
新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选


There are 9 new community cases, all are in Auckland.


Here are today’s numbers from the Ministry of Health:

* 9 new cases, all in Auckland
* 9 例新病例,均在奥克兰
* All are linked
* 全部相关
* 13 cases in hospital, 3 of these in ICU
* 13 例住院,其中 3 例在 ICU
* 1053 contacts being actively managed
* 1053 个联系人被主动管理
* One historical case in MIQ
* MIQ 的一个历史病例
* 1131 cases in this outbreak
* 本次爆发共 1131 例
* 886 in Auckland and 17 in Wellington have recovered
* 奥克兰 886 例和惠灵顿 17 例已康复
* 7 of yesterdays cases were infectious in the community

* 昨天的病例中有 7 例在社区具有传染性

Testing and vaccination rates

Yesterday, 14,855 tests were processed across the motu – 6928 of these were in Auckland.

昨天,motu 共进行了 14,855 次检测,其中 6928 次在奥克兰。

In total, 3.3m tests have been processed.
总共处理了 330 万次检测。

For vaccinations, 49,115 doses were administered – 20,983 first doses and 28,132 second doses.
关于疫苗接种,接种了 49,115 剂——20,983 人第一剂和 28,132 人第二剂。

In Auckland, 1.7m doses have been administered in total – 1.1m first doses, 626,103 second doses.
在奥克兰,总共接种了 170 万剂—— 110 万剂第一剂, 626,103 剂第二剂。

Latest update 暴露关注点更新

• Pak’nSave Māngere: Corner of Bader Drive and Orly Ave, Māngere
• Countdown Māngere East: 359 Massey Rd, Māngere
• Tai Ping Asian Supermarket: 16 Bishop Dunn Place, Flat Bush
• Fresh Vege Mart: 6 Yates Rd, Māngere East
• Pak’nSave Māngere: Corner of Bader Drive and Orly Ave, Māngere
• Unichem Māngere Pharmacy: 12 Waddon Place, Māngere
• Pak’nSave Ormiston: 1 Bellingham Rd, Flat Bush

There are 9 new community cases, all are in Auckland.


There are now 1131 cases in this outbreak – 902 of these have now recovered.
在这次疫情中,现在有 1131 例病例——其中 902 例现已康复。

There’s also 1 new case in MIQ.

Of today’s 9 cases, all are linked – 3 are household contacts, 6 are contacts of known cases.
在今天的 9 例病例中,所有病例都相互关联——3 例是家庭接触者,6 例是已知病例的接触者。

For yesterday’s 15 cases, only one remains unlinked.
在昨天的 15 起病例中,只有 1 起未关联。

There are 13 people in hospital, 3 are in ICU.


Auckland testing rates dropped a little – over 6000 swabs were taken across the region, and around 14,000 around the motu.

奥克兰的检测率略有下降——该地区采集了 6000 多份拭子,而 motu 地区采集了大约 14,000 份。

Since September 1, 20.8 per cent of the Clover Park population have been tested. McElnay said it’s a great effort, but they want more to come forward for testing.

自 9 月 1 日以来,Clover Park 人口的 20.8% 已经接受了测试。 McElnay 说这是一项巨大的努力,但他们希望有更多人挺身而出进行测试。

There’s a new testing requirement for people travelling across the Auckland boundary for personal reasons. So this is for someone travelling from Auckland to Hamilton, for example. They must carry evidence of a negative test taken 72 hours prior to travelling.

对于因个人原因穿越奥克兰边界的人,有一项新的测试要求。 例如,这适用于从奥克兰到汉密尔顿旅行的人。 他们必须携带旅行前 72 小时进行的阴性测试的证据。

People travelling one way – from alert level 2 to level 3 and remaining there – don’t need to get tested. People also travelling from their home in level 2 and level 3 then back don’t have to if they’re getting a vaccination. They’ll need evidence of this.
单程旅行的人——从 2 级警报到 3 级并留在那里——不需要接受测试。 如果他们正在接种疫苗,那么在 2 级和 3 级从家中旅行然后返回的人也不必这样做。 他们需要这方面的证据。

It can take 24-48 hours to get test results back, so plan ahead.
获取测试结果可能需要 24-48 小时,因此请提前计划。

People who can’t provide the evidence will be turned around at the checkpoints and airport.

Testing requirements for permitted workers remain unchanged – they have to get tested every seven days.

对获准工人的测试要求保持不变——他们必须每 7 天接受一次测试。

In upper Hauraki, all tests have come back negative with the exception of the affected household.

There’s been a good uptake of vaccines in the region – 60.1 per cent of residents have had their first dose.
该地区接种了大量疫苗——60.1% 的居民接种了第一剂疫苗。

There have been more than 4.91m doses administered around the motu – 76 per cent of the eligible population have had one dose.
在 motu 周围的人已经接种了超过 491 万剂——76% 的符合条件的人群接种了第一剂。

Yesterday, more than 49,115 doses were administered – 20,983 first doses and 28,132 second doses.

昨天,接种了超过 49,115 剂——20,983 人第一剂和 28,132人第二剂。

The second dose numbers are coming up, McElnay said.
McElnay 说,第二个剂量数字即将到来。

Overall in Auckland, more than 1.7m doses have been administered – 1.16m are first doses, 81 per cent, and 626,103 are second doses, 44 per cent of the population.
在奥克兰,总共接种了超过 170 万剂——116 万剂是第一剂,占总人口的 81%,626,103 剂是第二剂,占总人口的 44%。

The Ministry of Health is updating its advice around getting routine vaccinations with the Covid vaccine.
卫生部正在更新有关使用 Covid 疫苗进行常规疫苗接种的建议。

The advice is now that the majority of vaccines can be given before, after or at the same time. The shingles vaccine is an exception to this. There still needs to be a gap here.
现在的建议是,大多数疫苗可以在之前、之后或同时接种。 带状疱疹疫苗是一个例外。 这里仍然需要一个间隙。

This will help ensure MMR and HPV vaccine programmes continue without disruption.
这将有助于确保 MMR 和 HPV 疫苗计划不受干扰地继续进行。


McElnay is thanking pharmacists. Last week they delivered 14 per cent of all vaccines.
McElnay 感谢药剂师。 上周,他们接种了所有疫苗的 14%。

She said they’ve really stepped up and helped with this roll out, using their strong community links to ensure people can still get vaccinated.


Back to Robertson.

He said Ministers today agreed the upper Hauraki region will move to level 2 at 11.59pm on Saturday.
他说部长们今天同意上豪拉基地区将于周六晚上 11 点 59 分降至 2 级。

More than 1000 tests have been performed in the immediate area since Monday.
自周一以来,已在附近地区进行了 1000 多次测试。

He said all close contacts from the school exposure event have been tested and returned negative results. Widespread wastewater testing has produced no unexpected detections.
他说,学校接触事件的所有密切接触者都已接受检测,结果呈阴性。 广泛的废水检测没有产生意外的检测结果。

It’s now safe for upper Hauraki to move to alert level 2 to be in line with the rest of the country.
上豪拉基现在可以安全地进入 2 级警报,以与该国其他地区保持一致。

“The job is not yet done,” Robertson said about the situation in Auckland.


It’s still alert level 3 in Auckland, everyone must stick to their bubbles and the rules.
奥克兰的警戒级别仍为 3 级,每个人都必须遵守规则。

Robertson thanks Māori health providers for coming up with innovative ways to get the community vaccinated.

There’s a mass vaccination event at the Hopuhopu sports field in the Waikato. There’s a trip to Rarotonga up for grabs.
在怀卡托的 Hopuhopu 运动场有一场大规模的疫苗接种活动。 有一个拉罗汤加岛之旅可供争夺。

The wage subsidy has paid out $2.5b in payments to 593,262 applicants.

工资补贴已向 593,262 名申请人支付了25亿纽币。

Staff should keep working from home, if they can, in level 3. Businesses must be contactless with the public – customers can pay online, over the phone or in a contactless way.

Permitted movement across the level 3 and 2 boundary is essentially the same as what it was during level 4. This is because the Delta variant is more transmissible. THe health advice is to continue taking a cautionary approach.

Employers should have systems and processes in place to minimise travel.

The longer the restrictions are in place, the more challenging it is to meet deadlines – say for house settlements or starting new jobs.

There’s an exemption regime for both personal and business travel managed by Dr Ashley Bloomfield.
Ashley Bloomfield 博士管理的个人和商务旅行都有豁免制度。

They’ll look at this regime to facilitate one-way movement out of Auckland. It might require testing. Changes will be announced soon.
他们将研究这一制度,以促进奥克兰的单程流动。 它可能需要测试。 更改将很快公布。

There will be no live 1pm press conferences on Saturday or Sunday, just the written statements from the Ministry of Health.

周六或周日将没有下午 1 点的现场新闻发布会,只有卫生部的书面声明。

Now to questions.

Robertson said they don’t believe there’s widespread community transmission in Auckland, which is why they were comfortable moving down to level 3. THey feel they’re getting on top of this outbreak, but the region has to “stick at it”.
罗伯逊说,他们不相信奥克兰有广泛的社区传播,这就是为什么他们可以轻松地降到 3 级。他们觉得他们正在控制这次疫情,但该地区必须“坚持下去”。

Elimination has always been the goal, that’s why we have the level 4 and level 3 measures.
消除一直是目标,这就是为什么我们有第 4 级和第 3 级措施。

Cases might still pop up over time. Robertson said the numbers could bounce up and down a little bit.
随着时间的推移,病例可能仍会出现。 罗伯逊说这些数字可能会上下波动。

But if people stick to the rules, the numbers will keep coming down.


Why is Mount Wellington a suburb of interest now?

McElnay said this was advice from Auckland Regional Public Health, based on their analysis of cases and clusters.
McElnay 说,这是奥克兰地区公共卫生部门根据他们对病例和集群的分析得出的建议。

Everyone in the focus suburbs is being asked to get tested, whether or not they have symptoms.

This is part of the surveillance testing to ensure there aren’t any cases being missed.

Robertson thanked the Clover Park community for getting tested.

罗伯逊感谢 Clover Park 社区接受测试。

They have found cases as a result of extra testing in Clover Park. That’s why they do this.
由于在 Clover Park 进行了额外测试,他们发现了一些病例。 这就是他们这样做的原因。

McElnay said it’s important everyone – symptomatic and asymptomatic – people get tested.
McElnay 说,重要的是每个人——有症状的和无症状的——都要接受检测。

Robertson jumped in and said there had been one case identified in the Clover Park area.
罗伯逊插话说,在Clover Park 地区发现了一个病例。

One or two cases have come about through mingling between households. Robertson said it wasn’t “flagrant” rule breaking.

一两个病例是通过家庭之间的混合而产生的。 罗伯逊说这并不是“公然”违反规则。

Robertson hasn’t seen any change in the view of the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine.

“We have no doubt that Pfizer has a very high level of efficacy.”

McElnay said it’s about 95 per cent against death and severe disease. They’re still waiting for the latest updates on the efficacy of Pfizer with Delta’s transmissibility.
McElnay 说,大约 95% 的药物可以预防死亡和严重疾病。 他们仍在等待辉瑞(Pfizer)在Delta可传播性方面的功效的最新更新。

If the Government didn’t release yesterday’s modelling, they’d be fielding questions about why they hadn’t released it.

Robertson said the important thing to note from these findings is that the more vaccinations, the better it will be in terms of future restrictions.


This modelling was provided to the Government. It’s been contested, but the real outcome is dependent on what we all do.
该模型已提供给政府。 它一直存在争议,但真正的结果取决于我们所有人的行为。

He said this is an example of the Government being transparent about the data they receive.

Robertson said they’ll continue to take a cautious approach. While Auckland is in level 3, the rest of the country will stay in level 2.
罗伯逊说,他们将继续采取谨慎的态度。 虽然奥克兰处于第 3 级,但全国其他地区仍将保持在第 2 级。

They’re doing more thinking about the next steps as vaccination rates increase.

Supports to the arts sector has been a recognition of the damage done by Covid to make income. Additional direct funding has been allocated to the arts sector because it’s important to society and the economy.

对艺术部门的支持是对 Covid 为创收所造成的损害的认可。 额外的直接资金已分配给艺术部门,因为它对社会和经济很重要。

Roberston said exemption decisions end up with the Director-General of Health.

They often talk about accumulative risk and if everyone is granted exemptions there are large numbers of people moving across the boundary.

Having more movement at the border is still the plan for next year, but to get there, we need more people vaccinated.

Robertson wouldn’t preempt decisions that might come next year. The settings for sports groups are still the same.
罗伯逊不会预先决定明年可能会做出的决定。 运动团体的设置仍然是一样的。

Robertson said they’ve put as much support behind the Covid response as possible, if they can do more, they’ll look into it.
罗伯逊说,他们已经尽可能多地支持 Covid 应对措施,如果他们能做更多,他们会进行调查。

“This is science, it’s not always absolute,” Robertson said about the modelling.

They’ve often had to make decisions with imperfect information, that’s the nature of Covid, it’s a rapidly evolving area.
他们经常不得不在不完整的信息下做出决定,这就是 Covid 的本质,它是一个快速发展的领域。

The numbers in yesterday’s modelling are sensitive to one thing – people getting vaccinated.

Robertson said there’s an opportunity for New Zealanders to lead the world with its vaccination rates.

Vaccination is a “very very critical” tool, Robertson said.

As the outbreak goes on, the circumstances for people change and become more difficult.
They are taking time to look at the personal travel exemptions. But the overall settings are still in place to ensure they get on top of Delta.

他们正在花时间研究个人旅行豁免。 但是整体设置仍然存在,以确保它们能够超越 Delta。





Five new locations of interest
五个与 Covid-19 感染者相关的新地点

Five new locations of interest linked to people with Covid-19 have been identified by health officials, with two of these showing positive cases had been at a large Auckland supermarket and chemist on Tuesday – barely 24 hours before Auckland came out of alert level 4 lockdown.

卫生官员确定了五个与 Covid-19 感染者相关的新地点,其中两个显示阳性病例是周二在奥克兰一家大型超市和药店出现的——距离奥克兰解除 4 级警报仅 24 小时 .

The new locations are: 新地点是:

* 太平亚洲超市 Tai Ping Asian Supermarket: 16 Bishop Dunn Place, Flat Bush

* Fresh Vege Mart: 6 Yates Rd, Māngere East

* Pak’nSave Māngere: Corner of Bader Drive and Orly Ave, Māngere

* Unichem Māngere Pharmacy: 12 Waddon Place, Māngere

* Pak’nSave Ormiston: 1 Bellingham Rd, Flat Bush

Unichem Māngere Pharmacy 和 Pak’nSave Ormiston 已于周二与 Covid 患者联系起来——这是奥克兰降到 3 级警报的前一天。

周二早上 9 点 15 分到 10 点之间,一名携带病毒的人在药房。



“请继续待在家里,直到您收到第 5 天的测试结果为阴性为止。”

还敦促在药房的人们在卫生部的网站上记录他们的访问或致电 0800 611 116 致电 Heathline。

Pak’nSave Ormiston 与一名 Covid 阳性者有关,他在周二下午(下午 1 点到 2 点 30 分)在超市呆了一个半小时。

在此期间在超市的公众被告知在访问后的 14 天内监测他们的健康状况,并在 Covid 症状开始出现时进行测试。

Mon Sep 20

Fresh Vege Mart Māngere East NEW
09:00am – 12:00pm
Mountfort Park Manurewa Sports Centre Steps 20/09/2021
05:00pm – 08:00pm

Tue Sep 21

Pak’nSave Māngere NEW
07:45am – 09:15am
Unichem Māngere Pharmacy 21/09/2021 NEW
09:15am – 10:00am
Pak’nSave Ormiston NEW
01:00pm – 02:30pm

Wed Sep 22

Countdown Māngere East NEW
09:00am – 09:45am