(10月10日)新西兰 DELTA 爆发:社区新增60例, 56例在奥克兰,3例在怀卡托,1例在丰盛湾

新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选


There are 60 new Covid-19 community cases, of which 56 are in Auckland, three in Waikato and one in the Bay of Plenty.

有 60 例新的 Covid-19 社区病例,其中 56 例在奥克兰,3 例在怀卡托,1 例在丰盛湾。

The case in the Bay of Plenty town of Katikati was reported on Saturday but counts in Sunday’s official figures.


The three new Waikato cases are linked to the initial Hamilton East case.


People receive their Covid-19 vaccine at Semenoff Stadium in Whangārei. Northland moved to Alert level 3 following an uncooperative positive case in the area.
People receive their Covid-19 vaccine at Semenoff Stadium in Whangārei. Northland moved to Alert level 3 following an uncooperative positive case in the area.
人们在 Whangārei 的 Semenoff 体育场接种 Covid-19 疫苗。 在该地区出现不合作的阳性病例后,Northland 升至 3 级警报。

在北地,正在继续寻找一名据信携带 Covid 阳性病例旅行的妇女。 卫生官员证实已与该人取得联系,但尚未找到。

在奥克兰的病例中,37 例已知与现有病例有关(包括 22 例家庭接触者),17 例仍在调查中。

卡蒂卡蒂有许多值得关注的地点,但预计不会像奥克兰、怀卡托和北地那样进入 3 级警报限制。

周五晚上 11 点 59 分,北部地区进入 3 级封锁,此前 Covid 病例拒绝与当局合作,不告诉她在该地区都到了哪些地方旅行。

Cars line up for Covid-19 testing in Northland on Sunday, after a case tested positive in Whangārei.
Cars line up for Covid-19 testing in Northland on Sunday, after a case tested positive in Whangārei.
在 Whangārei 出现确诊病例后,汽车于周日在 Northland 排队等候 Covid-19 检测。

与此同时,奥克兰仍然是 Covid-19 病例的中心,周六在超级城市确认了 31 例新病例,怀卡托的三例与最初的汉密尔顿东部病例有关。

周六的新病例中有 11 例没有关联,周五的 44 例新病例中有 31 例活跃在社区中。

总共有 16 个链接的子集群(6 个活动的、一个被控制的和 9 个休眠的)和 14 个未链接的子集群(5 个活动的和 9 个休眠的)。

Vaccination numbers received a boost on Friday with 67,189 second doses being administered – the highest number of second doses to date. A further 18,568 first doses were also administered on Friday.

The Northland region particularly had a boost with 834 first doses and 1529 second doses on Friday.

A total of 23,735 testing swabs were also processed on Friday. Anyone with Covid-19 symptoms – no matter how mild – is urged to get a test.

周五接种疫苗的人数有所增加,67,189 人接种了 第二剂——这是迄今为止第二次接种的最高数量。 周五另外 18,568人接种了 第一剂。

周五,北地地区的接种第一剂和第二剂的分别增加了 834 人和 1529 人。

周五还处理了总共 23,735 个检测拭子。 任何有 Covid-19 症状的人——无论多么轻微——都被敦促接受检测。

(10月10日)(滚动更新) 新西兰多来源英语新闻 New Zealand Multi-sources Rolling English News