今日(9月16日)新西兰新闻速递:汉密尔顿花园20 纽币门票开始生效

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(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

Taranaki’s largest tertiary education provider proposing cuts to jobs and courses

The Tertiary Education Union says the Taranaki community will be horrified by the cuts.

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Pygmy blue whale under Kawau Island wharf freed

The stranded whale was first reported to the Department of Conservation on Monday morning.

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布雷安娜-穆里瓦伊(Breanna Muriwai)失踪: 警方在(有人) “蓄意点火 ”后看守与寻找失踪女子遗体有关的房产

据称周末发现了 “涉嫌物品”,但警方不予置评。

Breanna Muriwai disappearance: Police guard property linked to search for missing woman’s remains after ‘deliberately lit’ fire

“Items of interest” were allegedly found at the weekend, but police won’t comment.

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假释被驳回 三合会杀手 Wan Yee Chow 仍对公众构成不当风险

2005 年,Wan Yee Chow 在奥克兰一家卡拉 OK 酒吧外枪杀了一名黑帮执行者。


Parole denied: Triad assassin Wan Yee Chow is still an undue risk to the public

Wan Yee Chow gunned down a gang enforcer outside an Auckland karaoke bar in 2005.

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Thunderstorms, heavy rain, small tornadoes to lash country, Aucklanders told to ‘be prepared’

A wintry blast will envelop most regions.

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Philip Polkinghorne murder trial: After full day, Crown still not finished with closing address

The eye surgeon is accused of murdering wife Pauline Hanna, staging a suicide.

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Hutt City Council set to begin automated number plate recognition trial

“The chances of getting caught doing the wrong thing are about to increase,” a statement read.

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Bondage and discipline: Defendant’s fiancé tells of ‘happy calm feeling’ from strangulation

She said ‘breath play’ does happen in the BDSM community but is risky.

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Light plane crash in Tauranga

Two people have been transported to hospital with minor injuries.

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Police officer decided to shoot before Shargin Stephens moved toward him – coroner

It was ‘abundantly clear’ the officer made a decision, coroner says.

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Police investigating 31 dogs taken from Northland property

The dog owner’s family said the animals were stolen while they were in Auckland getting cancer treatment.

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Watch: Govt at risk of missing targets for violent crime, student achievement, Christopher Luxon speaks at post-Cabinet press conference

Luxon is expected to be joined by Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith.

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投资者因 20 万纽币投资损失获得 8 万纽币赔偿


Investor given $80,000 compensation for $200,000 investment loss

The client argued she should never have been fully in growth funds, but her adviser says that is what she wanted.

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Watch: Christopher Luxon holds post-Cabinet press conference

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon is speaking to reporters at Parliament after the weekly Cabinet meeting.

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Government at risk of not meeting two of its nine public service targets

The government has identified education and reducing violent crime as the biggest problem areas.

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Trio confirmed for Asia New Zealand Foundation board

Appointments effective from 1 October for a term of three years.

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Poll: Coalition maintains lead as Labour leader Chris Hipkins’ favourability crashes

A new poll shows the coalition tightening its grip on power.

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Thunderstorms, heavy rain, small tornadoes to lash country, Aucklanders told to ‘be prepared’

A wintry blast will envelop most regions, with the worst to hit Auckland at 6pm.

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Needles, cans, and pie wrappers: Why Coco’s Cantina wanted to clean up Karangahape Road

Nothing says ‘birthday party’ like collecting nearly 90kg of trash off Auckland’s Karangahape Road, say restaurant owners.

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New NCEA Level 1 standards adding to workload for teachers and students

From this year, NCEA level 1 had fewer achievement standards available in each subject.

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Death of man at Whanganui Prison was self-inflicted – coroner

Dolphy Te Tawhero Kohu was found dead in his cell on 22 January 2016.

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Breanna Muriwai: ‘Suspicious fire’ at house linked to vigilante search for missing woman’s remains

Emergency services attended a suspicious blaze at the property.

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Government extends alternative to tough literacy and numeracy tests

Students will have until the end of 2027 to get literacy and numeracy standards by internal assessment, rather than tests – two years later than planned.

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Chris Hipkins to head to United Kingdom, will discuss Labour’s direction with its new Government

It comes as Labour considers its platform for the next election.

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Hastings hit and run: Appeal for info after parked car temporarily sandwiched by ute

Jonzy Brandt’s insurance had just run out – now his car is likely written off.

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Sam Moore is new chair of Whanganui’s Bason Botanic Gardens Trust

Sam Moore encourages the community to engage with the gardens, both in person and online.

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Woman died from aortic tear after being sent home from ED with reflux medicine

The woman, in her 70s, collapsed after complaining of “crushing” chest pain and shortness of breath, and was taken to hospital by an ambulance.

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Former All Black Josh Kronfeld wants New Zealand men to talk about their health

‘Too many of the brothers are leaving us early for… stuff that could’ve been prevented.’

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在 Ātiamuri 的 1 号国道被烧毁的汽车内发现尸体: 警方呼吁提供信息


Body found in burned car on State Highway 1, Ātiamuri: Police appeal for information

The body was found in the front seat of burning car.

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2024 年艾美奖直播: 获奖者、落选者和致辞

新西兰竞争者包括泰卡-怀蒂蒂(Taika Waititi)、安娜-索瓦(Anna Sawai)和《我们在阴影下做什么》(What We Do in the Shadows)系列。

Emmys 2024 live: The winners, the losers, the speeches

Kiwi contenders include Taika Waititi, Anna Sawai and the series What We Do in the Shadows.

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Supreme Court dismisses Jehovah’s Witnesses’ final appeal for Abuse in Care exemption

A Supreme Court decision brings an end to years of wrangling behind the scenes and in court to avoid inclusion in the recently-concluded Royal Commission of Inquiry.

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Northland come up short in epic showdown against Auckland

Tanhiwa come agonisingly close in epic showdown.

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Hawke’s Bay’s top dining spots revealed in hospitality awards: ‘Food, wine, and hospitality are woven into the fabric of the community’

A familiar name then claimed the supreme award in what is possibly its last year.

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Far North cat owners will have to microchip and desex their pets under planned bylaw

Far North District Council has first ever bylaw for cats.

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Make EIT standalone again: Hawke’s Bay mayors want region’s polytech back in local hands for 2025

A workforce skilled by a well-run local polytechnic is needed more than ever, mayors say.

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Polkinghorne trial: Crown begins closing address – ‘This was murder’

The Crown says the retired eye surgeon would do anything to pursue a life with the “intoxicating Madison Ashton”, rather than his wife.

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Here Now: ‘Plants don’t know borders’ – a tropical obsession in Canterbury

A love for the flora of tropical jungles brought botanists Julie Barcelona and Pieter Pelser together. What ensued was years of shared adventure and discovery.

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Asthma and lung disease rates skyrocketing, one in five NZers now affected

The number of NZers impacted by asthma or serious lung disease has increased 40%.

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Auckland bottle shop freeze comes into force

No new bottle shops will be allowed to open in some of Auckland’s most vulnerable suburbs from today.

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Waimea Community Dam cost inches up $1 million since July

The total cost has climbed to $207.5 million but more are still approaching.

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One killed in car vs logging truck accident

A person has been killed in a crash between a logging truck and a car near Nelson.

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New NCEA Level 1 standards adding to workload for teachers and students

The new standards were meant to reduce workload – but were proving to be a lot more work for both students and teachers, a principals’ leader says.

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Blinkhorne and Carroll Winter Series trophy winners

Another successful Blinkhorne and Carroll Winter Series

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Bay of Plenty slip: Emergency services called to State Highway 2 at Waiotahe

Diversions are in place at the intersections at Paerata Ridge Rd and Verralls Rd.

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Car crashes into child’s bedroom at Auckland house

They said there was extensive damage to the home, and to the other vehicles.

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One last ride: The race to reunite a dying man and his beloved bike

The beloved bike on which Rob Appleton rode the length of the country for charity has been stolen. Now, he has six months to live and is hoping to give Big Jeff one last ride.

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Auckland CBD crime just shifted elsewhere – Labour

The government is hailing a 22 percent drop in serious assaults in the Auckland CBD, but stats show crime is rising across the region.

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Shargin Stephens: Inquest into fatal police shooting of Rotorua man to resume

The 35-year-old was shot in 2016 after attacking an empty patrol car with a garden slasher.

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Bird of the Year: Hoiho yellow-eyed penguin named 2024 winner

The yellow-eyed penguin are one of the rarest penguins in the world, with just 1700 pairs remaining.

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Weather: Polar blast rolls through South Island during colder than usual start to Spring

MetService meteorologist John Law says it was “definitely a cold and wintery night”.

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杀人母亲劳伦-迪卡森(Lauren Dickason)发帖悼念被害子女,纪念他们逝世三周年


Murdering mother Lauren Dickason posts tribute to slain children to mark three years since they died

Convicted Timaru mother marks the third anniversary of her children’s deaths.

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这位眼科医生被指控在雷缪拉家中勒死了妻子宝琳-汉娜(Pauline Hanna)。

Philip Polkinghorne trial live updates: Crown to deliver closing address

The eye surgeon is accused of having strangled wife Pauline Hanna at their Remuera home.

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陶朗加少年丹尼尔-帕特森(Daniel Patterson)在争取救命疗法的过程中遭遇障碍

他们正在努力筹集 50 多万纽币的资金,但一直未获资助。

Tauranga teen Daniel Patterson hits roadblocks in battle for life-saving therapy

They are trying to raise more than $500K and have been denied funding.

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Rotorua’s Citizens Advice Bureau boss determined doors will stay open in face of funding cuts

Funding has been slashed by thousands of dollars.

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One last ride: The race to reunite a dying man and his beloved bike

The beloved bike on which Rob Appleton rode the length of the country for charity has been stolen. Now, he has six months to live and is hoping to give Big Jeff one last ride.

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年度鸟类 黄眼企鹅被评为 2024 年度最佳鸟类

黄眼企鹅是世界上最稀有的企鹅之一,目前仅存 1700 对。

Bird of the Year: Hoiho yellow-eyed penguin named 2024 winner

The yellow-eyed penguin are one of the rarest penguins in the world, with just 1700 pairs remaining.

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Tararua youth service marks 30 years of helping rangatahi in district

The service grew out of a need to do something about teens’ antisocial behaviour.

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变脸:自 2022 年以来警方使用面部识别技术 89 次


Face Off: Police used facial recognition technology 89 times since 2022

The department has several million images of people in its databases.

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捷星航班: 汉密尔顿机场再次走向国际


Jetstar flights: Hamilton Airport goes international, again

Jetstar brings international travel to Australia back to Hamilton Airport.

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毛利语言周 新女王(Nga wai hono i te po)和国会议员哈娜-罗希蒂-迈皮-克拉克(Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Carlke)是未来的希望 – 伯尼-奥唐纳(Bernie O’Donnell)


Māori Language Week: New Queen Nga wai hono i te po and MP Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke are the future – Bernie O’Donnell

OPINION: Māori Language Week is every day for reo speakers.

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Making a hash of it: The lowdown on Inland Revenue and your data

Analysis – Inland Revenue is giving taxpayers’ encrypted data to Facebook – but just how good is the encryption?

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汉密尔顿花园游客失望而归,20 纽币门票开始生效

汉密尔顿花园一直是波莉-威廉姆斯(Polly Williams)”家庭结构 “的一部分,但现在要花费 100 纽币才能参观。

Hamilton Gardens visitors disappointed as $20 entry fee comes into effect

The gardens have been part of Polly Williams’ “family fabric” forever – but it’ll now cost them $100 to visit.

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四名学生在国际地球科学奥林匹克竞赛(International Earth Science Olympiad)中夺得了新西兰的首枚奖牌。

Young Kiwis win medals at global science competition

Four students have snaffled New Zealand’s first medals at the International Earth Science Olympiad.

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Māori Language Week: Bloody Hell – Hāngī master Rewi Spraggon has Unearthed a hāngī pizza

Rewi Spraggon mixes Māori and Italian tastes for a new hāngī pizza.

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Tauranga teen Daniel Patterson hits roadblocks in battle for life-saving therapy

They are trying to raise more than $500K and have been denied funding.

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Rotorua’s Citizens Advice Bureau boss determined doors will stay open in face of funding cuts

Funding has been slashed by thousands of dollars.

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Delays, cancellations possible for Wellington train passengers on Tuesday

People have been warned to find another way to travel, where possible.

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Asthma and lung disease rates skyrocketing, one in five NZers now affected

Respiratory disease costs the country nearly $8.5 billion every year, report shows.

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One last ride: The race to reunite a dying man and his beloved bike

The beloved bike on which Rob Appleton rode the length of the country for charity has been stolen. Now, he has six months to live and is hoping to give Big Jeff one last ride.

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Shift in culture at Mount Albert Grammar School since cellphone ban introduced

The school says students are more active and connecting at break times.

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More strike action coming from under-strain Hato Hone St John ambulance staff

Frontline St John ambulance staff say the organisation is broken and on life support.

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Anton van der Westhuizen out to arm-wrestle his world title back

He can’t wait to “show the world what Kiwis can do”.

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Wellington rates interactive map: See how much more you’ll be paying by 2028

Wellington households on average saw their rates bill jump by $1000 or 21% this year.

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What is the secret to designing a great kitchen?

Award-winning designer Natalie Du Bois tells RNZ’s Culture 101 what works, and what doesn’t.

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War between landlord and tenant over sign on fence escalates to power, water being cut

While each party had been successful to a degree, the tribunal’s adjudicator considered the tenant to be the substantially successful party.

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Marathon runners dodge as vehicle swerves into their path

About 20 runners and walkers taking part in a Dunedin marathon had to look quick and leap as a vehicle veered across their course.

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Government considers removing public sector carbon neutrality goal

Climate Change minister Simon Watts said he had requested advice on how the programme aligned with his government’s climate strategy, but no decisions had yet been made.

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Stacey Morrison: ‘Please don’t be embarrassed about using te reo Māori around me’

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week) has kicked off with the official theme of Ake Ake Ake – A Forever Language.

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PM Luxon, Police Minister Mark Mitchell say Auckland assaults are dropping

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Police Minister Mark Mitchell have announced a 22 percent drop in assaults in the Auckland CBD in the past year.

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Man likely to lose more of family home after second relationship ends, despite legal ‘protection’

The man thought placing his home in a trust would protect it from any claim by a future partner.

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Privacy Commissioner has no record of knowledge of MSD’s use of fake social media profiles

Staffers used fake Facebook profiles to spy on beneficiaries for fraud.

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Combating menopause the holistic way with holistic doctor Frances Pitsilis

Diet, stress management, supplements and hormone replacement can help women “buffer” themselves against the symptoms of menopause, Dr Frances Pitsilis says.

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Iwi ‘disgusted’ by Kaipara District Council scrapping Māori ward

“I really don’t believe that they give a hoot about Te Tiriti o Waitangi,” one critic says.

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Chocolate prices set to rise further as the cost of cocoa increases

There is a warning worse may be to come.

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‘Stop gambling with our water’: Council asked to oppose controversial gold mine

A group of Golden Bay residents claim a possible gold mine at Sams Creek would endanger the area’s water.

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分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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