创新高

(抗击新冠肺炎)美国新冠累计死亡病例超68万例 新加坡单日新增确诊连创新高

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社北京9月24日电 (张文晖)挪威驻华大使白思娜近日在北京一场论坛上表示,挪威面临的人口老龄化压力远比中国要早,2020年挪威育龄妇女生育率已降至1.48。她表示,挪威和中国共同面临的挑战是:未来我们的家庭是否愿意生育和抚养儿童,是否为老龄化做好了准备。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

美众议院通过国防预算授权法案 含扩大对俄制裁内容

中新网9月24日电 据外媒报道,美国国会众议院23日投票通过了一项国防预算授权法案,其中包含对俄罗斯加大制裁的内容。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网9月24日电 据外媒报道,俄罗斯天然气行业最有影响力的高管之一马克·杰特沃伊因税务指控在美国被逮捕并被起诉,罪名是涉嫌与离岸账户中数千万美元相关的税务不当行为。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

英食品供应紧张超市货架被抢空 政府吁民众勿恐慌

中新网9月24日电 据外媒报道,受天然气涨价、劳动力短缺等影响,英国出现食品供货紧张,一些超市的饮料货架甚至被抢购一空。英国官员23日呼吁,消费者没有必要恐慌性购物。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网9月24日电 据英国广播公司(BBC)中文网23日报道,全球疫苗供应不平衡的状况十分严峻。世界上超过一半人还没有接受哪怕一剂新冠疫苗。与此同时,富裕国家仍然在囤积过剩的疫苗,其中许多疫苗面临被扔掉的命运。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

意大利将调整校园隔离标准 接触阳性病例者有隔离津贴

中新网9月24日电 据欧联网援引欧联通讯社报道,意大利民防部23日报告新增确诊病例4061例,死亡63例。截至23日18时,全国累计确诊病例4649906例,死亡病例130551例,治愈病例4414272例。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

意大利总理:政府无意增税 将助力经济恢复和增长

中新网9月24日电 据欧联网援引欧联通讯社报道,当地时间9月23日,意大利总理德拉吉在意大利工业家联合会(Confindustria)年会上表示,今天内阁会议已对相关经济措施进行商讨,政府无意增加税收,将助力经济快速恢复和增长。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网9月24日电 综合报道,美国众议院负责调查1月6日国会暴乱的特别委员会23日表示,该委员会已经传唤了特朗普政府的四名前成员,包括马克·梅多斯和史蒂夫·班农。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


新华社平壤9月24日电(记者江亚平 洪可润)据朝中社24日报道,朝鲜外务省副相李泰成23日表示,目前签署终战宣言“为时尚早”,只要美国不改变对朝敌视政策,即便签署终战宣言也没有任何意义。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

交流发展理念 深化创新合作

交流发展理念 深化创新合作(外媒看中国)

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

美田纳西州发生枪案1死14伤 枪手扫射时有人躲冰箱里

中新网9月24日电 据美媒报道,当地警方23日下午表示,田纳西州科利尔维尔当地一家超市发生枪击事件,导致1人死亡,14人受伤。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

塔利班车辆遭袭5人死 阿联合国特使吁世界承认新政府

中新网9月24日电 综合报道,自阿富汗塔利班本月7日组建临时政府以来,塔利班一直呼吁国际社会承认阿富汗新政权,并任命了联合国特使,要求联合国允许阿特使在联合国大会上发言。另一方面,自塔利班8月中旬接管阿富汗以来,又发生新的暴力袭击事件,塔利班车辆遭袭造成5人死亡。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


新华社加德满都9月23日电(记者易爱军 周盛平)尼泊尔文化、旅游和民航部23日发布通告说,即日起恢复向已完全接种新冠疫苗的外国游客提供落地签服务。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社联合国9月23日电 (记者 马德林)联合国安理会23日举行气候与安全问题公开辩论会,安理会成员阐述了各自立场。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

美国海地问题特使辞职 批评美国遣返难民决定“非人道”


Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社联合国9月23日电 联合国安理会23日举行气候与安全问题公开辩论会。中国常驻联合国代表张军大使指出,发达国家对气候变化负有历史责任,应率先承担大幅减排义务,同时兑现气候融资承诺。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


新华社联合国9月23日电 中国常驻联合国代表张军23日在联合国安理会气候与安全问题公开辩论会上发言时指出,气候变化是人类共同挑战,需要采取全球行动。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社纽约9月23日电 (记者 马德林)“捍卫《联合国宪章》之友小组”部长级会议23日在纽约举行。会议发表“政治声明”强调,单边措施违反《宪章》和国际法基本准则。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


Source: 中新网国际新闻

俄失联的安26飞机残骸被发现 机上6人全部遇难

中新社莫斯科9月23日电 综合俄媒体消息,俄罗斯搜救人员23日在哈巴罗夫斯克边疆区发现了此前失联的安26运输机的残骸。俄紧急情况部当天证实机上6人全部遇难。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

中国和马耳他合作举办 “日光流年双城记”艺术展览


Source: 中新网国际新闻

巴西央行持续加息 致力于实现“双稳”目标

新华社巴西利亚9月22日电 (国际观察)巴西央行持续加息 致力于实现“双稳”目标

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网9月23日电 据澳洲网报道,澳大利亚前总理基廷(Paul Keating)近日在澳媒《悉尼晨锋报》发表了题为《莫里森正在把中国变成敌人,工党正在帮助他》的文章。他认为,被外界普遍认为的为遏制中国的核潜艇项目不仅引发了澳美两国与法国之间的矛盾,更让澳大利亚内部产生了意见上的分裂。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

危地马拉总统联大发言 指责美国毒品消费滋养毒贩

中新网9月23日电 据南美侨报网报道,9月22日,危地马拉总统贾马太在第76届联合国大会上发表演讲,汇报了自其上任以来危地马拉在多个领域取得的成就,并谈到了新冠疫苗、经济复苏、环境保护和毒品贩运等话题。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

Fifa biennial World Cup plans ‘destructive’, says European Club Association

Fifa’s calendar revamp would “lead to a direct and destructive impact on the club game”, says the European Club Association.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 10:20 pm(NZT)

New Zealand council’s Zoom talks go viral as pretend meeting

A New Zealand committee meeting gets almost 300,000 views as people use it to avoid being disturbed.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 9:57 pm(NZT)

CIA ‘removes Vienna boss’ over Havana syndrome outbreak

The mysterious illness has affected dozens of US personnel in the Austrian capital, US media report.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 9:50 pm(NZT)

Valtteri Bottas tops Russian Grand Prix first practice

Valtteri Bottas leads Lewis Hamilton in a Mercedes one-two in first practice at the Russian Grand Prix.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 9:42 pm(NZT)

Roger Michell: Julia Roberts pays tribute to ‘kind and gentle’ Notting Hill director

The Notting Hill star says she was “fortunate” to have worked with its director, who has died at 65.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 9:18 pm(NZT)

Australia batter Khawaja criticises England & NZ for pulling out of Pakistan tours

Australia batter Usman Khawaja criticises England and New Zealand for pulling out of tours to Pakistan.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 9:05 pm(NZT)

German election: Who could succeed Angela Merkel as chancellor?

A lacklustre lead candidate and a surprisingly strong Social Democrat have blown the race wide open.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 8:38 pm(NZT)

Mozambique militant attacks: ‘So much destruction’

The BBC’s Anne Soy sees how Islamic militants have terrorised Cabo Delgado in northern Mozambique

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 8:13 pm(NZT)

Kim Yo-jong says North Korea open to ending war if conditions met

Kim Yo-jong was responding to a renewed call from the South to officially declare an end to the Korean War.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 7:35 pm(NZT)

Catalan separatist Carles Puigdemont arrested in Italy

Spain accuses the former president of the Catalonia region of sedition, and wants him extradited.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 7:15 pm(NZT)

Tom Felton: Harry Potter star collapses during celebrity golf match

The actor, 34, is carried off a golf course after collapsing during a celebrity match in the US.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 6:54 pm(NZT)

George Floyd murder: Derek Chauvin appeals against conviction

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin says there were issues with the jury at his trial.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 6:39 pm(NZT)

How ‘resilient’ non-leaguer Antonio became West Ham record-breaker

Michail Antonio has broken a club record and made his international debut this season – and is inspiring those on the non-league scene where he started out.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 6:39 pm(NZT)

‘Our boys just want to play’ – fans’ abuse condemned after all-boys netball side win U18s title

Netball Queensland condemns the behaviour of some spectators after an all-boys team beat female sides to the under-18 state title.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 6:15 pm(NZT)

India salon fined $271,000 for ‘botching’ model’s haircut

The court said the model suffered a huge loss due to the wrong haircut.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 5:37 pm(NZT)

Haitian migrants at US border: ‘We’ve been through 11 countries’

One man tells how he trekked through jungle with his young son, seeing fellow migrants’ dead bodies.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 4:40 pm(NZT)

China brand sparks backlash for ‘welcome to hell’ kid’s shirt

Major brand JNBY has since pulled the item, which also features images of the Grim Reaper.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 4:36 pm(NZT)

Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie: What do we know about the boyfriend?

A body found on Sunday is that of Gabby Petito, but her fiancé remains missing. This is what we know.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 4:07 pm(NZT)

Indian police arrest 28 for suspected gang-rape of 15-year-old girl

The 15-year-old girl in Mumbai was alleged gang-raped for around nine months.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 3:04 pm(NZT)

British restaurants to be banned from withholding tips

The government is set to make it illegal for hospitality bosses to withhold tips from their workers.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 2:58 pm(NZT)

The other missing Americans: ‘Where is their coverage?’

Keen public interest in the Gabby Petito case has renewed the urgency of other missing person cases.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 2:06 pm(NZT)

Capitol riot committee to investigate Trump allies

The committee investigating the 6 January riot has issued the first subpoenas of the Trump team.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 1:41 pm(NZT)

Modi in US: The China factor in India’s Quad strategy

The ‘Quad’ – India, Australia, Japan and the US – are meeting for the first time as a group.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 1:19 pm(NZT)

Colombian policeman in the dock over protest death

Prosecutors are seeking a murder conviction after an officer allegedly killed a teenager in Colombia.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 12:56 pm(NZT)

Little Boots says Abba’s new live band is ‘badass cool’

The pop star is joining Abba’s live band next year, after crowd-funding her sparkling new album.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 12:40 pm(NZT)

Singapore migrant workers are still living in Covid lockdown

The workers in Singapore are enduring one of the longest Covid confinement periods in the world.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 12:25 pm(NZT)

German elections 2021: The conspiracy theories targeting voters

One wildly inaccurate claim suggests Germany does not actually exist.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 12:16 pm(NZT)

Several shot in Tennessee grocery store

US police say that 13 people were shot in a Memphis suburb on Thursday afternoon.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 12:11 pm(NZT)

Gabby Petito case: FBI issues arrest warrant for boyfriend Brian Laundrie

The indictment says Brian Laundrie used a debit card that did not belong to him after her death.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 11:51 am(NZT)

Rahm & Garcia face Spieth & Thomas at Ryder Cup

World number one Jon Rahm will play with fellow Spaniard Sergio Garcia against Americans Justin Thomas and Jordan Spieth in the opening foursomes match of the 43rd Ryder Cup on Friday.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 11:47 am(NZT)

Gas crisis leaves Europe searching for solutions

Consumers face a steep rise in energy bills as governments try to fund the move to renewable energy.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 11:18 am(NZT)

Africa’s week in pictures: 17-23 September 2021

A selection of the best photos from the African continent and beyond.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 11:02 am(NZT)

Multiple people shot in Tennessee grocery store

US police say that 13 people were shot in a Memphis suburb on Thursday afternoon.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 10:52 am(NZT)

Barcelona held as under-pressure Koeman sent off

Barcelona boss Ronald Koeman was sent off late on as his side were held 0-0 by lowly Cadiz in La Liga.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 10:42 am(NZT)

The epic adventures of the Gilgamesh Dream tablet

How an ancient story of a superhuman king ended up in all sorts of unexpected places.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 9:37 am(NZT)

R Kelly lawyer compares him to Martin Luther King

The defence makes its final arguments in the singer’s sex-abuse trial before the jury retires.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 9:37 am(NZT)

Indian prime minister Modi meets first Indian American VP Harris

Mr Modi told Ms Harris, the first south Asian US vice-president, India was “waiting to welcome” her.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 9:07 am(NZT)

UK Covid vaccine rules cause hesitancy – Africa health boss

The UK’s refusal to accept vaccine certificates from Africa could increase hesitancy, says Africa CDC.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 8:51 am(NZT)

Why are so many Haitians at the US-Mexico border?

Thousands of migrants are at the Texas-Mexico border. Here’s what we know about why they are coming.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 8:43 am(NZT)

Knight century inspires England to ODI series win

Heather Knight leads England to their highest successful run chase in a ODI as they beat New Zealand by three wickets to clinch the five-match series.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 7:32 am(NZT)

Wenger ready to ‘gamble’ on match calendar overhaul

Arsene Wenger says he is prepared to take a “gamble” with his proposals for a new international match calendar.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 7:01 am(NZT)

Netherlands Covid: Boy wins court battle for right to jab

The 12-year-old can get vaccinated to visit his dying grandmother despite his father’s objections.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 7:01 am(NZT)

US Haiti envoy quits over ‘inhumane’ deportations

Daniel Foote says US policy on Haiti is “flawed” and sending migrants back is “counterproductive”.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 6:57 am(NZT)

Canary Islands volcano: ‘Miracle house’ escapes lava

The volcano on La Palma has been erupting since Sunday, destroying hundreds of homes.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 6:56 am(NZT)

Meghan and Harry make New York appearance

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited 9/11 memorial sites during their Big Apple trip.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 6:46 am(NZT)

Theranos trial: Elizabeth Holmes took former US general’s blood

James Mattis, a former defence secretary, said the Theranos founder convinced him her blood tests worked.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 6:10 am(NZT)

Footprints show earliest evidence of people in Americas

Scientists have found evidence that humans reached the Americas earlier than previously thought.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 6:00 am(NZT)

UK payout to bereaved Afghan family was $143

The compensation payment is one of hundreds by the Ministry of Defence, revealed for the first time.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 5:00 am(NZT)

Sri Lankan shaman dies of Covid after touting fake cure

Eliyantha White said his anti-Covid potion could be poured into rivers to end the pandemic.

Source: BBC News – Home | 24 Sep 2021 | 4:07 am(NZT)