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澳纽网 AUSNZ.net, 网址由澳大利亚和纽西兰的英文简称 aus 和 nz 加上网络的英文单词 net 组成,简单易记,过目不忘。顾名思义,澳纽网要立志发展成为大洋洲的区域性综合门户网站。

澳纽网中文版从2003年8月开始自主设计, 2004年8月份正式问世,经过多年的经营,网站内容越来越丰富,浏览人数与日俱增,跃升为纽西兰屈指可数的中文门户网站,成为纽西兰华人获取本地生活资讯及娱乐消遣的主要来源之一。





中新网报道  为客观反映世界华文传媒在新媒体领域的战略布局、业务水平和发展趋势,为华媒融合转型发展提供参考,中国新闻社与中国传媒大学新闻学院联合开展了世界华文传媒新媒体影响力测评项目。


In order to objectively reflect the strategic layout, business level and development trend of the world Chinese media in the field of new media, and provide reference for the transformation and development of Chinese media integration, China News Service and the School of Journalism of Communication University of China jointly launched the new media of the world Chinese media. impact assessment project.

According to the development status of new media in Chinese media and comprehensive regional balance and other factors, the project selected nearly 400 Chinese media from 57 countries and regions around the world as evaluation samples.

AUSNZ.net ranks fourth in the Top 30 list of influential overseas Chinese media websites in the world.



Ausnz.net, the website  name is composed of the English abbreviations of Australia and New Zealand aus and nz plus the English word net of the network, which is easy to remember, catchy and memorable. As the name suggests, Ausnz.net aims to develop into a comprehensive regional portal in Oceania.

The New Zealand Chinese version of AUSNZ.net started its own design in August 2003, and officially launched in August 2004. After years of operation, the content of the website has become more and more abundant, and the number of visitors has increased day by day. It has become popular one of the few Chinese websites in New Zealand. The portal website has become one of the main sources for Chinese people in New Zealand to obtain local life information and entertainment.

AUSNZ.net should be based locally and face the world. Through a first-class network service platform with comprehensive functions, it will become a window that can provide the world with the most detailed information about Australia  and  New Zealand , and an important communication channel for local enterprises and people to communicate with the world. channel.

With many years of practical business experience in website design, network programming and electronic multimedia, we understand the Internet, love the Internet, breathe and grow together with the Internet. Your needs are the reason for the existence of AUSNZ.net. We will be determined, down-to-earth, and do our best to continuously improve the construction of various channels and functions. AUSNZ.net pays attention to humanities, cares about nature, has social conscience and responsibility, keeps up with modern trends, grasps the pulse of society, and keeps pace with the times.

The growth and development of AUSNZ.net depends on the trust and support of various merchants and friends from all over the world. It is hoped that it can become an assistant who can not only obtain accurate, timely, rich and comprehensive information, make life easier and more convenient, but also broaden knowledge and cultivate sentiment. Get a happy online home, and also a business platform for merchants to promote products and services.

With our infatuation and love for the Internet, we will definitely be able to do better. We hope that AUSNZ.net billingual website will truly become the life information encyclopedia of Australian and New Zealand Chinese, and the online home of Australian and New Zealand immigrants and international students.


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