冰雪春天丨微视频:白雪换白银 “冷资源”变“热产业”
Read moreHong Kong chief justice claims overseas judges have left due to ‘orchestrated harassment’
Andrew Cheung defends city’s legal processes as ‘transparent, fair and independent’ despite mounting concerns from departing legal officers
Hong Kong’s top judge has claimed the exodus of foreign judges from the judiciary’s benches since the introduction of the national security law is due to escalating geopolitical tensions and “orchestrated harassment”.
The city’s chief justice, Andrew Cheung, made the remarks at the ceremonial opening of the city’s legal year on Monday evening in a speech which acknowledged the changing political environment but otherwise stridently defended the judiciary. Hong Kong has a common law system separate from the Chinese mainland’s, but observers say it is under growing political pressure.
Continue reading...Read more宁夏银川出台优化政务服务助力经济社会发展“15条” 打响宜商银川攻坚战“第一枪”
中新网银川1月21日电 (记者 李佩珊)记者21日从宁夏银川市获悉,银川市审批服务管理部门出台《关于进一步优化政务服务提升行政效能助力经济社会发展的若干措施》(下称《措施》),提出优化政务服务助力经济社会发展“15条”措施,推出28项务实举措,着力提升项目审批便利度、经营主体活跃度和企业群众满意度,打响宜商银川攻坚战“第一枪”,全面助力一季度“开门红”。
Read more助力大规模废水净化处理 中国团队研究提出“变废为宝”新方法
中新网北京1月21日电 (记者 孙自法)在现代社会人口集中的城市里,人们工作生活产生的大规模废水如何净化处理问题,一直以来备受关注。
Read more新疆将加快培育南疆新增长极
中新网乌鲁木齐1月21日电 (记者 王小军)在2025年新疆“两会”上,政府工作报告提出2025年加快培育南疆新增长极,以促进城乡融合和区域协调发展。20日,新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府研究室党组书记、主任徐宏云对其意义与落实路径进行了解读。
Read more澜湄合作打击电诈!“海鸥”联合行动共逮捕犯罪嫌疑人7万余名
Read more打击非法捕捞!中国海警局公布10起典型案例
中新网1月21日电 据中国海警微信公众号消息,2024年,中国海警局以服务渔业高质量发展为目标,联合公安部、农业农村部开展海洋伏季休渔专项执法行动,强化重点海域巡逻管控,严打无证作业、使用禁用网具等非法捕捞活动,积极整治涉渔“三无”船舶、大马力快艇非法作业等突出问题,持续强化外籍侵渔渔船、我涉外渔船等重点船舶管控,切实维护海上渔业生产作业秩序,保障我渔船民合法权益。全年,各级海警机构查处渔业行政案件960余起,破获非法捕捞水产品案件540余起,驱离外籍侵渔渔船1700余艘次、查扣15艘。近日,中国海警局遴选了10起典型案例。
Read more2025年如何做好稳就业工作?人社部回应
中新网1月21日电 人力资源社会保障部21日举行2024年四季度新闻发布会,介绍2024年人力资源和社会保障工作进展情况。人力资源社会保障部就业促进司副司长陈勇嘉介绍了2024年就业工作总体情况,以及2025年将如何做好稳就业工作。
Read more人社部:高校毕业生就业服务专项行动提供岗位超476万个
中新网1月21日电 人力资源社会保障部21日举行2024年四季度新闻发布会,人力资源社会保障部人力资源流动管理司司长张文淼在会上答问表示,高校毕业生是宝贵的人力资源,为了给他们提供更加优质、高效的就业服务,去年12月以来,人力资源社会保障部举办了全国人力资源市场高校毕业生就业服务专项行动,重点聚焦2025届高校毕业生、往届离校未就业的高校毕业生,以及“三支一扶”计划等基层服务项目人员。
Read more【学习读本(15)】人民政协是最广泛的爱国统一战线组织
Read more2024年全国城镇新增就业1256万人 就业形势总体稳定
中新网1月21日电 人力资源社会保障部新闻发言人、政策研究司司长卢爱红21日介绍称,2024年全国城镇新增就业1256万人。全年城镇调查失业率平均值为5.1%。年底脱贫人口务工规模3305.2万人。全年向665万户次参保企业发放失业保险稳岗扩岗资金386亿元。
Read more台南6.2级地震已造成27人受伤 台气象部门:当地50年来最强震
中新网1月21日电 台湾台南市21日0时17分发生6.2级地震,震源深度14千米。综合台媒报道,本次地震“有感摇晃时间”长达43秒,为当地50年来规模最大的一次地震,随后又陆续发生55起余震。目前地震已造成27人受伤。
Read more云南省政协委员共绘文旅高质量发展新图景
中新网昆明1月21日电 (陆希成 缪超)20日,正在举行的政协云南省第十三届委员会第三次会议上,“文旅”成委员热议话题。多份提案聚焦文旅产业转型升级、特色资源开发以及国际市场拓展等方面,为云南文旅高质量发展建言献策。
Read more习近平总书记关切事|流金淌银!北国冰雪资源释放新红利——冰雪经济高质量发展新实践之一
Read more【央视快评】凝聚人心 凝聚共识 凝聚智慧 凝聚力量
Read more要留清气满乾坤——2024年以习近平同志为核心的党中央贯彻执行中央八项规定、推进作风建设综述
Read moreDonald Trump signs order to withdraw US from World Health Organization
President accuses global health agency of mishandling Covid-19 pandemic and other international health crises
Donald Trump said the United States will exit the World Health Organization, saying the global health agency had mishandled the Covid-19 pandemic and other international health crises.
The move means the US will leave the United Nations health agency in 12 months’ time and stop all financial contributions to its work. The United States is by far the WHO’s biggest financial backer, contributing around 18% of its overall funding. WHO’s most recent two-year budget, for 2024-2025, was $6.8bn.
Continue reading...Read more广西与越南携手开展智慧农业合作
中新网南宁1月21日电 (记者 黄艳梅 杨陈)2025年中国广西与越南边境四省农业农村厅长联席会议20日在广西南宁市召开,与会人员围绕“携手智慧农业合作,构建更具韧性的农业产供链”主题,积极谋划农业交流合作的新领域、新方向、新项目。
Read more惩治拒不支付劳动报酬犯罪,最高检发布6件典型案例
中新网1月21日电 据最高人民检察院微信公众号消息,近日,最高人民检察院发布6件依法惩治拒不支付劳动报酬犯罪推动治理欠薪典型案例。该批案例体现了检察机关坚持依法履职,在办案中全面准确落实宽严相济刑事政策,加强行政执法和刑事司法的有效衔接配合,以高质效办案协同推动欠薪治理。
Read more国际人士看好中国经济——“继续为全球经济增长注入信心和动力”
Read more“共同促进世界经济稳定和增长” ——访世界经济论坛总裁兼首席执行官博尔格·布伦德
Read more孙梅君任海关总署党委书记
中新网1月21日电 据海关总署网站消息,2025年1月21日上午,中央组织部有关负责同志出席海关总署领导干部会议,宣布中央决定:孙梅君同志任海关总署党委书记。
Read more2024年全国实施城市更新项目6万余个
本报北京1月20日电 (记者丁怡婷)记者从住房城乡建设部获悉:2024年,全国共实施城市更新项目6万余个,完成投资约2.9万亿元。
Read more全国地下水超采区面积总体下降
本报北京1月20日电 (记者王浩)近日,水利部会同自然资源部组织相关省份及有关技术单位,历时3年完成新一轮全国地下水超采区划定工作。本次划定工作全国共划定平原区地下水超采区面积26.76万平方公里,其中浅层地下水超采区面积14.43万平方公里;深层承压水超采区面积13.27万平方公里(深浅层重叠面积约0.94万平方公里)。
Read more荒山坡变成金窝窝(新春走基层)
Read more商品供应有保障 假日消费活力足(新春走基层)
Read moreFujian's Digital China vision – From a click to reality
What I want is to be able to click my mouse and pull up all the data from the whole province, said Ma Kejun.
Read more(新春见闻)北京台青在“鼓舞”中迎接新年
中新社北京1月21日电 题:北京台青在“鼓舞”中迎接新年
Read moreFrom bigger to stronger: The development journey of China's auto industry
From bigger to stronger: The development journey of China's auto industry
Read moreChina creates 12.56 million new urban jobs in 2024
China created a total of 12.56 million new urban jobs in 2024, surpassing the government's annual target of 12 million new urban jobs, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Tuesday.
Read moreChina sends five new satellites into space
China on Monday launched a carrier rocket with five satellites, including the Yunyao-1 37-40 and JTX-A-05 models onboard. It was the 17th mission for the CERES-1 carrier rocket.
Read moreFlame for 9th Asian Winter Games lit in Harbin
The 9th Asian Winter Games will take place from Feb. 7 to 14, 2025 in China's Heilongjiang Province.
Read moreWhite tiger cubs meet public in Yunnan
Two white tiger cubs met the public at the Yunnan Wild Animal Park on Monday.
Read moreWorld Economic Forum kicks off
The 2025 World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting commenced on Monday in Davos, Switzerland, calling for global cooperation amid global uncertainty.
Read more又有厅官落马!开年医药反腐受关注
中新网北京1月21日电(记者 邵萌)步入2025年,医药领域反腐仍是舆论关注的焦点。
Read more'Hell on earth': China deportation looms for Uyghurs held in Thailand
Forty eight men detained since they fled China years ago risk being deported, rights groups say.
Read more韩正出席美国总统就职典礼
中新社华盛顿1月20日电 当地时间1月20日,习近平主席特别代表、国家副主席韩正应邀在华盛顿出席美国总统特朗普就职典礼。
Read moreExport controls on superhard materials of great significance
China's Ministry of Commerce announced in December new export restrictions targeting dual-use materials, including superhard materials to the United States, four months after Beijing placed restrictions on six-sided top presses.
Read moreInsights | China solutions gain more global significance amid UNESCO heritage recognition: Malaysian expert
Ong Tee Keat, president of the Belt and Road Initiative Caucus for Asia Pacific, said in an exclusive interview with China News Network that the Chinese New Year has taken on new significance, offering a breath of fresh air to humanity amid the escalating geopolitical tensions and polarization.
Read more韩正出席美国总统就职典礼
Read moreGala spices up Kunming-Vientiane train ride
More than 50 vibrant performances including singing and dancing, musical instruments, magic shows and acrobatics added a great deal of spice to the rail ride from Kunming of Southwest China's Yunnan province to Vientiane of Laos on Jan 14.
Read moreXiong'an becomes magnet for new biz
Xiong'an New Area in Hebei province has become a sought-after destination for running a business as authorities in the area are diligently working to streamline tedious license procedures.
Read moreSpecial bonds to support consumer goods purchases, stimulate economy
China will significantly increase the scale of ultralong special treasury bonds to provide greater support for consumer goods trade-ins this year.
Read moreShenzhou XIX crew members carry out second spacewalk
Shenzhou XIX mission crew members have conducted their second spacewalk outside the Tiangong space station, completing several assignments, according to the China Manned Space Agency.
Read moreMaldives readies for more Chinese visitors
The Maldives is gearing up to welcome a surge in Chinese tourists, not only to its high-end resorts but also to decent guesthouses with affordable packages, according to industry insiders and analysts.
Read moreFlame signals 18-day countdown to 9th Asian Winter Games
The flame for the 9th Asian Winter Games was lit Monday at the Sun Island Scenic Area in Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang province, marking the start of an 18-day countdown to the event.
Read moreChina to increase data security market size
China's latest move to improve security governance for data circulation is expected to better fully unleash the value of data elements, boost the high-quality development of the data industry and bring about more business opportunities for data security enterprises.
Read morePBOC lending facility helps stabilize mkt
The extended capacity of the central bank to finance listed companies' share buybacks and shareholding increases via a lending facility will help to stabilize the stock market and facilitate companies' high-quality development, said experts.
Read moreTwo men convicted of conducting separate deadly attacks executed
Two men convicted of carrying out two separate deadly attacks that killed dozens in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, and Wuxi, Jiangsu province, in November were executed Monday after China's top court approved their death sentences.
Read moreChina's oil and gas output exceeds 400 million tons in 2024
China's oil and gas production in 2024 surpassed 400 million tons of oil equivalent (TOE) for the first time, according to data released on Monday by the National Energy Administration (NEA).
Read moreChina-aided New Gwadar International Airport officially opens
The New Gwadar International Airport, funded and built by China as a grant, officially commenced operations on Monday.
Read moreChinese FM responds to Trump's reported proposal of 50% U.S. ownership in TikTok
Mao Ning said on Monday that China hopes the U.S. will seriously listen to rational voices and provide an open, fair, just, and non-discriminatory business environment for market participants from various countries in the U.S.
Read more15 injured in 6.2-magnitude earthquake in Taiwan
A total of 15 people were injured during a 6.2-magnitude earthquake that jolted island of Taiwan at 12:17 am Tuesday (Beijing Time), CCTV news reported.
Read moreCompany developing supersonic aircraft
Private enterprises in China have shown their strong technological and engineering capability by manufacturing big rockets, advanced satellites and powerful drones.
Read moreGalactic Energy launches five satellites into orbit
Galactic Energy, a private rocket maker based in Beijing, successfully launched a mission Monday afternoon, deploying five satellites into orbit.
Read more660,000 nursery slots set to open in China
China plans to add 660,000 affordable nursery care slots and hit the goal of raising the number of 4.5 slots per 1,000 population by the end of this year, an official at the National Health Commission said on Monday.
Read moreChina urges U.S. to give Tiktok free speech
China urged the United States on Monday to listen to rational voices over the social media app TikTok and provide an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory business environment for market entities from various countries operating in the U.S.
Read moreChina greenlights 129,500 EIA approvals in 2024
The planned investment for these projects totals roughly 21.9 trillion yuan ($3 trillion), said Wang Zhihua, head of the ministry's Department of Environmental Impact Assessment and Emission Management, at a news conference on Monday.
Read moreHelicopter service to shorten travel time across Qiongzhou Strait
The first trip by helicopter between Haikou station in Hainan province and Zhanjiang West station in Guangdong province was conducted on Monday, promising to offer a greatly shortened option for travelers crossing the Qiongzhou Strait.
Read moreChina mediates at successful Myanmar peace talks
China mediated as Myanmar's government held the seventh round of peace talks with the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army and the sides signed a formal ceasefire agreement that began on Saturday.
Read moreXi extends festive greetings to non-CPC personages
Xi Jinping has called for greater efforts from the nation's non-CPC members in boosting confidence, rallying support and building solidarity as he extended festive greetings to them before this year's Spring Festival, which falls on Jan 29.
Read moreBeijing reiterates commitment to developing stable ties with Washington
Beijing reiterated its commitment to developing a stable, healthy and sustainable relationship with Washington, ahead of the inauguration on Monday of United States President Donald Trump.
Read moreProtection of Yellow River Basin stressed
The top leadership of the Communist Party of China urged on Monday efforts to promote ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin.
Read more神舟十九号乘组圆满完成第二次出舱活动
中新社北京1月21日电 (记者 马帅莎)据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,北京时间1月21日1时12分,经过约8.5小时的出舱活动,神舟十九号乘组圆满完成第二次出舱活动。
Read more神舟十九号航天员乘组圆满完成第二次出舱活动
中新网北京1月21日电 (记者 马帅莎)据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,北京时间2025年1月21日1时12分,经过约8.5小时的出舱活动,神舟十九号乘组航天员蔡旭哲、宋令东、王浩泽密切协同,在空间站机械臂和地面科研人员的配合支持下,完成了空间站空间碎片防护装置安装、舱外设备设施巡检等任务。出舱航天员蔡旭哲、宋令东已安全返回问天实验舱,出舱活动取得圆满成功。
Read moreAustralia exposed to modern slave labour imports and many businesses ‘ignoring the facts’, commissioner warns
The scale of Australia’s trade with blacklisted companies, revealed in Guardian investigation, prompts anger across the Uyghur community
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Australia’s new anti-slavery commissioner has called on the government to urgently address the “inadequacy” of its forced labour laws after revelations that it had allowed thousands of imports from Chinese companies blacklisted for their alleged links to Uyghur workers.
Guardian Australia revealed on Monday that Australia had received thousands of imports from Chinese companies blacklisted by the United States over alleged links to Uyghur forced labour.
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Continue reading...Read moreWhy is TikTok working again in the US as Trump takes office?
App has resumed operations after saying it received assurance over de facto ban, but its future remains uncertain
TikTok is restoring its service in the US after Donald Trump said he would issue an executive order when president to allow the app to continue operating.
It had shut itself down late on Saturday in advance of a Sunday deadline to divest its Chinese shareholders or face a ban, but resumed operations on Sunday, the day before Trump’s inauguration, saying it had received the appropriate assurances from the president-elect.
Continue reading...Read moreDecoding Jinjiang's success
In Quanzhou, Fujian Province, there is a city called Jinjiang.
Read moreMan executed for ramming car into people in city of Zhuhai
The Intermediate People's Court of Zhuhai in South China's Guangdong Province carried out the execution of Fan Weiqiu on Monday in accordance with the execution order issued by the Supreme People's Court.
Read moreChina's first 3D ultra-realistic human figure symbol of courage, perseverance
China’s first 3D ultra-realistic digital human “Hua Mulan”, a legendary Chinese heroine, was unveiled at a press conference in Beijing on Saturday.
Read moreHong Kong attracts a record high of inbound investments in 2024: InvestHK
Invest Hong Kong announced on Monday that it attracted a record high of direct investment from Chinese mainland and other countries and regions, reflecting the strong appeal of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as a leading business hub in the world.
Read moreInsights | China drives global growth as key partner in Mexico’s economic development
China plays a vital role in the global economy, contributing approximately one-third of global GDP growth and serving as a strong engine for economic development, said Victor Cadena, vice chairman of the Mexican Chamber of Commerce in China, said in an exclusive interview with China News Network at the Key Outward Investment Promotion Events in Beijing on Wednesday.
Read moreCyberspace body unveils drive to create better online ecosystem during holiday
The Cyberspace Administration of China announced on Sunday a one-month special campaign aimed at addressing phenomena undermining the "online ecosystem".
Read moreChina completes three ignition tests for liquid oxygen-kerosene engine in a day
China completed three ignition tests for liquid oxygen-kerosene engines on Sunday at the Baolongyu site of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).
Read moreCNOOC begins production at Dongfang 29-1 gas field
CNOOC Limited announced that Dongfang 29-1 gas field development project has commenced production on Monday.
Read moreChina vice-president meets U.S. business community
Vice-President Han Zheng called on Sunday for the business community of the United States to continue to invest in China, and actively serve as a bridge to contribute to the healthy, stable and sustainable development of bilateral ties.
Read moreChina vice-president meets U.S. counterpart in Washington
Vice-President Han Zheng said on Sunday that as long as both sides adhere to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation.
Read moreUnmanned eVTOL aircraft EH216-S to start commercial operation in China's Hainan
The EH216-S, China’s first self-developed unmanned eVTOL (electric vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft, will commence commercial operations in February 2025 in Lingshui Li Autonomous County, south China's Hainan Province.
Read more'We need to save TikTok' says Trump who called for the app to be banned in 2020 – video
During a rally the day before his inauguration, Donald Trump called on the social media app to be saved. Trump had called for the app to be banned in 2020 during his firm term as president
Continue reading...Read moreWorld's tallest bridge connected in Guizhou
With a designed deck height of 625 meters and a main span of 1,420 meters, the bridge surpasses the Beipanjiang Bridge that measures 565 meters in height on the expressway linking Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province and Ruili in Yunnan Province as the new highest bridge in the world.
Read moreChinese people prepare for Spring Festival
People shop for Spring Festival decorations in Fuzhou, east China's Fujian Province, Jan. 19, 2025.
Read more31st Zigong Int'l Dinosaur Lantern Show wows visitors
Lanterns are illuminated during the 31st Zigong International Dinosaur Lantern Show in Zigong, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Jan. 17, 2025.
Read more'Sea of Death' covered by snow in Xinjiang
Massive sand dunes are clad in whites now, creating a picturesque landscape at the Taklimakan Desert, also known as the "Sea of Death", in northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
Read moreShanxi to make 130 coal mines 'intelligent' in 2025
Resource-rich Shanxi province plans to develop and convert 130 intelligent coal mines this year to integrate scientific and technological innovation with a new energy system and modern industrial framework.
Read moreNational history museum decks hall with dinos
At The Rise of Vertebrates, an ongoing exhibition at the Natural History Museum of China in Beijing, visitors can follow fossil evidence to trace the origins of vertebrates and their journey out of the water to dominate land, sea and air.
Read moreJiangsu ranks 1st in key economic areas
Jiangsu's GDP reached 13.7 trillion yuan ($1.87 trillion) in 2024, a 5.8 percent increase over the previous year, solidifying its position as a primary driver of China's economic growth, provincial Governor Xu Kunlin said on Sunday.
Read morePhotovoltaic installed capacity forecast to grow 10% this year
Financial services provider UBS has forecast a growth of 10 percent in China's photovoltaic installed capacity this year, reaching between 260 and 280 gigawatts, fueled by ground-mounted installations particularly from State-owned enterprises.
Read moreReport: Geopolitical factors hinder sci-tech innovation, collaboration
Geopolitical tensions and restrictive regulatory frameworks are increasingly hindering global scientific and technological innovation and collaboration, according to a report released on Friday.
Read moreLetters from 'Li Hua' receive heartfelt replies from U.S. netizens as they move to RedNote from TikTok
Some U.S. users have started replying to "Li Hua," a name commonly used in Chinese middle school English exams.
Read moreXinjiang regional GDP exceeds 2 trillion yuan in 2024, up by 6.1%
Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region's GDP grew by 6.1 percent year-on-year in 2024, surpassing 2 trillion yuan ($273 billion) for the first time, according to a government work report released on Sunday.
Read moreChina's Ministry of State Security warns of environmental risk posed by invasive species
MSS on Sunday issued a warning about the environmental risks associated with invasive species. It highlighted that such species may infiltrate China through goods and mail shipments and cautioned against false declarations of product names to bypass customs.
Read moreChina issues guidelines on building strong educational country
China on Sunday issued guidelines on building a strong educational country (2024-2035), emphasizing expanding the scale of graduate education, steadily increasing the proportion of doctoral students, and enhancing the salary and benefits for high school and kindergarten teachers.
Read morePLA holds joint maritime, air combat patrol in South China Sea
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Southern Theater Command held a joint maritime and air combat patrol in South China Sea from Friday to Saturday with the aim of safeguarding peace and stability in the region.
Read moreGiant panda Gu Gu passes away at Beijing Zoo
Beijing Zoo issued a statement on Sunday, announcing the passing of giant panda Gu Gu on Thursday.
Read moreTikTok says it is restoring service in US after Trump vowed to delay ban
President-elect says order would give company extra 90 days to find buyer and suggests that US take a 50% stake
TikTok said on Sunday that it was restoring services in the US after Donald Trump pledged earlier in the day to give the video app a reprieve on its US ban.
Trump wrote on Truth Social that after taking office on Monday he would sign an executive order allowing the Chinese-owned video app additional time to find a buyer before facing a total shutdown, and proposing that the US or an American firm take a 50% ownership stake.
Continue reading...Read morePolicy tool extended to stabilize capital market
China's top financial regulators have convened a meeting to extend the role of a central bank tool aimed at encouraging share buybacks, signaling policymakers' increased support for listed companies' market value management to bolster stock market performance.
Read moreXinjiang vows to fight against U.S. sanctions
The Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region will fight back against the United State's repeated crackdowns on local enterprises and firmly defend the rights of the enterprises to operate and of the region's people to work and pursue a better life.
Read moreNew gold resources discovered in China
China has made significant breakthroughs in gold exploration, adding a remarkable 168 metric tons of new gold resources discovered from Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Gansu province and Heilongjiang province.
Read moreXi extends Spring Festival greetings to military veterans
Chinese President Xi Jinping has extended Spring Festival greetings to the country's military veterans.
Read moreRare earth deposit found in Yunnan
China has discovered a rare earth deposit in Honghe, Yunnan province, composed of about 1.15 million metric tons of potential resources, further consolidating the country's rare earth resource advantage and industrial chain.
Read moreU.S.' AI export curbs dubbed unworkable
The administration unveiled its Interim Final Rule for an "Export Control Framework for Artificial Intelligence Diffusion" last week as it approaches the end of its term.
Read moreWho banned TikTok? Politicians toss culpability like a football
Claiming a threat from a ‘foreign adversary’, the US has yet to prove China shared propaganda or collected US user data
The United States of America deleted TikTok early on the morning of 19 January. A government formed “by the people, for the people”, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, has made scant evidence available to those people as to why. As those in power at the 11th hour realize how unpopular such a paternalistic move might be, each is doing their best to lay blame with the others.
Why did the US ban an app used and beloved by some 170 million Americans? For fear of China’s propaganda and data collection. It’s a far-reaching, unprecedented move. The text of the Protecting Americans From Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, passed in April and signed by Joe Biden, reads: “This bill prohibits distributing, maintaining, or providing internet hosting services for a foreign adversary controlled application (eg, TikTok).” Both a federal appeals court and the US supreme court have affirmed that rationale as sufficient.
Continue reading...Read moreTikTok users posting cat videos do not threaten UK national security, minister says
Darren Jones defends decision to allow app to continue running in UK as it stops working in US ahead of national ban
TikTok users posting videos of cats or dancing do not pose a security threat to the UK, a cabinet minister has said, as he defended the government’s decision not to ban the Chinese-owned video platform.
The government has allowed the app to continue running in Britain, as it stopped working in the US before a federal ban comes into force.
Continue reading...Read moreShould I be worried about my obsessive TikTok use? My ‘For You’ page doesn’t think so | Emma Beddington
As US users mourn their ‘Chinese spy’ being taken away, my algorithm is busy serving me queer chickens and pastry content
As the US TikTok ban looms, users of the app there have been posting farewell messages for their “Chinese spy”, satirising the security concerns behind the ban as they offer up heartfelt appreciations of the ultra-targeted content on their For You pages.
There is a lot, they claim, to be grateful for: their “Chinese spies” have soothed and amused them, steered them towards splitting with unsuitable partners and toxic workplaces, helped them recover from divorce, changed their political perspectives and sometimes their entire lives. “My ‘Chinese spy’ was brave enough to tell me I’m an autistic lesbian and I should leave my husband. And I don’t know if anyone will care about me that much ever again,” reads a typical post, over dramatic footage of the grieving author. A commenter below claims the algorithm knew they were gay four years before they knew themselves; another says the app accurately diagnosed them with a skin condition that two dermatologists missed. Other people are just grateful for pizza recipes and hotel room hacks.
Continue reading...Read moreFrom GDP to trade, how well equipped is China’s economy for Trump 2.0? | Amy Hawkins
Beijing has prepared for increased tariffs but its actions will not be enough to offset falling demand from the US
When Donald Trump enters the White House for the second time on 20 January, the view from the Oval Office will look very different to the one he encountered in 2017. A pandemic, the war in Ukraine and a trade war with China have caused ripples through the global economy that are still being felt midway through the decade.
Beijing will be watching closely. Trump has promised to impose tariffs of up to 60% on Chinese imports, partly in retaliation for the flow of fentanyl from China to the US.
Continue reading...Read moreInsights丨American scholar: Mutual trust between U.S. and China required following former president Carter's profound legacies on U.S.-China relations
Read moreHow does the US Tiktok ban work?
TikTok has gone dark in the US for both users who have already downloaded it on their phones and in mobile app stores
TikTok is no longer available in the US. In both mobile app stores and on users’ phones, the app has gone dark.
When opening the app, users who had already downloaded TikTok before 19 January were met with a pop-up message that prompted them to learn more about the ban or close the app.
Continue reading...Read moreInsights丨It's a delightful opportunity to know about China and witness normalized relation between U.S. and China
Read moreTikTok goes dark in the US ahead of ban
App no longer available on US Apple and Google stores after supreme court upholds lawmakers’ ban
TikTok stopped working in the US late on Saturday, shortly before a federal ban on the Chinese-owned short-video app was due to take effect.
The app was no longer available on Apple’s iOS App Store or Google’s Play Store. The US Congress passed a law in April mandating that parent company ByteDance either sell TikTok to a non-Chinese owner or face a total shutdown. It chose the latter.
Continue reading...Read more(W.E. Talk) How can China and the U.S. redefine bilateral relations under Trump 2.0?
Read moreCradle of Civilization: Distilled wine from more than 3,000 years ago found in east China
A remarkable discovery in Shandong Province, east China, has revealed liquid in an ancient piece of bronzeware to be distilled liquor, pushing the origins of China's distilled alcohol production back to more than 3,000 years ago.
Read moreWho will tame Donald Trump this time? Roll up, roll up, for the White House travelling circus | Simon Tisdall
On the eve of his return, it’s clear that world leaders, whether they like him or loathe him, can’t ignore this unpredictable showman
Michelle Obama’s one-woman boycott of Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration on Monday requires no explanation. It’s plain that the former first lady has zero tolerance and even less love for a man who delights in racist and sexist behaviour. Lots of other people, especially among US allies in Europe, would boycott Trump, too, if they could. Yet, inescapably, they must deal with him for the next four years.
Such fear and loathing is by no means universally shared. A poll, published last week by the European Council on Foreign Relations, found that in China, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, South Africa and Brazil, more people welcome Trump’s return than deplore it. In contrast, people in the UK, France, Germany and a clutch of other west European countries are frankly appalled at the prospect.
Continue reading...Read moreNever have stale crisps again… nine invaluable things I’ve learned from TikTok
As the platform bows out in the US, here is my carefully curated list of the best things it’s taught me
The average TikTok user spends almost one hour each day on the app. However, the screen time of American users is about to be rapidly reduced, as the app is set to be banned in the US.
On Friday the US Supreme Court rejected an appeal against a law that would see the social media platform banned over national security concerns. TikTok’s China-based parent company ByteDance had challenged the law, arguing that it violates free speech protections for more than 170 million users.
Continue reading...Read moreChinese rival app Xiaohongshu is overwhelmed by ‘TikTok refugees’ in US
Social media accounts blocked for breaking Beijing rules as millions of users join up before ban takes effect
When Angelica Oung received the notification that her Xiaohongshu account had been blocked for violating the social media app’s code of conduct, her mind started racing.
The only picture she had posted on her account, apart from her profile headshot, was of herself wearing an inflatable polar bear suit, holding a sign saying: “I love nuclear”. What could be the problem with that, wondered Oung, a clean energy activist in Taiwan.
Continue reading...Read moreUncharted territory for the WHO if Trump withdraws US membership
WHO is ‘critical in protecting US business interests’, says CEO of firm that may see lean years if Trump carries out vow
The World Health Organization (WHO) could see lean years ahead if the US withdraws membership under the new Trump administration. Such a withdrawal, promised on the first day of Donald Trump’s new administration, would in effect cut the multilateral agency’s funding by one-fifth.
The severe cut would be uncharted territory for the WHO, potentially curtailing public health works globally, pressuring the organization to attract private funding, and providing an opening for other countries to influence the organization. Other countries are not expected to make up the funding loss.
Continue reading...Read moreLabour is right to forge more trade links with China – not doing so would be folly | Kerry Brown
From a ‘golden era’ to post-pandemic mistrust, the UK has had a turbulent relationship with the world’s second-largest economy
- Kerry Brown is director of the Lau China Institute, King’s College London
In the last decade, Britain’s relations with China have been on a rollercoaster. In 2015, during the visit of Chinese leader Xi Jinping to the UK, then chancellor George Osborne was able to declare the two countries were in a “golden era”. He did this with the conviction that with a growing economy and rising middle class, China offered plenty of opportunities for Britain. But by 2022, Rishi Sunak had declared the “end of the golden era”. And in 2023, deputy prime minister Oliver Dowden labelled China Britain’s greatest economic security threat, to align closer with the position of the US, and through fears of deeper Chinese espionage and interference in the outside world. Seldom had a diplomatic boom-bust cycle happened so rapidly and so completely.
In view of extremes such as these, to see a return to unvarnished, largely conventional engagement looks like a revolution. In the past, Rachel Reeves turning up in Beijing for a high-level economic dialogue, as she did over the weekend, would have attracted little notice. China is, after all, still the world’s second largest economy and accounts for about a fifth of global GDP. Its middle class, despite recent domestic economic turbulence, constitutes one of the most dynamic and sought-after consumer groups on the planet. But in 2025, such a visit looks like radical action because of the dramatic deterioration that occurred in the final years of the Conservative administration.
Kerry Brown is director of the Lau China Institute, King’s College London. He is the author of The Great Reversal: Britain, China and the 400 Year Contest for Power
Continue reading...Read more"TT migrants" express heartfelt appreciation towards Chinese users
International users are absolutely adorable with their reactions on TikTok! It feels like a true embodiment of "One World, One Family.”
Read moreBeijing to cultivate new tourism paradigms
Beijing plans to proactively cultivate new tourism paradigms, such as incorporating sports and integrating film and television into the tourism industry, according to the government work report presented during the third session of the 16th Beijing Municipal People's Congress this week.
Read moreCensorship, homework help and cats: China’s RedNote users welcome ‘TikTok refugees’
Americans fleeing the looming TikTok ban have been warmly welcomed to app Xiaohongshu – or RedNote – despite China’s tight restrictions on what can be posted
“It is the coolest thing,” says Huang Ziyan, a longtime user of Chinese social media app Xiaohongshu, describing the experience as a “21st-century Tower of Babel”.
Huang is referring to the influx of US “TikTok refugees” fleeing the impending ban and the resulting cross-cultural exchange that has seen Americans warmly welcomed – and sometimes given a few helpful tips.
Continue reading...Read moreResearchers identify T cells causing chronic sinus inflammation
A groundbreaking study published in Nature on Jan 16 uncovers a novel subset of memory CD8+ T cells, which are capable of "remembering" an antigen upon subsequent encounters, leading to a faster and more effective immune response.
Read moreIMF upgrades projections for China's growth
The International Monetary Fund has revised China's growth projections up to 4.6 percent for 2025 and to 4.5 percent for 2026, citing last year's performance and an expected rise in economic activity after an anticipated easing of global trade policy uncertainty.
Read moreChina to focus on averting epidemics
China will deepen reforms of its disease control system and intensify capabilities in monitoring, detecting and handling infectious disease threat this year, said health authorities.
Read morePassion for cultural tours set to boost holiday travel
Spring Festival marks the beginning of the new year in China and falls on the first day of the first month of the Chinese calendar, which is Jan 29 this year. People will enjoy an eight-day break, from Jan 28 to Feb 4.
Read moreGreen shoots seen in real estate sector
Prices of commercial residential properties in China's first-tier cities rose month-on-month in December, while the overall decline in second and third-tier cities narrowed, signaling a pickup in market sentiment and a stop to the downturn in the real estate sector.
Read moreAmericans and Chinese share jokes on 'alternative TikTok' as US ban looms
RedNote's Chinese users say it is the first time they have been able to speak directly to Americans online.
Read moreTrump says he had ‘good’ call with China’s Xi about TikTok and trade
World leaders also reportedly discussed Taiwan and fentanyl in first direct contact since 2021
China’s president, Xi Jinping, has spoken to the US president-elect, Donald Trump, on the phone in the first direct contact between the two men since 2021.
Days ahead of Trump’s inauguration, Trump and Xi spoke on Friday to discuss TikTok, trade, fentanyl and Taiwan.
Continue reading...Read moreWho is China sending to Trump's inauguration?
This is the first time a senior Chinese leader will witness a US president being sworn in.
Read more10 big things about China you should not miss (Jan. 11 -- Jan. 17)
10 big things about China you should not miss
Read moreXi, Trump hold phone talks
Chinese President Xi Jinping held on Friday a telephone conversation with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.
Read morePeople worldwide gather to enjoy Spring Festival customs across China
As the Spring Festival approaches, the festival atmosphere pervades every corner of China, even attracting many overseas tourists.
Read moreBlue economy, green future: Decoding Fujian's marine economy from five perspectives
Experts decoded Fujian's marine economy from five perspectives.
Read moreChinese, Thai police arrest 12 suspects involved in actor's missing in Myanmar
Chinese and Thai police have arrested 12 suspects linked to scam operations in Myawaddy, Myanmar, the Ministry of Public Security announced on Friday.
Read moreGlobal delegates laud China's investment as growth driver
Representatives from multiple countries commended China’s role in fueling global economic growth through its outbound investments at the Briefing on Key Outward Investment Promotion Events in 2025, held in Beijing on Wednesday.
Read more(W.E. Talk) Joseph W. Polisi: Music can make U.S. and China understand each other better
Read moreThree reasons Trump tariffs aren't China's only problem
China's economy has hit the government's 5% growth target for 2024 in the face of multiple challenges.
Read moreThe truth behind your $12 dress: Inside the Chinese factories fuelling Shein's success
Workers making clothes for the fast fashion giant tell the BBC they labour for up to 75 hours a week.
Read moreHow a viral post saved a Chinese actor from Myanmar's scam centres
Many Chinese are now asking: what about their loved ones still trapped in scam centres?
Read moreViolent protests in China after student falls to his death
Protesters and police clash after a boy is found dead at his school dormitory.
Read moreWhat is HMPV and how does it spread?
An outbreak of the flu-like virus in China is causing concern, but experts say a Covid-like pandemic is unlikely.
Read moreChina bets on kitchen appliances to boost economy
A list of subsidised household goods has been expanded as Beijing tries to increase domestic spending.
Read moreHundreds rescued as search for quake survivors continues in Tibet
The earthquake, which has killed at least 126 people, is one of China's deadliest in recent years.
Read moreThe year China's famous road-tripping 'auntie' found freedom
Su Min, 60, became a feminist icon after she left her abusive husband and started travelling through China.
Read moreWhat to know about string of US hacks blamed on China
Presidential campaigns and the US telecommunications network have also been targeted by hackers in recent months.
Read moreIn pics: 2025 Yinchuan Lunar New Year's shopping festival
People shop for snacks at the 2025 Yinchuan Lunar New Year's shopping festival in Yinchuan, northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Jan. 12, 2025. The festival featuring fresh foods, various snacks, and new year decorations will last until Jan. 26, attracting many citizens to buy goods for the upcoming Spring Festival.
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